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What idioms are there at the end of idioms?

Idioms ending in the word "land"

Idioms ending in the word "land":

Indomitable spirit,

It's unstoppable,

Ice and snow,

Some other time,

Liver and brain smears,


Moving on the ground,

Create the world,

Place of use,

Walking on the ground,

Barren land,

It's everywhere,

Attack the city a little,

Be dead set,


Throw yourself on the ground,

Get ahead,

No good end,

Pangu opened heaven and earth,

A stone fell,

Pots and bowls face the ground,

A place,

There are no tiles on it, and there is no place to nail them.


Thank god,

Heroes are useless,

(of sounds) very loud.

Words ending in the word "land"

Idioms ending with the word "land": indomitable spirit, unstoppable, ice and snow, changing the weather, sweeping the earth, shocking the earth, opening up the world, using the land, and being down-to-earth.

Ending idioms

The feeling of sadness described heaven and earth as extremely sad and touched them. Song Shi Puji's "Five Lights Meeting Yuan" Volume 1: "Crying aloud, feeling the sorrow of the world." 1000

The mourning day is called mourning land: mourning. Cry sadly. Describe sadness ...

A place to live. Batch live and live somewhere, or .. Ming Luo Guanzhong's Romance of the Three Kingdoms 40th time: "Recently, I heard that Liu Jingsheng was critically ill, so I can take ...

A place of contention. The opposing sides must compete for a strategic position. "Zhou Shu Wang Yuechuan": "The white horse is a battleground for military strategists. This city is small and weak, easy. ...

There is another world: realm. Metaphor has another realm. Description .. Tang Li Bai's poem "Questions and Answers in the Mountains": "Peach blossoms flow away, and there is another world." 6 1 1

Ice and snow describe ice and snow everywhere. Qing River Shiquan Chicken Feather Hall: "Snow and ice are like tigers, and naked cryers have no home." 7 16

Make up the sky and help the land. Metaphor is a great feat. 489

Leave no room, leave no room. Describe words and deeds more ... Qing Ji Yun's Notes on Reading Wei Caotang (Volume 11): "This fox's eyes are like a mirror, and his words are too hasty ... 5319.999999999895

Barren land where no plants or crops grow. Describe desolation and poverty .. Biography of Ram: Twelve Years of Gong Xuan: "The Barren Land of Tin." 4743.999999999795

No, Mu Zhi can't be used to raise cattle and horses. Wasteland. Han Huan Kuan's On Salt and Iron: "There is no place for Mu Zhi, no unruly people." 430

Don't eat where you don't eat: don't produce food. Refers to land that cannot be cultivated. "Book of Rites on Tan Gong": "If I die and choose a place where I don't eat, I will be rude." 462

Land size: describe a small number. A small fief. Historical Records Biography of Fan Sui and Biography of Cai Ze: "If there is no land of the same size, don't you want it?" ..478

Getting ahead means being superior. Song Ouyang Xiu's Book with Mei: "I should avoid the road and let him out." 649

Spring has returned to the earth, just as spring has returned to the earth. Describe that the cold has passed, .. Song Zhou Zizhi's "Two Stories of Rain and Snow in Taicang": "It snows at the head of the tree ... 90 1.

Inch by inch, inch by inch, inch by inch: there are few metaphors. Describe very little land. 588

Dai Tianlu wears: against the sky; Step: step, step. Hold the sky high above your head .. "Zuo Zhuan Xi Gong Fifteen Years" "Dr. Jin kowtowed three times and said,' You walk on the ground and wear clothes in the sky ...+0.10000.000000000103

Small shot: an iron shot or clay shot used for slingshots. Historical Records Biography of Yu Qing in Ping Yuanjun: "This tiny place is blessed by heaven, which makes Qin attack Wang again next year ... 1 15 1.

Diao Tian resolutely described making a scene. 447

The place where you lived as a child usually refers to your hometown. I sent a preface to Yang Shaoyin: "Now I refer to his tree:' A tree, my ancestor also ... 485."

Stand high in the sky and step on the ground. Describe the image of a tall man, .. Song Shi Bai Wei's "Continued Lights: A Zen Master with No Ancestral Method in Ji Zhou Dojo": "You guys ...

Originally a Taoist term, the cave is blessed with land, which refers to the famous summer resort where Shinto lives. Tang Du Guangting's Paradise Story: "List ten holes, thirty-six holes, seven holes, seven holes, seven holes, seven holes, seven holes, seven holes, seven holes, seven holes, seven holes, seven holes, seven holes, seven holes, seven holes, seven holes, seven holes, seven holes, seven holes, seven holes, seven holes, seven holes, seven holes.

