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How to write an excellent psychological description composition

1. Psychological description of 50 words in the composition of full marks in senior high school entrance examination.

What are you afraid of? I unbuttoned my collar again ... the lime-like white lips couldn't calm down: I shivered and gave a clumsy smile. I held it tightly and turned it into a blue ball ... Tao Meilin felt that Skipan seemed to be chewing something disobedient with his teeth, and his face gradually became bloody, and his lips bitten by his teeth became as stiff as stones.

I thought: Who should I vote for? Vote for Xiao Fei! He is usually very kind to me and always plays with me. But ... Xiao Lei is better than him. Who should I vote for? What should I do? I voted for Xiao Fei? But Xiao Lei is better. Vote for Xiao Lei? Xiao Fei is my good friend, and I can't bear to part with her. But just now the teacher said it must be fair and just. Yes! Xiao Lei is a better candidate. I can't vote for Xiaofei just because he is my good friend. I'd better vote for Xiao Lei.


I feel uneasy, afraid that the teacher will announce my score. I gently lowered my head and avoided my eyes, like watching a movie, showing my mother's expression of anger and disappointment after knowing the score. However, I let her down. This is not the first time. . Mom, don't be angry. .

Gradually, the feeling of jubilation was replaced by anxiety. My heart is beating violently, just like holding a naughty rabbit in my arms. I stared at this damn test paper and thought in fear: If my classmates told the teacher about it, I … I closed my eyes and gradually regretted it: I wish I hadn't copied it to him. But now, it's over. Suddenly I saw the primary code on the desk, and my brain seemed to be hit hard. I opened my notebook, and a line of big characters came into view: "brave."

When I got home, I lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. I thought to myself, he can do 25, why can't I? Am I dumber than him? No, it's impossible! I am by no means more stupid than him, but I practice less than him. Yes, I must work hard to surpass him. So from that day on, I made up my mind to do five push-ups every day. In a day or two, with the increase of days, gradually, gradually, I can do more than 30 at a time. After a period of hard exercise, I can already do more than 40.

This composition successfully uses the description of psychological activities. For example, after losing face by doing push-ups for the first time, "Go home, ... overtake him." These descriptions of psychological activities truly and vividly describe the fierce ideological struggle between the little author "going home" and "tossing and turning in bed", and finally decide to "exercise hard and surpass him". It fully embodies the center of the article-"I am a strong person". When the article narrates the rematch one year later, there is such a description of psychological activities. Although there are only two sentences: "I remember … I remember … I remember … I remember … I remember … I remember …"

Although there are not many psychological activities in this paper, they are used properly and vividly highlight the character characteristics of the characters: strong and full of personality.

2. Write a psychological description about winning the prize.

I love my family.

Home is the cradle of every child's growth and the harbor of every child's life. I have a warm, happy and harmonious home. I love my family.

I love my family, a happy and warm family. My parents' meticulous care for me made me deeply feel the warmth of home. Every time I come back from school, my mother is busy cooking good food for me in the kitchen. My father sits next to me and studies with me. Dad will patiently explain to me when I encounter problems that I can't. My mother is very concerned about my study. She was afraid that I was tired of studying and tried her best to strengthen my nutrition. Cook me a cup of hot milk every morning and cook for me all the time.

I love my family, a harmonious and happy family. In my family, it is always full of peaceful atmosphere, and our family of three always live in harmony. Mom and dad have a very good relationship and hardly quarrel. Dad speaks humorously and always makes my mother and I laugh. I am a very sensible and willful child, and I don't make my parents angry. If I do well in the exam, my parents will celebrate for me and take me to eat my favorite freezing point. I always pour a glass of wine for my parents first, because I know that my grades can't be achieved without the efforts of teachers and the cultivation of my parents.

I love my family, a family I can rely on. Whenever I encounter difficulties or grievances outside; It was my parents who helped me solve my difficulties, listened to my inner anguish and taught me how to face life and facts. They taught me that life will not be smooth sailing, but one should know how to face the challenges and tests of life.

