Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Describe your predecessor in one sentence? For better or worse.

Describe your predecessor in one sentence? For better or worse.

Love war ex wants to get back together? "Teacher, why is it good for him, and he still chooses to leave?" "Teacher, I have invested so much for him, why can't he see it?" "Teacher, I am very kind to him. Why did he do such a thing? " It's really, really hard for a dedicated girl to figure out what boys want! My ex's feelings for me? Describe your predecessor in one sentence?

Give everything you have to a person, and the other person doesn't feel full of happiness, but loves twice as much. It's just that they are tired together and want to break up.

Originally, I wanted to love a person well, treat him well and give them the best, but the other person was unhappy, didn't care, felt tired and couldn't find anyone in his stomach.

Is it wrong to say that it is good for a person?

Girl, it's wrong to be nice to someone. Because the essence of people is to look for care and attention, others must be kind to themselves. The essence of marriage relationship is the exchange of love and not love.

My ex's feelings for me? However, that kind of goodness is not without a bottom line. It's not that you don't care about the input of the other person's experience, nor is it spontaneous input, because love is a matter for two people, not a person's love sadness.

In addition, feelings are not only to better consider each other's requirements, but also to consider their own requirements. Only by taking into account each other's requirements can this relationship develop again.

Dedicated personality has always played the role of an actor emotionally, and this kind of investment is not stipulated by the other party, but only agreed, which seems to have the meaning of expecting the other party to return. No matter what you do, sympathy for you will not hurt me.

However, in fact, people with dedication have no requirements. You have obvious emotional value requirements for him, but you hide your requirements and show them in another way, which usually brings great mental pressure to boys.

Describe your predecessor in one sentence? This is why you are kind to him, but he feels tired and wants to leave.

People with giving personality, although it is stipulated that the other party should pay the same benefits, still create a sense of disgust for the other party. The essence of your investment is not to really expect him to be happy, but to expect him to benefit you emotionally, so as to achieve a balance.

If you can't get the benefits of the other party for a long time, but you are always in a position of investment, when your concern is hollowed out, the positive energy of society is hollowed out, and the rest is deep negative emotions, you gradually ask the other party for emotional benefits and put pressure on the other party. The most typical is complaining and reprimanding.

"I am very kind to you. Why do you want to do such a thing and hurt my feelings? "

"I have invested so much for you, why can't you love me more?"

You keep reminding each other that you want to benefit me. You owe me. If you don't benefit me, you are a playboy and a pig's hoof.

In that case, the boy will feel very stressed and bored at work, and will not accept your investment again, because he can't bear it anymore.

He doesn't _ stipulate that you are selfless, and people who have no bottom line are good to him. You promised to give him everything, and finally gave them a sun hat that "damaged you", as if all the faults were on him, and he missed you, which was not very good for you. Under such circumstances, such a relationship is of course impossible to persist.

In this case, if you want to save your feelings, you must first learn to manage the level of your own investment and stop kidnapping each other with investment. Excessive emotional needs always push each other to the Jedi.

Secondly, if you can't change the objective facts, learn to change your mental state. Reduce your feelings for yourself and his expectations. You don't always have to show selfless dedication on the one hand and have great hopes for him on the other, so when he can't realize your hopes, it's you who are chilling.

Love war ex wants to get back together? Finally, improve posture and achieve mutual balance. Everyone has his own requirements, expectations and use value. If you always ignore your own requirements and consider each other's requirements, your influence in this relationship is extremely low. Therefore, you should spend more energy on improving yourself rather than pleasing others, care about your own experiences and requirements, build a normal self-awareness framework, and love yourself well in order to win the love of others.