Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Introduce the role of our family

Introduce the role of our family

Eldest daughter: Mikan Tachibana orange blossom/orange blossom/orange blossom.

-Voice: Japanese/Orikasa Fumiko; Taiwan Province Province/Lin Meixiu; Port/forest

The parents and daughters of Lihua, the protagonist of Our Family, are currently in Grade Two (Class C for two years). "South" graduated from junior high school. The personality and habits of super nerve are almost exactly the same as those of MCA. I like food with whipped cream. The club in the school is the Teddy Bear Research Association (only five members). Simple and ordinary. I like daydreaming, dreaming of living independently from my family, and collecting all kinds of things (dream teapot, coffee pot, beautiful cups, etc. ) Then I can use it when I live alone in the future. I often bicker with MCA over trivial matters (but I am always killed by MCA). Have constipation. Staying up late in exams is always unsuccessful. Once on a bus, one of my classmates, Mu Yan, picked up a pen for her and fell in love with Mu Yan. Every time I meet a rock wood, I become abnormal. Simple mind. Simple-minded, you will want to break your head when you encounter a little thing. Always in a daze, write down what you think with a notepad. There are many problems on the lunch box, such as having a problem with the food, forgetting to bring chopsticks and directly forgetting to bring the lunch box. Often complain to MCA that the money is not enough. After school, I like to eat in a cake shop with my classmates. Both MCA students have exaggerated shortcomings. Eating toast belongs to the type of eating around first and then eating in the middle (because she likes to remove the troublesome part first). Body fat is 25. 1%.

Mother: Li Hua's mother/Fahrenheit milk/Mrs. Hua

-Voice: Japanese/Kumiko Watanabe; Taiwan province/Wang; Hong Kong/Rebecca

Lihua, the protagonist of Our Family, was born in Oita Prefecture, Kyushu. I often hum the song "Warm Red Rose" (Cantonese is the theme song of the hotel "Don't Blame Him", and Taiwan Province Edition is the opening and closing song of the host in Taiwan Province Province). Half-fish man's face is inherited from her mother (grandma of orange). I hate wasting. I stress efficiency and speed in everything, but I often make a mess. The dishes cooked by MCA sometimes taste terrible, and there is a lot left (but she thinks it is delicious when she eats it herself). Sometimes I even do it casually, and then I perfunctory my family with a bunch of messy reasons. Interest in calligraphy comes from joining a calligraphy club. I like hard bread very much (as if I also like bananas). I often buy diet cookies, but in the end I will throw them away because they taste terrible. I hate snakes most. I once saw a "young general snake" and was scared to fly 3 meters. She drowned in a shallow stream when she was a child, which made her hate going to places with water. I have a good relationship with my parents. They often go out together. I often use myself to know Mr. Hua and tell some lies. When a lie is exposed, I always like to use: "Really?" And then pretended to be busy and ran away. Animation 160 episode Ma Beng, nicknamed nagging machine gun. Eating toast is all types of eating, especially around toast. Body fat 5 1.0%.

M: Yuzuhiko Tachibana Yuzuhiko Tachibana/Orange Flower/Koga.

-Voice: Japanese/Sakaguchi Daisuke; Taiwan Province Province/Lei Biwen; Hong Kong/Week (Season 1)/Lu (Season 2)

Lihua's parents are male, and Orange's younger brother. I am currently in the second grade of junior high school. I like "the first miso in Sapporo-Lamian Noodles". The most common sense person in Lihua family. I am often shocked and speechless at the dialogue between MCA and Orange. Especially oranges with strong contrast with personality. Although he is quite neurotic and insists on self-principle, he also has an off-line side and often behaves casually. At school, his classmates called him "comic book becomes small grapefruit or grapefruit". Shy by nature, very popular with girls (especially Chuan Dao). He seems to have no interest in girls, but he is curious about Ishida's strange behavior and will think of her where he saw Ishida's strange behavior before. When I was a child, grapefruit, with all the feelings written on my face, was quite cute. Poor eyesight requires glasses. The idol is Maruno Marumi, but he is an underground fan and dare not let anyone know. The grapefruit fan club (Chuan Dao and Yamashita) named him "Little Lark" because grapefruit → grapefruit miso → miso → beautiful lark → lark. Have a phobia about barbershops. Eating toast is the kind that leaves the periphery and eats only the middle. Body fat 16.8%.

