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The story of rabbit and lion is 400 words.

First, the story composition of "The White Rabbit and the Big Lion" 150 words.

The big lion and the little rabbit met in the forest. The big lion is hungry and wants to eat. The lion looked at the rabbit and drooled.

The big lion had no choice but to eat the little rabbit. When the little rabbit saw that the big lion wanted to eat himself, he ran at once, and the big lion followed. The little rabbit jumped and ran, and the big lion followed weakly.

The big lion was dying and fainted. The little rabbit saw the big lion faint and ran back. It turned out that the big lion was hungry and fainted.

The little rabbit found many apples and mushrooms and made soup for the big lion. When the big lion woke up, he saw the rabbit in front of him and wanted to eat it, but his stomach was full and he couldn't eat any more.

Little rabbit told the big lion everything just now. The big lion thanked the little rabbit very much, and they became good friends.

Little rabbit and big lion go to pick mushrooms. The big lion is hungry again, but he is determined not to eat the little rabbit. The big lion said shyly, "Little rabbit, my stomach is hungry again." Can you give me something to eat? " Little Nutbrown hare said, "This mushroom is for you."

The big lion is very happy. Now, this big lion doesn't eat meat, but drinks mushroom soup.

Two. Write a story about a flat lion and a white rabbit.

Once upon a time, in a forest, there lived two small animals, one was a rabbit and the other was a big lion. They have been enemies since childhood. The big lion chased the little rabbit as soon as he saw it, so the little rabbit had to run at once. One day, the rabbit was caught by Brother Tiger. The lion saw it and didn't save her. Instead, he said to Tiger Brother, "Tiger Brother, you are so wise!" After that, he gave the rabbit a hard look, and the rabbit was too scared to open its eyes. As soon as the tiger was happy, he bit off the little rabbit's leg and gave it to the big lion. Because of this, the little rabbit never goes out, and all depends on the baby bear to send her food. But the bear is very busy and can only come once a month. The rabbit can only eat a little every day. Small animals are very sympathetic to rabbits. Everyone gives the rabbit food, so the rabbit can eat more. One day, the little rabbit felt that she wanted to see the outside, so she let the little gray wolf protect her, and she was relieved. In this way, one year has passed, two years have passed ... the little gray wolf comes to look after the rabbit every day. The little rabbit was very moved and said to the little gray wolf; "Brother Grey Wolf, thank you for taking care of me!" "This is what I should do." , the little gray wolf replied. One day, the big lion fell into the river, but the big lion couldn't swim. The little rabbit saw it and asked the little animal to pull the big lion up. The big lion finally came up. She said to Little Rabbit, "Thank you. I was wrong last time. Please forgive me. " Little Nutbrown hare replied, "It doesn't matter. Shall we be friends? " From then on, they became good friends and never betrayed each other again. ...

ⅲ fairy tales of kittens, rabbits and lions

In a beautiful forest, there are cute little animals, and everyone lives happily.

Later, an inner lion came running, and the lion Zi Rong said viciously, "I am the lion king, and you all have to listen to me." Send me an animal every day. "Everyone is sad to have to agree! The animals all gave their companions to the lion with tears in their eyes. It's rabbit's turn. They were very confused when they saw the rabbit coming. " Why are rabbits so brave? "Hearing that the rabbit came to feed it, the Lion King was very happy and hurried out to meet him.

Panting, the rabbit told a lie to the lion king: "I brought a big and fat sheep, but a lion said it was the lion king and ate my sheep." The lion believed it, flew into a rage and roared, "Rabbit, take me to see it!" " "

So the rabbit took the lion to the river. The rabbit pointed to the clear water and said, "Look, there it is!" " "When the lion saw it, he saw a big lion. It growled angrily, "How dare you take my throne!" " "Since then, he has been jumping into the river all his life, trying to win or lose with the lion. When the rabbit told his friends that the lion had drowned, everyone had to look at him with admiration!

This fairy tale tells us that wisdom is the most powerful "weapon" in the world.

Ⅳ The third grade composition continued to write a story composition about a big lion and a little rabbit.

Once upon a time, in a forest, there lived two small animals, one was a rabbit and the other was a big lion. They have been enemies since childhood. The big lion chased the little rabbit as soon as he saw it, so the little rabbit had to run at once.

