Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What are the Thirteen Classics

What are the Thirteen Classics

The concept of Thirteen Classics originated in the middle and late Southern Song Dynasty (1 127- 1279), originated in the early Ming Dynasty (1368- 1644) and matured in five cases of Zhengde (1544). In the 12th year of Wanli, Zongshen annotated thirteen classics and ordered imperial academy, the capital, to collate and publish them. At the same time, the Thirteen Classics was respected by the imperial court, and its concept and status were completely established.

3 Introduction to Thirteen Classics

3. 1 Zhouyi

3.2 The Book of History

3.3 The Book of Songs

3.4 Zhou Li

3.5 Etiquette

3.6 The Book of Rites

3.7 Zuo Zhuan

3.8 biography of ram

3.9 Gu Liangchuan

3. 10 filial piety

3. 1 1 The Analects of Confucius

3. 12 erya

3. 13 Mencius

Introduction to Thirteen Classics [Edit]


Book of Changes, also known as Book of Changes and Book of Changes, is an ancient divination book, including Book of Changes and Book of Changes. The text of Jing narrates 64 hexagrams and 386 hexagrams. Biography is seven kinds of ten articles to explain the names, meanings, words and phrases of hexagrams, which are called Ten Wings, Yi Biography and Yi Da Biography. The eight diagrams and sixty-four hexagrams appeared in ancient times before the Western Zhou Dynasty. Some scholars believe that this classic was compiled in the late Shang Dynasty and early Zhou Dynasty, and the biography was written in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, not by one person. [4] The ancients believed that it was compiled by ancient sages such as Fuxi, Zhou Wenwang, Duke Zhou and Confucius. The content extensively records all aspects of the Western Zhou society, including historical value, ideological value and literary value. Its outer layer is mysterious, but its inner philosophy is profound.


In ancient times, Shangshu was called "book", which was a general term for recording words and events, mainly recording the speeches and activities of emperors. By the time Confucius arrived, there were only about 100 copies left, which were quoted by hundreds of schools and sorted out by Confucius. During the Qin dynasty, books collected by the people were basically burned, and books collected by the state were also destroyed by the war. During the period of Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty, Professor Qin Fusheng wrote 28 preserved Shangshu, which were written in the popular official script at that time and were called Jinwen Shangshu. In the title of Shangshu, "Shang" refers to "ancient times". It is the earliest extant compilation of historical documents from Yao Shun to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and its basic content is to record the imperial edicts of ancient emperors and the conversations between monarch and minister.

The last years of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty. King Lu Gong demolished Confucius' former residence and took out the seal script Shangshu before Qin Dynasty from the interlayer of the wall. It is called the ancient literature Shangshu, and besides the same 28 articles as Jinwen Shangshu, there are 16 articles and ***45 articles. After the Western Jin Dynasty, Shangshu was completely lost. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Luo Mei compiled The Ancient History of Confucius, of which 28 (but 33 were analyzed) and 25 have been handed down to this day. At present, The Ancient History of Confucius is considered as a fake book. [5]

The Book of Songs

The Book of Songs was called "Poetry" or "Poetry 300" in the pre-Qin period, and it was China's first poetry collection. Collected 305 poems before the mid-Spring and Autumn Period. Historical Records is considered to be compiled by Confucius. But scholars believe that it was compiled by Lu. [6] The Book of Songs is divided into three parts: wind, elegance and ode. Wind is a folk song, elegance is the elegant music of Wang Ji in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and Fu is the dance music for the upper class to sacrifice to the ancestral temple. This book widely reflects all aspects of social life at that time, and is known as the encyclopedia of life in ancient society, which has a far-reaching impact on future generations. There were three schools in Han Dynasty: Lu, Qi and Han, followed by Mao's poems. Only Shi Mao has survived to this day.

Zhou Li

Zhou Li, known as Zhou Guan in ancient times, described a whole set of ancient official system. There is no reference to Zhou Guan in pre-Qin classics. In the early Han Dynasty, Hejian presented the king to the people, which is an ancient classic. Wang Mang was renamed "Zhou Li" by Liu Xin and became a doctor. Because of this background, the author of Zhou Li and the date of its completion have been controversial since ancient times. The classical Chinese school, represented by Liu Xin, thinks that it was written by Duke Zhou and describes the official system of the Zhou Dynasty. Today's writers, how to fix them, refer to them as forgeries for later generations. Now most scholars agree that the book may have been written in the Warring States period, but it combines ancient materials and the author's ideas. Zhou Li's official system is divided into heavenly officials, local officials, spring officials, summer officials, Qiu Guan officials, and winter officials (the winter official was lost and supplemented by Kao Gong Ji). The described political system is grand and meticulous, and contains the ideological imprint of Confucianism, Legalism and Yin and Yang elements, which has a far-reaching impact on the political practice in China and even overseas (such as Japan).


