Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Analysis on the sharing of the first champion of the foreign service legend in the speed hunting card group

Analysis on the sharing of the first champion of the foreign service legend in the speed hunting card group

Card deck presentation:


As you can see, this deck emphasizes the early stage very much. We must lay more yards in the early stage and complete the occupation as soon as possible. For this deck, never save the cards that can be used in this round. The core of this deck is to prevent the opponent from returning to the field and kill the opponent before he has the ability to reverse. If opened correctly, the main output turn of this deck will be 4-7 turns.

Start and leave cards:

According to different opponents, the starting cards of this deck are also different. Of course, web spiders, ghost reptiles, flying knives and scientists are always what we want to see. But once you have two or more creatures for one or two fees, I suggest you change them and find an eagle bow or an animal partner. The single card in the early stage of this deck is used in the early stage, and it is basically useless to draw it in the later stage.

Single card analysis:

Hunter's mark: This is to deal with the big guy in your way, such as death or earth element.

Web Spider: I think this is a very good single card. Web spiders are always a good choice when there is a crystal left in your chicken ribs or the first round.

Heavy blade crossbow: helps you play a good card of damage. In the early stage, you can solve your followers with your face, which can ensure the safety of your followers and ensure that they can continue to export.

Freezing trap: It is very helpful for medium-speed hunting. It can not only return the opponent's entourage, but also protect one of your entourage for at least one round. Give you a chance to lay the floor. Moreover, the effect of the fee increase also slows down the opponent's rhythm.

Snake trap: Snake trap can sometimes work miracles. He and combo are both very good, and it's not a loss to be hanged by scientists for free. And he is a possible trap that your opponent needs to test, which will make your opponent more cautious and make the careless opponent pay the price.

Rapid fire: a great card can not only cause great damage, but also provide the possibility of passing the card. Card checking is something that hunters lack very much, and the card checking effect of rapid shooting is the guarantee to help hunters continue to output.

Ghost Crawler: It conforms to the style of medium-speed hunting and can also be matched with flying knives. At the same time, the beast attribute of the ghost crawler can also cooperate with the animal trainer, but the seemingly non-threatening entourage has many uses, and the dead language also strengthens the professional ability of this single card.

Iron-billed owl: It's also to get rid of the big guy in the way, but unlike the hunter's mark, the owl just lets you walk through the wall. Owls' beast attributes can also be matched with animal trainers or killing orders. Generally, only one owl is brought for medium-speed hunting, because owls are relatively less essential. Mainly used to deal with some problems that you can't solve by scenes or heroic skills.

Juggler: It is one of the core cards in this deck. If the other person's scene is not a threat to you, you can fly the knife boldly. If you have coins, you can also fly the knife first. Then the flying knife is to hit the face, and as many followers as possible trigger the flying knife effect.

Mad scientist: Our scientist friends and low-cost followers can help us pull out the mystery for free, which is very suitable for the idea of medium-speed hunting.

Eagle Horn Bow: This weapon is also one of the core single cards. Like the heavy-edged crossbow, it allows you to protect your followers in the early stage, and it can also recharge through mysteries, causing trouble to your opponents.

Animal companion: This three-non-random card is useful in most cases. You may be able to hit an extra 4 points of damage (Hoff), you may be able to add buff (Leo) to your entourage, and you may become an insurmountable wall (Misa) in the early stage. Recruiting Misa or Hoff in the early stage will put a lot of pressure on opponents. If there are many followers, Leoke will also make the opponent unbearable. It can be said that hunters must bring cards.

Killing list: It can be said to be one of the most important single cards. Similar to rapid fire, it is a direct damage card. But the damage is higher. Add beast and hero skills, and one round is 7 injuries. Using this card well is the key to judge the hunter's level.

Close the door and let the dog go: it provides you with the possibility of clearing the field or beheading. No matter what occupation your opponent is, there is always room for dogs.

