Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Self-test: Do you know Eysenck's test on emotional stability?

Self-test: Do you know Eysenck's test on emotional stability?

Test specification

Emotional stability and adaptability are one of the important factors to measure a person's mental health. The following questionnaire analyzes the factors of emotional stability, and on this basis, an emotional stability rating scale including seven aspects is compiled.

Here are 209 questions, please answer them one by one. Try to answer with "yes" and "no". If you are not sure "yes" or "no", please select "I don't know". In addition, don't think too much about the subtle meaning of each question. It's best to answer with the first impression.

Test question

1. Do you think you can act like most people? ()

2. Do you always seem to have bad luck? ()

Do you blush more easily than most people? ()

Sometimes an idea always comes to mind, and you want to dispel it, but you can't? ()

5. Do you have any hobbies that you want to quit but can't? Like smoking. ()

6. Do you always feel good and energetic? ()

7. Do you often worry about guilt? ()

8. Do you feel a little proud? ()

9. Do you often feel depressed when you wake up in the morning? ()

10. Do you seldom lose sleep even when you are worried? ()

1 1. Do you often find the ticking of the alarm clock very harsh and unbearable? ()

12. Do you want to learn the game that you seem to be good at and enjoy it? ()

13. Do you have a bad appetite? ()

14. When you are not actually wrong, do you often look for your own mistakes? ()

15. Do you often feel like a failure? ()

16. Overall, are you satisfied with your life? ()

17. Are you usually calm and not easily disturbed? ()

18. When reading, do you find it difficult to understand the meaning of the sentence if you find punctuation errors? ()

19. Do you control your body shape by exercising or limiting your diet in a planned way? ()

20. Is your skin sensitive and afraid of pain? ()

2 1. Do you sometimes feel that your life disappoints your parents? ()

22. Are you worried about your inferiority complex? ()

23. Can you find many pleasant things in your life? ()

24. Do you sometimes feel that you have many insurmountable difficulties? ()

25. Do you sometimes force yourself to wash your hands, even though you know your hands are clean? ()

26. Do you believe that your personality is determined by your childhood experience, so you can't change it? ()

27. Do you often feel dizzy? ()

28. Do you feel that you have committed an unforgivable crime? ()

29. Generally speaking, are you confident? ()

30.sometimes you don't care about the future? ()

3 1. Do you always feel that life is very tense? ()

32. Have you ever been bothered by trifles that always haunt your mind? ()

33. No matter what others say, do you always act according to your own decisions? ()

34. Are you always prone to headaches? ()

35. Do you often have a strong desire to repent of what you have done? ()

36. Do you often wish you were someone else? ()

37. Do you feel energetic at ordinary times? ()

38. Were you afraid of the dark when you were a child? ()

39. Are you keen on some superstitious rituals? ()

40. Do you find it difficult to control your weight? ()

4 1. Do you sometimes feel your face, head and shoulders twitch? ()

42. Do you often feel that others criticize you? ()

43. Does speaking in public make you feel uncomfortable? ()

44. Have you ever felt miserable for no reason? ()

45. Are you always busy and seem to want something, but actually you don't know what you want? ()

46. Do you often worry about whether drawers, windows, doors, boxes and other things are locked? ()

47. Do you believe that supernatural forces such as God and fate control your life and death? ()

48. Are you worried about getting sick? ()

49. Do you believe that the happiness you get at this moment will eventually be repaid? ()

50. If possible, would you change yourself in many ways? ()

5 1. Do you think your future is optimistic? ()

52. Do you tremble and sweat in the face of arduous tasks? ()

Do you always follow the procedure to check whether all lights, appliances and water pipes are turned off before going to bed? ()

54. If something goes wrong, do you often attribute it to bad luck rather than improper methods? ()

Do you have to see a doctor even if you think you just have a cold? ()

56. Do you care if you are better off than most people around you? ()

57. Generally speaking, do you feel that you are popular with everyone? ()

58. Have you ever thought that you might as well die? ()

59. Even if you know it won't hurt you, are you afraid of some people or things? ()

60. Do you carefully store some food or grain at home in case of food shortage? ()

6 1. Do you feel that a bad idea dominates you? ()