I love this warm and happy home, let love stay in my home forever.

I love my family.

Everyone has a home, and everyone will love their home very much, so I am no exception.

Home can give people a warm feeling, make people full of confidence and cheer up from failure. However, home is the most important pillar for people everywhere.

I love my family for many reasons, the main reason is the environment of my parents and family. "Love grows with time" is absolutely correct. Whether it is a person or a dead thing, as long as it is faced for a long time, it will have a deep feeling. Unconsciously, I have lived at home for thirteen years. There are my most beloved parents, the most familiar environment and my stories for many years.

At home, my parents are like my good friends. They laugh and laugh every day. Even if they are not happy on the way home, as soon as they step into the house, my heart is as relaxed and free as being untied.

In the environment where I grew up, there were both happy and sad sides. In the whole room, my favorite is my room. There is a desk, a big bed, a bookshelf, a dresser and a computer in the room ... I lie prone on the desk every day to do my homework, sleep on the big bed, and sometimes sit in front of the computer to relax when I am tired, so that my brain can relax after working for a long time, and I can flip through the books in the bookcase when I have time. Everything in the room is accompanied by my joy, anger, sadness and joy. Another place I am familiar with is my small garden. There are green grass and flowers in the garden. I often play in the garden. I love my family, every member of my family and every story of my family.

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3. How to write the composition of psychological description

The test papers have been distributed. I haven't heard her name for a long time in the teacher's mouth. Her heart was pounding, and she only felt her ears burning, her face burning and her palms sweating. She was on pins and needles. She hoped for a miracle: maybe the teacher put his test paper in the wrong place? Did you miss my paper or not? Maybe, maybe this is just an illusory dream.

However, her heart told her: this is a reality, an incredible reality.

Finally, I got the test paper. The number before her name changed from 1 to 23. Hearing this score, the students gave her a strange look, and some even gave a cry of surprise. Every scene deeply stung her heart, and there was a helpless spirit in her eyes.

She froze, tried to avoid everyone, buried her head very low, stared blankly at her toes, and everything like pearls swirled in her eyes, trying to control her emotions.

She seemed to have lost her soul, her eyes lost their spirits and her face turned white and red. Even she doesn't know how she got back to her seat!

Looking at the paper written as bright red as a spell, she wanted to tear it up, but-she couldn't!

4. Psychological description essay

There is a gap between people, but some people care about each other, making them closer and more harmonious, and remembering what happened that day …

That day, there was a math exam. Five minutes before the exam, I checked my pencil case again to see if the stationery was ready. Gel pen, lie in the pencil case; Pencil, lying quietly in the pencil box; Eraser, sitting quietly in the pencil box; Ruler, huh? Where is the ruler? I checked it again, and my mouth was still muttering "gel pen, pencil, eraser ..." I still couldn't find the ruler. I looked at my watch. Oh, no, class will begin soon. What should I do? What shall we do? I looked anxiously at my classmates next to me and thought, "If only someone could help me"-but no, all the classmates around me were seriously preparing things, only me, looking around anxiously. I was so flustered that I thought there was a naughty rabbit jumping about, thinking, "It was there last night, but now it's gone?" Did it fly with wings? What about my exam? 80% of the questions need a ruler this time. What should I do? Borrow it from a classmate? But each student only brought one! The more I think about it, the more anxious I am. "

Just then, Yang Shiqi saw me and ran over and asked with concern, "Wei Zhangzongwei, what's wrong with you?" I said anxiously, "My ruler is missing. What should I do? If I buy it now, it will be too late. What's more, I have no money, let alone go home and get it. What should I do ... "She said," That's the way it is. It's simple. Leave it to me. " When she finished, she returned to her seat and snapped a brand-new ruler in half. I was stunned and looked at her stupidly. She looked at me stupidly, smiled and said, "What are you still doing there?" Take it quickly! "As she spoke, she reached out to me with a truncated ruler. She saw that I was still looking at her stupidly, so she spread out my hand and put the ruler in my palm. I finally woke up. It was a long time before I said, "What are you doing?" She smiled and said, "You can only save people if you break the ruler" ... Just then, the bell rang. ...