One day, the rabbit was caught by Brother Tiger. The lion saw it and didn't save her. Instead, he said to Tiger Brother, "Tiger Brother, you are so wise!" After that, he gave the rabbit a hard look, and the rabbit was too scared to open its eyes. As soon as the tiger was happy, he bit off the little rabbit's leg and gave it to the big lion.

Because of this, the little rabbit never goes out, and all depends on the baby bear to send her food. But the bear is very busy and can only come once a month. The rabbit can only eat a little every day. Small animals are very sympathetic to rabbits. Everyone gives the rabbit food, so the rabbit can eat more.

One day, the little rabbit felt that she wanted to see the outside, so she let the little gray wolf protect her, and she was relieved. In this way, one year has passed, two years have passed ... the little gray wolf comes to look after the rabbit every day. The little rabbit was very moved and said to the little gray wolf;

"Brother Grey Wolf, thank you for taking care of me!"

"This is what I should do." , the little gray wolf replied.

One day, the big lion fell into the river, but the big lion couldn't swim. The little rabbit saw it and let the little animals

Pull the big lion up. The big lion finally came up. She said to Little Rabbit, "Thank you. I was wrong last time. Please forgive me. " Little Nutbrown hare replied, "It doesn't matter. Shall we be friends? "

Composition of the Four Lions and the White Rabbit

The big lion and the little rabbit came to the forest and saw a race there. The rabbit won and got a big carrot, and the lion won and got a big piece of meat.

The game started and the big lion rushed out and ran for a while. Seeing that he was far ahead of the little rabbit, he went to ask his son Xiao Ke to come and watch them play. The big lion looked at the little rabbit and didn't chase it, so he played ball with the little one. After playing for a while, Master Zi and Xiao Ke both fell asleep there, and the atmosphere was snoring. The little rabbit didn't stop all the way, and finally passed the big lion.

Later, the little rabbit was near the finish line and the big lion woke up. The master looked at the back, but there were still no rabbits. Looking ahead, the little rabbit has come to an end.

The little rabbit won happily, but the big lion lost sadly.

Little rabbit went home with his favorite radish!

ⅵ200 words "The Complete Essays of the Lion and the Rabbit".

One day, the rabbit brought radish to grandma's house. To get to grandma's house, you have to cross a small river. There is only one wooden bridge on the river, and only one person can walk on it. When the rabbit came to the river, it was very worried, because then it saw the uncle goat on the other side, and he was crossing the bridge with a load of strawberries. He can't cross the bridge until Uncle Goat crosses it. But uncle goat saw the rabbit put down his bag and didn't go. So Little Rabbit shouted, "Uncle Goat, you are going to the market to sell strawberries. Come here first! " Uncle goat replied, "You went to see grandma, didn't you?" Grandma will be worried if you are late. Come here first! """Nothing, you go first!" "Come here first!" Just when they were pushed by me, the earth god knew, and the earth god smiled and said, "None of you will cross the bridge first, so what shall we do?" Father Rand had a brainwave and came up with an idea. He picked up a leaf from the shore and turned it into a boat. The rabbit sat in the boat and crossed the river easily, so that Uncle Goat also crossed the bridge smoothly. Uncle Rabbit and Goat are very grateful to Father Land. Uncle goat sent many strawberries to father land, and the rabbit also sent some big radishes to father land. Father Lu praised them cheerfully.

ⅶ Write a 500-word composition featuring rabbits, turtles and lions.

The rabbit was proud and fell asleep halfway, so the tortoise ran away first.

In the first race between the tortoise and the hare, the hare got carried away and fell asleep halfway, and the tortoise came first.

The second time I answered the rabbit's lesson, I stopped sleeping and ran to the finish line in one breath. As a result, the rabbit won and the tortoise lost.

The tortoise was not convinced and asked for a third race. The tortoise said, the first two times were your designated running routes, and this time it was my designated running route. The rabbit thought I was fast anyway, so he agreed. So the third race began, and the rabbit ran ahead again. Unfortunately, at the end of the race, a river stood in front of the rabbit. At this time, the tortoise crawled slowly and crossed the river. In the third game, the tortoise won again.

After three rounds of competition, the rabbit and the tortoise began to wonder: Why are we always competing? Why not cooperate with each other? ... hit it off. Thus, a new journey began: on land, rabbits ran with turtles on their backs; When crossing the river, the tortoise swam with the rabbit on its back. In the end, the two men reached the finish line at the same time, achieving a win-win situation.

