Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Appreciation of Zhang Yu's Poetry Translation

Appreciation of Zhang Yu's Poetry Translation

About the Mid-Autumn Festival, officials should be divided.

Han Yu

Series: 300 Tang poems

About the Mid-Autumn Festival, officials should be divided.

The clear sky has opened, the Milky Way has gone, the breeze blows across the sky, and the bright moon shows its waves.

The sand is smooth, the water is still, there is no sound or shadow, just like I give you a glass of wine and ask you to sing.

But your song is so sad and your voice is so bitter that my tears turned into rain before I finished listening to it.

On the Dongting Lake, Jiuyi Mountain towering into the sky, dragons, crocodiles, ups and downs, apes, flying foxes, sobbing.

At the risk of death in nine cases out of ten, I arrived at my official post, where I lived alone and quietly, as if I were hiding.

I left my bed, afraid of snakes; I eat, I'm afraid of poison, and the air in the lake is rancid, breathing its foul smell.

Yesterday, I played drums in front of the country, an emperor was crowned, and a realm changed.

The pardon runs 300 miles a day, and all the dying people get their sentences reduced.

Expulsions were promoted, exiles were recalled, corruption was abolished, and honest officials were appointed.

My superior sent my name, but the governor didn't listen, and Kan Ke had to move Man Jing.

My position is very low and useless. They may punish me with a whip in the street.

Most of my exiled companions are going home now. For me, this is a trip to heaven beyond climbing.

Stop your song, I beg you, listen to mine, a song completely different from yours:

Tonight is the loveliest moon of the year, and everything else is arranged by fate, which is beyond our control.

But, to reject this wine, can we choose more tomorrow?

To annotate ...

1, belonging to: pour, which means to persuade wine.

2. Nine doubts: Cangwu Mountain.

3. Heidi: refers to Tang Xianzong.

4. Heaven: refers to the way to court.


Thin clouds dispersed in all directions, and there was no galaxy in the sky.

The breeze is floating in the air, and the moonlight is like rippling water waves.

The beach is flat, the lake is quiet and the sound and shadow have disappeared.

Pour a glass of wine and I advise you to sing to the moon.

You sing too hard, and your lyrics are really hard.

I really can't listen to it anymore. Tears poured down for a long time.

Dongting Lake is choppy, and Jiuyi Mountain is extremely high.

Dragons swim in the water and giant salamanders crow in the mountains.

It was only after a narrow escape that I got to the relegation place.

Live in seclusion and endure silently, just like a criminal hiding and fleeing.

I am often afraid of snake bites when I get up, and I am afraid of poisoning when I eat.

Snakes and insects are wet, dormant in the offshore, and the smell is scattered everywhere.

The big drum in front of Chenzhou mansion was knocked yesterday.

When the new emperor succeeds to the throne, we must make use of talents and Hao Tao.

Amnesty documents were sent to all directions in Wan Li within one day.

The criminal was demoted, and the death penalty was changed from suspended death to exile.

Those who were demoted were recalled, and those who were exiled were also recalled.

Clean up filth, reform malpractices, and clean up classes.

The secretariat announced it for me, but it was reserved for observation.

Fate is rough, so we have to move to that distant Man Jing.

It is not easy to be a small official who judges his humble position.

If you make a mistake, you will be beaten and kneel on the ground.

Most of the people who were demoted together at that time had already set off.

The road to the imperial court is really difficult to walk and climb.

Please stop and listen to me sing.

Compared with your songs, my songs have a very different mood.

The moonlight in a year is the most beautiful only tonight.

Life is destiny takes a hand, for nothing else,

If you don't drink, how can you live up to this bright moon?

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? Stopped in front of a temple in Hengshan Mountain, I carved this poem on the tower.

The five mountains are three fairs, four mountains are a ring, and Songshan is in the middle.

Hengshan Mountain is located in a remote place, and there are many monsters. God authorized Nanyue God to be the supreme power.

All the clouds and fog are hidden in its belt, and only a few people can see its forehead.

I came here in autumn, during the rainy season, and there was no wind in the dark.

I calmed my mind, prayed and hoped for an answer, because just thoughts can really reach heaven.

After a while, the clouds swept out the prominent peaks and looked up at the top of the peaks.

The Zigai Peak Ridge is connected with Tianzhu Peak, and the ups and downs are rugged and connected with Zhu Rong.

Steep Zhan Sen dismounted and bowed, and went straight to the palace of the gods along the pine and cypress path.

The pink walls against the red pillars are dazzling, and the pilasters on the ghost paintings are green or red.

Step on the steps, bend down and offer meat and wine to show your humility to the money.

The old priest claimed to know God's judgment. He was polite and pious and bowed many times.

Instructed me to throw a jiaozi with a cup in my hand and told me that my luck was the best.

