Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Constellation theory

Constellation theory

How did the constellation theory come about? Constellation itself has no personality, people name it according to its shape, and contact people's personality according to the characteristics given to objects. Quite far-fetched. In fact, many people born in the same constellation must have many personalities. The explanation of constellations is immortal in order to gain greater recognition of ambiguity. In the final analysis, it is artificial. Don't waste time on this.

Is the constellation theory credible? How can astrology be statistics? Who counted it? When did you calculate it? Where is the data?

Constellation, Zhouyi, gossip, five elements, fortune telling, etc. Just like playing poker and mahjong, it is purely an entertainment activity, and its content is full of game wisdom. Don't think that they are unbreakable science of human beings. If it had scientific value, it would have appeared in primary and secondary school textbooks.

Why is the constellation theory so popular? Scientific analysis of constellations.

Personally, a person's character is gradually formed through environment and experience, which is a complex embodiment of human nature.

I don't believe that astrology is scientific, at least I don't admit that astrology is a science. There is a simple reason. Science needs precision and technicality. Science allows mistakes, but not uncertainties. Astrology is largely uncertain. So it is difficult to become a science.

First of all, how unscientific it is to conclude that the constellation determines the character by judging the sun constellation. The Sun Constellation is the twelve constellations on the ecliptic plane, also known as the zodiac. What we generally call [constellation] refers to [sun constellation]; That is to say, people (people on the earth, of course) are the center, and at the same time they run to the relative constellation position in the orbit of the sun (Greek is ZODIAC: meaning-the circle made by animals, also known as "ecliptic"). Although this division seems reasonable and well-founded, it is wrong to regard it as real astrology.

Astrology has a very long history, and its origin is generally believed to be the prosperous Sumerian civilization era about 5000 years ago (Mesopotamian plain in the second century BC). Since ancient times, astrology has been regarded as a very difficult science, which requires knowledge of philosophy, astronomy and attributes at the same time. Usually, it is difficult for most people to understand. In the era without calculators and computers, it is also very complicated to calculate the positions of various celestial bodies in the solar system and make star maps. However, 100 years ago, a man named Allen? Leo astrologers have greatly simplified complex astrology. He just calculated a person's solar constellation by using the sun without calculating the position, and compiled a rough and simple solar constellation. However, this kind of solar astrology is far from the real astrology and astrology. To some extent, it can only be regarded as a game, and it cannot be equated with the vast astrology. Many people think that astrology is so superficial and simple that people are divided into only 12 personalities. That was not the case. It is impossible to reflect "one's irreplaceability" through this sun sign. You know, astrologers will make a unique astrolabe (also called astrology or astrolabe) when analyzing everyone. Just like fingerprints, no one can have the same star map as you. Because everyone was born at a different time and place, looking up at the sky at this time, the planets in the sky have different positions for you, and the influence from big to small is also different, resulting in different fate and personality of everyone. This is the source of astrology. However, ancient astrologers expanded their discovery-there is one at every 30-degree bisector at the 360-degree interface of the earth outside the solar system, making a total of 12 constellations. Babies born when the earth moves to every fraction (constellation) will always have some similar characteristics when they grow up, including behavioral characteristics. However, this general and vague classification is irresponsible from both the scientific and astrological perspectives. Its success depends more on the successful grasp of people's psychology and a representative mathematical model formed by a large-capacity sampling statistics.

Interestingly, both people who think that constellations are scientific and those who think that constellations are pseudoscience agree with the argument that climate has an impact on people. However, it is considered that the constellation is scientific and the climate has an influence on the fetus, while the constellation is pseudoscientific and the climate has an influence on the day after tomorrow. However, since ancient Greece, wise men or philosophers have inferred that climate has an influence on people. In Montesquieu's On the Spirit of Law, there is also a discussion about the influence of region on culture and people's physiology or psychology. Based on this tendency of empirical research, a kind of discipline, such as geopolitics, has emerged, which comprehensively examines human beings in combination with regional characteristics.

