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What are the loopholes and contradictions in the plot setting of Harry Potter series?

Loopholes in Harry Potter

If you have any complete explanation for these loopholes, or if there are new loopholes, please reply!

1. Since underage wizards are not allowed to use magic outside school, why did Hermione use magic many times on the train to Hogwarts? (See the chapter "Dark Mark" in HP4 for details. Hermione used "fluorescent flashing". There is also a conversation between Ron and Malfoy on the train. Ron broke the glass when he closed the door, and Hermione used the spell of "repairing as before". )

In HP2, Ron mentioned Fred (is it Fred? I don't remember. Hee hee ... According to the calculation, Ron is two years younger than Fred and George. Fred was five years old. So, my question is: can Fred know the magic of the transfiguration spell when he is 5 years old? Turning a teddy bear into a spider should be a transformation spell! Even if Fred can use this transfiguration spell, I think it is very impossible. Because Harry, in the first grade, it was difficult for them to turn matches into simple magic such as needles. You know, Harry, they are all 1 1 years old! ! ) Didn't he get a warning from the Ministry of Magic? (Obviously, the twins were underage at that time)

3. In HP 1, Aunt Rowling said that Harry is a pure wizard-because both Zhan Mu and Lily go to school at Hogwarts; In HP2, Aunt Rowling also said that Harry is a half-blood wizard-because Muggle Lily found a wizard husband; In HP5, Aunt Rowling once again let Harry see Lily and Zhan Mu at Hogwarts in the pensieve, which shows that Harry is a pure-blooded wizard. So, is Harry a half-blood wizard or a pure-blood wizard?

4. In 4.HP5, Aunt Rowling seems to have forgotten to say which college won the College Cup.

5. What happened to Sirius? Why doesn't he want to be a ghost? Wouldn't it be nice to be a ghost watching Harry?

6. According to the book, the Dursleys should hate everything in the wizarding world, so why did they send Hedwig to give Harry a present in the Christmas chapter of HP 1? You know, it's a wizard's custom for owls to give things!

7. The penultimate line on page HP2 91-"Gryffindor deducted five points!" . Percy is still the prefect. In the middle of page HP5 409-"Only teachers can deduct points from the college" ... "I know that prefects can't deduct points, King Weasley." .

8. To verify whether Sirius is a death eater, you can see if there is dark mark on your arm. Why bother?

9. On line 6 of page 75 of HP3, Snape said, "... Do you just need a drop of mouse bile? "If you are a wise man, you will know that mice have no bile, so where do they get bile? !

Snape and Filch of 10 and HP 1 all know bad things about Quirrell. Dumbledore trusted Snape, so he must also know Quirrell's bad things. But instead of stopping Quirrell's plot to seize the philosopher's stone, he released Harry, which may not be too risky.

Hermione's exam schedule is at 1 1 and HP3:

9 o'clock, arithmetic divination /9 o'clock, metamorphosis.


1 point, spell/1 point, ancient magic.

If Hermione has a time converter to realize all these contradictory schedules, what about other students? Transfiguration class and spell class are the same compulsory courses as potions class, which means that all students who study arithmetic divination and ancient magic books have the ability to sit in two examination rooms at the same time. There are only two possibilities: (1), and Hermione is the only one who chooses arithmetic divination or ancient magic books. (2) Everyone who chooses arithmetic divination or ancient magic scripts has a time converter like Hermione. It's hard to do both, so ...

Found in 12 and HP 1: On page 14, Pierre is skinny and his face looks like a mouse. Page 19, Pierre, Danny, Malcolm and Gordon are all idiots. Are there two Pierre?

At the end of HP 1, Dumbledore tells Harry that the invisibility cloak is mainly used by Zhan Mu to sneak into the kitchen and steal something to eat. But sneaking into the kitchen doesn't require an invisibility cloak at all, and it's not "stealing". Zhan Mu actually uses it to conduct monthly operations with Lubang. Dumbledore deliberately hid it?

14, HP2, it is said that in the last Quidditch final of the first year, Harry was lying in the hospital and Glen got a player. A player is missing? It's also good to find someone to take the class, such as Ron. Wouldn't it be better to play with one less substitute, so you don't have a chance to win?

Page 24 of 15 and HP 1: "... hidden under two dozen eggs, handed to Penny Menstruation from the living room window by an unsuspecting milkman. The milkman who delivers eggs?

16, since the first flying lesson, it seems that flying lessons have never been mentioned.