Earth-shaking: turn it over. Describe great and radical changes. Also .. Liu Tang Shang's poem "Tiger Jumps 18 Beats": "Who knows that it is turned upside down, and now I see Beidou in the south. ...

Square inch refers to the heart. Liezi Zhong Ni: "Order Uncle Long to stand with his back to the sun and look at the sun from behind .......................................................................................................................................................

Change the original face completely another day. To transform society, change ...

Liver and brain smear: ground smear. Describe a tragic death. It also describes "Biography of Historical Records and Liu Lie": "Make the world's liver and brain everywhere." 575

Heaven and earth are moved by the earth. Describe sincere and touching .. "Liezi Huangdi": "People who believe in their husbands can feel things. The story or work is very moving. ...

Fertile land refers to fertile land or fertile areas. Han Jiayi's "On Qin": "Cut the fertile land in the east and think that Guilin is Xiang Jun." 524

Attack the city slightly: plunder. Attacking cities and plundering land. "Huai Nan Zi Bing Xun": "Those who attack the city must go down." 570

Shame: Sweating on your face. Described as extremely ashamed, it is useless ... Tang Hanyu's poem "Chao Gui": "The seal is not good, it is not opposite to Germany, and Gu Ying listens to its voice ... 。

It's too dark to see anything. 457

Call heaven and earth: touch the ground. Shout loudly to heaven and hit your head on the ground. Xing (China's surname) ... Chapter 40 of Wu Qinjingzi's The Scholars: "Xiao Yunxian cried all over the world ...+0.50000.00000000606

Describe debauchery, corruption, eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. Chapter 27 of Qing Li Garbo's Officialdom Appears: "After I arrived in Beijing, I spent a lot of time ... 。

Describe yourself as happy with joy. Master Wang Yuan's "The Romance of the West Chamber" has a fourth fold: "I want to tell you my wife, the county magistrate ... 14.

Describe the darkness. It is also a metaphor for the darkness and chaos of society. Qing Wu Jingzi's "the scholars" said in the eighth reply: "I'm really worried. I've been hit by a drought for several days ..." 19989.999999898997

Very high. Rites and music annals: "the rites and music of husband and wife are in harmony with heaven and earth, and yin and yang are connected ..." 10000.000000000005

Loneliness is a metaphor for people who are incapable or idle. Xu Ming' ai wrote in the biography: "When it is not deducted, it is earth-shattering; When it is deducted, it is only .. 4 18.

Rivers flow like rivers on land. Is this metaphor accurate? ...

Walk fast, without touching the ground, as if without touching the ground. Feng Ming magnum's novel of ancient and modern times (volume 27): "Seven or eight old women's handmaids, pulling their ears, ...+09 ... 。

Down-to-earth metaphor is practical and serious. Song Shao Bowen's "Before Listening to Shao" Volume 18: "The audience asked:' Is that so? ...

Jintian embroidery depicts the beautiful layout of houses or other environments ... Song Fan Chengda's "The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival": "You can get it only if you smoke and wear willows. ...

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Idioms ending in the word "land"

The feeling of sadness described heaven and earth as extremely sad and touched them.

The mourning day is called mourning land: mourning. Cry sadly. Describe sadness.

A place to live. Live and live in a certain place, or take a certain place as the foundation of business.

A place of contention. The opposing sides must compete for a strategic position.

There is another world: realm. Metaphor has another realm. Describing the realm of scenery or artistic creation is fascinating.

The four-character box at the end of the word "ground"

be full of joy

Indomitable spirit

(of sounds) very loud.

Thank goodness

Stand out from others.

Social darkness and chaos

Invincible position

Live, live or live in a place.

Return to the earth in spring

The Creation of Heaven and Earth ―― The Dawn of History

Idioms ending in "land"

The Creation of Heaven and Earth ―― The Dawn of History

Extremely sad, the world was moved by it.

Live, live or live in a place.



Indulge in sensual pleasure

It's dark. I can't see anything.

Lament to heaven, kowtow to the ground ―― give a cry of pain.

be full of joy


Indomitable spirit

Wild waste

Snow World

Where competition is fierce.

Stand out from others.

What idioms are there at the end of Li?

Just avoid harm.

Source: "Woods Tuguo No.1": "Those who plan, so seek advantages and avoid disadvantages."

