Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How many famous "enemies" are there in the entertainment circle?

How many famous "enemies" are there in the entertainment circle?

I'd rather put? Deadly enemy? Talk to the judges, such as Andy and Zray, Hugh and Justin, He Jiong and Nana.

First, friendship? Love? Can't sum up Andy and Zray's feelings. Andy and Zray worked together on the TV series "Home with Children" in their childhood. Children's feelings are the most sincere, and they are fortunate to meet their appetite partners in the purest time. After the filming of "Family with Children", I also became a good friend, the kind of good partner who is not afraid of gossip. After all, it is in the entertainment circle, and a little trouble between male and female stars is big news. They used to attend activities together, and their actions were intimate and natural. Weibo is warm-hearted and funny. In the program, both sides praised each other as their best friends. There was a scandal about them in the entertainment circle, even though Andy already had a boyfriend. However, this generous and natural attitude has finally made netizens see that the feelings between them are really as beautiful as boiled water, pure in nature and without impurities.

Second, the wife's CP? Hugh and Justin, can you leave? Hugh and Justin's CP actually kowtowed to Justin's wife Zhang Xinyi, and some people teased her that she was between two men? Third party? , or the biggest winner in life, in the final analysis, is to let the party who is CP become her husband. In fact, it can be seen that the relationship between Hugh and Justin is really iron and loyal brothers. They are classmates of Shanghai Film Academy. Their classmates often say with a smile that there must be Justin within three meters, and vice versa.

As can be seen from the reality show that Justin and Zhang Xinyi participated in, Hugh often went to Yuan Hong's house and even washed each other's clothes. This kind of classmate affection and brotherhood is really rare. I remember when they were in the Tang Dynasty, when they were fighting for hegemony, two tough handsome men should be the objects of competition for resources, but their relationship was not interfered by money and interests at all. Justin was happy for Hugh when he became famous. Justin silently encouraged Hugh when he encountered a low point in his life. No wonder Hugh, as the best man, was so excited when Justin got married. After all, a good brother has found the love of his life.

Third, He Jiong and Nana are lucky. After all, they can stay with their friends for decades. He Jiong and Nana co-hosted Happy Camp for many years, and their mutual help has become a symbol of friendship. In the anniversary of Happy Camp, there is often a link in which a happy family confides their sincerity. He Jiong and Nana always thank each other at this time. The tears of happiness and gratitude bear witness to their friendship for so many years. Time flies. In the decades together, Xie Na had Jason, a baby and a bigger stage. Even if He Jiong is alone, there is a Nana beside him. In a happy family, He Jiong's left position near the heart is always reserved for her best friend Nana.