Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How to match the martial arts lineup of Yin and Yang master Bhikuni? Blue lamp bhikshuni's martial arts lineup

How to match the martial arts lineup of Yin and Yang master Bhikuni? Blue lamp bhikshuni's martial arts lineup

Want to know more about how the martial arts lineup of Yin and Yang Master Bichuni matches? What is the lineup information of Green Lantern Bhikuni's fighting skill? Bian Xiao has been trying hard to find the lineup of Yin and Yang master Bhikuni's martial arts. How to match? The tutorial and materials of the fighting skill lineup of Green Lantern Bhikuni, let's follow Bian Xiao's footsteps and learn how to match the fighting skill lineup of Yin and Yang master Bhikuni. Introduce the fighting skill lineup of Bhikuni ~

Bhikuni, whose full name is 800 Bhikuni, is one of the four protagonists in the game of Yin and Yang. There are fewer players who use bichuni in fighting skills. Today, Tiegu. Bian Xiao wants to bring you the line-up of Bhikuni in fighting skills. You can have a look.



Lineup collocation: bhikshuni+skunk+mountain rabbit+blue lantern+caught bird+sitting boy.


1, one speed: Kamakura doesn't have to be fast. Under this lineup, the probability of Kamakura failing to grab the first speed is not high. Of course, the resistance of Kamakura should be high enough, and the higher the better.


2, two speeds: the mountain rabbit, with a lucky cat, in the case that the lucky cat can guarantee, the speed of the mountain rabbit is as fast as possible.


3, three speeds: sitting, underground image or mirror, the effect of underground image will be better, if the speed is enough, the second one can bring life, if it is not enough, the second one will bring 5 stars and 3 speeds.


4. Four speeds: green light, breaking potential, crit at position 6, crit pile up to 60 is basically enough, if the speed is controlled above 128, it is below the seating position.


5, five speeds: Bhikuni, with the eggs of divination, look at the belt.


6, six speeds: catching birds, covered in violent needles, slower than Bhikuni.


The above is the recommended match of the martial arts lineup of Yin and Yang Master Bichuni brought by Bian Xiao, the iron-boned king. I hope it will help all players. Bhikuni's performance in fighting skills will be slightly worse than that of other Yin and Yang teachers. So there are fewer players who use bhikshuni in combat skills now. However, if the lineup is well matched, Bhikuni can still score points in fighting skills.