Meaning: just: approaching, heading for. Avoid harmful conditions and approach favorable conditions.

Bad start.


Meaning: division: army. Leon: Smooth. It didn't go well. Describe that at the beginning, things suffered a fiasco.

turn toaccount good account


Meaning: fishing: fishing. Profit: Take the opportunity to seek illegitimate rights. Take advantage of others.

good luck

Source: Ming Luo Guan Zhong's Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the 54th time: "Kongming said,' I know what I'm here for. Reading Yi in time is a good sign. "

Moral: Very auspicious and smooth. Used for divination and blessing in the old days.

Make good use of it, dà dàn yǐ zhòng lì.

Source: "Historical Records of the Emperor Gaozu": "Pei Gong thought it was a fraud, but he benefited from Zhang Shi and Lu Jia talking about General Qin."

Meaning: spit: eat, seduce; Weight: large and thick; Benefits: benefits, benefits. Lure or buy off people with rich interests and benefits.

Floating name and small profit fú míng bó lì √.

Source: Song Zhao Shi Xia's "Flying Butterfly": "After one cup of washing, everything is gone, everything is gone, and the reputation is small, small."

Meaning: floating name: empty name; Small profit: small profit. Describe fame and fortune as insignificant.

The urgency of public interests and immediate interests, jí g not ng j ? n l ?

Source: Han Dong's book "Biographies of King Jiao Xi in the Spring and Autumn Period": "A benevolent person is doing his own thing, and he is not in a hurry."

Meaning: near: in front of you. Be eager for success and covet immediate achievements and interests.

Get quick success and instant benefit, not ng jì n l ì.

Source: Han Dong's book "Biographies of King Jiao Xi in the Spring and Autumn Period": "A benevolent person is doing his own thing, and he is not in a hurry."

Meaning: merit: success; Close: immediately. Be eager for success and covet immediate achievements and interests.

Bad time, Linian Bree.

Source: Feng Ming magnum "Awakening the World, Du Zichun's Three Visits to Chang 'an": "I think my time is not good, so I didn't enjoy myself, even so. "

Meaning: fleeting time: fortune tellers used to call it "luck" in a year; Pro: Geely. Refers to a person who has been in an unfortunate state for many years. This is called bad luck.

Clever and hypocritical, mercenary, sorry m:owēIQūLi

Source: History of Han Geography: "The mistakes of Zhou people are wonderful and false."

Meaning: Joe: treacherous. False: hypocrisy. Trend: pursuing, approaching and tending. Treacherous and hypocritical, mercenary and obedient.

Sound, color, taste and interest

Source: Zhong Zhong's Letters: "Only the king doesn't care about his appearance, and he doesn't cultivate goods."

Meaning: commodity: refers to money; Pro: refers to self-interest. Desire for singing and dancing, women, money and self-interest. Generally refers to the behavior of having fun and asking for money.

Go all out. Wú w m: ng bê l .

Source: Li Qingruzhen's "Mirror Flower Edge" 90 th time: "Today is poor, fortunately, the dirt is wiped out, and then the sky is bright and there is no scum. You talented women must be invincible. "

No matter where we go, we can't make mistakes. It means it works everywhere. Well done.

A profitable book.

Source: Qing Jiwen's "Voice of the City" 26 th time: "This time, I have burned my bridges and traveled long distances, but I hope to collect it."

Meaning: small capital, big profit.

small profits but quick turnover

Source: Shi Man: "The snail's horn is hollow, and the fly's head is meager."

Meaning: as small as a fly's head. Metaphor is a small profit.

Small profits but quick turnover, xi, m: o l.

Source: Shi's man: "The snail's horn is hollow, and the fly's head is meager."

Meaning: Metaphorically, the profit is very small.

The fisherman gains yú ré n zh: and l‖.

Source: "The Warring States Policy Yance II" records that the clam opens its shell to bask in the sun, and the snipe pecks at it, and its mouth is caught by the clam shell, and the two sides do not give way. The fisherman came and caught them both.

Meaning: Fisherman: a metaphor of the third party. Metaphor means that the two sides are deadlocked, both sides lose, and the third party takes advantage.

scramble for power and profit


Meaning: Fight for power and profit.

Selfish Son and Gigi Lai

Source: Biography of the Book of Jin Penny: "The connection of troubles must be out of selfishness, but it is based on desire." Liezi Yang Zhu: "Dayu is selfish, but his whole body is dry."

