Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How old is Hermione?

How old is Hermione?

Full name: Hermione Jane Granger.

Age: 17

Birthday: 198 1 September 19

School: Hogwarts

College: Gryffindor

Nicknames: Know-it-all (but many students admire her cleverness more), Miss with many questions (as Professor dolores umbridge said), Miss Perfect, Miss Serious (mentioned by rita skeeter in the novel).

Chinese nicknames: Hehe, Xiaohe, Hr (mainly nicknames used in post bars and forums)

Features: Thick and unkempt brown hair can only be improved by using a lot of speed skating conditioner. She didn't remove her big dice until the fourth grade, but that was after a spell accident. Besides, her eyes are brown.

Descent: Muggle descent

Family: Both parents are Muggle dentists. The focus of debate now is whether she has a sister. J.K. Rowling said she wanted to write, but she finally gave up. This shows that she really has no sisters. She is the only child in the family.

Wand: rattan wood, containing the heart strings of dragons, of unknown size.

Constellation: Virgo

Hair color: brown and thick.

Eye color: brown (amber or chocolate)

Pet: Crook Mountain is a wonderful animal. It's a big ginger cat with a flat face and a fat tail that blows like a bottle brush. Crook Mountain is partly made up of cats and raccoons, so it is very smart and can identify bad people. The most obvious example is peter pettigrew's attitude towards it when he appeared in the form of a mouse (see Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban for details). Moreover, when Harry and Ron compiled the answers in the divination class, it can be seen from the way it stared at them that it can also identify and not identify cheating (see chapter 14 of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire for details). Sirius Black also said, "This cat is not crazy. It is the cleverest cat I have ever seen. "

Expertise: learning, logical reasoning, arithmetic divination, portable waterproof flame, defense against dark magic of apparition.

Favorite subject: arithmetic divination

The most disgusting subject: divination

Patron saint: otter (Ms. Rowling's favorite animal is also an otter, so Hermione has Rowling's shadow)

Bogert (the biggest fear): Professor McGonagall announced that he had failed all the exams.

Not the best subjects: practical (actually good) divination, flying.