Later, I have always treasured this broken ruler forever. ...

5. Are there any delicate psychological descriptions in some excellent compositions?

Delicate psychological description

Describe the details of Du Xiaokang's growth process: For example, the first part, section 10, describes Du Xiaokang's initial confusion in the face of loneliness and unknown future. Section 20, Du Xiaokang's panic and timidity in the face of a more lonely environment. For another example, in verse 2~4 of the second part, lonely people become more and more lonely and gradually become a kind of spiritual oppression. Du Xiaokang naturally wants to go home, and this consciousness cannot be suppressed. 1 1, 16~ 19 are the mature and powerful processes of Du Xiaokang. He dared to look for the lost duck alone in the storm, fearless, and his strong sense of responsibility enabled him to bear the hardships and loneliness. Section 20 clearly reveals the growth of Du Xiaokang. "He felt that he had suddenly grown up and become strong." Du Xiaokang's psychological description is very delicate. In the face of loneliness, he went from panic to face up, and finally defeated loneliness. This mental journey shows Du Xiaokang's different feelings and also reflects the theme of his growth.

An important factor that makes this novel vivid and touching is the true and delicate psychological description. At the beginning of the story, I wrote the profound psychological contradiction of becoming famous under the pressure of the government. On the one hand, I am miserable and dying, on the other hand, I am struggling in pain and trying my best to find it. It was this psychological contradiction that prompted him to go to the temple for promotion according to the picture shown by God. Emotional changes such as hope, longing, consternation and ecstasy when seeking promotion are directly related to his psychological contradictions.

Another feature of psychological description is to describe the psychological changes of characters around fate. Fame in desperation, accidentally caught a "giant tail, green neck and golden wings" promotion, and wrote his joy and cherish, "although the city is worthy of the arch wall", showing its cherished mood. When the bug died in the hands of his son, his son disappeared and suddenly fell into despair. "If you are snowed. The angry Saul is showing the psychological change of "anger from joy". " Finding the body in the well ",finding that the young son committed suicide by throwing himself into the well, naturally" turned anger into sorrow ",from the grief of" rushing away from the heart "to the infinite sorrow:" ... relatively silent, no longer talking about this matter. The famous couple found that their young son was recovering, which was only a little comfort, because not paying the promotion fee would ruin the family, so they became anxious and even "stopped caring about their children". At this time, another unexpected situation happened: "the bug is singing outside the door ... the bug is still there", and there is hope in despair. Finally, I got a little "kindness" promotion, which made me "turn grief into joy". In the process of "trial play", the mood of "shame-joy-surprise-surprise" changed again. A series of emotional changes in fame are closely related to the fate of sorrow and joy, giving people a more real feeling and enriching the characters.

6. Characters' psychological description composition is about 150 words.

When "I" went to school early in the morning and started waiting for the bus, "I was in a hurry and began to think.

If the bus doesn't come, what can I do ... ",and then I envy those students who are close to school. After waiting for a while, I feel that the waiting time of 10 minutes is longer than an hour, and my heart is about to jump out. " Now I understand what it's like to look through autumn water. "

After waiting for a while, "I" was a little desperate and wanted to know what happened to 1 1 bus. At this moment, I hope all the cars are 1 1 buses. These psychological descriptions show my anxiety, helplessness and even despair while waiting for the bus.

But my heart has already flown to school, and the ending is directed at the theme and echoes the title. Delicate and appropriate psychological description is the characteristic of this article.

A series of psychological descriptions in this paper are in line with my mood at that time, as well as the age, identity, personality and experience of the characters. Especially in the dynamic description of psychological activities.

