Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Why do people dream, and how do dreams form? Is it harmful to people?

Why do people dream, and how do dreams form? Is it harmful to people?

Dreams are a way to coordinate the balance of human psychological world.

Because the right hemisphere is dominant when dreaming and the left hemisphere is dominant after awakening, the dynamic balance between nerve regulation and mental activity can be achieved by alternately waking up and dreaming during the 24-hour day and night activities of the body. Therefore, dreams are a way to balance people's psychological world, especially for people's attention, emotions and cognitive activities.

Dreamless sleep is not only of poor quality, but also a sign of brain injury or disease.

Recent research results also confirm this view, that is, dreams are the result of the brain's regulatory center balancing various functions of the body, and dreams are the need for the healthy development of the brain and maintaining normal thinking. If the brain's regulatory center is damaged, dreams will not form, or only some incomplete dream fragments will appear. If you sleep for a long time without dreams, it is worth people's vigilance. Of course, if you have nightmares for a long time, it is often a sign of weakness or some diseases.

Monto, a physiologist at the University of Chicago, said: "It is necessary to have a certain number of dreams every night." Otherwise, it will lead to a series of physiological abnormal reactions of human body, and also cause psychological adverse reactions, such as nervousness, anxiety, irritability, memory loss, and even hallucinations and disorientation.

Dreaming is not only conducive to the recovery of brain function, but also conducive to the development of the central nervous system of the brain; It can also provide regular beneficial stimulation for the cranial nerves, adjust the central nervous system to a ready state, prevent the cranial nerves from stopping activities at night and losing their functions, and clean up the information in the brain again.