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Kneeling: Harry Potter Encyclopedia introduces Hermione's complete content

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English: hermione granger

Pinyin: Chinese

Hermione is a character in the children's fantasy novel Harry Potter series by the British writer Joanne Catherine Rowling (J.K. Rowling). She is the heroine in the series, a good friend of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, a girl with great love and sense of justice, bright school and high talent. Many readers like her confidence, wisdom, cleverness and courage. High flyers Harry and Ron of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry are important parts of the school trio. In fact, she is the shadow of J.K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter.

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Specific information

Full name: Hermione Jane Granger.

Age: 28 years old

Birthday: 198 1 September 19

School: Hogwarts

College: Gryffindor

Nicknames: Know-it-all (but many students admire her cleverness more), Miss with many questions (as Professor dolores umbridge said), Miss Perfect, Miss Serious (mentioned by rita skeeter in the novel).

Chinese nicknames: Hehe, Xiaohe, Hr (mainly nicknames used in post bars and forums)

Features: Thick and unkempt brown hair can only be improved by using a lot of speed skating conditioner. She didn't remove her big dice until the fourth grade, but that was after a spell accident. Besides, her eyes are brown.

Descent: Muggle descent

Family: Both parents are Muggle dentists. The focus of debate now is whether she has a sister. J.K. Rowling said she wanted to write, but she finally gave up. This shows that she really has no sisters. She is the only child in the family.

Wand: rattan wood, containing the heart strings of dragons, of unknown size.

Constellation: Virgo

Hair color: brown and thick.

Eye color: brown (amber or chocolate)

Pet: Crook Mountain is a wonderful animal. It's a big ginger cat with a flat face and a fat tail that blows like a bottle brush. Crook Mountain is partly made up of cats and raccoons, so it is very smart and can identify bad people. The most obvious example is peter pettigrew's attitude towards it when he appeared in the form of a mouse (see Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban for details). Moreover, when Harry and Ron compiled the answers in the divination class, it can be seen from the way it stared at them that it can also identify and not identify cheating (see chapter 14 of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire for details). Sirius Black also said, "This cat is not crazy. It is the cleverest cat I have ever seen. "

Expertise: learning, logical reasoning, arithmetic divination, portable waterproof flame, defense against dark magic of apparition.

Favorite subject: arithmetic divination

The most disgusting subject: divination

Patron saint: otter (Ms. Rowling's favorite animal is also an otter, so Hermione has Rowling's shadow)

Bogert (the biggest fear): Professor McGonagall announced that he had failed all the exams.

Not the best subject: what needs to be practiced: defense against the dark arts (actually good), flying, divination.

(Note: Hermione's defense against the dark arts is not the best. She got an E in O.W.Ls She also said (to Harry): I'm just trying to be a little smarter-in fact, you surpassed me in the third grade and met a knowledgeable teacher (Lubang). P.S. Hermione was frightened by Bogert disguised as Meg in the final exam of the third grade. She said that she failed the exam. Hermione is not very good at flying either. She said that the school broom had just been turned over, and Hermione and Harry played Quidditch during the summer vacation. It's fair to Ron, Ginny and Rowling, because Hermione plays badly. )

(Note: The mainland version is translated as "hermione granger" and the Taiwan Province version is translated as "hermione granger". )

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Human resources and analysis

■ First of all,

Hermione is a very studious girl with a clever mind. Sometimes she seems to be arbitrary. Her thirst for knowledge proved useful in many of their adventures. One of her favorite subjects at school is arithmetic divination. Hermione's parents are Muggle dentists, and Hermione's roommates at Hogwarts are parvati and Lavender. Besides, Ginny and I are good friends.

The correct pronunciation of Hermione's name is Her-my-oh-nee, which she expressed in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The correct pronunciation of Hermione's name is the most common problem for readers. So in this book, the author cunningly arranges Hermione to teach Victor krum how to pronounce her name correctly (but without success). Hermione got her name from william shakespeare's book A Winter's Tale. Hermione is also a variant of "Hermes" in Greek mythology.

Harry and Ron didn't like Hermione at first when they were freshmen, and Ron even expressed the hope that he and Hermione wouldn't be in the same college. Later, they gradually changed their attitude towards Hermione: she cried in the bathroom and was attacked by a troll on the way. They saved Hermione and then lied to Professor McGonagall to escape punishment. From then on, they became her friends. Hermione and Ron's personalities make them often quarrel. In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Hermione helps Harry get through the devil's snare and logical reasoning.

In the second grade, she knew the true meaning of "mudblood". To protect her, Ron put a spell on Draco Malfoy after she was insulted. Later, Hermione was petrified while studying the basilisk. She later learned that Harry and Ron saved Ron's sister Ginny Weasley.

In the third grade, Hermione alienated her friends again. At first, she was skeptical about Harry's Christmas gift "Firebolt" broom, and reported it to Professor McGonagall, asking her to confiscate the broom. And when Ron accused her cat Crookshanks of killing his pet mouse; When her friend alienated Hermione, she helped rubeus hagrid prepare for the trial of Buckbeak, the winged Gryphon, although all these efforts were in vain. Finally, she and Harry help Buckbeak escape. Hermione's teasing (especially Slytherin's loose hair and "omniscient" tendency) and Malfoy's insult to Hagrid made her slap Malfoy for the first time.