With the extension of waiting time, "I" feel uneasy, helpless and even desperate. Here, the process and discretion are well grasped.

The description of tone transition, although not much pen and ink, is in place. If you hear the cry of "1 1 bus is coming", you will feel the feeling of setting off firecrackers, and you will feel excited, such as "I am so excited that my heart will suddenly relax after getting on the bus", especially the psychological description at the end of the article: "The bus is bound for Ning Wu No.4 Middle School, but my heart has already flown to school".

The description here not only conforms to the situation at that time, but also points out the center, depicting the characters' ideological character of obeying discipline and loving learning, which echoes the title of the article. The most important thing in portrait writing is to describe and show the soul.

Lu Xun was determined to paint the "living soul" of China people. In order to write the soul of Maslova and outline Maslova's inner world in prison, lev tolstoy revised Maslova's appearance for 20 times. Second, the description of appearance should not be formulaic and faceless.

Generally speaking, "man is man". However, people's hearts are not the same. A beautiful appearance does not necessarily mean a beautiful heart.

Good people written in excellent works are not necessarily beautiful and handsome in appearance; Bad guys are not all pockmarked, blind and lame. For example, the middle-aged gadfly in The Gadfly is lame and has a knife wound on his face.

Lei Fensheng, the hero of fadeev's destruction, was short and slightly bent back. All this shows that even when describing beloved characters, writers do not blindly beautify the characters, but strictly respect the truth of life.

When writing critical characters, sometimes the beauty of appearance is often used to contrast the ugliness of the characters' hearts, such as the villain Medek in Destruction, who is personable and vacillating. Xifeng Wang in The Red Chamber is beautiful and handsome, but she is cruel.

Wang Jiaxin's oval face is sallow, like an old woman recovering from a serious illness. Two thick braids follow the round face, just like two black snakes with a pineapple.

When I was angry, my mouth trembled slightly, my mouth was half open, my chest fell together, my eyes flashed with an irresistible Nuwa, and my teeth rattled like an angry lion. Originally forward-looking face suddenly turned red, and when he shook his head, he threw out a swearing word. Echo over the campus ... 1) The words describing the appearance of the characters are dignified and vigorous, with fine eyes, red face, white face, tender face, red hair, silver hair, bright eyes, eyes like flames of fire, golden eyes, big eyes, kind eyes, imposing manner, tall and burly, graceful and well-dressed; (2) The words describing the expressions of the characters are full of tears, laughing and smiling. Relaxed and radiant, angry and depressed, sad and listless, tears streaming down her face (3) The words describing the mood of the characters are full of joy. Anxious to return is relaxed and happy, but her heart is full of worries. She is worried, worried and in a state of grief. (4) Sentences describing the characters' anxiety and disheartening. She has a pair of beautiful eyes, with childish, long eyelashes hanging on her face, like two crystal grapes.

Hei Hu, the child, has a strong head and two big eyes, and is very energetic. His brow wrinkled tightly from time to time, forming a question mark between the two; Sometimes I stretch happily, like an exclamation point.

His red face sparkled like an apple ripe in September. His ears are white and red, his helix is distinct, and his outer ring and inner ring are very symmetrical, like a carved work of art.

Her small mouth contains rich expressions: when you are happy, tilt your lips and make a face; When you are angry, you can catch a small oil pan by pouting. Words from this mouth sometimes make people angry and choke, but sometimes people can't help laughing.

Miss Li has beautiful hair, black and bright, thick and dense. When she stands in the sun and shakes her head gently, her hair will flash with colorful rings. Our classmate Xiaohong is wearing a big braid, which is black and bright, with a pair of big black eyes embedded under his thick eyebrows. She looks beautiful.

