Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What do you mean by breaking your promise?

What do you mean by breaking your promise?

break one's promise

Today, a friend had a big fight with another friend on my computer and finally blacklisted him. The reason for the quarrel is that both people think that the other party is not trustworthy.

The girl felt that her friend broke her promise first, so she refused to take responsibility for what she said. Or, it is this reason to explain your dishonesty.

That friend felt that the girl had not fulfilled her original promise, and that the girl was too demanding of him, so she was angry; Or, use girls' demands to cover up their original gaffes.

Think of a joke:

Father: A good man must always be cautious and trustworthy.

Son: What is trustworthiness?

Dad: In other words, always remember to keep your promise.

Son: What about caution?

Dad: Never say yes.

Sometimes, our promises are not because we are not careful enough, but because we overestimate ourselves. The meaning of commitment is to make your predictions about some things that will happen in the future, and to predict the influence that your own behavior ability has had on the other party. Generally speaking, this influence should be positive.

Even the best fortune teller makes mistakes. Our commitment can't be based on the ability of the day at that time, but on the time when things happen, to estimate the obstacles we may encounter, and then make a final commitment: "How sure are you ..."

Careful cultivation requires a good habit. Habit does not promise. Just as a father teaches his son, don't promise. It is common sense that the harm of not promising is far less than breaking promises. But for those who are important to us, commitment is as inevitable as eating. Just don't really treat the promise as lunch or supper, but as a marching kettle in the desert and a dry food bag in the wasteland, which is our spiritual pillar under certain circumstances.

The situations that make us make common sense mistakes are generally things that are too familiar with the law. For example, when I am used to being free, I forget that there will be unexpected things; For example, if you are used to seeing two people who have been in love for n years, you will forget the possibility of breaking up. For example, I am used to loving someone, thinking that both sides have been entangled in love, forgetting each other or I may suddenly leave. ...

We should stay awake. Everything is sober. Don't be blinded by the inertia in front of you Don't think that you can do it if you say it.

In this world, how many people do you want to be "trustworthy" to you?

How many people do you think can keep his (her) promise to you?

How many people can you believe in every word and deed?

We suspect too many things. We are tempered by the so-called promise that comes out casually, and we often have to weigh repeatedly what is behind that promise, which is somewhat credible to you. We gradually learned those so-called promises. We can inadvertently say to a person, let's have dinner together in the evening, clap our chests and say that I must care about my brother's affairs, but in fact, we don't have time to ask, we can call back the family dinner that has been agreed upon, and we can turn around and forget the children's eyes that expect you to bring gifts back. ...

Those are not promises. We often think so. We are ready to filter out some words that can't be taken seriously. What can't be filtered out

If dad forgets to bring you an old lady's cake at the gate of the company, if my husband forgets to celebrate the anniversary of our acquaintance, if the teacher doesn't read the promised composition, if the best friend cancels the long-planned hiking or shopping, if ... several people don't do it, it will give you disappointment, even sadness, even. ...

These people are the center of your life. Do you realize that?

Why can you tolerate others' dishonesty or lies? Why can you think of various reasons to make others shirk their promises? But you can't tolerate those people you value breaking their promises? But I can't find a suitable excuse for them. Supposedly, we should be more tolerant of the faults of love.

We will be disappointed, we will be sad, and even despair of someone ... the reason is nothing more than: we are too confident.

We believe that we should completely trust that trustworthy person. In this confidence, we ignore all possible unfavorable factors as allowable errors. We are confident that those mistakes will not be out of line, but when they are out of line, our tolerance or our face problems have to be strongly protested.

And the few people we "completely trust" don't encounter uncontrollable mutations like others. Although they will take a fancy to those promises to us, we should remember that what we can control is really limited. There are other people we don't want, whether they have made a special case that will surprise us inadvertently.

Learn to cope with change. Don't be paranoid because of overconfidence;

Don't fall into the dead corner of thinking, thinking that the dishonesty of others has collapsed for us;

Think from the other person's point of view, and look from another position. Perhaps the reasons we give will be more sufficient than those given by treacherous people.

Don't force yourself to do something irreparable, which will hurt everyone;

Don't blindly look at everyone and everything according to the habit of inertia, don't be too confident to judge a future, and leave a retreat for yourself and everyone around you. I believe that people who break their promises will be more sad than us.

Although some accidents are not what we want, the unexpected life is beautiful. Didn't you say there was another village?