Hermione was disgusted with Professor sibyll trelawney and her divination class. When she was accused of not being suitable for divination, she just said in class that she would stop learning divination and pack up and leave. Hermione didn't finish all the subjects, but she still asked for a timer to get her back to the correct class time. She and Harry used a timer to save Sirius Black.

In the fourth grade, she noticed that the domestic elves were treated unfairly, so she decided to set up the organization "Elf Welfare Promotion Association", which was called "Elf Welfare Association" and "S.P.E.W" for short. Unfortunately, the acronym of this organization means the same as "gushing" in English. She became the partner of Triwizard Victor krum, which made Ron jealous. She vowed to get back at rita skeeter. Rita is a boring reporter. She spreads lies about Harry and Hermione. Rita skeeter also has a "shorthand quill pen" where he can write down a little thing at will. She was also turned into a beetle by Hermione. She later decided that rita skeeter was an illegal Anima Gus and set a trap to catch her. This book implies that she has become Ginny's best friend.

Hermione continued to promote the House-elf Rights Promotion Association. In the fifth grade, she knitted clothes for the house elves, hoping to set them free (as a result, the house elves refused to clean the Gryffindor Tower, and the task was given to Dobby). She knew that rita skeeter was an illegal animaji, and then blackmailed her to write an article about Voldemort's return. Hermione also came up with the idea of establishing Dumbledore's army (D.A.) and was involved in the struggle of the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic. She was badly hurt.

Hermione took great pains in her studies and homework. She passed the general witchcraft test. Some people think that she is the best student, although in astronomy, an interruption may affect her grades. She may also pass the Super Fatigue Bombing Witchcraft Test (N.E.W.Ts).

Hermione and Ron became prefects of Gryffindor. Hermione tends to obey the rules, but when necessary (especially with dolores jane umbridge), she will resist, including forming Dumbledore's army.

In the sixth grade, her relationship with Ron Weasley gradually changed from a friend to a lover. Her correspondence with Victor krum made Ron jealous, while Ron's brief love affair with Lavender made Hermione jealous and made him angry with Cormac Maclagan. She took part in the Battle of the Tower with other district attorneys and some members of the Order of the Phoenix.

In the seventh grade, Hermione, Harry and Ron did not go to Hogwarts again, but went through a difficult journey to find and destroy Voldemort's horcrux together. First, in the process of Harry's transfer from the Dursleys' home, she dressed up as one of Harry's seven brothers, rode a thestral and set off with Kingsley Shacklebolt, and returned to burrow safely after a life-and-death struggle with the Death Eaters. Hermione and Ron have made all the preparations, including revising her parents' memories and arranging for them to go to Australia, in case they forget to have a daughter like her. Hermione used a magic to expand the space infinitely, and put all the things that three people needed for adventure in a small bag, which made great contributions to them. Her love, excellent magical ability and extensive magical knowledge helped them a lot in their adventures. At school, Hermione found books about horcruxes and learned that the way to destroy horcruxes is to use extremely destructive weapons so that horcruxes cannot be repaired by themselves. In the last Hogwarts War, she fought bravely with members of the Order of the Phoenix and Hogwarts teachers and students. At the same time, the relationship between Hermione and Ron has also undergone great changes and progress during this year.

Later, Hermione and Ron got married. 19 years later, Hermione and Ron took their children Hugo and Ross to see Harry again on platform 9 3/4.

■ Second,

First of all, modern muggles are not as opposed to wizards as they used to be. Although wizards still keep their distance from them and keep secrets strictly, Muggles have slowly begun to accept witchcraft.

Secondly, at first glance, the security measures at Hogwarts are not thorough. After all, Hermione said that she was surprised when she received the letter from Hogwarts, at least she felt suddenly. If such a letter falls into the hands of people who hate magic, the whole magical world is likely to be exposed immediately. From this we can infer that when Hermione's magical potential was revealed, the Hogwarts representative obviously contacted the Grangers, although Hermione didn't mention it herself.

Mr. and Mrs. Granger are very relieved to let their daughter go to boarding school in the Scottish wilderness. If they hadn't received a letter from Hogwarts, they wouldn't be so relieved. Perhaps they made Hermione fully prepared for studying at Hogwarts, and at the same time gave her daughter a surprise.

When Hermione arrived at Hogwarts, she quickly became the cleverest student in the whole grade. She not only knows the answer to every question, but also remembers the contents of every book she has read, and is willing to tell others her knowledge. Therefore, she won the nickname "Gryffindor know-it-all" shortly after her school career began, and she was famous for raising her hand actively to answer questions in every class and never taking pains. Professor Snape doesn't like this.

This inadvertently made her reputation among students as thankless as Filch, the administrator. She cares about her reputation and hopes to make more friends, but she can't control her instinct to be a top student. After the spell class, she overheard Ron Weasley's rude comments about her. She was so sad that she hid in the bathroom and cried all day. But it was a disaster for her: 199 1 year, Professor Quirrell put Johnson in Hogwarts. Harry and Ron were forced to break into the girls' bathroom to face the troll in order to save her. They have no choice but to fight it. By chance, they knocked down the troll. On the other hand, Hermione lied to Professor McGonagall, who came at once, and concealed the fact that she had two friends for the first time.

