Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Interpretation of Maya Calendar Master: Kin 1 19 Blue Storm Moon

Interpretation of Maya Calendar Master: Kin 1 19 Blue Storm Moon

Dear, welcome to read. I will share my story through the Mayan calendar, a deep drifting girl who crossed the border from a rural teacher to the financial circle. You can see: how do I interpret myself with Mayan talent? I am you, and you are another me. You are also welcome to start exploring the growth journey of talents through my channels.

For a bright future, we need to work hard outside, and we need to work hard inside.

20 18 I began to understand the importance of seeking inward, so on the way to know and heal myself, I constantly encountered some high-energy knowledge, such as:

Life code, meditation, Akashic record, family system arrangement, NlP, enthusiasm test, Maya talent interpretation, career planning of career DNA, 2050 life path, humanoid, tarot card, oh card, Zen dance, happy Datura, King Kong wisdom, nun yoga. ...

I enjoy this journey of physical and mental growth very much. Now I find that the passion I can't give up is nothing more than knowing myself: discovering talent, being clear and enthusiastic, healing myself, learning lessons from my family background, discovering and removing subconscious restrictive beliefs, and loving my inner children. ...

Being exposed to more than ten kinds of knowledge systems has given me a comprehensive and broad perspective to know and heal myself. If you want to do a good job, you must sharpen your tools first. After having some experience, I listed my favorite tools.

First of all, the Mayan calendar and my story

Human beings have the instinct to know themselves. I believe you may be curious to contact or experience a series of evaluation tools such as astrology, type 9 personality test, personality color, life password, digital energy, Gallup advantage identification, MBTI evaluation, dermatoglyphic detection, disk and so on.

But every knowledge system, the help it brings to knowing oneself, I think it is like playing a jigsaw puzzle, just putting together part of it.

I heard a story told by coach Robort, the founder of Life Road 2050. A father is so busy that he has little time to play with his son. He often buys many puzzles for his son, but his son always finishes them quickly.

Father thought the puzzle must be too simple, so he bought a more difficult puzzle and thought he could work with peace of mind. But the son quickly assembled it. The father was surprised to ask his son what the secret was. The son turned the puzzle over and there was a man on the back.

If I know that I am a puzzle, then for me, the person on the back of the puzzle is the Mayan calendar talent interpretation+human map (please look forward to the story about me and human map).

Last May Day holiday, I participated in the offline activities of Changsha Action School, and I was very grateful to know Jieqiong who had studied the Mayan calendar. That was the first time I experienced the interpretation of the Mayan calendar. At that time, my lunar birthday was measured as the yellow star of Kin88.

So I misread my mark for more than a year, but because the touch and gain brought by misreading are not essential, there is no deep link after contact.

Until the end of July this year, I walked out of my comfort zone for the second time, changed my circle and came to Shenzhen to prepare. Fate arranged for me to meet teacher Wu Jianyian, and the online training camp she started attracted me. This study made me fall in love with the Mayan calendar, and also made me realize that my Mayan mark turned out to be a blue storm.

Second, I have a gift for understanding the Mayan calendar.

Maya calendar is a calendar that reveals the law of energy operation behind time. The moment everyone comes to this world, he carries the energy of the times when he was born. Dr Jose spread Mayan wisdom to the world by discovering ancient wisdom.

All the experiences in life are to know and get close to the true self. Each project has its instruction manual. Do we also have its factory design? I found some answers in the Mayan calendar.

We can know ourselves through our Mayan imprint, which is composed of tonality and totem. A Mayan calendar has 13 tonality and 20 totems.

Tonality symbolizes frequency, which determines the speed of our growth. What kind of people, what kind of things and what kind of things vibrate at the same frequency, and how do we interact with the outside world?

20 totems, representing 20 different evolution stages of the universe from black holes to light bodies. Totem symbolizes energy, including the qualities, talents, soul mission and lessons we brought with us when we were born, which determines what kind of person you are. Why did you choose that life experience?

When a "tonality" and a "totem" are combined, we call it blood relationship. 13 frequency and 20 totems are combined in pairs, and * * * has 260 different kin.