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ⅷ according to: rabbit, hillside, compass, fox, make up a story, not less than 400 words.

The lion king in the forest is sick! As the saying goes, a country cannot live without a monarch for a day. You can't have a king in the forest for a day! Therefore, the lion king posted a poster: the king is ill and needs to recruit an acting king urgently. The conditions are unlimited. If you are interested, please sign up at the Buddhist owl.

As soon as this list of empires was posted, it caused a sensation in the whole forest kingdom. King! Who doesn't want to be! Even for a few days, it's very enjoyable! Therefore, the small animal door has signed up enthusiastically. After layers of elimination and selection, two winners were produced: rabbits and foxes.

To be prudent, the lion king decided to write his own questions. This morning, the lion king took them to the depths of an inaccessible virgin forest, and then gave each of them a compass, saying, "You start going west now, and whoever walks out of the forest first will be elected."

Hearing this, the fox grabbed the compass and ran away. The rabbit said goodbye to the lion king politely, and then walked slowly and carefully to the depths of the forest. She didn't see it. The lion king smiled behind her.

Let's start with the fox. In order to get out of the forest before the rabbit, he ran fast. Soon he was tired and stopped to have a rest. At this moment, he suddenly found that his compass was gone! There is no compass deep in the forest, so come on! So he went back to look for it, but he couldn't find it. To make matters worse, he got lost!

Moreover, the rabbit walks slowly with a compass and is not worried about going in the wrong direction at all. About an hour later, the rabbit saw the fox running in the distance. The direction it ran was not the west at all. The rabbit wanted to call him, but hesitated at the thought of the throne. However, after a while, because he didn't want to kill the fox because of the throne, he went after the fox.

Besides, the fox is happy to see the rabbit. So they set off together. On the way, the fox thought, if I go out like this, I will definitely not be king. No, I have to find a way out first. So the fox designed a compass to fool the rabbit and ran away by himself.

In addition, the lion king is very optimistic about rabbits, because rabbits are gentle and polite. At this time, he is sitting in the palace waiting. Suddenly, he saw the fox come back, but he didn't see the rabbit. He felt a little lost. But there's nothing I can do. I make my own rules. So he told the officials that he would appoint the fox as the acting king. The fox is proud.

"come on Put the fox on it for me! " Suddenly, the lion gave such an order. The fox cried out grievances. The lion said angrily, "Hum, speak quickly! What did you do to the rabbit? " At first, the fox refused to admit that he had seen rabbits. Later, the lion said, "How dare you argue? ! The compass I gave you is different! Your compass belongs to a rabbit. If you haven't seen her, where did your compass come from? ! "

"This, this" the fox couldn't say.

"Come on, pull it out and kill it."

"Wang Xie!"

Your Majesty, let her go! I exchanged compasses with her, none of her business! "At this moment, the rabbit came back. After the fox left, she had no choice but to go by instinct. I didn't expect her to find the compass that the fox dropped, so she came back safely.

Because the rabbit pleaded, the king bypassed the fox. The fox thanked the rabbit for saving his life and voluntarily withdrew from the election. Of course, the rabbit has a choice.

It is true that good people are rewarded.

ⅸ The composition of the big lion and the little rabbit is 360 words.

In the forest, a little rabbit, a big lion and a little rabbit live opposite the big lion.

One day, the big lion woke up and was hungry, so he went to look for food. He saw the rabbit sleeping and wanted to eat it when he passed by. At this time, the little rabbit woke up and ran away. The lion chased and chased and finally caught the rabbit. It said, "Why are you so happy and I am always unhappy?" Little Nutbrown hare said, "Let me stay away from you first, and I will tell you." The lion released the rabbit. The rabbit said, "you are unhappy because your heart is cruel and vicious." We are happy because we are kind and will not do evil to others. " Say that finish, the little rabbit ran away. The big lion and the little rabbit finally sighed and didn't want to harm others anymore. The lion kept his promise, and since then, the big lion has never done anything bad to others.

Animals are no longer afraid of lions, because they know that lions have changed, and they are no longer as cruel and vicious as before. Lions also play games and laugh with them. Even at a get-together, the lion saw the rabbit and said solemnly, "Thank you for making me happier." The big lion went up and performed one program after another, and the animals all said yes!

Because of this, the big lion has the title of "King of Animals".