I was exiled to the wild. Fortunately, I didn't die. I was willing to die here until the end.

Once the king's desire is cut off, God will not succeed even if he bless me.

This night, the temple stays on the Highgarden, and the crescent moon will be covered by the fog on the mountain.

The monkey crows the bell and strikes the morning, and the sky is cold in the east.

To annotate ...

1. Huowei: The ancient five elements belong to five parties, because "Huowei" refers to the south. V: corner kick.

2. look: stare.

3. Cup dumplings: also called "cup teaching". Divination equipment.

4, the cloud this sentence: the old saying goes, half-leaning and half-leaning are the most auspicious.

5, embarrassed: describe the bright color of the day.


Sacrificing the Five Mountains is like sacrificing the Three Kingdoms.

Taihua Hengheng is divided into four fields, with Song Yue in the middle.

Mount Hengshan is located in remote fire nation, and there are many monsters.

The power given by heaven to Nanyue is dominant there.

The spewing clouds covered the hillside,

Although there is a top in the sky, who can reach the top?

I come here to worship, which coincides with the autumn rain season.

It's gloomy and there's no breeze.

I prayed silently in my heart as if it had come true.

Is Luna upright and sensitive?

After a while, the dark clouds cleared and the peaks began to appear.

Looking up, the mountain suddenly propped up the sky.

Zigai Peak continues to extend, followed by Tianzhu Peak.

The stone peak extends, and the cotton connects with the Rongfeng.

Iwasen was so dangerous and thrilling that I dismounted to worship.

Follow a path between pine and cypress until you come to Gong Ling.

White walls set off red columns, shining with dazzling brilliance,

The picture on the pilaster looks like a ghost, either green or red.

Climb the stairs, bow to the class, offer dried meat and wine,

I want to express my loyalty through this small sacrifice.

The old man in charge of the temple seems to know God's will.

Gaze at my sacrifice and bow for me.

Holding a cup of jiaozi, teach me how to throw it,

It is said that this kind of divination is the most auspicious sign, and it is difficult for others to be the same.

I was driven to this savage place, but I survived.

I just have enough food and clothing, and I am willing to die.

I gave up my desire for promotion a long time ago,

Even if the gods want to bless me, it will be difficult to succeed.

Living in a Buddhist temple that night, I boarded the high pavilion.

The stars and the moon in the sky are covered by clouds, and the night is hazy.

I don't know when it will dawn,

A cold day rises in the east, bright and red.

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? On the way back from relegation, I visited Hengshan Mountain, worshiped Nanyue Mountain, and asked God for advice, so as to laugh at myself, express my complaints about my career and show my indifference to reality. The first six sentences of this poem are about the situation and weather in Hengshan Mountain. Always write Wuyue first, then Hengshan; Clouds halfway up the mountain are extremely poor. "I'll come" is the eight sentences of mountaineering. Write autumn scenery's melancholy first, and then write silent prayer induction, and the clear sky will peak. The hidden official road is bumpy and repeated. The following ten "solemn" sentences are written about the worship hall, which is the center of the whole poem. Ask for heaven by offering sacrifices to God and complaining about melancholy feelings. In the last four sentences, I wrote "sleeping in a temple" to show my broad mind. The scenery, narration and lyricism of the whole poem are like water, which is very harmonious to read. In the 19th year of Tang Zhenyuan (803), both Han Yu and Zhang Shu were appointed as censors. Due to the drought, Han was demoted as the magistrate of Yangshan (Guangdong Yangshan) and Zhang was demoted as the magistrate of Linwu (Hunan Linwu). In the first month of the 21st year of Zhenyuan (805), Shunzong acceded to the throne, and Jiazi granted amnesty in February. In August, Xian Zong acceded to the throne and granted amnesty to the world. The two amnesties were blocked by the observation in Hunan, but they were not transferred back to Kyoto, only changed to Gangneung. First, he was demoted because of direct admonition, and then he was suppressed by Yang Jian. It coincides with the Mid-Autumn Festival. When I looked up at the moon in the detention center, I was deeply touched and had to pay my respects. The style of this poem is similar to that of prose, and the language is simple and clear, Chen Qi. "Song Jun", "My Song" and "* * * are all written in the poem, which is incisive. The first four sentences, like the preface, describe the environment: the breeze and the bright moon, and all is silent. Then write the content of cutie's songs: describing the pain of exile and the sinister career, which makes people cry. Finally, I wrote My Song, but only the moonlight. People have lives, so I should drink in the moonlight and pretend to be broad-minded. To write clearly that Zhang Gongcao's relocation and forgiveness went through difficulties is actually describing his own suffering. The whole poem is full of ups and downs, twists and turns. The syllables are changeable and the rhymes are flexible. It is not only unrestrained, but also fluent, which well expresses the changes of the poet's feelings.