Father: Li Huaren's father/Master Hua/Peanut

-Voice: Japanese/Kenichi Ogata; Taiwan Province Province/Sun Zhongtai; Hongkong/Yongxin Chen

Lihua's parents. Office workers. Like MCA, she comes from Oita Prefecture in Kyushu. Showed as "ha ha ha" laughter. I am usually silent, and I only answer "hmm" to MCA's nagging. Not interested in anything. Always leave the door open when you go to the toilet (and wash your hands with toilet water). It is wrong to turn off the lights every time. I'm going my own way, and I'm lonely. For Chinese medicine, writers, books about life or some special topics, it will be hot at first, but it will soon cool down. Don't eat any peeled fruit. After taking a shower, I will wear a pair of underwear or run naked to the living room. Besides, I don't believe in garbage sorting and mutual funds. He is a hothead and doesn't like to take his time. In a word, he is a mysterious figure with an eccentric personality. The sixth sense is very keen. I like "3 1 ice cream" Loki Road (like a hard doughnut wrapped in chocolate) (like ice cream, too). Zhong likes to play with the waves. When you are drunk, you will become a property-throwing freak. After drinking beer, I used to put the cup on the bottle and stand (to remind MCA that there was no wine). Mitsuko Baisho's fans. Every time I catch a cold, I just eat garlic blindly, thinking that only eating garlic will make me better. Eating toast belongs to the type of hollowing out the whole toast. Body fat is 26.3%. Xiaoqing

-Voice: Kaori, a Japanese/Japanese well; Taiwan Province Province/Lei Biwen; Hong kong/Zhang

Orange's best friend. Last name is Shimizu. Mature and independent. It is characterized by split hair and the habit of "poof-ha ~" smoking and dusting. Interested in tarot cards, palm reading and divination. In the eighth episode of comics, I also took oranges to the fortune teller. I am good at massage, but I don't know why there is some research on Qigong. I will take care of the copier as a living thing. I once bought 200 pieces of manuscript paper for writing a novel, and sometimes she showed her incredible side. I will take the initiative to pursue the person I like and like the feeling of being needed by the other party. I just heard that many things have happened in the relationship between men and women before, and I don't want to touch men again. I once had a crush on the science teacher in animation ... Besides, in the fifth episode of comics-special article -3 1, is Xiaoqing sitting in front of Orange Jun? Maybe at a very young age, orange and Xiaoqing met ...?

Li yang

-Voice: Japanese/Makiko ?moto; Hongkong/Huang Lifang

A good friend of orange. Member of the Teddy Bear Research Association. No.2 1 appeared in the fourth episode of the comic book, but the name was unknown. Squinting is inherited by parents. A rich lady has a very luxurious home. Forced into the wallet by two old people at home (authentic LV). This is impossible in the orange house! However, Richard feels that he is a rich man and has nothing to be proud of. In addition, the family also keeps a dog named Alex (animated version appears). I'm often late for appointments with Xiong Yan.


-Voice: Japan/Harumi Asai; Hongkong/He Lu Yi

A good friend of orange. Chairman of Teddy Bear Research Association. A little fat.

petty bourgeoisie

-Voice: Japanese/Ikezawa Haruna; Taiwan province/Wang; Hongkong/He Lu Yi

Orange's friends, like Xiaoqing, just don't appear often.