Meaning: selfish, only for personal benefit.

Take advantage of profits.

Source: "The Warring States Policy Yance II": "Today, I came, crossed Yishui, exposed mussels, snipes pecked at their meat, and mussels closed their beaks. ..... The two refused to give up, and the fisherman got it and became one with the bird. "

Meaning: Metaphorically taking advantage of other people's contradictions to gain profits.

What are the idioms that describe the "ending"

Idioms describing the "ending" are:

Stop fighting, stop fighting [bà zhà n x and b and ng]

Stop or end the war.

Outside the office: Zhou Sheng's Biography of Awakening Marriage in Qing Dynasty.

Unbearable to read [bkān zúdú]

Unbearable: no; Pawn: over, over. Describe the article as miserable and sad, and I can't bear to read it. It also means that the article is so bad that people refuse to read it.

Go away [Li Xi m: o Li Xi m: o Zhang]

End: end, end. I ended it in an endless way. It means to put things aside and finish them.

Out: Joint "Eight Records of Respect for Life": "Or ask about our life; Think before and after; Many activities; This is a worry; what can I do? Mr. Xin Zhai said,' Why not let go?' "


The lights that are about to go out, the temple fair that is about to end. Metaphor things have declined and are coming to an end.

Out: Lao She's Nie Gannu's essays-Beijing Spring Festival.

Hasty [c m: o c m: o Li m: o stone]

Cao Cao: Describe sloppy and sloppy; It's done. It's over. Hastily end this matter.

Source: Zhang Mingjuzheng's "Selected Works of Zhang Taiyue Answer to Shandong Governor He Laishan": "In the past 100 years, Zhang Qing's facts have been ignored; Appropriate and on-the-job servants; Everything is urgent; If but in a hurry; Unfortunately, this time, it is just an empty ear. "

Hasty, hasty

End: end, end. Hastily end this matter.

Haste retreat

Metaphor is so-so, ending things in a hurry.

Source: * * * "On Correctly Handling Contradictions among the People": "In the process of dealing with disturbances, we should do meticulous work, do not use simple methods to deal with them, and do not' withdraw troops hastily'."

things have come to a close

Dust: tiny dust. All the dust falls. Metaphorically, it's over.

Seal the sword and hang it [fēng dāo guà jiàn]

Metaphor means that athletes end their competitive career and no longer participate in formal competitions.

Die even worse

End: end, end. After several waiters' shifts, the conversation is still not over.

Source: Dou's "Yangzhou Painting Boat Record Caohe Record": "All this is more difficult to end."

Idioms ending in land

It means that there is another world in the whole universe, and there is another realm of ice and snow. The description is extremely cold and overwhelming, and the description is extremely large and widely spread. (2) The extended virtue of human beings can be compared with heaven and earth, and it is still based on the ground than ordinary people; Song Ouyang Xiu's Book with Mei: "I don't feel sweaty when I read Su Shi's book. Come on, come on. I should avoid the road and let him out. " It is said that when avoiding this person, let him be taller than anyone else. Later, he used the metaphor of "going out of the ground" to beat his chest with a mallet. Express extreme sadness or regret. Wear a miracle, still wear a gift, hold your head high. It is said that morality can be in harmony with heaven and earth because it is born between heaven and earth. It is the collective name of Taoism for the ten caves, thirty-six caves and seventy-two blessed places where immortals and Taoists live. Later, it generally refers to ancient famous mountains and places of interest. The broken wood is a pestle and the ground is a mortar. Although rough, it is also applicable. The phrase "Xiayi Cohesion" describes the ever-changing development and earth-shaking situation ① describes the great and thorough changes. (2) describe things make a lot of noise. Describe the noise. Skyquake described the noise as very loud, burning incense and sweeping the floor. Describe quiet seclusion.

Idioms ending in the word "land"

Indomitable spirit

[dǐng tiān lì dì]

Describe the image as tall, majestic and heroic.

Be down-to-earth.

[jio tàshídì]

Describe doing things practically.

Cover the earth, cover the sky-appear in large numbers

[p tiān gàI dì]

Describe the momentum, the momentum is fierce and everywhere.

Snow World

[bīng tiān Xu dì]

Describe snow and ice, very cold.

The Creation of Heaven and Earth ―― The Dawn of History

[kāi tiān pì dì]

According to ancient mythology, Pangu created the world, and then there were human beings. Later, I used the metaphor of "creating the world" to describe this history. Pioneering: pioneering.