17, Harry didn't see the invisible horse until the beginning of HP5 (sorry, I can't remember the name), but Rowling explained that Harry didn't see Cedric die until HP4. But didn't Harry witness the deaths of his parents and Quirrell? Ms Rowling's most obvious mistake is the description of thestral! After reading the fifth book, I feel a little discordant! Because the connection between feeling and the first four parts is not perfect! For example, at the end of the fourth film, Harry walked out of the school gate and got into the carriage. There is an obvious description in the book, but why didn't Harry find Vernon?

18. First of all, I said that peter pettigrew was a Gryffindor student. Is there any objection? If he is not a Gryffindor student, then why is Zhan Mu Sirius Ruben with him? Peter pettigrew is a death eater. He is timid, hypocritical, disloyal, selfish and despicable, .............. Then why didn't sorting hat put him in Slytherin, and Gryffindor sorting hat should have seen him! ! ! ! ! ! I'm not saying that sorting hat misjudged (sorting hat will never misjudge, because it can see the future of students, for example, it says that Harry is suitable for Slytherin, which is true; And it put Harry into Gryffindor, showing its wisdom. I mean, why did sorting hat put Peter in Gryffindor when he knew who he was? Contradiction! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

19, I remember saying in "The Sorcerer's Stone" that Dumbledore and nicolas flamel are partners, Flamel is over 600 years old, and his partner has to be several hundred years old, otherwise he would have been refined into the Sorcerer's Stone, and there is no need for a partner. In the secret room, it is written that Dumbledore's hair was brown fifty years ago, indicating that he is not several hundred years old.

20. Why are flying carpets banned because they are muggle textiles, while brooms are not banned because they are muggle daily necessities?

In 2 1.HP 1, Harry was taken to diagon alley by Hagrid, and Mrs. Weasley taught him to go to the train station. At first, he couldn't. But how does a wizard of a Muggle family like Hermione know how to get to diagon alley and the train station? Nobody taught them! Not everyone is as lucky as Harry, is he?

22.HP2 In the second chapter, Dobby used magic to break the pudding, but it was Harry who was warned. The third book, from "Last year, I received a formal warning because my uncle's goblin broke a pudding!" It can be seen from this sentence that the Ministry of Magic already knows that Harry didn't break the pudding because Fudge didn't refute it, so why should he be warned?

23, HP3, speaking of the Dursleys buying TV to welcome Dudley home, this shows that Dudley didn't go home until after Harry's holiday, so why is it that the Dursleys pick him up every time Harry has a holiday, including Dudley?

24. At the end of HP3, Sirius bought a pig under Harry's name, but he went to his vault to withdraw money. Did Gringotts goblins know that he was a fugitive and take him to get money?

25, HP3, Lubang said that he saw peter pettigrew on the marauder's map, but Scabbers has been around Ron for a long time, hasn't he? Then why don't Fred and George know that Scarborough is not a mouse after all these years? Should have known!

26. Before HP4 went to school, Mrs. Weasley booked three muggle cars to platform 9 3/4. But in the "invitation" chapter, it is said that Mrs. Weasley never wears muggle clothes. She is wearing such strange clothes. Won't the muggle driver suspect that she is a wizard?

At the end of 27, HP4, Harry is taken to Voldemort by the door key, but in the chapter of "Door key", it is said that the door key is to send people to another place regularly. How did Voldemort accurately calculate the time when Harry touched the door key?

28. On page HP 428 1, Harry couldn't get the marauder's map back because his leg got stuck in the stairs, but didn't he learn from accio? Why not use accio to get the map back?

29. In the book, Hermione mentioned many times that the walls of Hogwarts School were protected and enchanted. In the castle, no one can be deformed or restored (:> penultimate line on page 98 13 and line 6 on page 25 1). & lt Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire >:> Sirius Black was deformed and restored in Dumbledore's office and the school doctor's office after Harry escaped from Voldemort (

30. What school does a wizard's child go to to learn basic knowledge at the age of 6-1 1? Where do you learn the most basic writing and arithmetic? Not in muggle school, right? A child like Malfoy won't go. Besides, Ron said that children of wizards don't have the same magic foundation as Muggle children before going to Hogwarts, so they shouldn't go to "magic primary school" (strange). PS Ginny didn't go to school with her brother before going to school. If she doesn't have to live on campus because she's close, then ... she didn't seem to mention it.

