Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Stories and poems about Lei Feng

Stories and poems about Lei Feng

Unity and friendship

Lei Feng took out his books for everyone to learn, which was called "Little Lei Feng Library". He helped his comrades to learn knowledge, but his classmate Qiao Anshan had a low education level, so Lei Feng taught him to read and learn arithmetic by hand. When Lei Feng learned that his father was seriously ill, his classmate Zhou Xiao wrote a letter to his family in the name of Zhou Xiao and sent him 65,438 yuan. Han Xiao, a comrade-in-arms, burned several holes in his cotton trousers when driving at night. When Lei Feng came back from duty and found it, he took off his hat, mended his trousers one by one for Han Xiao and gently covered him. Qiao Anshan, who understands this situation, said: "Lei Feng didn't sleep for half a night in order to mend your pants!"

People's orderly

Since 196 1 year, Lei Feng has often been invited to give lectures in other places. The more opportunities he has to travel, the more opportunities he has to serve the people. There is a saying that "Lei Feng travels thousands of miles on business, but it is a good thing to take the train".

When Lei Feng went out to change trains at Shenyang Station, he found a group of people around the ticket gate, watching a middle-aged woman with a child on her back. It turned out that when the woman went to Jilin from Shandong to see her husband, her ticket and money were lost. Lei Feng used his allowance to buy a train ticket to Jilin and stuffed it into his sister-in-law's hand. Sister-in-law said with tears, "eldest brother, what's your name and which unit are you from?" Lei Feng said, "My name is China People's Liberation Army, and I live in China." .

One day in May, Lei Feng went to Shenyang in the rain. In order to catch the early train, he got up at 5 o'clock in the morning, took some steamed buns and put on a raincoat. On the way, he saw a woman carrying a child and struggling to lead a little girl to the station.

Lei Feng took off his raincoat and put it on his sister-in-law. He picked up the little girl and accompanied them to the station. After getting on the bus, Lei Feng saw the little girl shivering with cold, so he took off his sweater and put it on her. Lei Feng estimated that she didn't eat in the morning, so she gave them the steamed bread she brought. When the train arrived in Shenyang, it was still raining, and Lei Feng kept sending them home.

The woman said gratefully, "Comrade, how can I thank you?" ! "During the Chinese New Year, comrades happily get together to engage in various recreational activities. Lei Feng played table tennis with everyone in the club for a while, and he thought about how many people in these places needed help during the Spring Festival when the service and transportation departments were busiest. He put down his racket, called a few comrades in the class, and went straight to the nearby Park Ertun station after asking for leave together. One helps clean the waiting room, and the other pours water for the passengers. Lei Feng touched the whole class.

Lei Feng just chose to do good things for the people endlessly and wholeheartedly. No wonder people think of Lei Feng when they see people who do good things for the people.

You, a drop of water in the spray-Wei


I want to sing a person.

He is not a general,

But he made countless contributions;

He is not a literary master,

But to write immortal poems;

He is so ordinary, so young,

Like a spring rain,


The hearts of hundreds of millions of people!

Why? Why,

In the hearts of 600 million people,

Read the name of this 22-year-old soldier?


Is a drop of water,

But it can reflect the brilliance of the whole sun!


This is a bird with open wings.

But you can fly to the party wholeheartedly!


This is a light that just came on.

It's just that every bunch is not wasted!


This is the drum that just sounded.

But it can put every Hua Songlei

Ah, Lei Feng!

You don't write songs for yourself,

You don't knit Luo Yi for yourself;

You don't comb your feathers,

You won't cry for someone.

Ah, Lei Feng!

You, a note in the internationale,

You, a fiber on the red flag;

You, a red flower among flowers;

You, the clearest drop in the spray.

Youth! Eternal life! Magnificent!

Look at Private Lei Feng,

One echo at a time,

One song at a time,

Keep ringing

The endless century ahead!