Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Scorpio boys are very sensitive. What was Scorpio thinking in the cold war?

Scorpio boys are very sensitive. What was Scorpio thinking in the cold war?

Scorpio boys are very sensitive. What was Scorpio thinking in the cold war? Scorpio boys are particularly sensitive. If there is a conflict with a partner in love, it is likely to take the form of cold violence. What were they thinking during the cold war? Let's take a look at Bian Xiao!

1. Doesn't she love me? Scorpio boys are very insecure in their feelings. If you don't pay attention to him all the time when you are cold and violent, you will be more bored and particularly anxious if you are unhappy, so you will doubt your feelings for him in your heart and always feel that you just don't love him.

Will she leave me? Scorpio boys have high emotional requirements and great hopes. I hope the person I love will never leave me, but sometimes Scorpio just doesn't have confidence. So once there is cold violence, he will think that you want to stay away from him.

Scorpio is testing you. When Scorpio first fell in love, their love and emotion were very unstable. Scorpio doesn't believe in emotional instinctive reactions. If they don't believe that you like him, they won't believe that you can always like him. They can't believe what the population says because everyone knows that you are probably lying. Even if they think what you say is true in some cases, they will trust their instinctive reaction more. Scorpio's instinct is distrust. So he's testing you with cold violence.

4. Why don't you coax me? Scorpio boys are arrogant on the surface, but once they fall in love, they are also princesses. If the feelings between you are already deep, they will never think of separation in cold violence and so on. On the contrary, I hope you can give him a ladder to impress him and then quickly return to that sweet situation.

Scorpio boys may actually be testing you when they are cold and violent, always worrying about whether you will stay away from him and how much you love him. I hope you can find him a step and impress him.