Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What happened to the 7-day no-reason refund function in Zhihu?

What happened to the 7-day no-reason refund function in Zhihu?

As one of the most important paid products in Zhihu, Zhihu upgraded Live again on the first anniversary of its launch, introduced the "7-day refund without reason" function, upgraded the evaluation system, subsidized traffic and provided more efficient copyright services. Starting with a series of measures, Zhihu tries to standardize the form of knowledge payment service in order to achieve the purpose of "building a knowledge market".

"As a platform, our most important thinking is how to establish a solid long-term mechanism in the early stage of industry development, so that knowledge payment can go further in the future." Li Shenshen, co-founder and CTO of Zhihu, told the media including CBN. In its view, for users, the core factor is the quality of content. Only by establishing a system to allow high-quality content to have more circulation opportunities and realize the survival of the fittest can we ensure the sustainable development of the whole market.

According to Li Shenshen, up to now, in Zhihu, with a monthly PV of over 65.438+000 billion and a monthly activity of nearly 300 million, Live has held more than 2,900 performances, with the average hourly salary of speakers exceeding 654.38+065.438+0000 yuan, the number of participants in Live exceeding 2.69 million, and the repurchase rate of users reaching 43%.

The survival of the fittest is determined by the market.

In this upgrade, "7 days no reason to refund" has become the most concerned hot spot. In other words, users who listen to no more than 15 voice within 7 days after purchasing the live broadcast can choose to refund without reason, and the voice before opening is not included in 15.

Regarding why it is 15, Li Shenshen responded that according to the data survey, the average number of live broadcasts is 76, so 15 is a number that seems more convenient for users to evaluate at present. On the one hand, the setting of the refund shows that "Live doesn't charge IQ tax and eliminates inferior content, on the other hand, it also lowers the psychological threshold for everyone to pay", Li Shenshen explained. In order to avoid malicious refunds, Zhihu also designed corresponding anti-cheating supporting work for these policies, and recorded and identified malicious refunds and users.

In order to facilitate consumers' decision-making, Zhihu upgraded the evaluation system on the basis of comments, refined the score to one decimal place, and displayed the evaluation details, including the comments of anonymous users, thus extending the discussion in the live broadcast and helping users to make important reference for purchasing this live broadcast.

"Just like in an online mall like Taobao, users and businesses can have two-way feedback. Not only merchants have ratings, but also users have their own credit ratings. After that, we will also consider introducing some mechanisms to encourage users to give serious feedback. " Li Shenshen added.

Accordingly, Zhihu also needs to provide more support for speakers with higher scores and higher knowledge, such as traffic subsidies and "editorial recommendation". In the high-quality content identification mechanism of Live, besides referring to the scores of participants, it also includes the speaker's contribution to the community, the number of times of running Live, the content quality of Live, the weight of users in the community professional field and other dimensions.

From 1 to 100

On the e-commerce platform, "7 days no reason to refund" is well known to users. From March 20 14 15, the new consumer protection law gives online shoppers the right to "return goods for seven days without reason", but most of them point to physical goods, which is still rare in virtual goods and even other paid goods.

It is not easy for Zhihu to get this far. On the one hand, Zhihu needs to attract more new users. Since the beginning of April this year, Zhihu has put a lot of advertisements on subways, waiting rooms, buses, building televisions and even friends circle, and made many adjustments in the openness of the system and the convenience of registration, with the aim of spreading in a more popular dimension.

On the other hand, with the influx of more and more users, Zhihu needs to think about how to create a fairer platform participation mechanism without affecting the community atmosphere. On the Zhihu platform, "If this can be broadcast live, then I can broadcast at least ten". Under an article, many netizens have begun to report that the content of Live is uneven and muddy, and some users who earn money by collecting IQ tax are active.

"Like other platform-based products, I know that in the process of expanding users at both ends of the platform, Live is also experiencing a process of bad money expelling good money. Many Live users have labeled the quality of the entire platform of Live as' IQ tax', just like fakes are to Taobao. " He said that he had held 7 live events and participated in 40 live events. In his view, the introduction of the refund function is more like a "laxative". On the one hand, it is a reshuffle of the live broadcast host, and it can also enhance the audience's enthusiasm for buying.

Quality and scale, these are the problems that need to be solved and balanced at the same time in front of Zhihu. Both Apple's App Store and Valve's Steam have refund mechanisms. At the beginning of the launch, some people questioned whether the income of sellers or service providers would be affected. Facts have proved that such a policy not only protects the rights and interests of users, but also promotes the high-quality and large-scale development of the market.

"The knowledge market and the whole knowledge community are in a * * * relationship. In the whole platform ecology of Zhihu, it has promoted the sustainable development of knowledge market and formed a positive cycle of high-quality content. High-quality content and discussions created can be fed back to the community. " Li Shenshen once again stressed.

On the other hand, Zhihu has begun to try live lottery. According to the live speaker agreement, after deducting the discount amount of the gift certificate and the related fees of the third-party payment platform, 30% of the platform service fee will be charged for each live Zhihu.

"The significance of extraction is that the platform itself should provide better services for buyers and sellers. Now all kinds of measures are aimed at increasing the protection of property buyers, eliminating the concerns of IQ tax, stimulating demand, driving supply with a larger base and making the cake bigger and bigger. It makes sense to divide the cake. " Cai Qiannian, the keynote speaker of Zhihu, said.

"This is a relationship between left hook and right hook. The basis is how much money you earn from your traffic. What is yours is yours. Although knowledge payment has been heated by the outside world, I think the extent of this matter is still uncertain. If we can do it, the possibility of growth for us is huge. " In the previous interview, Zhihu founder and CEO Kelly Y Zhou said.

The "scope economy" and "connection economy" in economics are brought by the market mechanism and the imagination space brought by the knowledge market to Zhihu. As far as Zhihu is concerned, Kelly Y Zhou believes that "advertising is still the basis of commercialization and the knowledge market is the superstructure".