Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The agricultural fields in our village have been expropriated by the government, and the villagers have no idea. Do you know how many village cadres have signed it legally?

The agricultural fields in our village have been expropriated by the government, and the villagers have no idea. Do you know how many village cadres have signed it legally?

If land is expropriated according to Article 47 of the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China, compensation shall be given according to the original use of the expropriated land.

Compensation for requisition of cultivated land includes land compensation fee, resettlement fee and compensation fee for attachments and young crops on the ground. The land compensation fee for expropriation of cultivated land is six to ten times the average annual output value of the cultivated land in the three years before expropriation. Farmland resettlement subsidy is calculated according to the number of agricultural population to be resettled. The number of agricultural population to be resettled shall be calculated according to the number of cultivated land expropriated divided by the average number of cultivated land occupied by each expropriated unit before land expropriation. The resettlement subsidy standard for each agricultural population in need of resettlement is four to six times the average annual output value of the cultivated land in the three years before expropriation. However, the resettlement subsidy for each hectare of cultivated land to be expropriated shall not exceed fifteen times the average annual output value of the three years before expropriation.

The standards of land compensation fees and resettlement subsidies for the expropriation of other land shall be stipulated by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government with reference to the standards of land compensation fees and resettlement subsidies for the expropriation of cultivated land.

The compensation standards for attachments and young crops on expropriated land shall be stipulated by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.

Requisition of vegetable fields in the suburbs of cities, land units shall pay the new vegetable field development and construction fund in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state.

If the payment of land compensation fees and resettlement subsidies in accordance with the provisions of the second paragraph of this article still fails to maintain the original living standards of farmers who need resettlement, the resettlement subsidies may be increased with the approval of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. However, the sum of land compensation fees and resettlement subsidies shall not exceed 30 times of the average annual output value of the land in the three years before expropriation.

According to the level of social and economic development, under special circumstances, the State Council can raise the standards of cultivated land compensation and resettlement subsidies.

"Regulations for the Implementation of the Land Management Law of Hebei Province" Article 39 The land compensation fee for requisitioned cultivated land is six to ten times the average annual output value of the cultivated land in the three years before it is requisitioned.

The land compensation fee for agricultural land and construction land other than cultivated land is five to eight times the average annual output value of cultivated land in the first three years of the township (town) where the land is located.

The land compensation fee for requisitioning unused land is three to five times the average annual output value of cultivated land in the first three years of the township (town) where the land is located.

Article 40 The resettlement subsidy for requisitioned cultivated land shall be four to six times the average annual output value in the three years before the requisition.

The resettlement subsidy for agricultural land and construction land other than cultivated land is four to six times the average annual output value of cultivated land in the township (town) where the land is located in the first three years.

If unused land is requisitioned, resettlement subsidies will not be paid.

Article 41 After paying land compensation fees and resettlement subsidies in accordance with the provisions of Articles 39 and 40 of these Regulations, if farmers who need resettlement cannot maintain their original living standards, the resettlement subsidies may be increased with the approval of the provincial people's government. However, the sum of land compensation fees and resettlement subsidies shall not exceed the following limits:

(a) the expropriation of cultivated land shall not exceed thirty times the average annual output value of the cultivated land in the three years before the expropriation;

(two) the expropriation of agricultural land and construction land other than cultivated land shall not exceed 25 times the average annual output value of cultivated land in the first three years of the township (town) where the land is located.

Forty-second young crops compensation fee for land requisition shall be calculated according to the output value of crops in the current season. The compensation standard for ground attachments shall be formulated by the municipal people's government with districts and implemented after being approved by the provincial people's government.

Forty-third after the land is expropriated, the agricultural tax, agricultural specialty tax and agricultural product ordering task of the expropriated land shall be reduced or exempted. When requisitioning, if the crops are not harvested in the current year, the production will be reduced in the current year; What has been harvested will be reduced next year.

Villagers in Daxing, Beijing sued the government for expropriation of farmland.

Font: Song Ti | Yahei Font Size: T|T

September 27, 1965 438+00

Source: People's Daily Online-Jinghua Times Review 0

The cultivated land of Liangjiawu Village 122, Panggezhuang Town, Daxing District was expropriated, and 8 of them refused to sign the compensation and resettlement agreement because the compensation standard was too low. Recently, the government of Panggezhuang Town organized relevant departments to jointly enforce the law, and entered the contracted land of eight villagers to "forcibly advance" and was sued by the villagers.

More than 330 mu of cultivated land has been requisitioned.

Mr. Zheng is a villager in Liangjiawu Village, Panggezhuang Town, Daxing District, Beijing. He has more than 2 mu of cultivated land in the southeast of the village. He took out the land management right contract certificate and farmland contract, saying that the contract period of this land is 30 years, from 1999 to 2029. Mr. Zheng has been planting watermelons on this land, and his income per mu is more than 5000 yuan every season. "This family lives mainly by growing watermelons."

