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Pronunciation of Two Difficult Words in The Book of Songs of Nine Heroes

Guan Yu? guān jū?

Guan Heming's osprey, accompanied by the small continent of the river. A beautiful and virtuous woman is a good spouse of a gentleman.

Hello, I'm good, hello. June 1 day.

Mix shepherd's purse and salvage it from left to right. A beautiful and virtuous woman wakes up to pursue her.

This is the first time I've seen you. You're right, I'm right.

Mix shepherd's purse and choose from left to right. A beautiful and virtuous woman came to her with a couple and a couple.

This is the first time I've seen you. You're right, I'm right.

Shepherd's purse is uneven, and it is left and right. My fair lady. Bells and drums are full of music.

This is the first time I've met you. Gǔ Leǔ.

Jia Jian jiān jiā?

The Millennium is frost. The so-called Iraqis are on the water side.

I don't know, I don't know. You're right.

Tracing back and forth, the road is blocked and long. Swim back from it, in the middle of the water

Z incarnation. You are right, I am right.

It's been a long time, and it hasn't changed for thousands of years. The so-called Iraqis are in the water.

Hello, I am good, hello. You are right.

Tracing back and forth from it, the road is blocked and broken. Swim back from the inside and swim in the water.

Do ·zǔ· incarnation, Chijie, Sovikan Jersey. You're right, I'm right.

Jia Cai, peace and prosperity have not passed. The so-called Iraqis are in the water.

I don't know what you're talking about. Hello, I'm good, hello. .

Go back and follow, the road is blocked and turn right. Swim back from the inside and swim in the water.

Z incarnation Joyo shoigu. You're right, I'm right.

1, Guanluo notes

(1) Guanguan: Onomatopoeia, the corresponding calls of male and female birds. A kind of waterfowl, namely Wang Yao.

(2) Mainland: land in water.

(3) My Fair Lady: a virtuous and beautiful woman. Gentle and graceful, with a beautiful figure. Hum, profound, metaphorical woman's spiritual beauty; Beauty is beautiful, which refers to the beauty of women's appearance. Shu, kind and kind.

(4) a good wife (H. Ocho): a good spouse. Qiu, the foreign word of "hatred", is consistent.

5] Uneven: Uneven appearance. Xìng: aquatic plants. Round leaves and thin stems, rooted in the bottom of the water, leaves floating on the water, edible.

[6] Flow from left to right: Choose leeks from left to right. Here, we try our best to get shepherd's purse, which is a metaphor for "gentlemen" trying to pursue "ladies" Flow, meaning the same as "seeking", here refers to picking. One: refers to shepherd's purse.

(7) wake up and sleep. Refers to day and night. Hey, wake up. Sleep, sleep. In addition, Ma said in the notes and annotations of Biography of Mao Poetry: "Sleeping is still a dream." It is also barrier-free.

Clever: missing. Here, think about it. Mao Chuan: "Take it and think about it."

⑼ You are not u zā i: It means "you are long", which means long. I think about you all the time. Leisure, perception, thinking. See Guo Pu's note in Er Ya Shi Shi. Ah, modal particles. Youyou, I still say "Miss, Miss".

⑽ tossing and turning: tossing and turning can't sleep. Rolling, exhibition of ancient figures. Zhanzhuan, that is, opposite. On the other hand, it is still a rollover.

⑾ Friends of harps: Play the piano and get close to her. Qin and Qin are both stringed instruments. Piano with five or seven strings, harp with twenty-five or fifty strings. Friend: Used as a verb to express closeness here. This sentence is about getting close to "ladies" with harps and harps.

⑿ (gross): choose, choose.

[13] Bell and drum music: Playing music with a clock makes her happy. Making ... fun.

Word and sentence annotations

(1) jiān: reed without long spikes. Jiā: a new reed. Cangshan: lush appearance.

⑵ Yes: concentration.

(3) The so-called: I mean missed. Iraqi: That person refers to the object of admiration.

(4) one side: that side.

5. Go upstream. Vortex: a place where water flows around. Backwater: swim upstream by the river. Obstacles: difficulty walking. The road is blocked and long, which means taking land. From: Pursuit.

(6) Upstream: downstream of the river. Wan: Now it seems. In the middle of the water: it means that although it is easy to go downstream, the person you are chasing is in the middle of the water, even if it is close, it is out of your reach.

(7) Upstream: Upstream. Hereinafter, "upstream" refers to downstream. One said that "rotation" refers to a curved waterway, and "swimming" refers to a DC waterway.

Wan Wan: It seems so.

Levies: A lush appearance.

Shaanxi. Meixian county Jianjiatai

Shaanxi. Meixian county Jianjiatai

⑽(xθ): Dry and dry.

⑾ Mei: The place where water and grass meet is the shore.

⑿⑿(jρ): Up, up, indicating that the road is getting higher and higher.

[13] chí: the beach in the water.

[14] mining: the appearance of prosperity.

⒂ Already: Stop.

⒃ (φ): At the water's edge.

⒄ Right: twists and turns.

⒅沚 (zhǐ): the beach in the water.