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What food do Scorpio girls like to eat?

What food do Scorpio girls like to eat?

What food do Scorpio girls like to eat? Constellations and divination belong to mysticism. The zodiac is closely related to the movement of the sun. Constellations play a key role in a person's fortune. Fortune is not equal to fortune telling. I have carefully sorted out the foods that Scorpio girls like to eat, hoping to help you.

What food do Scorpio girls like to eat? 1 Scorpio Food Review

Scorpio's demand for food is "exciting", such as Indian curry and Chongqing hot pot. Scorpions like heavy food, which is as delicious as Aries. Therefore, Scorpio has a special liking for some creative and unconventional foods. This is also consistent with their distinctive black and white personality.

Scorpio's favorite food

Scorpio: coke family

Scorpio gives people a cold, mysterious and difficult feeling. Scorpio basically doesn't like snacks, even if a friend invites him to dinner, he may not accept it. Because their habits are simple. Their biggest purpose of eating snacks is not to enjoy, but to fill their stomachs. It is rare to see Scorpio people eating snacks. Therefore, their snacks tend to choose something full, such as egg rolls, fried chicken legs, French fries, cola, and other foreign snacks.

Favorite snack brands: Coca-Cola, butter omelet, fried chicken legs, McDonald's French fries.

Scorpio's favorite dessert

Scorpio: lava cake

Chocolate, like Scorpio, always has a little mystery. In particular, dark chocolate will be Scorpio's favorite, because chocolate mixed with milk or nuts or fruits will make Scorpio feel too naive. Among them, the bitterness of dark chocolate is their obsession. Especially the soft-hearted cake is the top dessert in the chocolate field, which not only tests the chef's skill, but also reflects Scorpio's strong personal characteristics because of its lava-like characteristics. In this cold festival, the most suitable must be this soft but fragrant lava cake. If you add another cold ice cream, sit in a warm room and eat them spoonfuls, the time will be the same, and everything will be enough.

Scorpio's favorite food

Scorpio: Indian curry baked rice

Scorpio looks cold, but actually has a fiery heart, just like this curry rice from the mysterious country of India. The appearance of this dish is unattractive and simple, but what makes you feel different is its heavy taste and spicy taste, which is exactly the same as Scorpio's cold outside and hot inside. Curry is an essential condiment in many countries in Southeast Asia. Personally, I think the key to making delicious baked rice is that the mixed rice should not be too dry or too wet, leaving a certain amount of soup and sticky feeling, so that it tastes best when baked.

What food do Scorpio girls like to eat? 2 gifts that Scorpio girls like.

Scorpio girl who is hot and cold is a very self-centered girl. She can hurt her girl without shame and pain. It is difficult for ordinary people to be with her forever. Unless she falls in love at first sight, the person who is "abused" is Scorpio himself. When giving her a gift, the principle is to value quality rather than weight.

When giving gifts to Scorpio, you must give the most suitable one, and if you want to find out what Scorpio needs to help her recently, what gift to give, otherwise Scorpio may not like other strange gifts.

Scorpio is a person who values privacy and has strong independence. They also cry in the dead of night and feel lonely. As a gift for Scorpio women, you can send a set of exquisite stationery and engrave some words on it that will move them. If you want to see Scorpio move to tears, you can try. You can also send different styles of pajamas to Scorpio. They'll love it. Every woman loves beauty, including Scorpio. So it is also a good choice to send them some cosmetics and skin care products.

If you can afford it, you can also send them an English coat, an Italian parasol, a French handbag and so on. Although these are a little expensive, it is worthwhile to win the favor and trust of Scorpio, isn't it? Of course, you can also give them a delicate and compact commuter bag.

Color has a serious sensory stimulation to Scorpio girls. No matter what gift it is, it's best to choose red and black. Generally, Scorpio girls prefer black, because Scorpio girls are more introverted, darker and more concealed, so black is the most suitable. In fact, if you want to send clothes to Scorpio girls, you can let Scorpio girls buy them together, which is the best, because you don't know what size Scorpio girls wear, if you buy them back. Still small? This may make Scorpio girls angry!

In fact, what they value is not the gift, but the mystery given by the packaging. Scorpio women also like things with excellent workmanship and comfortable style, so you can give Scorpio women a silk dress, a fashionable black suit that few people wear, or red.

Some Scorpio women like to go out at night. You can give them some practical and portable self-defense props, which will make them feel your thoughtfulness and love, so they may have a good impression on you.