62. Do you often feel tired? ()

63. Have you ever done anything that you regret for life? ()

64. Are you always confident in your decision? ()

65. Do you often feel depressed? ()

66. Are you less anxious than others? ()

67. Are you particularly afraid and disgusted with dirty things? ()

68. Do you often feel that you are the victim of some uncontrollable external force? ()

69. Are you considered a sick person? ()

70. Do you often get blamed and punished for no reason? ()

7 1. Do you think it is very insightful? ()

72. Are things always hopeless for you? ()

73. Do you often worry about some unrealistic things for no reason? ()

74. If there is a fire outside, how do you plan to escape first? ()

75. Before you do something, do you always design a clear plan instead of taking chances? ()

76. Is there a small medicine box at home to store all kinds of medicines left over from previous visits? ()

77. If someone scolds you, do you take it to heart? ()

78. Are you often ashamed of what you have done? ()

79. Do you laugh as much as most people? ()

80. Do you spend most of your time worrying about someone or something? ()

8 1. Do you feel uneasy about putting things in the wrong place? ()

82. Have you ever made a decision by flipping a coin or something like that? ()

Are you very worried about your health? ()

84. If something happens to you, do you think it's your karma? ()

85. When you look at your photos, do you feel embarrassed and complain that others can't treat you fairly? ()

86. Do you often feel listless and exhausted for no reason? ()

87. If you make a fool of yourself in social situations, can you forget it easily? ()

88. Do you keep a detailed record of all your expenses? ()

89. Do your actions often go against customs and parents' wishes? ()

90. Does the intense pain and pain make you unable to concentrate on your work? ()

9 1. Do you regret your premature sexual experience? ()

92. Are there any members in your family who make you feel incompetent? ()

93. Are you often disturbed by noise? ()

94. Do you relax easily when sitting or lying down? ()

95. Are you worried about getting infected with bacteria in public places? ()

96. When you feel lonely, do you try to be friendly to others? ()

97. Do you often worry too much about itching? ()

98. Do you have some unforgivable bad habits? ()

99. If someone criticizes you, will you feel very unhappy? ()

100. Do you often feel that you have been treated unfairly by life? ()

10 1. Are you easily surprised by the appearance of some unexpected people? ()

102. Do you always return borrowed things carefully? Even if the money is insignificant. ()

103. Do you feel that you can't control what is happening around you? ()

104. Are you healthy? ()

105. Do you often have a bad conscience? ()

106. Do people regard you as the object of their use? ()

107. Do you think people actually don't care about you? ()

108. Is it difficult for you to sit quietly for a while? ()

109. Do you always do everything yourself and don't trust others to do it well? ()

1 10. Are you easily persuaded? ()

1 1 1. Does your family have stomach upset? ()

1 12. Do you think you wasted your youth? ()

Do you like to ask questions about your own value as a person? ()

1 14. Do you often feel lonely? ()

1 15. Are you too worried about money? ()

1 16. Would you rather walk under the railing by the roadside than take a detour? ()

1 17. Do you often find life difficult to cope with? ()

1 18. When you are uncomfortable, will others show sympathy? ()

1 19. Do you feel that you don't deserve the trust and friendship of others? ()

120. When people talk about your advantages, do you think they are complimenting you? ()

12 1. Do you think you have contributed to the world and lived a meaningful life? ()

Do you fall asleep easily? ()

123. Are you informal? ()

124. Do most things you do make others happy? ()

125. Have you been constipated for a long time? ()

126. Do you always think about what happened in the past and regret that you can't do better? ()

127. Do you sometimes hide your opinions for fear of being laughed at or criticized by others? ()

128. Do you think no one in the world loves you? ()

129. Do you feel embarrassed easily in social situations? ()

130. Will you keep these discarded items for future use? ()

13 1. Do you believe your future is in your hands? ()

132. Have you ever had neurasthenia? ()

133. Do you have some kind of guilt hidden in your heart, fearing that others will know one day? ()

134. Do you feel shy in social situations? Are you aware of this shyness? ()

135. Do you think it is difficult to bring a child into this world? ()

136. If things don't go according to plan, do you easily feel at a loss? ()

137. Do you feel uncomfortable when the room is messy? ()

138. Are you as firm as others? ()

139. Do you often feel palpitations? ()

140. Do you believe in karma? ()

14 1. Do you feel that you are worse than the person you meet, although objectively you are not worse than him? ()