(1) The words that describe learning attitude are diligence, diligence, earnestness, dedication, diligence, modesty, eagerness to learn, diligence, down-to-earth and shameless. Seek perfection, get to the bottom of it, forget all about eating and sleeping, touch everything, be hungry for food, persevere and be meticulous. (2) If you concentrate on your study, concentrate, hold your breath, stare, concentrate, cover with relish, meditate and look focused. (3) Describe Xiao Fei sitting in his seat, burying his head in writing. There seems to be a steady stream of spring water flowing out of the pen. In less than one class, I actually wrote a composition. Xiaohong just sat facing the window, and the afternoon sun shone on her round face, making her cheeks more rosy; She holds her chin with a pen, her eyes are wide open, her bright eyes are swimming slowly, and her plump chin is slightly upturned-this is the expression that the math teacher is familiar with and loves whenever she thinks of a more ingenious way to solve a math problem.

Whenever I do my homework, the nib rustles, as if a bird is singing to me, and as if to encourage me: "If you are not afraid of difficulties, climb the peak bravely." She stood up and answered so accurately, so naturally, so smoothly, as if she had been prepared.

She recited in cadence, with a beautiful tone and expression, and raised her seat.

7. Psychological activity description (fragment) composition

[Psychological Activity Description (Fragment) Composition] Before the art class today, xu teacher told us that we would give good news to five students in the next class. I feel itchy, and I especially want to know which students are writing descriptions (fragments) of psychological activities. I looked around. After the Chinese class, xu teacher said it would take two minutes to tell us. I thought it would only take two minutes! With ten seconds left, xu teacher began to count down. 10, 9, 8, 7, my heart was pounding. I think it's Zhu Ya Jr. She does her homework carefully and actively raises her hand to speak in class. If it weren't for john young, she collected her homework carefully every day and never made any mistakes. It should be Zhou Weiqi. He has made great progress this semester, and her homework is also very good. The composition of the fifth grade of primary school "Psychological Activity Description (Fragment) Composition". But xu teacher suddenly said to write a composition first. I lay lazily in the chair like a deflated ball. The original third grade psychological activity description (fragment) composition primary school students 250 words (/).

8. 600 words of psychological description composition

Somehow, the straight and flat path became the outer leg, the charming flowers and plants on both sides of the road became eclipsed, and the blue sky in the morning became no longer blue. The beautiful scenery in front of me has become so boring because of my poor grades-61point.

The closer I am to home, the more confused I am. I seem to see my father's generous slap fall heavily on me. I'm crying, and the paper is still beside me ... the more I think about it, the more scared I am. At the door, I calmed my nervous and flustered heart, gently opened the door and entered the house. Everything is as calm as usual. My mother is cooking and my father is reading the newspaper on the sofa, looking like a judge. I quickly hid in the room like a mouse meets a cat, thinking: how can I finish the task of signing the test paper? Why don't you sign it? I can't. I did badly in the exam. Not signing? No, the teacher has to check ... time has passed, and I am hesitant. What if I sign my father's name? ..... I dare not think. Finally, I walked out of the house with a little anxiety and panic.

At school, the teacher checked my test paper and asked me, "Wenjing, why don't you sign it?" "Because my parents are not here ..." I stammered, which surprised me. I lied. At this time, I lied for the first time. My deskmate said, "Teacher, she lied. I saw her mother today. " I blushed at once and wanted to stick my head in the drawer. Unexpectedly, the teacher was not angry, but said gently and sincerely: "Students, it is not important to do well in the exam, what is important is to make yourself more confident;" Face the bad bravely, so as to spur yourself to progress. Signing is not to let parents scold you, but to let parents know about your study. You have to understand this. Therefore, I believe any self-motivated classmate! I believe that sooner or later, they will honestly face their achievements and continue to work hard. " Say that finish, the teacher nodded at me knowingly. I can't help it. I'm full of strength. Yes, you can't face bad grades bravely. It is shameful to cheat others because of poor grades. Only if you have enough courage to face the results, will you have enough confidence to challenge the next exam! I said to myself: I'm going back to sign my name, and then I'm going to apologize to the teacher.

Oh, teacher, your kindness and gentleness have swept away the dust in a student's heart, and let me understand that only honesty is the inexhaustible motive force that leads you to pursue progress continuously.

