Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Who is Naru in World of Warcraft?

Who is Naru in World of Warcraft?


Conscious energy creature, a new mysterious race, rises in the burning expedition of World of Warcraft.

Racial introduction

When Sargeras suddenly attacked Arida's home, the Lu Na race helped a small group of Arida escape corruption in Sageras. Soon, these exiles of Arida called themselves Delaney, or "exiles". Lu Na was moved by the courage of Delaney people and gave them the knowledge and strength of the Holy Light. The perfect Lu Na finally hopes to unite all forces against the Burning Legion and form an invincible bright legion. In order to achieve his goal, Lu Na recently came to Outland through robotech-Thai P Fort. Most Fana people landed to explore this ravaged land.

Prince Kael'thas led an army of blood elves to occupy the fortress and imprisoned the only remaining guards. As the fortress of Tai P falls into the hands of blood elves, Nalu finds himself isolated in Outland and faces a future full of uncertainties.

Satras municipality

On the vast outland continent, there is a dilapidated ancient city, where countless races are gathered, including the Delaney Corps and the Blood Elves Corps. It is located in the forest of Seloka, with Zanlal swamp where Queen Naga is located in the north, Hellfire fortress and Dark Gate in the northeast, Naglan continent in the west and Shadow Moon village in the southeast. Outland has experienced the baptism of countless wars and fires. As an important stronghold in traffic, there is naturally constant war here. But so far, this is the only refuge, and this is the city of Shatas.

[Shatas] was originally the capital of Delaney people, meaning "land of light".

When the Burning Legion invaded, the beast defiled by the blood of the devil madly slaughtered other races. Delaney and the invading beast fought bloody battles in Satras. They did their best, and finally Satras fell. The whole city was plunged into darkness, almost in ruins ... until one day, the [Chatal] clan of Luna people came here.

In the ruins of Satras, under the instruction of Father Delaney in the ruins of the tower, races from all over the world coexist peacefully. Priests called [Aldo] led people to rebuild the ruins quickly. The people of Lu Na are here to help people rebuild their homes and confidence. Look at that tall tower. Now it is used as a charity for people who have been wounded by war.

However, the good times did not last long. The war swept the city of Satras again. This time, the intruder was Illidan's blood elf pioneer. Kael'thas, the prince of blood elves, was an ally of Illidan. He sent an army of blood elves to destroy the city of Satras. The blood elf army marched straight into the long bridge, and the whole city was in danger. Archbishop Eldo stepped forward and led the volunteers to stand in front of an Ador [a 'dal] in Lu Na, calmly waiting for the invaders. But at this moment, unexpected things happened again.

In front of the defenders of the city, the Blood Elves Corps laid down their weapons in succession. One of their elders [Warren Sal] forced his way into the Hall of Light and demanded a dialogue with Luna Idor.

When Idor, a Luna, appeared in front of the blood elf elders, Warren Sal knelt before Idor devoutly. "Luna, I have seen you countless times in my dream. I-and my people, we are willing to serve you here. "

The tolerant Luna people accepted this new army, named them fortune tellers, designated the southwest of Satras as the camp of blood elves, and allowed blood elves to enter the holy light hall of Satras. As followers of light, Eldores also want to forgive and accept the redemption of blood elves. However, they also found that the crimes committed by these blood elves in the past were unforgivable.

In the past wars, the blood elf troops killed many holy priests. Even now, they sincerely return to asylum, but no one wants to be in the same room with them. The Temple of Eldo is located at the top of the Hall of Light. As a sacred place, only the original residents can enter, not including the blood elves.

The fighting in the city of Satras did not stop, but as you can see, the city did not fall again this time. Luna people successfully raided the Shadow Moon City in Kamen Rider, and the back yard of Illidan's army caught fire.

With the help of Eldo clan and soothsayer clan, attacks in the city of Satras occurred one after another, forcing the enemy to pause here. But the feud between Eldo and the fortune teller has not been completely eliminated.

It is because of this hatred and hatred that they try their best to compete for favor in front of the people of Lu Na. Every day, Iador holds a rally in the Temple of Light to pray for the people here and give them confidence and strength to resist foreign enemies.