Although she is still the same as before, the sudden change has calmed her down. She is still eager to show her talents, but she resisted the desire to condemn students who violated school rules and used her intelligence to help those students who needed help.

As a result, she finally integrated herself into campus life and gradually became popular. Of course, she is the first in her class. The fact that a Muggle-born wizard is ahead in all aspects annoys many pure-blood lovers such as Draco Malfoy, but by the sixth grade, he gradually realized that this is not something he can do.

By the sixth grade, Hermione had become a mature, friendly, helpful and reasonable girl, although she was still bossy and eager to help those who didn't want her help (remember "vomiting") (such as helping neville longbottom). In the fourth grade, she even attracted the attention of Victor krum, who was much older than her. Krum liked Hermione very much, but their relationship only lasted until krum returned to Rome, Dempster.

Hermione has kept in touch with krum ever since-they became pen pals. What she really likes is Ron Weasley. She is a mature girl and can understand her true feelings. In the third grade, she first noticed that she liked Ron, although Ron hadn't noticed her at that time. In the fourth grade, although Ron was angry, he didn't realize that their relationship was still up in the air. Maybe he is not ready to accept a relationship, so he has been running away. Hermione wants to break the deadlock, but Ron's attitude has always depressed her. "Ron, you are the dullest person I have ever met."

In the sixth year, their relationship made a little progress. At least Ron realized his feelings for Hermione, but he escaped. In fact, when he discovered the relationship between Hermione and krum, his anger and various reactions were very telling. Only when the war broke out inevitably did Ron and Hermione finally know each other's feelings and their relationship could go further.

And in the seventh book, it is mentioned that the relationship between Ron and Hermione is deepening. Sure enough, in the last chapter "After 19", Ron and Hermione get married and have children.

On the other hand, the relationship between Hermione and Harry has been very stable. Their friendship has been developing steadily after the initial difficulties and obstacles, and Hermione has always been Harry's confidant. Albus dumbledore even allowed Harry to tell Ron and Hermione about prophecy and his responsibilities. After the headmaster died, Hermione became one of only three people who knew the complete prophecy.

Perhaps because of Hermione's muggle background, she studies magic as a science rather than an art, which is different from the fact that children born in magical families are surrounded by magical environments. This is reflected in the patron saint spell, which requires recalling a happy past. Although she is knowledgeable and always comes first in exams, Hermione has only mastered the theory after all. She thinks that Harry is more talented than her because Harry is born with magical control, and what she has learned is only the numerical advantage. So in the fifth grade, Hermione hinted that Harry was better than herself and chose him as the leader of their Dumbledore army.

Nevertheless, Hermione is undoubtedly a gifted witch, which is also illustrated by her O.W.Ls certificate of 1 1, in which 10 is "excellent" (defense against the dark arts is "good"). It's great that she only concentrated on taking 10 courses to reach this level. Although she gave up Muggle studies in the third grade, she passed the exam. In the sixth grade, she took seven courses of N.E.W.Ts

Hermione's pet is a cat named Crookhill, which is only half that of a cat and a raccoon-this just shows her personality. Crook Mountain is very clever and has Gryffindor's courage, as can be seen from the scene where the screaming hut tries to protect Sirius Black. Hermione is bound to get involved in the struggle with Voldemort. Her personality and habits will give her the upper hand, and she also needs to accumulate more talent and courage. At the end of the sixth grade, Dumbledore's death touched everyone's heart. She (and Ron) promised to help Harry defeat Voldemort instead of going back to school to continue his studies. Harry tried to stop them, but Hermione was not a girl who could be stopped. She spent the seventh grade in dangerous activities.

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About actors

Chinese Name: Emma Charlotte Du Lei Watson.

English name: Emma Watson

Full name: Emma Charlotte Toure Watson

Official website:/

Nickname: Em

Birthday: Sunday, April 1990.

Height: 170cm

Constellation: Aries

Hair color: blonde

Eye color: brown

Place of birth: Paris, France

Nationality: UK

Hometown: Oxfordshire, England

Family members: my father Chris is a lawyer, my mother Jacqueline is also a lawyer, and my brother Alex is a student.

Pet: She has two cats, named Bubble and Domino.

Favorite scene: gilderoy lockhart scene.

Favorite HP book: Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban.

Emma's outstanding performance as Hermione has won a large number of fans all over the world. Two years ago, she won the Best Supporting Actress Award in American Network for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. She was also chosen as the best newcomer by readers of Complete Movie Magazine for Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban.

Emma continued to deal with her studies while filming. She is also keen on ice hockey, netball, tennis and running laps, and is an excellent track and field athlete. She is also an art scholar and owns the most gorgeous and creative dressing room in the studio. Her other hobbies include family gatherings with friends, traveling, dancing (street jazz, street dance, salsa dance and ballroom dancing for her role in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) and singing.