My Maya Seal: KIN11Blue Storm in September.

1, tonality: No.2 moon

Keywords: duality, stability and challenges

Just like the moon is cloudy and sunny, round and lacking, as the tonality of the moon, we often have a comprehensive perspective on the world, and we can see the pros and cons, the surface and the essence of things at the same time, so it is usually difficult for us to choose.

The moon born of yin and yang is tonal and inclusive. It is good at finding internal balance and integrity from different aspects and likes to be in an inclusive state.

But some people with moon tonality may be black and white at first and hate evil. With the growth of experience or some inspiration, they will evolve into a state of high-order harmony.

The tonality of the moon reminds me to keep balance and create a stable binary state between different people and things.

In life, the difficulty of choice has always been a problem for me. When faced with a choice, I always want to choose the best and most correct one, which usually takes me a lot of energy, so I try not to face a choice, but life seems to often give me many multiple-choice questions.

But now when I need to make a choice, I will take out Tarot cards for divination, because it can help me see what I really want. For example, at the end of September, I jumped from a start-up company that owed wages to a company in the securities investment consulting industry. I passed four interviews and quickly chose two, but I don't know which one to go to.

Both companies have something I like, and my heart is very entangled. I used tarot cards for divination, which accurately showed the inner touch brought by the two companies and showed me their respective advantages, so I chose the one that could make more money between more money and happier.

2. Core talent totem: Blue Storm

Keywords: self-transport, catalysis, energy

The interstellar prototype of the blue storm changed the world. When the storm sweeps through, it will usher in a gorgeous transformation. Self-remoulding and creating changes is the instinct of Blue Storm people. They are always uneasy about the status quo, good at taking the initiative to change, and enjoy the change.

The storm has its eyes. The task that the blue storm needs to expand is not only to pursue superficial changes, but also to find the eyes of the storm and go deep into the core to carry out reforms. At this time, the changes are essential and thorough.

I used to like the word "toss". At that time, when I first heard this word, I felt very interested, so I immediately changed my signature to: post-95 rural teachers who love to toss and learn. Tossing represents constantly stepping out of the comfort zone, meeting challenges and embracing change. Why do I love to toss?

The apparent reason is that I hope to enrich my experience and growth all my life, and strive to become a better person and live a better life. Now I understand myself. It was my instinct to pursue upgrading and change before. I can't stand being the same. I do not embrace change, but enjoy it.

This energy is really reflected in the trajectory of my life. For example, I graduated from normal school on 20 17. My first job was to be assigned as a teacher in a rural school in my hometown. I knew I didn't belong there, but I was forced to change my five-year contract at will. After all, I heard that if you break the contract, you will have to pay a high penalty.

Although I live a monotonous working life in a mountain village, I often go to Changsha on weekends and holidays to expand my circle and knowledge by participating in learning activities. During the winter and summer vacations, I will travel to various scenic spots and cities all over the country to broaden my horizons and satisfy my curiosity to explore the world.

Until the winter vacation of 20 19, an entrepreneur friend in Chengdu invited me to visit her and attend their company's annual meeting. I met some different strugglers there, which touched me a lot. I went to Baoguang Temple and asked for a sign before I left.

The content of the signature is four poems, and the last sentence reads "You can fly high just by flapping your wings". This sentence made my heart suddenly shake, and suddenly gave me courage to make the decision I always wanted to make. On the way back, I wrote my resignation letter. After returning to work, I began to actively look for a job to prepare for the next step.

20 19 After the first semester ended, I started my new job in Changsha with excitement as soon as I had a holiday. With pure trust in the noble Mi Jie, I switched to the new financial investment field in digital currency. My job is to help Mi Jie explore the market and serve the investor team.

That year, I worked in Sister Mi for the first three months. Later, because I also started to invest and earn income, and my assistant's job didn't improve, I gave up my salary and started freelancing, but my main business was to invest in digital currency with Mi Jie's team.

During my freelance career, I had two sideline jobs, one was to join Hunan Chamber of Commerce to sell membership services, and the other was to join China Ping An.

