Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What is strong white magnetism and how is it made?

What is strong white magnetism and how is it made?

Magnets are not invented by humans, but there are natural magnetite. It should be China who first discovered and used magnets. Therefore, the compass is one of the four great inventions of China people. As for the composition, it is iron, cobalt, nickel and so on. Its atomic structure is very special. The atom itself has a magnetic moment. Generally, these mineral molecules are arranged in disorder. The interaction of magnetic fields does not show magnetism. However, under the guidance of external force (such as magnetic field), the molecular arrangement direction tends to be consistent, showing magnetism. Also known as magnets. Iron, cobalt and nickel are the most commonly used magnetic substances. Magnets are basically divided into permanent magnets and soft iron permanent magnets. Adding strong magnetism makes the spin of magnetic substance and the angular momentum of electrons in a fixed direction. Soft magnetism plus current (also a method of adding magnetism). Removing soft iron will gradually lose its magnetism. As for the earliest magnet, who found that the oldest record was China Huangdi vs Chiyou's South Locomotive, so it was called one of the three great inventions of China! China knew about magnetic polarization in the first century BC. During the Warring States period, a natural magnet was placed on a graduated copper plate for divination. During the Northern Song Dynasty, there were two ways to make artificial magnets. One is to place the red-hot iron needle in the north-south direction, and after rapid cooling, the iron needle is magnetized by the earth's magnetic field. The other is made by rubbing an iron needle with a magnet. Meng Qian Bitan recorded the existence of magnetic declination, and found that under the influence of magnetic declination, the magnetic needle pointed to the south, slightly to the east than the real south. Based on this knowledge, the scientific application of magnets as compasses has been developed. Magnet is just a general term, which refers to something with magnetism. The actual composition does not necessarily contain iron. Pure metallic iron itself has no permanent magnetism, and only when it is close to a permanent magnet will it induce magnetism. Generally, other impurity elements (such as carbon) are added to the permanent magnet to stabilize the magnetism, but this will reduce the freedom of electrons and make it difficult to conduct electricity, so the light bulb will not light when the current passes. Iron is a common magnetic element, but many other elements are more magnetic, such as strong magnets made of rubidium, iron and boron.