Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What does abcd mean in probability?

What does abcd mean in probability?

Probability a refers to arrangement, that is, a specified number of elements are taken out from a given number of elements for sorting. Probability c refers to combination, and it refers to taking out only a specified number of elements from a given number of elements, regardless of sorting.

Probability theory is a branch of mathematics that studies the quantitative laws of random phenomena. Random phenomena are relative to decisive phenomena. The phenomenon that a certain result must occur under certain conditions is called decisive phenomenon. For example, at standard atmospheric pressure, when pure water is heated to 100℃, water will inevitably boil. Random phenomenon means that under the same basic conditions, before each experiment or observation, it is uncertain what kind of results will appear, showing contingency. For example, when you flip a coin, there may be heads or tails. The realization and observation of random phenomena are called random experiments. Every possible result of random test is called a basic event, and a basic event or a group of basic events is collectively called a random event, or simply called an event. Typical random experiments include dice, coins, playing cards and roulette.