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Seven-star ladybug composition 500 words

Is it ladybug? . .

It is said that in the remote rural area of Provence, young girls often go to the garden to catch a magical insect before falling in love and use it to predict their marriage. They put this little insect on their erect fingers, and then judge whether their upcoming love is going well according to the direction of takeoff. if

Insects fly in the direction of the church, indicating that the girl's love is not satisfactory, and she may still enter the monastery. If insects fly in the opposite direction, it means that the girl will soon become a beautiful bride.

Does this little insect really have such magical power that it can predict the marriage of girls? Of course not. However, we can see the Provence people's love for this insect from the naive practices of the girls. So, what kind of insect is this?

It turned out to be a popular ladybug family-ladybug.

In all kinds of insect families, ladybugs are more elegant. Because they pay great attention to the elegance of behavior, even the way they spread their wings and fly is leisurely and lovely, like a lady with a small umbrella, so people give them a nice English name, called Lady bug, that is, "Lady" Bug.

Unfortunately, although ladybugs have a good reputation among human beings, they are actually a group of cruel killers and famous killers. No, a beautiful ladybug, with small steps that look like a lady, began to attack its favorite food again. But this time, it ran into some trouble. Because several big ants found aphids around the leaves of poplar trees.

What are ants doing on the leaves? You might ask. It turns out that aphids suck the sap of poplar, and ants eat the "honey dew" of aphids. They cooperate with each other. Ants are very gentle with aphids. They gently touch each aphid in turn with soft tentacles. When the tail of an aphid is tilted, the ants know that the aphid will excrete sugary water drops and honey dew, so they get together and enjoy this rare meal happily, and they will also give some to the same kind who just climbed the leaves in a friendly way. They regard aphids as their own grazing sheep and can get nutrition from them at any time.

However, the happy time of ants seems not to last long. Ladybug septempunctata, which has been coveted by aphids for a long time, also slowly climbed onto the leaves where aphids and ants live. It wants to eat aphids, the nutritional source of ants, but ants certainly don't want to do so. Therefore, a "gourd ladle ant war" is inevitable. When one of the ants saw the ladybug attack, it immediately became furious, opened its mouth wide and rushed to bite the ladybug. Who knows that ladybugs have their own tricks: once their six legs are closed, they crouch down and let their whole bodies cling to the leaves, so ants can't eat any more. At this time, several other ants came to help. They all attacked ladybugs. One ant leans sideways and overturns the ladybug, while the other opens its mouth and raises its hind legs to participate in the fight. Being outnumbered, the ladybug was severely bitten by several ants, but still in high spirits as if nothing had happened, and all the ants lost their fighting capacity, and all stood in a daze with pain. It turns out that ladybug septempunctata can secrete an irritating liquid, which can temporarily anesthetize other animals. I saw that their big "teeth" could not be opened, their antennae drooped backwards, and their front legs could not be lifted, completely losing their prestige a few seconds ago. After a while, the ants woke up from the poisoning state. At this time, they also learned their lesson. They never dare to rush directly at ladybugs or open their mouths. They extend their right antenna to the enemy, but the ladybug is still looking for its food-aphids on the leaves. Seeing that aphids have become the contents of ladybugs' stomachs one by one, ants have no sweets and have to find another way out.

Without competitors, ladybugs can have a big meal at will. But who knows that when it is proud, it will be broken accidentally! A gust of wind blew and the ladybug fell off the leaves. The delicious food that is about to reach the mouth suddenly becomes a "castle in the air", which is daunting. However, it is a well-known "lady" bug. It immediately adjusted its mood, got up slowly, looked up at the swaying leaves in the air, and seemed to say "goodbye" to the surviving aphids. Then, it patted its ass gracefully and turned and walked away.

Although ladybugs are not soft-hearted when eating aphids, they still have their gentle side. For example, almost every ladybug mother is a qualified good mother. Unlike some other insects, they fly away after laying eggs and can't take care of their children. Before laying eggs, every mother ladybug will investigate the place where she lays eggs. In order to keep the baby alive, we should not only choose places where aphids are easy to catch, but also control our own egg production. Avoid laying too many eggs, otherwise if there are similar ladybugs in the spawning area, then its babies will starve to death, or the same kind will kill each other. From this point of view, mother ladybug is very smart and should be regarded as a good mother.

Whether ladybugs are cruel executioners or good mothers of future generations, people have been full of beautiful feelings for them for thousands of years. There are many children's songs and legends all over the world related to ladybugs. We can see their patterns on articles everywhere, such as clothes, brooches, toys, cups, clocks, chocolates and so on. We can even see all kinds of ladybugs on stamps.

This is the description of ladybugs in Fables's Insect. . . I hope it helps you.