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People's education edition, fifth grade, first volume, unit 5, 20 knowledge points, come on!

The fifth unit is comprehensive learning-roaming the kingdom of Chinese characters? Divided into "interesting Chinese characters" and "I love you? Chinese characters "two parts? Students must be familiar with this text. The following information can be read? There are three main ways to do crossword puzzles? Combination method, pictographic method and tacit method. Is the combination method based on the suggestion of riddles? Add and subtract strokes or some words? Make a word. Like what? Bite off the cow's tail in one bite. Did the mouth bite off the cow's tail? It becomes an accusation. Ideographic characters compare strokes of Chinese characters to things? It takes observation and imagination to guess this crossword puzzle. Like what? "A dragonfly by the river? Two geese are flying in the sky "? Guess two words. Dragonflies are thin and long? Two wings and a head? Like "fuck" Plus three points of water by the river? It's really "sweat". Both geese like to "follow"? Is there a horizontal line in the sky? Together, it becomes a "cluster". The tacit law requires the guesser to associate according to the meaning of the puzzle. Like what? Guess the word "full" is full of people? The answer is "luxury". When guessing riddles? These methods are often used in combination. Two-part allegorical saying is a lively spoken language, which consists of two parts: approximate riddle and answer. Is there a gap between these two parts? When you say it, you often only say the first part? Put the second half? What is the real meaning? Hide? Let the listener guess? So it's called a two-part allegorical saying. Two-part allegorical sayings can be divided into figurative and homophonic. What appears in the textbook is a homophonic two-part allegorical saying. Are they homophonic or close in tone? Produce a humorous expression effect. Like what? When Confucius moved, we would think that he had many books. And "book" and "lose" are the same? So it implies the meaning of "net loss". Use this two-part allegorical saying to describe that games or battles always fail? Humor. Homophones are sometimes used in ancient poetry to achieve pun effect. "Loquat" and "Pipa" tell us that there are many homophones in Chinese. Can't use it at will? Otherwise, it will make a joke. Oracle Bone Inscriptions wrote it on tortoise shells in Shang and Zhou Dynasties. Also known as Wen Qi, Oracle Bone Inscriptions, Tortoise Shell and Yin Ruins. Oracle Bone Inscriptions was first unearthed from Yin Ruins in Xiaotun Village, Anyang, Henan Province? 1899 was discovered by scholars? Many excavations after 1928? More than100000 pieces have been unearthed. The words on these tortoise shells? Mostly when the Shang dynasty divined good or bad luck? Inscriptions and related notes. Is it a relic from the Yin Dynasty to the death of Zhou Dynasty in 273? Recently, it has become an important historical material for studying Shang and Zhou societies. About 4,500 Oracle characters were found? About 1 700 words can be recognized. There are a lot of pictophonetic characters in the text? Although the strokes and parts of multiple numbers have not yet been finalized? But you can tell from the recognizable words. Oracle Bone Inscriptions is a fairly advanced and complete ancient writing system. In recent years in Shaanxi and other places? Also found some Oracle Bone Inscriptions in the Western Zhou Dynasty. During the thousands of years' use of Chinese characters. To record the language and communicate with each other? People are constantly improving the writing form of Chinese characters. Regular script from Oracle Bone Inscriptions to now? The evolution of fonts has mainly gone through five stages? Oracle Bone Inscriptions, bronze inscriptions, seal script (mainly referring to Xiao seal script), official script and regular script. 1? Oracle Bone Inscriptions and Oracle bones were written in Shang Dynasty? Only a few Abu historians use it. Mainly carved on the tortoise shell bone with a knife. Because tortoise shells have hard bones? So the strokes are mainly straight folding? It rarely looks back. Because carving with a sharp knife? So the lines are thin and even. Oracle Bone Inscriptions is the earliest Chinese character? Have the characteristics of early Chinese characters? Picturesque? Writing without stereotypes? Different sizes? Random. 2? Jinwen Jinwen is also known as Zhong Dingwen? Popular in the Western Zhou Dynasty. This is a kind of writing carved on bronze wares. Is the bronze inscription similar to that of Oracle Bone Inscriptions? Because the inscriptions on bronzes are carved on molds and then cast? Easier to write? So what are its stroke characteristics? The font is round and uniform in size. Hieroglyphs are lower than Oracle Bone Inscriptions? The stereotype of words has improved? But there are many varieties. 