Snow in spring mountain

-Voice: Japanese/Rie Tanaka; Taiwan province/Wang; Hongkong/Zheng Lili

Xiaoqing, a recognized beauty in the orange class, thinks she is very dangerous and always makes people turn around her. Even the orange has unfortunately become one of the victims (Chunshan asked her to help buy a pen, but when she bought the orange, she found that she had already bought it herself).

Ji Jiang

-Voice: Japan/Yuksuke Numada; Taiwan Province Province/Wu Dongyuan; Hongkong/Yuan Shu Zhen

Orange's classmate. Every time he appears with Iwaki's classmates, he always makes oranges lose face. Therefore, every time I see Yoshioka with Mu Yan, she is always shy and hates Yoshioka. But Xiaoqing thinks oranges and Yoshioka are a good match.

Sakai-Dubbing: Japan/Sakata Shigui; Hongkong/Yorki

A member of Xiong Yan, a friend of Orange.


-Voice: Hong Kong/Zeng

The transfer students in orange primary school and the students in high school are very good at their lessons and are deeply loved by teachers.


-Voice: Hong Kong/Zhu Miaolan

Orange's classmates don't show up very often. First appeared in episode 55-please don't praise me, praise orange sandals and purple shoes. The second time appeared in episode 57-Orange wanted to buy a swimsuit and discussed it. Also, the orange was once praised by her for making a beautiful handmade bag, so she stayed up late to make a new one, hoping to get her praise. As a result, Nohara didn't pay attention this time, which made the orange very hit.


-Voice: Japan/Morita Chihiro; Hongkong/Huang Fengying

The younger generation of orange gentleman. He is short and fat, but he has a very tall and thin boyfriend. I am a very careful classmate, but no one found out that I want to be a secretary when I grow up. Have very dreamy ideas. Xintian and her boyfriend met oranges, and her boyfriend thought oranges were the most beautiful among Xiong Yan's five people.


-Voice: Japanese/Midorikawa?Hikaru; Taiwan Province Province/Yu; Hong Kong/Chen Zhiming religious figures

Orange's classmate. Gentle and gentle, she once picked up her dropped ballpoint pen on the bus and gave her a casual smile. Orange fell in love with rock wood, but there was no way to face him calmly. Have a good relationship with Yoshioka. It seems that I seldom talk to girls.

Miyajima teacher

Mandarin teacher of orange. Have some knowledge of slang in Taiwan Province province. Some people think that cherry blossom viewing time is only in an instant. After he met four members of Hua's family one by one, he finally agreed with Hua's father. I think shark fin is the best taste he has ever tasted.

Teacher Murakami

-Voice: Japanese/Noichiro Ota; Hongkong/Lin Baoquan

Orange's history teacher and head teacher. Oranges They privately call him naughty. I often hear a word enter my reverie (such as honeymoon). )


Grapefruit's friend seems to have more money at home. In contrast, the three of them once removed the huge strange fish together and never caught or saw it again. But on the way back, they saw the fishing rod and broke it.


-voice: Japanese/kappei Yamaguchi; Taiwan Province Province/Lin Meixiu; Hongkong/Xiuxia Wu

Friends of grapefruit. There are only boys at home, so I miss my sister very much, so I have a crush on oranges (? )。 Seems to be very concerned about Lihua's private life. I like truffle chocolate, and I have been promoting it in the corridor on the eve of Valentine's Day. Guangmo (Ryoko Hirosue? ) fans. I like Sudo in our class. I was intoxicated by Sudo's throat.


-Voice: Japanese/Mizuta Wasabi; Taiwan Province Province/Fu Manjun; Hongkong/He Lu Yi

Pomelo's classmate. By chance, I went to the swimming pool alone with grapefruit. I like eating grapefruit very much, but when I see grapefruit, my behavior will become abnormal. But grapefruit has no feelings for her at all. And Yamashita formed the "Grapefruit Fan Club". My first choice is to enter Y Women's College (an aristocratic school with great deviation).