In my opinion, the influence of region on human beings is inevitable in science, just as different regional environments affect the evolution of birds in the theory of evolution. Regional differences will certainly lead to differences between people. Moreover, does this difference belong to congenital or non-congenital?

The day after tomorrow should be a whole, including both congenital and acquired. That is, after the distant ancestors settled down, the genetic changes produced by their acquired changes will be passed on to future generations with the birth of future generations. As for the impact on the fetus, it is impossible to judge because there is not much empirical scientific support. Therefore, it is impossible to argue that constellations are the basic arguments of science >>

Constellation theory suits everyone. What is the theory? Hello, I'm glad to answer your question. I hope it will be adopted.

Personally, I think constellation theory or divination is just a law summed up after doing a lot of statistics.

He can't be suitable for everyone's situation, just like a coin thrown at him 10000 times, someone has done experiments.

The ratio of heads up and tails up is about one to one, which is also a science.

What is the basis of astrology? Constellation theory is a product based on geocentric theory. Those constellations look like Sagittarius or something. It was all seen on earth. Therefore, people named those combinations of stars as constellations. Looking at the combination of those stars on extrasolar planets, it is not necessarily like Sagittarius. PS: The Royal Astronomical Society recently announced that the position of the zodiac constellation is very different from that of two thousand years ago due to the change of the earth's axis, the movement of the solar system and the movement of the stars themselves. The correct date after the change is as follows: Muyang: 04/ 19-05/ 13 Taurus: 05/ 14-06/22 Gemini: 06/23-07/2 1 Cancer: 07/22. 17- 10/3 1 Libra:111/23 Scorpio: 165438. 30- 12/ 17 Sagittarius:12/18-0/19 Capricorn: 01/20-02/60. The original giant scorpion only needs to recombine between 1 1 24th of the month and1/20th of the month.

In constellation theory, which constellation has the most sloppy personality? First place: Libra

Libra people like to pay attention to the sense of wholeness in everything. As long as they feel right, they will be less wary or even not. Especially Libra girls, the style is more casual, and everything is comfortable is what they want most. However, this general comfort made them ignore the details of doing things, such as chatting with friends, and finally found that they forgot to go to work and take things. When they look back, they can only admit that they are unlucky and laugh it off. But fortunately, they have a good attitude. People in air signs are gentle and take things lightly. So most of them belong to unrestrained personality.

Second place: Leo

Leo is a fire sign, and he is also very good at forgetting things. They will never forget what they care about, but if they don't take it to heart or it's not very important, they won't care so much. Besides, they usually act decisively. Once they are engaged in a job, even if they suddenly forget something, they will not stop doing what they are doing now. They pay attention to integrity and will not turn back until they finish their current work. Even if things were delayed, they didn't think it was a big deal. So, although they are common, you rarely see them pull a long face.

Third place: Virgo

Virgos are also very careless. Usually very enthusiastic about things, but also very good at getting along with people. However, they are too picky, and a slight change may upset them. Their love for lost things is complementary to their earth signs. The earth sign pays attention to the senses. If the overall feeling is right, there will not be too much scruples, and it is an inevitable result to leave something behind. Virgo cares more about what is lost than other constellations, which directly or indirectly affects their mood. In addition, Virgo loves to hide and despise things, which are generally not used every day, but once left behind, it is absolutely impossible.

Fourth place: Sagittarius

Sagittarius people are used to being careless and have the style of Leo. However, without the stability and maturity of a lion, I like skin-reading, which is to see the essence through reality. If the reality is not good, no one will pay attention to the essence. Therefore, shooters like to bluff when throwing things or things, even if it doesn't matter, in order to show the helplessness of reality, they will generally make a big splash and have a different flavor. In addition, when the shooter loses everything, he likes to start with complaining and will not solve the lost thing at the first time, so he is accompanied by a little fantasy and complaining psychology.