3? Seal script is divided into big seal script and small seal script. Dazhuan was a script in Zhou Xuanwang in the late Western Zhou Dynasty? Also known as essays? Physical features are generally consistent with bronze inscriptions? It has the characteristics of many strokes. Xiao Zhuan is a unified font issued when the policy of the same text was implemented in Qin Dynasty. Reese and others revised the text after finishing. Because it is a unified font officially issued? After sorting and simplifying? So the variant forms are greatly reduced? Is the glyph rectangular? It laid the foundation for the Chinese character "Fang". Small seal strokes are more symmetrical and tidy? The lines are the same thickness? More round? The symbolism has increased? The meaning of the picture has been greatly weakened. Because the short biography is simplified on the basis of the big biography? Generally speaking, Xiao Zhuan is a simplified form of Da Zhuan. 4? Lishu Lishu originated in the Qin Dynasty? Prevalent in the Han Dynasty. In the Qin dynasty? Parallel official script and seal script? It is a convenient font for calligraphers to copy official documents every day. Is Xiao Zhuan difficult to write? Can't meet the demand of official documents in Qin Dynasty? Often used in more formal occasions. In order to write conveniently and quickly? Li Shu changed the round and even lines of Xiao Zhuan into straight and square folds and good strokes? Turn the structural style of the vertical connection of Xiao Zhuan into a horizontal and flat stretch? At this time, the official script has become a Chinese character symbol that is no longer pictographic. Has the official script changed the Chinese font greatly? So what? "Li Bian" has become the dividing line between ancient and modern Chinese characters. The Chinese characters before Xiao Zhuan are ancient Chinese characters. Their similarity is strong pictographic? Bad stereotype? Words are made up of lines? There is no element that constitutes word formation-strokes. The Chinese characters after Lishu are modern Chinese characters. What are the characteristics of Chinese characters today? Strong stereotype? Characters consist of a limited number of strokes. Did official script in Han Dynasty replace Xiao Zhuan as a formal writing style? Also known as Han Li? Also known as Jinli? . Han Li's writing styles are diverse? One is led by Fang Bi? Like what? Zhang Qianbei? One is mainly a round pen? Like what? Cao Quanbei. Cursive script is made of grass from Qin Li and Lian Bi. Is there still a tide of official books in Cao Zhang? Represented by Du Mu's urgent chapter. Will the radical structure and hieroglyphics of official script disappear in this grass? Because its strokes are connected? The more it develops, the more difficult it is to identify. Not exemplary? So it gradually changed from practicality to calligraphy art? Like what? Seventeen posts by Wang Xizhi in Jin Dynasty? Weeds by Zhang Xu in Tang Dynasty. 5? Regular script Regular script is also called real script or official script? Produced in the late Han Dynasty? Prosperous in Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties? Mature in the Tang Dynasty? It has been used ever since. Completely eliminated the influence of the remaining seal script in the official script? Formed a perfect stroke system. What are the characteristics of regular script? Square? Horizontal and vertical? The strokes are clear. Today, it has become a common font for Chinese characters. From the perspective of calligraphy art? There are mainly Ou Yangxun, Yu Shinan, Yan Zhenqing and Liu Gongquan in the Tang Dynasty? Form different styles of regular script. Running script is short for regular script? Between grass and letters? Don't even like cursive? How about regular script? The strokes keep echoing? Independent every word? Write fast? Recognize clearly. Is it ordinary handwriting? It has been used in parallel as regular script. From the evolution of Oracle Bone Inscriptions, bronze inscriptions, seal script, official script, cursive script, regular script and running script? Can we see it? The overall development trend of Chinese character glyphs is from complexity to simplicity. The appearance of every new word? Is it changing the characteristics that fonts were difficult to write and remember before? Meanwhile, Chinese characters tend to be stereotyped and standardized. How to appreciate calligraphy works is not only to appreciate the ingenuity and skill of painting, structure and composition. And teachers, genres, styles? What is more important is to feel the temperament, emotion and aesthetic pursuit of calligraphers through their