Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Heroes invincible 4- detailed career introduction

Heroes invincible 4- detailed career introduction

Don't joke that little girls are still learning Hero 4 in this age.

There are many cheats about Heroes 4 on the Internet, but there are few professional introductions. In fact, occupation has a great influence on heroes and their troops. When a hero learns the skills of more than two sects, he will have a career (such as multiple skills, whichever is the strongest).

Skills: Fighting, Tactics, Reconnaissance, Aristocracy, Life, Chaos, Nature, Order and Death.

There are 37 occupations after the combination.

More than three magic skills = exorcist.

All magic effects +20%.

Battle+Life = Paladin

Resist death (50% resist death magic and increase melee and long-range defense against death camp opponents by 50%).

Death+life = dark priest

Blood-sucking melee attacks cause 2 damage to each opponent and can restore their own health.

Chaos+fighting = fire brigade

Fire resistance (immune to fire magic, while the damage caused by fire melee attacks is halved).

Battle+Noble = War Lord

+5 melee attack power.

Reconnaissance+nobility = Wang

Give it a chance to stun an opponent in a close attack (so that the enemy can't move or fight back for a round).

Tactics+nobility = commander

Give all friendly creatures +2 morale.

Order+nobility = French king

Close attack makes the target lucky to the minimum.

Noble+Life = Cardinal

Resurrection +50%.

Life+reconnaissance = prophet

Always stay in mental armor (increase melee and long-range defense by 50%).

Combat+reconnaissance = commando

Make it +5 long-range attack power and long-range defense ability.

Order+Chaos = Wizard

Reduces the mana cost of all spells by 2 points.

Order+Battle = battlemage

Magic Boxing and Ice Arrow effects increased by 20%, and all battlemage automatically learned magic boxing.

Command+reconnaissance = foresight

Make its reconnaissance radius +2.

Order+Tactics = Magician

Make its magic effect +20%.

Nature+Fight = Animal Trainer

Make it get a +20% bonus for summoning wolf magic.

Death+Nature = Ghost Master

Make it summon magic +50.

Nature+Chaos = Caring for Teachers

Give it+10 mana and restore 1 mana every day.

Chaos+reconnaissance = fire soothsayers

Make all its fire magic effects +20%.

Order+nature = illusionist

Make it summon and illusion magic effect +20%.