Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Who knows Nostradamus?

Who knows Nostradamus?

Nostradamus' real name is Michel de Nostradamus, but people are familiar with Nostradamus, a Latin name.

1503 65438+ 14 was born in Provence in February. People usually think that his family is a Jewish Italian doctor who serves René' s family in court. In fact, this family is just an extremely ordinary people from avignon. Grandfather Perot was privately engaged to Fran? a, the daughter of a grain merchant, and gave birth to a son named Rum, the father of Nostradamus. 1495, Nostradamus's father gave up his family business and moved to San Remy, where he married Neil, whose grandfather was a doctor and got a job as a tax collector.

Nostradamus originally believed in Judaism. When Nostradamus was 9 years old, his family converted to Catholicism. 15 12 years, Nostradamus' parents converted to Christianity and joined the New Christian Church. Nostradamus was deeply influenced by Jewish mysterious literature since he was a child. Therefore, when we read his predictions in the future, we have to pay attention to the important factor of Judaism from time to time.

Nostradamus is the eldest son. He has four younger brothers. People know nothing about the first three younger brothers, except that his youngest brother published many vulgar songs and essays in Provence style, and finally served as a prosecutor in the Provence Supreme Court.

Nostradamus's extraordinary talent has attracted great attention since he was young. His education mainly came from his grandfather, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, mathematics, and astrology called astrology. He learned everything. After his grandfather died, he went back to his parents who lived in Barry Street and continued to receive his grandfather's education. Soon Nostradamus was sent to avignon to study and live with several cousins who lived there.

Nostradamus showed great interest in astrology, and among his classmates, the discussion about astrology often became a common topic. He supports the celestial theory that the earth revolves around the sun, which makes his parents often worry about whether he will be suppressed as a heretic, because they used to be followers of Judaism after all.

1522 was sent to Montpellier to study medicine. He was 19 years old at that time. In Montpellier, he met several progressive medical professionals, which was undoubtedly a very lucky thing for him.

Three years later, he easily got his bachelor's degree. When he got the business license, he decided to leave the university and return to his hometown to help the poor victims of infectious diseases wholeheartedly.

Day and night in the fight against epidemic diseases

/kloc-In the 6th century, plague became an endemic disease in southern France, especially anthrax, which made people live in fear all day. In Nostradamus's life, there were many injured people or opponents, but no one disagreed with his courage, humanity, love for patients and tolerance for the poor. As early as 1525, he became a famous local doctor.

Nostradamus walked the streets and developed several unique prescriptions and treatments to fight various diseases, which can also be proved by his works published in 1552. In order to save the patient, he devoted himself to it. He moved from Nalbang to Carcasson. There, he often prescribed some prescriptions for immortality to local teachers. He hopes his prescription will be effective. If it really works, won't it save more patients' lives?

After Carcassonne, he went to Toulouse. Later, I heard that the epidemic situation in Bordeaux was serious, so he went to Bordeaux again.

When he returned to avignon again, he spent several months studying various diseases. Perhaps it was during this period that he became interested in magic and metaphysics, because there were many such books in avignon Library. At that time, the papal envoy and Knight Leader of Malta were in avignon. So Nostradamus prepared delicious Wimbledon jelly for them with the best formula. From the perspective of modern people, it is a food with too much sugar.

After nearly four years of easy life, Nostradamus returned to Montpellier in order to get his doctorate, and studied in the Department of Medicine again on 1529123 October. Because of his fame and success. As a result, he made many enemies in the medical field, and it was difficult to study and publish his unique views in depth. However, no one can deny his knowledge and ability, so he easily got his doctorate.

He chose the way of teaching in Montpellier. In his short teaching career of more than one year, because his new theory attracted many criticisms, he resolutely resigned and left to continue his wandering doctoral career. Nostradamus, wearing a black robe, stayed in a black tent at night, giving a typical Jewish impression.

While working in Toulouse, Nostradamus received a letter from Scari Gill, a famous philosopher second only to Erasmus. Nostradamus's reply made Scari Gill very happy and sent an invitation to welcome Nostradamus to stay in Algan. Around 1534, Nostradamus married a "noble and charming beauty" (unfortunately, we can't find her name so far), and after marriage, she gave birth to a man and a woman. Scari Jill's help, coupled with his superb medical skills and extraordinary talents, enabled him to live a stable and happy life.

However, the good times did not last long, and a series of tragedies hit Nostradamus hard. The plague ravaged Joan. Although he fought hard, it spread so fast that even his wife and two children were killed mercilessly. Even his own relatives can't be saved, which is undoubtedly a merciless and fatal blow to him as a doctor.

Secondly, the relationship with Scari Jill became worse and worse, and finally we lost our friendship. Although Scari Jieer is a person who quarrels with everyone, in this case, we have to say that the ship leaked and it rained. What is more tragic is that his dead wife's family forced him to return the property he took when he married her, and even filed a lawsuit in court.