works. Calligraphers create with their hands and hearts? Appreciators rely on their eyesight to explore and discover the life and soul contained in stippling works? This is a kind of re-creation. The effect of this re-creation depends on the knowledge, cultivation, experience and mood of the viewer. Appreciating calligraphy requires a macro grasp of the work? Like what? Momentum, spirit, white cloth? Observe again? Like what? Pen, ink, structure, lines. Appreciate the quality of lines? From this, we can observe the pen and ink and brushwork of the author when he creates. Secondly, what is the Chinese character structure composed of line and dot painting? It embodies interest and philosophy. The third is white cloth, including knot writing, gas circulation and composition. The fourth is spirit? Refers to the spiritual temperament and style of calligraphy. Look is a faithful record of the author's spiritual realm? It is closely related to the author's emotion, personality and cultivation. Must excellent calligraphy works be beautiful in form and feet? Both form and spirit? Appreciators just want to know about the body? Grab the spirit. The artistic style of calligraphy is first manifested in the unique overall style of the work and the unique realm caused by it? This is closely related to the calligrapher's aesthetic orientation and artistic temperament? It is the result of calligraphers' pursuit of artistic individuality. The artistic style of calligraphy is the artistic characteristics and creative personality of artists in their creation. Calligraphers due to life experience? What are the differences in artistic accomplishment, personality characteristics, aesthetic taste and personality? Choose the style of the book? All aspects of expression will have their own characteristics? In this way, different artistic styles are formed. Style can best show a person's temperament and mental outlook? This is also a reflection of thousands of years of historical accumulation in calligraphers' hearts. The subtleties reflected in the lines? Give people infinite reverie. Wang Xizhi's Preface to Lanting. Also known as "Lanting Preface" and "Lanting Preface". Jin Yonghe, a famous running script copybook, for nine years? In 353 ad? March third? Wang Xizhi, Xie An, Sun Chuo, etc. 4 1 person? In Yin Shan? Preface of Poems Written by Lanting in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province when Xiumao was revised. Word of mouth book ***28 lines? 324 words. Tang Dynasty's Preface to Lanting was obtained by Emperor Taizong? Praise Wang Xizhi as a representative of calligraphers. Because Lanting was first published? Running script before it was handed down? Preface to Lanting Collection ranks in the forefront of ancient law books? And calligraphy is the highest art? So what? Wang Xizhi's Preface to Lanting is called "the best running script in the world". Liu Gongquan's mysterious pagoda. The full name is "exorcist Mysterious Tower Monument". One of the four forms of regular script. The first year of Tang Huichang? AD 84 1? 28 lines of stele inscription? 54 words per line? * * * 15 12. Is the flat font rigorous? Wipe with a pen? Thin, strong and handsome. People who have learned regular script in Liu style in past dynasties? Take "Mysterious Tower Monument" as a model? This monument has a great influence. A crossword puzzle 1? One point one horizontal length? Go west? Two trees side by side? Planted on a stone. ? Grinding? 2? 24 hours? Don't guess today's words. ? Old? 3? A word? Two mouths? There is a dog down there. ? Cry? 4? Look at the horse on the left. Rely on it Well, look at it. Is it on the horse? See both sides together? Stepping on the beach in Wan Li. ? Camel? 5? One yin and one yang? One short and one long? A day and a night? One hot and one cold. ? Ming? 6? Grandpa Gao's head? Grandpa Li's feet? Grandpa Zheng's ear. ? Guo? 7? Do you have fish and shrimp in water? Is there any soil for growing crops? Isn't someone you and me? There are horses all over the world. ? What else? 8? Not at all. ? Surgery? 9? Cross tail bend? There are three fewer calculations. ? Seven? 10? Ten brothers are awesome? Not afraid of all difficulties. ? g? 1 1? More than half. ? Years old? 12? A small sailboat? Carrying a grain of rice? East and west? I don't know where to go. ? Fan? 13? There are walls on three sides and one empty side? A child is sitting inside. ? horse 14? Living alone on the hillside? Never met. ? Fairy? 15? Farewell. ? Opinion? Two-part allegorical saying: honk the horn on the plane-want to? A ring? How about cotton in senior four? Play? Don't get on the tiger and pull the cart-who dares? Rush? Nail palm on knee-digression? Hoof? Riding a bike downhill is too far ── ignore it? Step on? Ignore it? Step on?

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