Bloody liver and brain-tragic death

[gānǎo túdì]

1. Describe a tragic death. Historical Records Liu He Biography: "Fighting against Xiang Yu in Xingyang ... will make people all over the world lose their minds."

Broad vision

[m tiān xídì]

Take the sky as the curtain and the ground as the seat. Describe an open-minded character. It also refers to sleeping in the wild. Jin Liuling's Ode to Wine Virtue: "The curtain is on the ground, which means so." Song Lin Zheng Da's "Spring Around the Garden" says: "The sky is on the ground, there is no room to live in, with the eight famine as the domain and the sun and the moon as the boundary."

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Give full play to one's ability

[Jan w incarnation]

Describe a place where the terrain is dangerous and conducive to combat. A place or opportunity where a person can show his talents.

Transform heaven and earth-transform nature

[güI tiān Huàn dì]

Also said that the earth has changed. Metaphor is a radical and large-scale change. Often used to refer to fundamental changes in nature or society.

It's like walking on a flat ground-very easy.

[rúlúpíng dì]

Shoes: Step on them. It's like walking on the flat ground. It is a metaphor to engage in an activity very smoothly.

Stand out from others.

[ch rén tóu dì]

Song Ouyang Xiu's Book with Mei: "If you read (Su) poetry books, you won't feel sweaty, so hurry!" I should avoid the road and let him out. "It means that you have to make concessions, so that Su Shi can surpass himself. Later, I used the metaphor of "getting ahead" to surpass the average person and surpass everyone.

Bow down before sb. (usually in admiration)

[w incarnation city]

Hands, knees and head touch the ground together. This is the most respectful ceremony in Buddhism. Metaphor is highly regarded to the extreme (now including humor or irony).


[sǐ xīn tā dì]

Describe that you have made up your mind and will never change.


[fān tiān fù dì]

Said it was upside down. Describe great and radical changes. Liu Tang Shang's poem "Eighteen Beats of Hu Jia": "Who knows that it has turned upside down, and now it looks south at Beidou."

(of sounds) very loud.

[jīng tiān dòng dì]

1. describes a particularly loud sound: ~ a loud noise.

be full of joy

[huān tiān xǐ dì]

Describe very happy.

Thank goodness

[xiè tiān xiè dì]

Superstitious people think that the situation is blessed by the god of heaven and earth, so they should thank heaven and earth. Nowadays, "Thank God" is often used to express gratitude or gratitude: ~, this disaster has finally passed. As long as he doesn't make trouble, I'll leave.

A small area

[dàn wán zhdì]

Bullet: Iron or clay pellets used for slingshots. A place the size of a projectile. Describe the place as narrow.

Put yourself in others' shoes.

[ch ǔ Dee]

Imagine yourself in someone else's position or environment. It means thinking of others.

Indulge in sensual pleasure

[huā tiān jiǔ

Describe a decadent life addicted to eating, drinking, whoring and gambling.

A suitable place

[yěxízh dì

Metaphor is a tiny place or a certain position.

No matter when and where

[suí shí suí dì]

1. refers to the local conditions at that time; At different times and places.

Have no face at all

[yán miàn sáo dì]

Metaphor lose face clean.

Shock the world

[hàn tiān dòng dì]

Describe a loud or loud voice: shouting and killing ~ ~ revolutionary storm.

Guiyu land

[since ancient times]

Refers to the capital.

Return to the earth in spring

[chūn Huídàd]

It seems that spring has returned to the earth. Describe that the cold has passed, and warmth and vitality have once again come to the world.

Born crying

[g g Zhu dì]

The birth of a baby.

Ability to manage the universe ―― great/extraordinary ability.

[jīng tiān wīI dì]

Take the sky as the longitude and the earth as the latitude. Metaphor planning grand career. Refers to governing the country. Twenty-eight years of Zuo Zhao Zhuan Gong: "Jing Wei Tian Di Shuo Wen." One of Yu Xin's Quasi-Julian in the Northern Zhou Dynasty: "Build the talents of heaven and earth and pull out the power of mountains and seas."

(human) heart

[fāng cün zh dì]

Finger heart.

never come to anything

[Hello, I'm fine]

Describe failure out of control. Historical Records of Emperor Gaozu: "Today's generals are not good and completely failed." Tutti: short for liver and brain, which describes a tragic death.


[dòng tiān fú dì]

Taoism refers to the place where immortals live, and now it generally refers to famous mountains and places of interest.