3 1, Harry's first admission notice was not sent directly to Harry through the window like other notices, but was left outside the door with Muggle's letter, waiting for Harry to pick it up. Why is the difference so big? In the fifth book, so many owls rushed into the room to deliver letters to Harry. Is it because the owl who delivered the letter to Harry for the first time was too careless? I can't help it. There are still many letters outside the next day. Are they not dedicated?

32. The fourth book, Game 2 of the Triwizard Tournament, clearly stipulates that only wands can be brought. Why can Harry eat gill sac grass? !

33. Nick, who was almost headless, must have been a wizard before his death, right? ! Why do wizards kill people with knives (axes)? )? (It can't be a Muggle, can it? They can't kill wizards, can they? Didn't wizards solve people's lives with only one wand? ! ! Why are there headless hunters or something?

34. In HP2, Hermione was petrified in the chapter of Connelly Fudge. Professor McGonagall announced the cancellation of the game with a huge purple microphone in his hand. How is that possible! ! Isn't there a big magnetic field at Hogwarts? ! No muggle stuff! ! ? ! And there is no electricity in the wizarding world, how can we use a microphone! ! ? If you have to speak louder, isn't there such a spell in Ha 4: Loud Voice? ! ! Ludo Bargmann used it at least twice, right? Professor McGonagall doesn't know such a simple spell? ! ! !

35. This question is similar to the last one, Harry's watch! Obviously, electricity is also used, so why bring it to the magic school? ?

We've never heard of Hogwarts paying tuition before, have we? But teachers' salaries are so grand for the school banquet, whose money may have used Nick Flamel's philosopher's stone before. Now that the philosopher's stone is destroyed, who will pay such a huge sum of money? ! ? ! !

37. Since the Weasleys' speeding is illegal, so is Hagrid's motorcycle? ! Why isn't magic confiscated? ! Dumbledore would never do anything illegal, would he?

38. In Ha 3, Harry practiced how to summon dementors with the help of Professor Lu Bang. Lubang used Bogert. Since it is Bogert, it should not take away people's happiness! Then why did Harry still pass out? He's not afraid of dementors themselves, is he? ! Last time Malfoy pretended to be a dementor, was Harry okay? ! ! !

39. In Ha 2, Voldemort can open the Chamber of Secrets, which means that he is the heir of Slytherin!

Slytherin advocates pure wizards, and Voldemort's father is a muggle!

How does that make sense?

40. Hagrid said, "All bad wizards are from Slytherin." They think Sirius is a bad guy, but Xiaotian is Gryffindor's. Isn't that contradictory?

4 1, Penny said that Lily would "take toad eggs home every holiday and turn the teacup into a mouse", but according to the regulations of the Ministry of Magic, it is illegal. If she does this in her Muggle family, she will be expelled, as Harry almost met several times.

42. Why didn't Voldemort get the prophecy himself? Since the corpse eater went in to ambush, why not just walk away with the phantom? Don't tell me you can't use apparate, that's what people in the Ministry of Magic do at work!

43. In the first book, at the last minute, Dumbledore received a false urgent notice and went to the Ministry of Magic, so that Harry mistakenly thought that Snape had stolen the philosopher's stone and failed to inform him in time. But the question is why it took so long to get apparate.

44. Sirius told Harry to change the owl in time to avoid being found. So Harry often goes to the owl shack and uses an owl at will. Before that, the book has mentioned that no matter where Sirius is, owls can find him. So, can it be said that only the owl ordered by Harry can find Sirius, and no one else can? On the other hand, if the owl is really spiritual and Sirius can find him wherever he is, then the Ministry of Magic will send an owl to find him and then follow him. Anyway, it doesn't make sense to say so.

Hermione lent Harry the book The Origin of Quidditch. The third paragraph on page 46 of Que itself says "The most successful Japanese team Toyohashi Tengu was in 1994 ..." However, when Hermione lent Harry this book, it was in 199 1 year.

46. When Harry first went to diagon alley with Hagrid, he heard a witch say, "An ounce of dragon liver costs 17 shekels. They are crazy ... ". However, according to the wizard's currency conversion, seventeen cents is equivalent to a galleon. This is as strange as saying "ten horns" instead of "One Piece".

47. (It is still worth discussing:) It should be more difficult to protect the organ of the philosopher's stone. If three first-year students can pass, so can an adult wizard. The only thing Chilodo did was to knock down the troll, but the trio could knock it down before.

48. In the first book, Marcus? Marcus Flint is in the sixth grade, and he still stays at Hogwarts in the third book. This means that he is in the eighth grade, while Hogwarts has only seven academic years. -Rowling explained: He failed.