Is there a scientific basis for constellation theory? It was credible two thousand years ago, but it was not credible two thousand years later, because the twelve constellations were all shifted.

Many young friends believe in astrology, and even predict their own destiny according to their own horoscope attributes to guide their lives and feelings.

Constellations, like religious beliefs, make people feel that there is a mysterious celestial force that indicates something to themselves. In the past when science and technology were underdeveloped, human beings lacked self-knowledge and failed in the struggle with nature, which made religion have positive significance. Religious belief can cure the pain of losers to a great extent and play a role in self-comfort. At this level, astrology has the same significance to young people as religion does to old people.

There is a simple way to judge whether astrology's prediction of personal destiny is objective and accurate, that is, is the lover you find back according to the constellation attribute matching your true lover? Can you really join him in the marriage hall? The chances of success are slim. Most of them broke up after talking for a few months, and there were many golden partners of Capricorn+Cancer. What does this mean? The answer is simple, that is, astrology can't guide people's lives and feelings at all, and it is no longer accurate.

But "being is right". Why did ancient Greek astrology exist for so long? Of course it is correct, or it used to be correct, so why is it not correct now? Today, I will tell you a big secret.

The twelve constellations are all shifted.

As we all know, all celestial bodies, including stars, are in constant motion. The original zodiac signs are also constantly moving. Their present position has changed greatly compared with that observed by Greek astrologers more than 2000 years ago. Moreover, more than two thousand years later, a constellation that was not originally on the ecliptic has moved to the ecliptic. This new constellation is called Ophiuchus.

In mythology, Ophiuchus is a man who jumps snakes, similar to the Greek god of medicine. The location of Ophiuchus on the ecliptic corresponds to the date from165438+1October 30th to 65438+February 17, so the person born during this period should be Ophiuchus, not Sagittarius.

At present, the corresponding dates of the new zodiac are as follows:

Sheep: 04/ 19-05/ 13

Taurus: May 6, 22.

Gemini: 06/23-07/2 1

Cancer: 07/22-08/ 10

Lion: 08/11-09/16

Virgo: 09/17-10/31



Snake Man:11/30-12/17


Capricorn: 0 1/20-02/ 17

Water bottle: 02/ 18-03/ 12

Pisces: 03/ 13-04/ 18

The twelve constellations have long been discredited.

An astronomer was quoted as saying: "The familiar astrological chart of the zodiac does not conform to the actual phenomenon of celestial bodies. When the laws of astrology were laid more than 2000 years ago, the astrological chart formed by the sun passing through a series of stars was completely different from what we see today. "

A astrological chart of the zodiac is quite different from the actual phenomenon, and the "astrological law more than two thousand years ago" based on it is of course of no practical value!

Therefore, the twelve constellations have long been untrustworthy!

The mass media that support and teach people to believe in 12 horoscope are just tricks to keep the existing economic interests unchanged until they find new superstitious tools.

Here, I want to say a word to the vast number of young friends:

Believe in yourself and transform your destiny with hard-working hands!

Blood type determines personality.

European and American enterprises often need to know the blood type of candidates when recruiting employees. After many years of statistics, some research institutions in Europe and America have come to the conclusion that a person's blood type determines his personality characteristics to a certain extent, which is helpful for enterprises to know and employ people, and also helps us to know ourselves and adjust our mentality ... >>

A rule is that people who hear explanations about their own personalities (such as constellations) often think that this is a question of probability.

Although sometimes people may feel very accurate, sometimes you will find that it is not accurate, because the constellation boils down to what people in a certain constellation are like, and some people in this constellation happen to be exactly what the constellation says, so they will feel very accurate.

You can try, the explanation of the same constellation may be accurate to others, but it may not be the same constellation to you. (Here, we are talking about the same constellation.)

You can also imagine that according to the constellation, so many people in the world are divided into 12 personality. Those who are in the same constellation every day are like that.

Personally, I think the constellation can only be used as a reference and cannot be trusted.