Yamashita handspring

-Dubbing: Japanese/Iron Cannon Tomb Leaf; Taiwan Province/Yang; Hongkong/Li Guifang/Zheng Lili

Pomelo's classmate. Chuan Dao's good friend. One of the members of "Koga Fan Club" is not as persistent about grapefruit as Chuan Dao? Go to the high school cultural festival with Chuan Dao, and take Y Women's College as the first choice like Chuan Dao. I also want to like grapefruit. When grapefruit painted a portrait of Chuan Dao, Chuan Dao went down the mountain crying because it was ugly, but he said, I also hope grapefruit can paint me.

Ishida lily

-Voice: Japanese/Kozakura Etsuko; Hong kong/Xie

Pomelo's classmate. You must smell the food before you eat it. This dog-like habit earned her an unpleasant nickname-"Dog". After washing your hands, you will wipe your hands with curtains; Will put macaroni on chopsticks to hold noodles, thinking that it will eat faster; When you go to the toilet, you will use strange songs to "silence"; Called' baseball' and' eight colors and eight straight lines'; Don't care about tofu soup with bugs; Will use forehead oil to adjust the viscosity of post-it notes ... and many other strange actions. I don't know whether it is "weird" or "personal". Only grapefruit and Sudo found her interesting and accepted her.


Grapefruit's classmate, the only girl who has a good relationship with Ishida. Fujino seems to like her a little. Fujino also asked grapefruit to draw the head of Sudo in his notebook.

Primitive teacher

The head teacher of grapefruit, Yuan Lao for short, is very strict, and his mantra is: eat everything.


Grapefruit's friend is a neighbor's son. Xiaotuo regards grapefruit as an idol and refuses to say goodbye to grapefruit every time. Shuidao lady

-Voice: Japanese/Rikako Aikawa; Taiwan Province Province/Lin Meixiu; Hongkong/Xiuxia Wu

Flower mom's friend. I am very close to MCA. We often go out together and like climbing mountains. When Huama joins hands with her, she can give full play to Obasan's strength! △ The triangle eye is very similar to Fujiki's classmate in cherry maruko. When I first debuted, I looked older. When Orange was in primary school (Class 2, 5 years), she and MCA hit it off. At that time, the shape looked like a river boy. There is a handsome son named Chun.

Mrs. Hushan

-Voice: Japanese/Sakiko Tamagawa; Taiwan Province Province/Lei Biwen; Hong Kong/Cai Huiping

Compared with Mrs. Mizushima, Mrs. Hushan seems quieter, although she sometimes looks like Obasan.

Lady triangle

-Dubbing: Japanese/Yamaguchi Nai Nai; Taiwan Province Province/Wei; Hongkong/Yuan Shu Zhen

Flower mom's friend. The family has money, and Mr. Triangle is a doctor. I invited Mama Hua, Mrs. Shuidao and Mrs. Hushan to a French dinner, but all three of them ate Japanese food. ...

Mrs Suzuki

-Voice: Hong Kong/Zeng

The wife of the neighbor next door lives in the same building and sends some local products from time to time. I once saw an exaggerated flower teacher's milk because of the cold weather (the above picture shows a towel around her neck and sheep slippers on her feet). After closing the door, I patted the railing outside and laughed. Another time, her baby picked pomegranates. Shanpo block

-Voice: Japanese/Naka Hiroshi

Staff of commercial corporation (commercial company). An old friend that Hua's father knew when he was in Kyushu. Because the rectangular face looks like tempura, it was once called "Mr. Tempura" by MCA. Once, I was involved in the whirlpool of "Mr. Tempura" because I forgot to bring my documents when I was visiting China.


-Voice: Japanese/Ken Narita

Dad's colleague. Once I went to China with a gift, but I kept staring at the gift and said something wrong ("I'll bring the gift out right away", actually it should be "I'll bring the tea out right away")