Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How to write detective stories

How to write detective stories

Personal thoughts can only be inspired by themselves.

The general idea of detective novels is to set a riddle-investigate-solve a riddle in three steps.

The prevarication of the plot can be designed according to the method of ordinary novels, and detective novels focus on the design of puzzles and reasonable logical reasoning-this is what you need to use imagination and knowledge reserves.

Detective novels also have some routines.

Here are 20 detective stories by Van Dine, which may help you:

1. Detective stories must give readers the same opportunities as detectives to discover and solve mysteries. So all the clues should be written clearly.


Apart from the mystery arranged by the murderer for the detective, the author should not make a fuss by writing descriptions to arrange tricks for the readers.

Make trouble.

3. Detective stories can't be added to love stories, because it's easy for pure wits games to infiltrate impure emotions.

Cause confusion among detectives. The purpose of detective novels is to find out the real murderer, not to fall in love.

4. Don't set the detective himself or the murderer of the search authority.

The murderer must be found in the process of logical detective. Don't rely on accidental or coincidental confessions without detective basis.

6. A detective novel needs a detective to collect clues to solve the case, so as to find out the real murderer.

7. There must be murder in detective stories, and the simpler the death, the better. Crimes other than murder are not easy to interest readers.

Interesting, it's a mountain out of a molehill to write a thousand-word dragon.

8. The mystery of detective stories must be solved in a strict and natural way. Don't use divination, molest children, read minds and be healthy.

Supernatural methods such as psychic and crystal perspective solve puzzles, so that readers have the same wisdom as detectives.

Compulsory competition.

9. There is only one detective. Too many detectives tend to distract readers and disturb the thread of their logical thinking.

10. The murderer must be one of the main characters in the story. The author must not classify the murderer as an outsider unrelated to the story.

A person or an insignificant little role.

1 1. "Servants", such as secretaries, grooms, gardeners, servants, janitors, cooks, etc. , can't be classified as a murderer. murderer

If you want to have social status in the story, you'd better use common sense to judge the characters who won't commit crimes.

12. No matter how many victims there are, there is only one murderer. But you can set * * *, but there is still full responsibility for the crime.

Black boy.

13. Secret associations and underworld criminal organizations cannot be used as the main body of detective novels. This kind of novel should be less risky.

It is unfair for readers and detectives to set criminal groups as a refuge for murderers.

14. The killing method should be reasonable and have scientific basis. If new chemical elements are discovered or strange poisons are invented to kill them.

Human methods are not allowed.

15. Consistency should be maintained from case occurrence to retrieval, so that readers can participate in detective work. The author himself should have proper sincerity.

Reality and sportsmanship, if a clever reader has a hole in the candle first, he can make a logical analysis and find the murderer at the same time with the detective.

. The author should not deliberately conceal important clues to solve the case.

16. Detective novels don't need a long space to describe things irrelevant to the story. Such as literary whitewash,

Perfect scenery, etc. Because readers just want to swim in the wisdom game in their works, the rest are all words and sentences.

17. Don't set the murderer as a professional criminal such as a robber, a mountain thief or a pirate. Such a scene has no charm of wisdom.


18. When solving a case, it is not allowed to end with a last-minute suicide or accidental death. This is a tiger snake.

Wei's works

19. The criminal motive in detective novels must be personal. Such as the plot of an international coup, is a spy novel.


20. Finally, list some methods that "any self-respecting detective writer" will not use:

If the cigarette butt is left at the crime scene, the person who smokes the same cigarette is convicted as the murderer.

B. Force the suspect to confess.

C. Leave false fingerprints at the crime scene. Find body double as an alibi.

E. the dog at the crime scene didn't bark, so as to judge that the murderer and the victim were acquaintances.

F when the mystery is solved, the reader is told that the murderer is one of the twins.

G. use hypodermic syringe or instant death poison.

H. When the police officer arrived, the secret room was set up.

First, determine the murderer from the trial chain reaction experiment.

J. At the end of the story, the detective found the murderer according to the signal.