Incredibly, in 1538, he was reported by the authorities for his careless remarks a few years ago, and the authorities investigated him as a heretic. There is a simple reason. Nostradamus once said to a craftsman who was making a bronze statue of the Virgin Mary, "You are making a demon." Although Nostradamus repeatedly stated that his original intention was that craftsmen's works lacked the unique aesthetic charm of bronze statues, the religious judge ordered him to surrender to Toulouse. Nostradamus did not intend to surrender at all, let alone accept the punishment of the court. In order to escape the entanglement of the church, he was displaced in areas outside the jurisdiction of the church in the following six years. Sleeping in the wind.

An episode to prove Nostradamus' predictive ability

People don't know much about his life during his six-year exile. According to his later works, he often traveled in Lorraine, Venice, Sicily and other places, and met many pharmacists in various places to identify the quality of drugs for them. He also translated some articles about Phillips' ethics and philosophy from Greek into French.

It was during this period that Nostradamus spread in the society with his extraordinary predictive ability. During his stay in Italy, he had contact with young monks who had raised pigs. At this time, Nostradamus suddenly knelt on the ground and shouted, "Ah, dear leader!" " "Little monk Perit finally became the leader of sexton V in 1535 after Nostradamus's death.

Florumbier is a nobleman. When he was talking with Nostradamus about prophecy, he casually pointed to two little pigs in the yard and said, "Please accept their fate and show me your prophetic ability." Nostradamus immediately replied, "That black pig will be your dish, and that white pig will be eaten by wolves." Floranbill immediately went to the kitchen and ordered the white pig to be killed for dinner.

Incredibly, a wolf cub raised by the Lord's retainer stole all the pork while others were not looking. The servant had to kill the black pig and put it on the table. Florenbill proudly said to Nostradamus, "That white pig is already on the table!" " But Nostradamus insisted, "It must be a black pig." The two sides could not argue, so they had to call the servant to ask, but the servant was helpless and told the master the whole story.

1554, Nostradamus settled in Marseille. In June165438+1October of the same year, the largest flood occurred in Provence. Sewage and contaminated human and animal remains have intensified the rapid spread of various epidemics. Nostradamus tirelessly carried out medical activities. However, most doctors are scrambling to flee to other places with uninfected citizens, which makes the epidemic situation more serious and the scope of infection continues to expand.

According to the records at that time, the most serious epidemic was Aix, the capital of Provence. On May 1 day, the municipal authorities requested Nostradamus to go to the rescue. He fought alone, fighting death in the whirlpool of infectious diseases. He warned people not to use polluted water and not to live in polluted air and environment. When he first set foot on the land of Aix, the capital of Provence, his despair was indescribable. He witnessed sick people sewing clothes for themselves after death, and they were worried that no one would take care of themselves after death. ...

After the epidemic eased, Nostradamus left Aix for Salang. He thinks Salang is a very good place and plans to settle here permanently in the future. However, before he could catch his breath, the disaster of the Black Death happened in Lyon. He went to Lyon nonstop to rescue him. At that time, whooping cough was probably prevalent, but it was finally controlled by Nostradamus. The local residents deeply thanked Nostradamus for all he had done for them and presented precious gifts to express their gratitude. Nostradamus went home again with honor. Before leaving, he distributed the gifts he got to the poor, and people were moved by his spirit.

It is difficult to tell the story of Nostradamus's kindness and helpfulness from legends. But we can think that these stories are generally based on facts.

The collection of prophecies caused great repercussions in the imperial court.

Nostradamus returned to Salang in 165438+ 10. Soon, she married the rich man's widow, Anu Pansard. Until now, we can still see the house they lived in after marriage in the corner of Plath de la Poisson Nulli.

Nostradamus lived a stable family life after he married Anu Ponsal. Presumably, it was during this period that he paid attention to metaphysics and prophetic insight. He focused on studying metaphysics and writing books, and paid little attention to his long medical career. From 1550, he compiled a set of calendars every year. After 1554, he began to publish a collection of prophecies. Perhaps the initial success added great confidence to him. He devoted himself wholeheartedly to his prediction work. Nostradamus transformed the top floor of his house in Salang into his research room. Every night, he always accompanied his occult books and conducted detailed research in the research room. According to his later account, he once read all the books he had read and burned them. As a scholar, it is doubtful whether he will really do this. It is a smokescreen for the church authorities to escape the entanglement of the church. His magic inspiration and fantasy came from 1547 "Mysterious Egypt" published in Lyon. In his prophecy, he quoted passages from the book in many places, so it can be concluded that he had the book at that time.

1554, it is said that the mayor of Bonu, Em M Jevini, actually resigned as mayor, knocked on Nostradamus' door and asked him to be a disciple, specializing in astrology and astronomy.

After Nostradamus died, Jevini made great efforts to sort out the editor's predictions. But as Nostradamus's son Saizal said, Jevini sometimes exaggerates his relationship with his teachers. This can also be found in Nostradamus' will. Nostradamus' will is very lengthy. He described the distribution of money and all his property in detail and told him to leave everything to his grown-up son. Nostradamus pointed out in his will that Jevini had a "cold window", but did not say that he was a real scholar. But in any case, it is an ironclad fact that Jevini arranged a large number of manuscripts for the teacher with the consent of Mrs Nostradamus.