49. In the first book, Harry hides under an invisibility cloak to avoid Snape. He said he felt as if he were near the kitchen. But in the fourth book, Fred and George will personally tell Harry where the kitchen is.

At the beginning of the story, the python in the zoo winked at Harry. Harry certainly has no reason not to be surprised, because snakes have no movable eyelids. I'm sweating ... I still remember the blinking action of the snake in the movie, which made me feel quite logical.

5 1. At the end of the first book, when Harry was lying in a hospital bed, Ron told him, "You missed the last game. Without you, we were beaten out of the water by Ravenclaw. " But in the previous competition, Ron and Hermione advised Harry not to go because Snape was the referee. When Harry refused their kindness, he said, "Gryffindor has no substitute seeker." If I don't participate, Gryffindor can't compete at all. "

52. When tom riddle and Harry were talking in the secret room, he mentioned that they were both half-blood. But Harry is not half-blood, but pure blood, because Lily and Zhan Mu are wizards. Just because Lily comes from a muggle family doesn't mean that Harry is a half-blood. Half-blood means that one parent is a wizard and the other is a muggle.

53. Nick, who was almost headless, was mentioned in the book as "taking a few deep breaths and then asking in a very calm tone,' So what's bothering you?' However, in Goblet of Fire, Myrtle said that ghosts can't breathe.

54. In the chapter where Harry is interrupted by a bludger, the book describes that his right arm has lost a bone; But the chapter illustration shows his left arm.

55. When Hermione told Harry and Ron polyjuice potion the formula, she mentioned one of the materials-Chrysopa, and they wanted to treat 2 1 day. But later in the book, Ron was already adding dead lacewings to leeches-they couldn't have added them so early because it was their first day cooking soup.

56. The second book mentioned Colin? Clivi has an ordinary muggle camera. But in the wizarding world, Muggle technology will fail.

57. In the book, all the petrified people saw the basilisk through glass or mirror or similar transparent body, so they didn't die. But why did the crying Myrtle die? She wears glasses. Possible explanation: If Myrtle is crying, she may have taken off her glasses. Further explanation: if only the lens glass can effectively protect, then Harry doesn't have to worry about his life safety at all, because he also wears glasses. JKR will not handle this matter so simply. Because there is something in the myth that prevents people from looking in the mirror/reflecting light to kill people (Medusa, the basilisk), this allusion is borrowed, but ordinary lenses can't.

When Dumbledore found that Colin had been petrified, he immediately turned on the camera to see what was inside. But if you do this, even if the negative is not burnt by the basilisk, it will be exposed to light and become dark, and nothing can be seen.

Colin was stunned at the beginning of the first school year. He didn't learn anything throughout the school year, but he was able to upgrade smoothly.

60. Harry's exam ended on June 6th, because in the letter about Buckbeak, it was said that the execution date was 6th, and then Ron said that that was the day when our exam ended. That evening, they went to whomping willow. When they came out, Lubang became a wolf because of the full moon. But in 1993, the full moon in June is on the 4th instead of the 6th.

When Harry 6 1 and HP3 were on the train, they saw Lubang's box, which read "Professor RJ Lubang" and the letters had peeled off. But he has just been appointed as a professor, and the letters won't be very old.

When they first left the screaming shack, the order was Lu Bang, Peter, Ron, Snape, Harry, Hermione and Sirius. But when they look back and see themselves coming out, the order of the characters is Lu Bang, Peter, Ron, Hermione, Snape, Harry and Sirius.

63.HP3 mentioned in the book that "Harry fumbled for his alarm clock and looked at it …". But the alarm clock is Muggle technology, and it should not work properly at Hogwarts.

64. In chapter 13, HP3 said that all Ravenclaw players rode across the Seven Stars, but later Wood told Harry Zhang Qiu to ride Comet 260.

When talking about Bogert, Lu Bang said, "No one knows what Bogert looks like when he is alone …" But in the fifth book, Mrs. Weasley thinks that there is a Bogert in the dresser drawer upstairs, and she asks Mad-Eye Moody to use magic eye to see if it is. But isn't it possible to see Bogert when he is alone?

After Hermione gave up Muggle studies, she said that she could finally have a normal schedule with as many subjects as Harry and Ron. But in addition to compulsory courses, she also has three courses: arithmetic divination, magical biological protection and ancient magical writing, while Harry only has two courses: prophecy and magical biological protection.