Animal trainer: I think we should treat this card correctly and don't overestimate it. Yes, his roar is great, but his figure of 4-43 is unqualified. And as I said before, we should pave the way as much as possible, and don't delay the fighter plane in order to trigger a battle roar. Obviously, the animal trainer does not meet this point, and the naked animal trainer can't help the scene effectively.

Manned harvester: In GVG era, you must bring a card. The number 443 is only the first bullet. No matter what followers you leave, this card can be qualified in digital calculation. And it is in line with the concept of medium-speed hunting.

Looseb: The patron saint of your entourage is this orange card. Can effectively protect your followers from being solved by the other side's field-breaking spell. Kel 'Thuzad can be used if necessary. The meaning is similar.

Long-haired prairie lion: Hunters are the most expensive followers. Medium-speed hunting needs to bring some expensive followers. In case they are unable to accumulate victory in the early stage, it is not too vain to have these followers in the later stage.

Dr. Bangbang: I like this card very much. 777 is in good condition. With two bombers, it is possible to kill the opponent's eldest brother. This is also one of the necessities of GVG, so I don't need to explain too much.

Substitute card:

The hunter's mark and the owl's card number can be replaced with each other.

A quick shot can get a fatal blow.

The manned harvester can be replaced by the statue of Monty with manned flight.

Dr. Bang Bang can be a black knight, a queen, an old cow or Illidan.

Heavy-duty blade crossbow for explosion trap.

Game guide:

Zoo warlock:

The disadvantage is the competition, but the medium-speed hunting also has a winning side. As long as the advantage of the scene is guaranteed, you can continue to put pressure on your opponent.

Ghost reptiles, scientists, flying knives, eagle-horn bows, heavy-duty crossbows and spider webs have miraculous effects on the zoo.

Pay attention to each other's ethereal summoner. This card is the natural enemy of medium speed hunting. If possible, seal this card with an owl This card will disrupt the rhythm of your career, and you must not let your opponent succeed.

Letting dogs go is the best way to fight against children's explosion. With flying knives, you can teach your opponent to be a man.

I usually leave a hunter's mark on my hand. Because you never know when you will need it.

Slave war:

It is also a game of inferiority. Hold him down carefully until a wave of soldiers breaks out.

Ghost crawler, scientist, animal companion and owl have miraculous effects in the war against slaves.

Lure soldiers into handing over their weapons with some unimportant followers.

Flying knife will be a good follower in the early stage, and you can attack the caster, the monks in the temple of pain and so on.

Be careful when attacking followers, because they will raise slave owners.

Fast break mage:

This game is easier because it is easier to occupy the venue.

Ghost crawler, scientist, cobweb, iron-billed owl, flying knife, eagle-horn bow, and rapid shooting have miraculous effects on fast-break mage.

Shopping as early as possible, that's what you need to pay attention to most.

Make sure your opponent's scene is not mechanical, or the goblin will make you lose the scene.

If possible, shut up your opponent's scientists, otherwise it will be annoying to pull out mirror images or the French opposition, especially the French opposition.


This is also a simple game. You just need to beat your opponent before he breaks out. Pay attention to anti-sweeping, and always have owl and hunter signs in your hand.

Hunter's mark, ghost crawler and iron-billed owl have miraculous effects on druids.

Using ghost crawler and scientists to cheat his anger.

Exchange your blood followers, so that they won't give up sweeping, or reduce your loss of eating sweeping.

Skillful use of owl and hunter marks in the middle and late stage, used to climb over the wall or solve big brother.


Even game, this game is to look at the face, and strive to hit the face as soon as possible before the opponent's 67 rounds of snowstorm and shouting.

Scientists, rapid shooting, zero crawling and owls have miraculous effects.

Hand in the card only when necessary, such as fire demon and exorcist Anthony.

If you can, don't untie your opponent's bloody entourage and leave it to the flying knife to release the dog.

