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Predict when you will die, and the scientific interpreter predicts your own death. Who knows?

When it comes to predicting when you will die, it is well known that some people will ask scientific interpreters to predict your own death. Who knows? In addition, some people want to ask, can people predict when they will die? Do you know what this is about? Can people really predict when they will die? Let's look at the scientific explanation that people predict their own death? Who knows? I hope I can help you!

Predict when you will die.

1. Predict when you will die: Do scientific interpreters predict your own death? Who knows? As early as the early 20th century, a German doctor named Berndt made up his mind to find out how people feel after death. After a detailed investigation of the people who once lingered on the boundary between life and death, he found that the people who came back from the dead first experienced a strong sense of joy after entering the world of death.

A man named Arnold once fell into a canyon in the Alps. After falling one meter, the body fell on a branch and lingered on the edge of life and death for several days. He recalled: "I felt that the process of falling was very long and I felt a strong joy. I have never felt so good in my life. " People can predict their own death.

Can people predict when they will die? Modi believes that in the face of the threat of death, a person can recall everything that happened in his life in one second. A driver recalled that when his truck fell off the bridge, he "remembered everything in his life, lifelike as if it were true." I remembered walking behind me on the river bank when I was two years old. "Predict your own death.

"I thought about how the toy car broke down when I was 5 years old, and how I cried when I was at school. I remember that when I was in school, I taught every grade and every teacher, and then my memory came into adulthood. I saw all these scenes for a second, and then it was over. My truck was completely wrecked, but I was safe and sound. I jumped out of the broken windshield frame. " Predict your own date of death.

"I can remember everything I saw. It took 15 minutes, but it all happened in a short second."

Near-death experience also exists in the east, and the specific content is surprisingly consistent.

This seemingly mysterious near-death experience not only exists, but also has been deeply studied by neurologists in China.

Professor Feng Zhiying and Professor Liu Jianxun from Tianjin Anding Medicine once randomly selected a paraplegic patient who was dying and rescued from danger in Tangshan. The results show that more than half of these near-death experiences have physical strangeness, clear thinking and abnormal body, which is like a dream, moving towards death, calmness and liberation, life review or "panoramic memory", and the thinking process is accelerated. It can be seen that people's near-death experiences are surprisingly consistent. I can predict that I will die soon.

According to reports, psychologist Kenneth Reinger basically divided the strange near-death experience described by people who were rescued by life-saving methods after clinical death into several stages. How to predict your own death?

The stage is quiet. About 57% people hold this view, and most of them are adaptable. I feel that I am drifting with the wind, and when I am drifting into the darkness, I feel extremely calm, serene and peaceful.

In the second stage, consciousness escapes from the body. People who have this kind of consciousness account for 35%, and most of them feel that their consciousness is floating on the ceiling and in mid-air. Many people also feel that their body image is divorced from their own bodies, and this self-image sometimes returns to their own bodies.

The third stage, through. 23% people hold this view. They felt that they were sucked into a huge mouth by a whirlwind and rushed forward in the middle of the road. I feel my body being pulled and squeezed. At this point, their mood is more calm. Why tarot cards are not life and death?

The fourth stage is to get together with friends and family. Finally, there was a faint flash. When they approached this group of people, they felt that it gave them a pure love. Relatives and friends are welcoming themselves. Some of them are still alive, and some are dead. Similarly, they are all tall, colorful and have a halo. At this time, the major experiences in my life flashed before my eyes, most of which were pleasant and important. Old people can predict their own date of death.

The fifth stage is unity with the universe. People who hold this view account for 10%. In a flash, they felt that they were integrated with the universe and got the perfect love at the same time.

The cause of the near-death experience has not been ascertained, and experts from various disciplines in various countries have expressed their views. How to predict your own time of death?

