Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How to distinguish Venus &; Mercury, Jupiter &; Saturn?

How to distinguish Venus &; Mercury, Jupiter &; Saturn?

That's right. Venus and mercury will only appear in the east before sunrise and in the west after sunset. When Jupiter, Saturn and Mars are in relative positions, they can be seen all night. However, if they are not antagonistic, they will not be visible all night, they will only be seen later. Venus is extremely bright (minus 4, etc. ), and it is the brightest celestial body except the sun and the moon. It is already prominent when the sun goes down or the day before sunrise is half bright and half dark. As long as you have a little experience in stargazing, there is no problem in identifying Venus. Mercury is rarely seen in China and Hongkong, because we can only see it a few days before and after the "long distance" of Mercury, and it is too close to the sun. By the time we can see it, it's already in a very low position. There are too many tall buildings and mountains in China and Hongkong, and sometimes even if the sky is clear, there are clouds or haze in the near-horizontal sky. If you don't count the date and time, you will go to an uncovered place when the weather is fine. I have watched the stars for nearly twenty years and have only seen Mercury a few times. ) Jupiter is also a very bright celestial body (negative 2, etc. ) Sometimes people confuse Venus with Jupiter. Jupiter is mainly white, with stable light, not as dazzling as Venus. Saturn is darker than Jupiter most of the time, the main difference is slightly yellow. In the past month or two, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter can be seen at the same time after dark. Venus is the brightest star in the west, Saturn is above Venus, and Jupiter is the brightest star in the east. It is located to the left of the constellation antares (a red star) in Scorpio. You can try to find them and pay attention to their discrimination. As long as you look more, it is not difficult to tell. If you are not sure, you can check the star map online, and you will know their positions and nearby stars, so that you can easily determine them. (One of the websites: Paradise-above) Please refer to my other related answers:. qid=7007062303020。 Other Qid=7007062204 107. knowledge. yahoo/question/? Qid = 7007061804917. knowledge. yahoo/question/? qid = 7007060303240 . knowledge . Yahoo/question/? Qid=70070507027 15. knowledge. yahoo/question/? qid=7007060 102289