The Book of Rites was originally named The Book of Rites, and it was also called The Book of Rites in Han Dynasty. Corresponding to The Book of Rites, The Book of Rites can also be called The Book of Rites, and The Book of Rites is its biography. It was not until the Jin Dynasty that it was called "Ili". Its 17 is a record of all kinds of etiquette, without talking about the significance of all kinds of etiquette. Historical Records, Hanshu and Book of Rites are all called from Confucius [7]. In the Tang Dynasty, the position of the Book of Rites in the Five Classics was replaced by the book of Rites, which was easy to read and widely circulated. In this edition of Yili 17, Zheng Xuan adopted the order in Liu Xiang's Bielu.

Book of rites

The Book of Rites, also known as The Book of Rites of Dai Xiao, consists of 49 articles, which is a collection of the literature of the Book of Rites from pre-Qin to Qin and Han dynasties. It was originally compiled by Dai Sheng in the Western Han Dynasty, not by one person. [8] Dai Sheng was originally a doctor in the book "Yili". The book "Yili" has only 17 articles, most of which were written by literati, so the Confucian scholars in the Han Dynasty used all the documents they could see at that time for their own use. Its contents are quite complicated, including describing etiquette, describing government decrees, explaining the Book of Rites, recording Confucius' remarks, recording Confucius' timely personnel, studying etiquette, discussing etiquette or learning, recording system, recording anecdotes and miscellaneous notes. [9] Zheng Xuan made a note for it in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and its words were fluent and easy to read, which spread widely. In the Tang Dynasty, it replaced the Book of Rites and became one of the Five Classics.

the left side

Zuo Zhuan is a chronological historical work with 35 volumes. Legend has it that it was written by Zuo Qiuming, a Lu historian at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period [10]. It is generally believed that this book was not written by one person at a time, but started in Zuo Qiuming [1 1] in the middle of the Warring States Period. According to the order of the Twelve Duke of Lu, the book has a total of 254 years, from the year of Lu Yin to the twenty-seventh year, recording the history of the Warring States at that time. The book is about 6.5438+0.8 million words, which is the one with the largest number of words in the thirteen classics. As a supplement to Chunqiu Jing, Zuo Zhuan pays attention to the narration of historical facts and is an outstanding literary and historical work in the pre-Qin period.

Ram biography

Biography of the Ram is a classic biography of the Spring and Autumn Period. It is said that the ram is highly praised in summer and is the earliest document in the three biographies of the Spring and Autumn Period. Different from Zuo Zhuan, The Biography of Ram ignores the narrative, but expounds the justice in the Spring and Autumn Period in the form of questions and answers. Gongyangxue, as the study of the Qi in Spring and Autumn Annals, focuses on the political and religious significance of Spring and Autumn Annals. After the explanations of Hu Musheng, Dong Zhongshu, He Xiu and other great scholars, it gradually developed into a prominent school of politics between heaven and man, including unifying the whole country, respecting the king and resisting foreign countries, and providing rich theoretical resources for Confucian governance in the Han Dynasty. Later, because of the prosperity of divination theory, it was widely criticized and declined after the Eastern Han Dynasty.


It is the annotation of Spring and Autumn Annals, and it is one of the three biographies that explain Spring and Autumn Annals alongside Zuo Zhuan and Ram Zhuan. According to legend, Confucius' disciples orally passed on the contents of this book to Gu Liangchi, a Lu native in the Spring and Autumn Period (with different names), and Gu Liangchi recorded it as a book.

The Classic of Filial Piety

The Book of Filial Piety consists of 18 chapters, about 1800 words, which is the least among the thirteen classics.

The Analects of Confucius

It is a compilation that mainly records the words and deeds of Confucius, a thinker and educator, his disciples and re-disciples in the Spring and Autumn Period. Also known as theory, language, biography and memory, it is one of the important classics of Confucianism.


The earliest dictionary in China.


In the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhu He called Mencius, The Doctrine of the Mean, Daxue and The Analects of Confucius four books. He is the latest to join the Thirteen Classics. Mencius was originally a children's book.