What changes have taken place in the human body that have caused these feelings? Scholars have always had different views. Olaf Keke, a medical scientist at the University of Geneva, found that the angular gyrus is a complex part of the brain during the operation on a 43-year-old epileptic woman. One of its functions is to feel the body and space and tell the brain where the body is in space. Dick believes that when the angular gyrus can't process the sensory information of vision and body normally, there will be the illusion of separation, that is, people feel that they are outside their own bodies and "see" themselves. However, he only observed a single case, so he didn't claim that all the experiences of "detachment" were related to angular gyrus. Is the software for predicting the time of death true?

Michael Persinger, a scientist at Laurentia University in sudbury, Ontario, gave soft electromagnetic radiation to the right temporal lobe of volunteers. The subjects all said that they saw light, so they suggested that the dying person saw light because of the damage of the right temporal lobe of the brain. Some scientists believe that the feeling of bright light is caused by lack of oxygen. Hypoxia will affect the photoreceptor nerve connecting the eyes and the brain.

Another scientist suggested that the stage of near-death experience is the subjective experience of people in a short time when they are on the verge of death. Stage is the instinct of individual to defend and preserve the dying. Under the threat of death, excessive sadness and fear will accelerate the consumption of human energy. The second stage is that the dying person doesn't want to die, trying to deny from the feeling that he has stepped into that door and symbolically escape the physical pain. The third stage is the recovery of the birth memory of the dying, and the lost experience is a symbol of being brought to the world through the mother's birth canal at birth. The fourth stage is the self-comfort and illusory satisfaction of the dying person, and repeated life makes him feel eternal. Getting together with relatives and friends is a retreat response to the fear of death. The fifth stage is to explore the potential knowledge field of the dying, which is a special form of inspiration response in the human body. Free time of death test.

Experts in China are planning to continue to study the near-death experience from the perspective of predictable death and apply the results to mental illness. Time of death divination.

Professor Feng Zhiying is one of the few experts who systematically study near-death experience in China. He told reporters that although there are great cultural differences in the East, the content of near-death experience is basically the same, and many phenomena are common. Not only some people have atheism, but also there is no atheism. Most people who have near-death experiences have the same experience.

Professor Feng pointed out that the appearance of light cannot be explained by brain hypoxia, because sometimes a dying person has a large space around him, and his body is not exposed to it, and there is no hypoxia, but he will also have the experience of seeing light. In addition, if electric shock produces a similar light sensation in a certain area of the brain and it is attributed to a certain area of the brain, it is a bit hasty and can only be proved by a large number of case test results. However, the statement that "near-death experience is only a subjective experience of people in a short time when they are on the verge of death" is only based on psychological analysis and reasoning of phenomena, lacking practical scientific basis and needing biological indicators to explain scientifically. Predict the time of death.

He admits that although "there are many explanations for the phenomenon of near-death experience at home and abroad, the physiological mechanism of this phenomenon is still unclear. Studying this phenomenon also requires the participation of many disciplines such as medicine, mathematics and anthropology. "

In the previous research on Tangshan survivors, the interviewees' near-death experience was unexpected, that is, they were not prepared before their death, so the investigation was flawed. At present, Professor Feng is planning a project to study the specific situation of the near-death experience of death expectancy. He explained that if a chronic person suddenly has a seizure and may die, then he has the psychological expectation of death. When the patient is really dying and saved, we can compare whether the near-death experience is the same as the experience without death expectation.

Professor Feng said that some patients with high fever will have similar near-death experiences, but the reasons are not clear. Understanding the near-death experience is of great significance in psychiatric clinic. The birthday party is over.

At present, more than half of mental disorders, sometimes as high as 60%, meet the diagnostic criteria of mental illness, and some are not mental illness. Because ordinary people have experienced this kind of experience, looking back on their life in an instant can make people think clearly about the meaning of life and how to face the suffering of life. If we turn the near-death experience into vivid words, let the eager people experience a symbolic death, and convey calm and faint feelings to the eager people, we can let them realize the value of life, correctly understand the success or failure of life and rebuild a meaningful life.

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