When Dumbledore told everyone about the Triwizard Tournament, he said, "We have been preparing all summer to make sure that no player's life will be in danger." But isn't it life-threatening to face a 40-foot-tall dragon that can breathe fire? Even if there are strong people around to take care of you, as long as you are sprayed with fire and others haven't reacted, you will be burned.

68. The door key can send the user to another place at a set time. But how did Voldemort know that Harry and Cedric had touched the Triwizard Cup? Besides, isn't it much easier to turn Harry's other things (stationery and books) into door keys than to go around such a big circle?

69.HP4 In a letter from Harry to Sirius, Harry mentioned that Dari threw his Playstation out of the window. But the book took place in 1994, and the PS game console was released in 1995.

70. Before the World Cup, Ludo? When Begemann and the twins were talking about gambling, he gave them a piece of parchment with detailed contents on it. Fred "carefully put it in his robe". But at that time, they wore muggle clothes instead of robes.

7 1. At Hogwarts, everything in Muggle technology doesn't work properly. But Harry's watch, after four years of normal operation, stopped because of water after the second round of three cups.

72. In The Origin of Quidditch, I wrote: "1473, the first World Cup was held. It is held every four years. " But in the 1994 World Cup, Ludo? Begemann said, "Welcome to the final of the 422nd World Cup". 52 1 year, how can there be 422 World Cups every four years?

73. If Harry really started his school career at Hogwarts on 199 1, and the ceremony of the goblet of fire did take place on Halloween in 1994, it should be Monday instead of Saturday written in the book.

74. If the truth serum can make you tell the truth, why didn't the judge give a wrong sentence to Little Batty? The client in the Crouch case used the truth serum? This is very easy and easy, and there will be no situation of locking the wrong person.

75. Why didn't Harry just say "golden eggs can fly" in the fire dragon test, but let his broom fly?

76. Dark signs appeared after the World Cup, but why did Mrs Weasley worry at home? The strange clock in their house can show the family's situation and tell at a glance whether there is any danger to their lives.

77. Dennis, a sophomore at HP5? Clivi also attended the DA rally in Pig's Head Bar, but only students above grade three can go to Hogsmeade village. At the sorting ceremony of the book Goblet of Fire, Dennis? Clivi is one of the freshmen. Therefore, he should be a sophomore in the Order of the Phoenix.

78. The cover of HP5 book shows Harry in the Department of Mysteries, with a wand in his left hand. But Harry has a stick in his right hand.

79.HP5 In the astronomical test of owls, Harry is completing his drawing of Orion. But in Britain, Orion only appears from 1 1 to March. Harry, their exam is in June.

80, HP3, Fred and George got the owl exam report card before the end of the semester, while Harry and others won't know the exam result until the whole holiday.

8 1. After Harry told the opponents about his experience, Umbridge issued a rule prohibiting anyone from reading this book, Seymour told Harry that he believed him and sent a magazine to his mother. But umbridge is also checking the mail, and Seymour can't.

83. Every year on September 1 Sunday, students board the Hogwarts express train and start school on Monday the next day. This shows that September 2 is Monday for five consecutive years, which is impossible.

When Harry talks to Dumbledore, Dumbledore's eyes mentioned in the book are all "penetrating gaze" and "Harry thinks he is seen through". This kind of description always reminds me of "preconceptions". There are often only a few words between Harry and Dumbledore, sometimes even just a look ("eyes" are very important! ), dumbledore understand harry's idea. Even if Dumbledore knew Harry again, it would be impossible to reach such a level. The book also describes that Harry thought a lot of things under Dumbledore's gaze, which shows that Dumbledore may have always known Harry through mind reading. Although the book does not describe Dumbledore's use of spells and wands, Dumbledore said that his reading skills have been quite successful and his magic is so powerful. It is entirely possible to use this spell. I think using this spell is a great disrespect to others, and I don't want to believe that Dumbledore would do it. what do you think?

85. In the Chamber of Secrets, Dumbledore said, "Few people know that Voldemort was once called tom riddle ... He disappeared after he left school ... It is difficult for people to recognize him ... Few people will associate Voldemort with the smart and handsome president of the student union who studied here." But how did Dumbledore know that Tom was Voldemort?

86. A problem that is not a problem: At the end of the philosopher's stone, Dumbledore ate a bean that tasted like Bibi and said, "Shit! It's earwax! " To my surprise, how did he know the smell of earwax? ~ ~ ~ Did he eat earwax?

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