This source of life changed on March 7 last year. Mr. Zheng and several villagers told reporters that on the same day, the village Committee informed that more than 330 mu of land in the southeast of the village would be requisitioned. The next day, the evaluation team organized by the town government came to the field and began to count the amount of land. Soon, the water pipes and power facilities in the field were cut off. "The villagers stopped it several times and failed."

More than 330 mu of land * * * involves 122 households, and 1 14 households have successively signed compensation agreements.

The land auction price is 63 1.3 million.

Mr. Zheng and others said that the compensation standard is 80,000 yuan per mu for compensation and resettlement and compensation for ground objects. However, the compensation and resettlement fee is only 20 thousand for the villagers. "The60,000 has not been sent yet." The compensation for aboveground objects is 5000 yuan per mu for white land, and the compensation for cash crops is subject to the evaluation price.

"This standard is too low," said Mr. Li, a villager. "With these thousands of dollars, I will eat corn in the future. This is our grain ration field. " As a result, eight villagers who refused to sign the compensation agreement became "nail households".

At the beginning of this year, Mr. Zheng and others found a pile of cement slabs on the expropriated land. After inquiring, the land was sold to Beijing Kunlun Lubricating Oil Factory, where they will set up a factory. Subsequently, the villagers inquired on the website of Beijing Land Consolidation and Reserve Center that the plot was put up for auction, and it was sold on June 5, 2008 at 5438+ 10/8, with a transaction price of 63130,000. This news makes Mr. Li and others even more unbalanced.

Didn't tell to level the cultivated land.

What followed was the "raid" organized by the town government in August this year. Mr. Li said that there was no notice in advance. In the early morning, more than 60 people led by Guo Yudong, deputy mayor of the town, and the director of the judicial office came to the field by force, and all the seedlings and fruit trees were pushed down, and a big pit was dug in the ground. He pointed to the pits and weeds in the field and said, "No more crops can be planted". It was considered that the administrative act of the town government to destroy cultivated land was illegal, and eight villagers sued the court.

Yesterday, the reporter contacted the government of Panggezhuang Town. Guo Yudong, deputy mayor, said that the land acquisition procedures are complete, and it is agreed that land acquisition can be carried out if the number of land requisition exceeds two-thirds of the villagers' representatives. As for telling the villagers before the forced push, it is unrealistic. "The work has been done, and the construction period of Beijing Kunlun Lubricating Oil Factory waits for no man. Pushing ahead will definitely not work. "

The case will be heard on the 29th of this month.

Is the procedure of farmland auction legal?

Guo Yudong, vice mayor, produced relevant documents to prove that the procedure of changing the plot from cultivated land to construction land was legal. "The formalities have been completed." These documents prove that in June 5438+ 10 last year, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission issued the Reply on Approving the First-class Development Project of Industrial Land in Panggezhuang Town, Daxing District (that is, involving more than 330 mu of land in the village), and agreed that Beijing Xingzhan Ye Sheng Investment Co., Ltd. would implement the first-class development of the land, with the construction content of "industrial facilities". In May of the same year, the municipal government approved the plot as construction land, and the project carried out land acquisition and primary development. The land was incorporated into the government land reserve and publicly traded in the market. At the same time, it also obtained the planning opinions of the Municipal Planning Commission. "All formalities have been completed". Beijing Kunlun Lubricating Oil Factory has obtained the land use right through bidding, auction and hanging, and is ready to start construction.

Guo Yudong said that the town government made a notice of land acquisition and posted it in the village. Liangjiawu Village held a villagers' congress in time to discuss the land requisition, and signed the minutes of the villagers' congress meeting. The villagers knew about it, and 1 14 the villagers cooperated with the land acquisition.

In this regard, Mr. Li and other villagers said that they did not see any announcement and did not get an explanation from the village Committee. Other villagers are also very cooperative, because they dare to speak out. Wang Hongli, the current village party secretary who took office this year, said that Yang Jihong, the former village party secretary, was in charge of this matter and he didn't know it. Yang Jihong said that he had resigned.

Is the compensation reasonable?

The main reason why eight nail households do not agree to land acquisition is that the compensation standard is too low.

Guo Yudong, deputy mayor of the town, said that this standard was asked by the district government, and this time it was raised to 80,000 yuan/mu on the basis of the land acquisition protection price of 60,000 yuan/mu in panggezhuang. Among them, 20,000 yuan was allocated to the land-expropriated farmers as compensation for the loss of management rights during the contract period, and another 60,000 yuan was deposited in the special account for the resettlement of land-expropriated farmers.

Guo Yudong said that in order to prevent land-lost farmers from getting compensation for consumption at one time, their future life will not be settled, and 60,000 yuan will be deposited into a special account for supervision. This is based on the document of Beijing Municipal Government 148. "No one can use the special account funds, otherwise they will be held accountable." 60,000 yuan is loaned to the enterprise by the bank as a guarantee, and dividends are distributed to the villagers at an annual interest rate of 6.5%. The compensation for the above-ground objects shall be appraised by the appraisal company according to the facts. After evaluation, if the compensation fee for above-ground objects is less than 5,000 yuan/mu, it will be compensated by 5,000 yuan, and the excess will be compensated according to the facts.