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The Book of Ignorance-The Book of Dot

Ancient Egypt is an extremely mysterious country. The pyramids of Pharaoh, statues with lions on their heads ... all bring people infinite reverie. Of all the mysterious things in Egypt, the most unknown should be the legendary gossip book. The ancient Egyptians believed that' Dot' was the god of culture and education, and' Dot's Book' was a book of gods that conveyed the will of the gods. Since ancient times, only Pharaoh has the right to learn and use this book. Is the representative of divine power. It is also the origin of Egyptian mythology. The Book of the Past is enshrined in the temple for generations. It is also the representative of kingship. On the deathbed of Egypt, the beautiful Cleopatra VII, the last Pharaoh of Ptolemy dynasty, knew the future fate of Egypt through the divination method in the Book of Nite. In order to prevent Egypt's magic book from falling into foreign hands, Cleopatra chose five respected children from the imperial clan: Ptolemy XIII, her younger brother Belenis, Arceno and two most respected Egyptian princesses, Prince Shodner and Princess Sesia. She exchanged her soul for the decomposition of the gossip book Give the broken pieces to these five people and send them to five different places. Soon after, as she predicted, ancient Egypt died. The ancient Romans, Arabs, Greeks and some indigenous Egyptians lived in the Ptolemaic dynasty. So that their culture and language no longer exist. Under the threat and inducement of some ambitious invaders, some priests who were lucky enough to see The Toad Classic drew the images on the Toad Classic into cards, which is the predecessor of the Tarot Card. These priests used their spiritual strength to compile a set of divination methods suitable for tarot cards. In the hands of some people who are proficient in this method, they can really get inspiration from images. However, compared with the real version, it can't be generalized. The five messengers who inherited the fragments solemnly swore in front of the sun god Amon that they would carefully study these fragments and pass them on. Because this is a treasure given by heaven. Toth's book is extensive and profound, and the fragments inherited by the five people have successively become five nationalities. Represents the power of the scepter-fire represents the power of the sword-wind represents the power of money-soil represents the power of the Holy Grail-water represents the power of the universe-Taiyi system. Now the tarot cards handed down in the market combine these five systems into one, forming the well-known Big ackner and Little ackner. However, the real transmission of the five elements is to concentrate on studying the power of tarot cards in your own department. In the spread of thousands of years, the descendants of the five series have gained many miracles from it.