That year has many precious memories for me:

I experienced the life of freelancing for the first time, entered the new financial investment circle for the first time, met a noble person who had a great influence on me for the first time, planned and implemented a reading meeting of Tao Te Ching for the first time, hosted a three-day lecturer training camp for the first time, and planned and hosted an annual meeting of 200 to 300 people for the first time.

? For the first time, I participated in the studio of China cultural elements from 0 to 1, went abroad for the first time, bought insurance for my family for the first time, got up early every day for the first time for a month, hosted the digital currency Forum for creating wealth online for the first time for half a month, shared my story with hundreds of people online for the first time, and had the same dream with the partner team for the first time.

It has been three months since Changsha was transferred to Shenzhen. Before I left, I hugged Mi Jie and said, "I left to come back better." Digital currency's investment has become my sideline, and the digital currency team has been in close contact, but I want to constantly challenge my ceiling and create greater possibilities.

In Shenzhen, I still focus on the financial sector. Currently engaged in securities investment and investment industry. The only constant in this world is change. Fortunately, the way I get along with the world is positive change.

3. Guide energy: blue monkey? The content of learning gives you inspiration and energy for your life direction. )

Keywords: magic, games, hallucinations

My guide is the blue monkey, which is an interesting, humorous and laughing energy. The world of blue monkeys is a huge playground. After a hard trip to the world, have fun and laugh.

My blue monkey energy will naturally come into play in front of comfortable people. Even if the other person doesn't make funny movements or expressions, he will accidentally touch my smile switch and giggle.

Among different kinds of people, I just appear serious, earnest and even unsmiling, which I need to overcome. I can learn to get along with the game mentality in any occasion. The more I know how to relax, the more I can exert my blue monkey energy.

4, support energy: yellow sun (brings you good luck, supplements confidence and strength, and better exerts your energy. )

Keywords: cosmic fire, enlightenment, life

The yellow sun is a totem that has gained all wisdom and enlightenment, and its energy is a kind of compassion and altruism. If the blue storm gives full play to the energy of the yellow sun and combines the individual's willingness to change with the public's demand for change, it may make a big event that subverts the industry and even the times. For example, Krishnamurti and nan huaijin are famous representatives of the blue storm.

It turns out that I am enthusiastic about public welfare and sympathize with suffering because of the energy of the yellow sun. When I see a beggar in the street, I feel sorry for him. I always slow down and want to do something. I often cry when I see that kind of heroic deeds or stories of poor people on the Internet. Haha, now I understand myself.

5. Driving energy: Whitestorm? On the other side of you, there is inner potential that can be stimulated. )

Keywords: spirituality, communication, breathing

Whitestorm's energy is an energy that is good at expressing and spreading through sound or words. Because Whitestorm is my hidden driving energy, I am not confident, although I have been giving full play to its energy advantages. For example, I am rejected and afraid in my heart, but sometimes I always get praise when I give a speech.

I realize this now, so I began to see and realize the energy of Whitestorm. Adding "out without writing 007" is a guarantee I gave myself.

6. Challenge/expand energy: Red Moon? It can expand and perfect itself for things that it is unfamiliar with, lacks or is particularly unwilling to do. )

Keywords: water in the universe, purification, flow

The red moon symbolizes the energy of water in the universe. It is good at feeling people, and it is easy to perceive the emotions of others. Everything around you can easily trigger rich emotional reactions. But since childhood, I have lived a strong life, rarely shed tears, and I don't laugh very much, and my mood is relatively depressed.

Because my expanding energy is the red moon, I am not familiar with it and don't want to do it. When I have negative emotions, I always digest them silently.

But negative emotions are like garbage. If swallowed, they will only rot and become moldy, which will do harm to the body over time. What I need to learn is to manage my emotional energy, let it flow naturally like water and expand my acceptance.

Now I won't suppress my emotions and laugh happily. Cry if you want, and get angry if you are angry. I can express and release myself easily, so that the real me is the complete me.

It will be nice to meet Maya. I hope we are all full of happiness. Finally, I'd like to share with you Gandhi's famous saying: Become a reformer? The world you want to see. Don't wait for others to change the world and become the change you want to see in this world.