Hit your face as soon as possible, not too late, not too late.

Mysterious ice method:

The disadvantage of the game is that I can only hope that my hands will rush to the opposite side smoothly in the early stage. This game is probably the most difficult one.

Flying knives, animal companions, rapid fire, killing orders, and iron-billed owls are extremely effective.

Your ideal situation is to win in four or five rounds. After 6-7 rounds, there is almost no chance of winning.

Try to pave the field in the early stage, don't think about it in the later stage, and use heroic skills when you can.

Local tyrants:

Your strategy is to hit the face directly, and he will try his best to understand your scene, so all you have to do is hit the face as soon as possible.

Scientists, hunter marks, ghost reptiles, iron-billed owls and spider webs all have miraculous effects.

Skillfully use your traps, especially frozen traps, and accumulate scene advantages in the early stage.

Get rid of baron garton as soon as possible.

Ghostbusters and scientists are not afraid to fight, so at least one of these two followers must be on the field.


Slightly inferior, we must be very cautious about the scene and control the opponent's blood volume. No one knows what will happen to this hand in the next round. Make sure you have enough injuries when the opportunity comes.

Scientists, hunter markers, owls and killing instructions work miracles.

The freezing trap is great. Who knows who uses it?

Pay attention to the fire of hell. As mentioned above, at least one ghost crawler and scientist should be left behind.

In the medium term, control the opponent's blood volume at 15- 18, so that the opponent can only kill one molten giant at a time, and then complete the killing with the killing order in his hand.

Only when there is nothing to do can we solve the mocking followers of our opponents.

Knife oil thief miracle thief:

Slightly inferior, it seems difficult to fight, but once you survive from your opponent's outbreak, you have a great chance of winning.

Scientists, eagle bows, ghost reptiles and flying knives all have miraculous effects.

Pay attention to the opponent's knife mountain, sap and army seven.

Your owl is used to silence bloodmage or Fan.

Press the opponent to fight, constantly grind his blood, and let his direct injury be used to solve the problem.


Slightly better, the ladder is mainly medium-speed riding and fast-break riding, and the basic medium-speed hunting is the same for them.

Scientists, eagle bows, owls can shoot quickly, flying knives and heavy crossbows all have miraculous effects.

Don't be stingy with silence, don't grovel, and don't be followed by aldo.

Don't let your opponent fly knives on the court, otherwise it will be difficult for him to fly knives and mobilize, and if you fly knives on the court, the scene will be biased towards you.

Pay attention to the opponent's flying knife and muscle stiffness in the early stage, and you can make a fast break or a weapon.

Note that in the fifth round, only one soldier is left for the opponent at most, otherwise the next quartermaster basic hunter will collapse.


The advantages of the game, whether it is holy light bullet grazing or control field grazing, will not pose much threat.

Scientists, eagle bows, owls, hunter's marks and ghost crawlers all have miraculous effects.

Wild warlocks may be the biggest threat to you. Once the opponent is inflamed, the warlock should get rid of it as soon as possible. Be careful not to leave too much blood on the scene.

Silent Valenze's entourage, death eats with the hunter's mark.

The hunter's mark is very useful. Pay attention to the timing.

Medium speed sa:

Shamans have the advantage of mocking totems, but hunters also have the victory side.

Scientists, eagle horns, owls and ghost crawlers all have miraculous effects.

Don't be timid, it's just a foreshadowing.

Lightning storm is the shaman's last big move for hunters. The principle of prevention is the same as chaos.

Mechanical service agreement:

The most advantageous game.

Web spiders, scientists, ghost reptiles, heavy crossbows, owls and flying knives all have miraculous effects.

Just hitting the face.

Silent flame totem or noisy robot?

The hunter's mark can be kept just in case.


Thank you for taking the time to finish reading this article. I believe that medium speed hunting will always be a useful set of cards. I won the first place from the age of 25 by it. If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a message in the comments section.