Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Seek the photos, growing environment, characteristics and flower language of cornflower.

Seek the photos, growing environment, characteristics and flower language of cornflower.

The hometown of cornflower symbolizing happiness is in Europe. It used to be a wild flower. After years of cultivation, its "wildness" has become less, its flowers have become bigger and its colors have become richer. There are purple, blue, light red, white and other varieties, among which purple and blue are the most precious. It can be seen everywhere on hillsides, fields, watersides, roadsides, in front of and behind houses in Germany. It has won the praise and love of the German people for its gorgeous colors, beautiful flower shapes, fragrant breath and tenacious vitality, so it is regarded as the national flower. In addition, it is the national flower of Macedonia.

Herbs annual or biennial, 30-70 cm tall or higher, erect, branched from the middle, rarely unbranched. All the stems and branches are gray and covered with thin spider silk rolls. Basal leaves and lower stems and leaves are oblong-oblanceolate or lanceolate, without division, with serrations on the whole edge or sparse serrations on the edge to pinnate division, with 1-3 opposite lobes, oblong-lanceolate, linear-lanceolate or linear, with serrations on the whole edge, large top lobes, oblong-oblanceolate or lanceolate, and small serrations on the edge. The middle stem and leaf are linear, broadly linear or linear-lanceolate, 4-9 cm long and 4-8 mm wide, with a tapered tip and a wedge-shaped base, and the entire petiole is serrated. The upper stem and leaf have the same shape as the middle stem and leaf, but gradually become smaller. All stems and leaves have different or almost different colors on both sides, the top is green or grayish green, the spider silk hair is sparse or depilated, the side is grayish white, and the fluff is thin. Most or a few heads are arranged in corymbs or panicles at the top of stems and branches. The involucre is oval, with a diameter of 1- 1.5 cm and sparse spider silk hairs. The total bracts are about 7 layers, which are oval and rectangular from outside to inside. The outer layer and the middle layer, including the apical appendage, are 3-6 mm long and 2-4 mm wide, and the inner layer, including the apical appendage, is1-1cm long and 3-4 mm wide. All bracts have light brown or white appendages at the top, the middle and outer appendages are larger, and the inner appendages are larger. All appendages extend very short along the bracts, and the edges are fringed and serrated. The lateral flowers are swollen, longer than the central disk flowers, blue, white, red or purple, with 5-8 cracks on the eaves and light blue or red disk flowers. Achene oval, 3 mm long and 65438 0.5 mm wide, with fine stripes and sparse white pilose. The crown hair is white or light earth red, with 2 rows, the outer row is multi-layered, growing to the inner layer, up to 3 mm long, and the inner row 1 layer is extremely short; All the peaks are in the shape of Mao Mao. The flowering and fruiting period is from February to August.

Strong adaptability, like sunshine, not resistant to humidity, must be planted in sunny and well-drained places, otherwise it will often lead to death due to humidity. Cold-resistant, like cold, avoid heat. I like fertile, loose and well-drained sand.

The flower language of cornflower is delicate and elegant. It also represents happiness! ! ? The happiness of being single