Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Wang Meng EX Zhao Tian Zhiying

Wang Meng EX Zhao Tian Zhiying

Wang Meng ex Android version

v0. 10.4. 1

Type: Role-playing

Size: 334.69MB

Rating: 9.7


Tags: Yuan Meng is a lolicon Netease game.

It has not been announced yet, that is, it will be announced and added to the game for actual testing. It can be called himiko, and it is still in the process of setting up. The prototype is the evil king of Matai Kingdom before the opening of Yamato era. His body is unknown and his identity is a mystery. Let's take a look at the introduction of Wang Meng EX Sky Shadow in himiko.

brief introduction

Before the opening of the Yamato era, the evil horse king of Thailand in the Yayoi era was unknown and his identity became a mystery.

During the Three Kingdoms period, he sent an envoy to visit Wei and got a gold seal and a purple ribbon.

Himiko is good at "ghost Dao". He touches the realm of the gods with divination, and he can also talk to the soul. Although he claims to be a descendant of the gods, there is actually a saying that "himiko is the reflection of the gods".

Diagram of kingship

Night dream fire tree

The metal trees burning with blue flames are inhabited by wonderful ghosts, and their species are difficult to distinguish.

Huang Quan bingjing

This is a ghostly device, which is a twin of the "Eight-foot Qionggouyu" in Zhao Tian's three great artifacts. For himiko, the king of evil horse platform, the outline of Gouyu symbolizes "the shape of the soul".

Debut offer

enter the society

Which side would you choose, heaven or ghost?


The division between this world and the other side is not as obvious as you think.

Walk -2

One day when I was playing with a jack-o'-lantern, my hand slipped and I created the first salmon sushi cooked with fire in history.

Walking -3

This is the world where eight million gods live with me, and I was once one of them.

Walking -4

Being in a ghost road, you can't be confused by evil spirits.


Dream of fire at night.

Skills -2

Yellow ice crystals.


So I fell into the depths of the ghost world.


Is it my turn this time?

Death -2

Bihaosakaguchi accidentally stepped into the grave.

Death -3

Take this spell. I will come back again.


Go, Blue Lantern! I bet it's you!

get the nod

I saw the shape of the soul.

Win a great/complete victory

The flame I saw in my dream told me about it.


Witness the shadow of the eclipse.


The strength of these teammates is not as good as the skeletons I picked up casually by the roadside.

Experience a tragic failure

Didn't you respond to heaven?


As a gift to "Golden Seal Purple Bay", I also sent "Dog Fish" to the western mainland.

Chat -2

My era was before the opening of the Yamato era.

Chat -3

It seems that the golden seal of Wei is not the first gift received by our country. Before that, there was Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of Han Dynasty.

Small talk -4

I heard that my enemy country was translated into "dog slave country" by the Cao family. Fortunately, Wei and I are on the same side.

Be bound

Don't worry. After you die, I will also collect your grievances. Take it easy, it's just a joke.

Neta textual research

1, the "eight million gods" mentioned in the route is the concept of Japanese Shinto. Shintoism created by the Japanese evolved from Japanese primitive religion and ended in nature worship and ancestor worship. By surrounding the ancestor god represented by "God in the sky", we worship and sacrifice the gods that exist in the world. So there is "eight million", which actually means "infinite".

2. The word "Biriyasaka" mentioned in the death line is the road to death in Japanese mythology, which is roughly equivalent to the Styx in the west. According to Japanese legend, Isobo, the first born goddess, died of systemic burns after giving birth to Vulcan, and fell into the grave, becoming the first dead life.

3, the joke line "Go to the blue light! I decided it was you! " It's obviously imitating Xiao Zhi's lines every time he throws an elf ball in Nintendo's Pokemon game. Blue Lantern is a legendary monster in Japan, which attracts people to play the game of "Hundred Ghost Lights" in Tsing Yi.

4. Talking about lines "As a gift for Golden Seal and Purple Belt, I also sent Gouyu to the western mainland." It means that after accepting the knighthood of Cao Wei regime, Ji Meizi gave a bunch of gouyu in return.

5. Chatting lines "My era was before the opening of the Yamato era." Himiko lived in an era when there was no Japanese historical record. The Daiwa era is the era when Japan established its capital in Daiwa region, which began around 250 AD.

6. Chatting lines "I heard that my enemy country was translated into a' dog slave country' by the Cao family." The so-called dog slave country is a legendary country hostile to the evil horse Thailand represented by Ji Meizi. But the problem is that this country, like the evil horse platform, has no historical records. The only thing we know is that this country is ruled by a male king, as opposed to the evil horse platform.

Role textual research

King of heaven, ghost king

The earliest existing historical books in Japan are Ancient Records and Japanese Records. However, these two books are still written in Chinese. Therefore, it is not known whether there were written records before this (although there are so-called "God-generation words" in archaeological discoveries, its credibility is doubtful).

Himiko, the king of fans, lives in an era without written records. The "evil horse platform" of the country she ruled is still inconclusive. Interestingly, such an era that belongs to "Brandon" in the eyes of the Japanese, an era in which myth has not been divorced from history, China has entered the Three Kingdoms era, and its history has been recorded for nearly a thousand years.

It's really interesting to think so. If we regard the world as a whole, then China has a very developed civilization. The gods have long since passed away. But in the sunrise country on the other side of the ocean, gods and demons are still walking on earth, and everything is unknown.

According to legend, Jimiko ruled the evil horse platform as a queen. She can drive away evil spirits and communicate with the gods through divination. According to Fraser, the author of the Golden Branch, the earliest form of kingship is such a form of priest = king. Priests who are responsible for interpreting God's will have the privilege of being kings over all. Therefore, himiko is the product of an era when theocracy and kingship were not separated.

Historians have always wanted to compare Ji Mizi with Japanese historical records and find out her true identity. However, this kind of behavior has no conclusion except that it is mysterious. Among them, it is widely known that himiko is the prototype of the gods.

Guangwu gold seal, Cao Wei purple ribbon

For a long time, the regime of Chaoyang has been seeking the legitimacy given by powerful countries. From time to time, Japan sends envoys to the mainland in order to get the shade of the country. Among them, the earliest record is the ambassador of Ji Meizi recorded by Chen Shou in a Japanese book of the History of the Three Kingdoms in the Jin Dynasty. According to records, Cao Wei gave the 100 gold seal and bronze mirror of the Japanese king to the evil queen Matai.

In the Southern Dynasties, in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty written by Ye Fan, there was an article "Biography of Japan" which said: "In the second year of Jianwu Central Plains, the country of Japanese slaves paid tribute, which made people call themselves doctors, and the country of Japan was extremely south. Guangwu sealed it. " According to this statement, Emperor Guangwu gave the Japanese a golden seal when he was in office. In other words, as early as the early Eastern Han Dynasty, Japan had communication with China. However, because the book was written later than the History of the Three Kingdoms and there is not enough archaeological evidence to prove it, this statement is only a reference.

Role prototype

Himiko (also written as "Bimihu" in some historical books) was the evil horse queen of Thailand in Japan's yayoi period, and there are records about her in the History of the Three Kingdoms, Biography of Shu Wei and Biography of Japanese. There have been different opinions about her true identity. She is a mysterious ancient female ruler.

(At present, it is only a satellite, and it has not actually landed)