9. How to write a good psychological description

A person's behavior changes, often under the stimulation of special events to produce psychological fluctuations. It causes changes in facial expressions, so it is always associated with the psychological state of the characters. Successful expression description, like action description, should also choose the material according to the purpose of expression, and grasp the expression that is most worth writing and can best reflect the inner activities and personality characteristics of the characters.

Inner monologue:

Inner loneliness is one of the manifestations of the characters' language in the works, which means revealing the hidden inner world of the characters through their inner confessions, fully displaying their thoughts and personalities, and enabling readers to have a deeper understanding of their thoughts, feelings and mental outlook.

For example, in Shakespeare's Hamlet, Hamlet's famous inner monologue of "to be or not to be" is his thinking about "life" and "death", which shows his inner confusion and is very philosophical.

Narrating from the side:

The third person is used to describe the psychology of the characters from the narrative. Only in this way can the author be "omniscient and omnipotent". Therefore, this way is less constrained by time and space, and the author can describe it according to his own ideas. When writing a character's psychology in the third person, the author stands from the observer's point of view, so the emotional tendency of the character will be relatively clear and even be discussed immediately.

Take The Necklace as an example. There is such a passage in the article: "She sat by the window alone and asked about the dance that year. How beautiful and charming she was that night! " Here, Mathilde's memories of the past and inner ups and downs are expressed through side narratives. Behind this passage, there is such a wonderful comment: "How strange and changeable life is, how small a thing can destroy you and make you complete!" " "


Because the characters in the works can't achieve a certain goal in reality, they will fall into a utopian mentality, which is often expressed in the form of hallucinations or dreams.

For example, in Lu Xun's The True Story of Ah Q, Ah Q daydreamed in the land temple. He dreamed that "a revolutionary party wearing white helmets and white armor came" and shouted "Ah Q! We walk together, feeling that we are also revolutionizing. We can "be whoever I want to be, whoever I like". This is a typical text that expresses the characters' psychology through dreams. The description of dreams vividly shows Ah Q's thoughts, and its image is more sad and ironic.

Suggestions for action:

Action is the body language of the character. Grasping a certain action of a character and expressing the inner world of the character through specific description is the technique of action suggestion psychology.

Expression hint:

A person's behavior changes, often under the stimulation of special events to produce psychological fluctuations. It causes changes in facial expressions, so it is always associated with the psychological state of the characters. Successful expression description, like action description, should also choose the material according to the purpose of expression, and grasp the expression that is most worth writing and can best reflect the inner activities and personality characteristics of the characters.

For example, in "Mr. Lu Xun's Blessing", after donating the threshold, the fourth aunt still refused to let Xianglinsao attend the winter solstice ancestor worship, so that Xianglinsao's face turned gray and black at the same time. She stood absently and her eyes sank. The concise description of this expression change has vividly demonstrated the mental shock suffered by Sister Xianglin and her total mental collapse.

Language suggestion:

Lu Xun said: "If we delete unnecessary points and only pick out everyone's unique conversation, I think we can make others see everyone who speaks from the conversation." The "everyone's unique dialogue" mentioned here is a language with individual characteristics. Grasping the personalized language of the characters to describe can show the personality characteristics of the characters.

Sensory stimulation:

Psychology divides human feelings into sight, hearing, taste and smell. In literary works, as long as the instantaneous feelings of the characters are grasped, any emotional description can reflect the psychological state of the characters.

For example, in Gorky's Mother, the scene seen by the "mother" in the dirty third-class waiting room of the railway station is so detailed, the sound of glass vibration is so harsh, and the smell of tobacco leaves and adult fish is so pungent. Here, a variety of senses such as vision, hearing and smell are mobilized to express the tension of "mother".

Environmental comparison:

Environmental description refers to the description of the social environment and natural environment in which characters live. Environmental description can play a role in setting off the psychology of characters.