142. Overall, have you successfully achieved your life goals? ()

143. Do you often wake up from nightmares and sweat? ()

144. If someone's dog licks your face, will you feel sick? ()

145. Because there is always something that will interfere, you have to change your plan. Therefore, do you think it is a waste of time to make plans? ()

146. Are you always worried about your family getting sick? ()

147. If you do something morally condemned, can you quickly forget it and look forward to the future? ()

148. Generally, do you think you can achieve what you want to achieve? ()

149. Are you often sentimental? ()

150. Does your voice tremble when you talk to others, especially when you want to impress others? ()

15 1. Are you the kind of person who does everything in Dont Ask For Help? ()

152. Do you like the job where others make decisions and tell you what to do? ()

153. Do you often feel cold in warm weather? ()

154. Do you often ask for forgiveness by blessing? ()

Are you satisfied with your appearance? ()

156. Do you think others are always lucky? ()

157. Can you keep calm in an emergency? ()

158. Did you write down all the appointments and things to do that day? ()

159. Do you think it is futile to change the environment? ()

160. Do you often feel difficulty breathing? ()

16 1. Will you be embarrassed to hear dirty jokes? ()

162. Will you keep silent about people you don't like? ()

163. Do you feel that you have been unable to control your surroundings for a long time? ()

164. When you think about the difficulties you are facing, do you sometimes feel nervous and at a loss? ()

165. Do you want to tidy your hair and clothes before you visit others? ()

166. Do you often find it difficult to control your life direction? ()

167. Do you think it's a waste of time to see a doctor because of minor discomfort such as cough, cold and cold? ()

168. Do you often feel that you have done something wrong, even though this feeling is unfounded? ()

169. Do you find it difficult to do things in order to win the attention and praise of others? ()

170. In retrospect, did you feel cheated? ()

17 1. Did being humiliated make you feel bad for a long time? ()

172. When you talk to others, do you always try to correct others' grammatical mistakes, even though it may be impolite to do so? ()

173. Do you think things are so unpredictable now that it is difficult to find a pattern? ()

174. If you catch a cold, will you go to bed immediately? ()

175. Are you disappointed in your teacher because he didn't prepare enough courses? ()

176. Do you often imagine that you are better than you really are? ()

177. Do you live as happily as others? ()

178. Can you know yourself by describing yourself? ()

179. Do you think you are a perfect person? ()

180. Do you always have a clear goal in life? ()

18 1. Do you often check the color of your tongue in the morning? ()

182. Do you often recall the past and feel that you were too bad to others? ()

183. Do you sometimes feel that you have never done a good thing? ()

184. Do you often feel that you are an unnecessary person in your life? ()

185. Do you worry unnecessarily about what will happen? ()

186. When you can't sleep because of worry, can you get up on time? ()

187. Do you often feel that others are taking advantage of you? ()

188. Do you weigh yourself every day? ()

189. Do you expect God to punish your sins in the afterlife? ()

Do you usually sleep irregularly? ()

19 1. Are you often excited for no reason? ()

192. Is it important for you to keep clean and orderly? ()

193. Are you sometimes influenced by advertisements to buy something you don't really want to buy? ()

194. Do you often worry about noise? ()

195. Do you always blame yourself when you encounter setbacks in interpersonal communication? ()

196. Do you have the minimum self-esteem? ()

197. Do you often feel lonely even when you are with others? ()

198. Do you feel that you need to take some sedatives? ()

299. If your life schedule is disrupted by some unexpected things, will you feel very unhappy? ()

200. Do you predict your future through divination? ()

20 1. Do you feel something in your throat? ()

202. Do you sometimes feel disgusted with your sexual desire and fantasy? ()

203. Do you think your personality is attractive to the opposite sex? ()

204. Do you feel calm and satisfied inside most of the time? ()

205. Are you a neurotic person? ()

206. Do you often spend a lot of time sorting out books so that you can know where they are when you need them? ()

207. Do you always let others decide what movies or programs you watch? ()

208. Have you ever felt hot and cold? ()

209. Can you easily forget what you did wrong? ()


There are 7 subscales for the above 209 questions, which evaluate a person's mental health from seven aspects: inferiority, depression, anxiety, compulsion, dependence, hypochondriasis and guilt.

