Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Why is the Book of Changes horribly accurate?

Why is the Book of Changes horribly accurate?

The 54th hexagram in the Book of Changes, Guimei hexagram, is a difficult one to read. In the version of Zhouyi, most hexagrams are interpreted in the direction of marriage, that is, the next hexagrams.

In fact, the sixty-four hexagrams in the Book of Changes reveal the changing law of the whole universe, and the law itself is neutral. Only by returning to objectivity can we grasp the essence of the Book of Changes.

Let's take Guimei Gua as an example to teach you to read a Gua in 3 minutes.

1, in place, appropriate; Improper position is the opposite.

Everything in the world, in the process of change, has only two kinds of dynamics: one is shun and the other is reverse.

Smooth sailing, handy, and good luck;

Yin and yang go against qi, hitting the wall everywhere, showing fierceness.

So when we look at a six-hexagram, we first judge: Is the position of the six-hexagram inappropriate?

Each hexagram, from bottom to top, has six hexagrams, all of which are fixed. The first divination is odd, the second divination is even, the third divination is odd, the fourth divination is even, the fifth divination is odd and the sixth divination is even.

(Simple sentences: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, odd numbers are even numbers)

These knowledge points have been taught to everyone before, and now it is time to review them later.

Among them,

Odd position corresponds to yang, which is positive; Odd position corresponds to yin, which is incorrect;

Even position corresponds to yin and is positive; Even positions correspond to yang, which is incorrect.

The animation in my hand, obviously:

Guimei hexagrams, only the first and sixth hexagrams, the position is positive; The middle four pieces are not suitable.

Being in the right position means conforming to the law and prospering;

Improper position is illegal and adversity.

Among the six hexagrams, two hexagrams are in the right position and four hexagrams are in the wrong position, that is to say, prosperity accounts for about 33% and adversity accounts for about 67%.

In other words, in the divination of returning to my sister, only 30% is prosperity, and the remaining 70% is adversity and difficulty.

Therefore, the Oracle in Guimei Gua says, "Guimei, it is useless to gather evil."

Summary: By analyzing the position of six words, whether it is right or wrong, we can judge whether a hexagram is in prosperity (auspicious and favorable) or adversity (fierce and unfavorable) as a whole, and what is the proportion of auspicious and unfavorable. In this way, you can know fairly well.

2. Whether the inner divination corresponds to the outer divination, and judge the interactive trend between the subject and the environment.

Each hexagram consists of a lower hexagram and an upper hexagram (also called inner hexagram and outer hexagram).

Among them,

The first corresponds to the fourth;

The second corresponds to the fifth;

The third corresponds to the sixth.

Yin and yang correspond, and the combination of Yin and Yang corresponds.

In Guimei Gua,

The first is Yang, and the fourth is Yang. When Yang meets Yang, he doesn't respond.

The second is Yang, and the fifth is Yin. When yang meets yin, it should be internal yang and vulva.

The third is cloudy, the sixth is cloudy, and the yin meets the yin, and there is no response.

According to this analysis:

Among these three combinations, 2 groups have no corresponding relationship. Yin and Yang do not echo, that is, the ancients said that heaven and earth do not meet, and everything is not prosperous;

Only 1 group replied. As mentioned above, the second and fifth hexagrams of Guimei are not in the right position. How to understand that there is a response, but there is no suitable position?

Inner divination corresponds to the subject. If the subject is a person, this situation, the internal yang and vulva, belongs to the inner strength, but the external execution is weak. People often say: the heart is willing, but the strength is not enough.

Summary: By analyzing the corresponding relationship between internal and external, we can judge the situation: the relationship and influence between internal and external.

3. Looking at the law through the phenomenon, our eyes should look three steps further.

Through the analysis of the above two steps, we can see the divination of "Returning to Sister": adversity is dominant, there are too many obstacles and difficulties, and people are willing to do things, but they are unable to do them.

So some people say that the divination of returning to my sister is the next divination.

If you draw a divination, you must be worried and think you are unlucky, right?

However, experienced people will tell you another truth: you should worry when you get divination. Under divination, crisis and business opportunities coexist, which breeds great opportunities.

Besides studying the Book of Changes, I also study Tao Te Ching and Zhuangzi, whose laws are interlinked.

I had an interesting personal experience myself. For many years, no matter which temple I went to draw lots, I always got the lottery. Young me, silly to think that I am really lucky. However, the next ten years are very difficult.

People don't realize it until they look back in middle age. On the surface, I am extremely lucky, but in fact, the good times have arrived and you are about to go downhill.

On the other hand, let's look at the next sign. On the surface, it is bad luck to the extreme. The rule is, extremes meet, and you will fight back soon.

Summary: According to my own practical experience and experience in studying the Book of Changes, I suggest that when studying the Book of Changes, we should not only look at the superficial phenomena, but also look at the essence through the phenomena; At the same time, our eyes should see three steps further.

Ordinary people only see the first day, and you have predicted what will happen in the fifteenth. Prediction is not magic. Anyone who can thoroughly study the law can see farther and think deeper than others through the analysis of the law.

Mr. Cai Zhizhong, a Taiwanese cartoonist who is proficient in Chinese studies and draws cartoons of a hundred schools of thought contend, said: "Everyone can be a hundred times better, but he doesn't believe it."

I quite agree with this view.

Some people, learning the Book of Changes, want to tell fortune and make money.

As I said, there are too few people who have this idea. If you can really analyze the law, grasp the trend, see more accurately than others, think farther than others and make decisions with high accuracy, you should start your own business. This is the role of studying the Book of Changes, so that you can go to Xiao Long for nine days and realize your great ambition.