Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - My house is dry. Today is August 3rd at five or six o'clock in the evening. Thirteen big cocks were stolen by thieves! Ask an expert to help you with divination! See if there's any hope of recovery.

My house is dry. Today is August 3rd at five or six o'clock in the evening. Thirteen big cocks were stolen by thieves! Ask an expert to help you with divination! See if there's any hope of recovery.

I'm coming.

When falling into the water, the water is dark, so it is concluded that your cock is a big cock with black and red feathers, and has been married and has children. There must be more than one chicken in your house, at least two more. The stolen star landed in Kuntu, and Kuntu is untouchable, so you should know that this person, or he climbed over the wall or came in through the door, has an image of being captured alive, unlike. That's what fallen branches mean. The underground network just landed in Kun Palace. I think he must be a person who often does these things. This person is a woman, and she is older. It doesn't look like she was stolen, but she seems to have lost it. May I take it that your cock went out and never came back? But you think it was stolen. Have you ever thought that someone else took it? Is it raised in someone else's house?

Before 7 o'clock today, I was sure that the chicken was still alive, but the chance of finding it was slim.

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