Score according to the seven scoring tables given below. The number in the scoring table is the question number in the questionnaire, and a+sign after the question number indicates that the answer to this question is "Yes" 1 point, and the answer to "No" is not scored; A "-"sign after the question number indicates that the answer to this question is "No", and you get 1 point; Answer "hard to say", give 0.5 points. Adding up the scores of each question is your score on the scale.

1. Sense of inferiority

1+43-85- 127- 169-

8-50-92- 134- 176-

15-57+99- 14 1- 183-

22-64+ 106+ 148+ 196+

29+7 1+ 1 13- 155+ 203+

36-78- 120- 162-

2. Depression

2-44-86- 128+ 170-

9-5 1+93- 135- 177+

16+58- 100- 142+ 184-

23+65- 107- 149- 190-

30+72- 1 14- 156- 197-

37+79+ 12 1+ 163-204+

3. Anxiety

3+45+87- 129+ 17 1+

10-52+94- 136+ 178+

17-59+ 10 1+ 143+ 185+

24+66- 108+ 150+ 19 1+

3 1+73+ 1 15+ 157- 198+

38+80+ 122- 164+205+

Step 4 force

4+46+88+ 130+ 172+

1 1+53+95+ 137+ 179+

18+60+ 102+ 144+ 186+

25+67+ 109+ 15 1+ 192+

32+74+ 1 16- 158+ 199+

39+8 1+ 123- 165+206+

5. Autonomy

5-47-89+ 13 1+ 173-

12+54-96+ 138+ 180+

19+6 1- 103- 145- 187-

26-68- 1 10- 152- 193-

33+75+ 1 17- 159-200-

40-82- 124- 166-207-

6. Depression

6-48+90+ 132+ 174+

13+55+97+ 139+ 18 1+

20+62+ 104- 146+ 188+

27+69+ 1 1 1+ 153+ 194+

34+76+ 1 18+ 160+20 1+

4 1+83+ 125+ 167-208+

Step 7 feel guilty

7+49+9 1+ 133+ 175+

14+56+98+ 140+ 182+

2 1+63+ 105+ 147- 189+

28+70- 1 12+ 154+ 195+

35+77+ 1 19+ 16 1+202+

42+84+ 126+ 168+209-

Test analysis

You can mark your score with seven scales in the chart below. The vertical line in the middle of the side represents the average level of people. If your score basically falls near the middle line or on the right side of the vertical line, then your mood is relatively stable and your mental health is good; If most of your scores fall on the left side of the vertical line, then your mood is unstable to some extent, and your mental health may have some problems. At this time, you'd better see a psychiatrist for psychological consultation. And self-adjust through the doctor's advice or the methods in this book.

inferiority complex

High score: people who have confidence in themselves and their abilities, think they are valuable and useful, and believe that they are popular. This kind of person is very self-loving and not arrogant.

Low score: low self-evaluation, self-admission that you are not loved.


High score: optimistic, in a good emotional state, satisfied with oneself, satisfied with life, no dispute.

Low score: pessimistic, easy to lose heart, depressed, disappointed with their own lives, incompatible with the surrounding environment, feel that they are redundant in this world.


High score: easy to worry and worry about trivial matters, and have unnecessary worry about some unfortunate events that may happen.

Low score: calm and serene, resistant to unreasonable fear and anxiety.


High score: cautious, careful, pursuing perfection of details, strict and calm rules and regulations, easily upset by dirty, messy and chaotic.

Low score: informal, happy-go-lucky, not paying attention to rules, practices and ritual procedures.


High score: strong autonomy, enjoying freedom, being the master of everything, treating yourself as the master of fate and solving your own problems with a realistic attitude.

Low score: people who often lack self-confidence think that they are victims of fate, are at the mercy of others or things around them, and cling to authority. This situation is slightly more prominent for men.


High score: I often complain about the discomfort of various parts of my body, care too much about my health, and often ask doctors and family members for sympathy.

Low score: I seldom get sick and don't worry about my health.


High score: self-reproach, self-abasement, often plagued by the torture of conscience, regardless of whether their actions really deserve moral condemnation.

Low score: There is little tendency to punish yourself or regret past actions. Generally speaking, a certain sense of guilt is meaningful, but excessive self-blame is considered as a feature of neurosis.