Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Don't four-character idioms start with words and end with words?

Don't four-character idioms start with words and end with words?

I, a four-word idiom, began with loss and finally became interested.

Lack of help: morality; Rarely: rarely. People who do things that violate justice will definitely not get the support and help of others.

Lose one's wits, lose one's wits, lose one's wits: In the past, it meant that the spirit that can exist without the body is the soul, and the spirit that appears attached to the body is the spirit. Describe panic, anxiety, uncertainty and loss of action. ...

Describe a flustered expression or hectic action. Also described as making a fuss.

Lose one's mind, describe being in a panic.

Lost in the east corner, harvested in the east corner mulberry: the origin of the eastern sun refers to the morning; Mulberry and elm: it refers to sunset and sunset glow. Metaphor began to fail in this respect and finally won on the other hand. ...

A drop in the ocean, a drop in the ocean A small mistake at the beginning will lead to a big mistake.

Missed: arm touching arm, finger passing by. Describe missing in person.

Losing tension and ambition describes panic and anxiety.

Loss of tension and loss of tension describe panic and anxiety.

Desperate describes being upset and in a trance.

Lost in thought describes extreme panic.

Lost souls (1) describe upset, trance. ② Describe extreme panic.

Surprise is better than no surprise. Panic; Panic.

Losing sperm and color means listlessness.

The lost Marseilles is a metaphor. People have a glimmer of hope in every cloud.

Delay means bad luck.

Lose one's temper and act rashly.

What is the beginning of the four-character idiom "no"?

The idiom beginning with the word "trace": trace is secretive.

The idiom at the beginning of Yunzi: Yuncheng begins.

Things have passed and everything has returned to calm.

A follower.

Female family beauty salon

As changeable as clouds and waves-unpredictable.

Clear the clouds and see the sun ―― Eliminate misunderstandings

Induction of similar things

The supremacy of status varies greatly.

Tuanniji road

Far apart-far apart

Eagerly look forward to

When the opportunity comes, great men stand out.

Things disappear.

Acacia after friends.

Quantity and concentration

Mist enveloped the mist, blurring the scenery and making it impossible to see clearly.

The clouds melted and the fog dispersed-disappeared into the thin air.

It's all over.

(of scenery) radiant.

Widely implemented

Glory is in the past.

Ancient myths and legends about the rain in Wushan

(of scenery) radiant.

White Crane in the Clouds-Yashi

The idiom "ambition" begins: a gentleman is sincere.

Zhichong bullfight

Zhi chong Niu dou

aim for the highest?

Ambitious but short-sighted

have great ambition but little talent

A lot of ambition and a little ambition.

Youzhide Iman

Be very proud of your success.

Ambitious and arrogant

Chigo hangjie

Optimal intelligence sparse distribution

Strong will, hard work

You zhi jiao yi man

Proud pride

Ambition, good character

Loyalty and purity.

Youzhide Iman

Proud pride

Be content with ambition

Aim high and temper your character.

Ambitious lingyun

Not very interested.

Extraordinary interest

People with lofty ideals

Share the same ambition and outlook on life

Unity of ambition and aspiration

Like-minded, live in harmony.

be wholly absorbed

Tong zhi Xin he

thank you

Ⅲ. Four-character idioms about the beginning of the word "bu" and the end of the word "xiang"


Dare not imagine

Pronunciation: xi m: ng

The interpretation of the future situation is unimaginable. Expect things to get worse.


If he hadn't found the problem in time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Four-character idioms, avoid the empty ending at the beginning.

Avoid the enemy's main force and attack the enemy's weakness


Refers to avoiding the enemy's main force and finding the enemy's weakness to attack. It also refers to avoiding the important issues.


"Sun Tzu's Art of War: Virtual Reality": "The shape of a soldier, avoiding the real and attacking the virtual."

Four-word idioms at the beginning of refusal

Reject people for thousands of miles _ idiom explanation

Pinyin: ju


a surname


Interpretation: describe arrogance to people.

Source: Mencius Gao Zi Xia Pre-Qin period: "The concept of color and sound is thousands of miles away from people."

He put on an air of arrogance.

Refuse to give advice _ idiom interpretation

Pinyin: ju




Interpretation: admonition: outspoken persuasion; Decoration: cover up; True or false: wrong. Reject suggestions and cover up mistakes.

Source: "Xunzi Xiangcheng": "If you refuse to remonstrate, you will be foolish and the country will suffer."

Shut out _ idiom explanation

Pinyin: ju




Interpretation: Rejection: Rejection. Keep people out of the door to describe refusing to negotiate or * * *.

ⅵ Four-character idioms beginning with "Zhu"

Four-character idioms at the beginning of Yan character

Yan wan's joy,

Yan's family is fake and precious.

Yan is in a dangerous nest,

On the screen of the swallow nest,

Yan Yue Gu Yong,

Swallow chin and tiger neck,

Yan is jealous and ashamed,

Yan warbler shout:

Yan period,

Yan Jun's daughter,

The stone of Dai Yan,

Strict curtain from security,

Yan Qing Confucian scholar,

Yan pecked the emperor's grandson,

Yan Yan Dai Fei,

Yanzu is a poem,

Yan envied Yingying,

Swallow wings and grandchildren,

Zhao Yan is a good horse,

Ran Yan Legon,

Swallows nest in curtains,

Lv Yan warbler,

Zhao yanjun,

The elegy of Yan city,

Bird house,

YanJuShen read:

Yanjin Fundraising Show,

Yan Yan ying ying,

Swallows eat,

Shallow opinions

ⅶ What are the four-character idioms with the same beginning and end?

It's unheard of for a thief to call for a thief. Day after day, this is very rare. There are people outside the world. No one is perfect, and there are countless examples. Excellence is unheard of. It's hard. There are countless excellent ones. Day after day. ..

The last straw _ idiom explanation

Pinyin: rón wúkórón

Interpretation: I can't stand it anymore.

Source: Qing Anonymous "The Fourteenth Story of Officialdom Reform": "Sure enough, those students can't stand it, and the whole class is dissolved."


1, his unbridled approach made everyone unbearable.

Because he couldn't stand the boss's innocent scolding, he couldn't stand it and was furious.

You are late for training again tonight, we have had enough.

Faced with the ridicule of his peers, he couldn't bear it and ran out of the door with tears.

Xiaoguang is too lazy, which is unbearable.

Lao Wang couldn't bear it any longer, so he quarreled with him.

7. I tell you, I really can't stand it. What you just said went too far.

We were forced to the last straw before we decided to fight back in self-defense.

Ⅷ There are not less than 15 four-character words or idioms that start and end with the word "no" or are in the middle of words!

Opportunity knocks but once.

ⅸ Four-character words beginning with the word "no"

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Uneasy (in) room refers to married women having sex with men and women.

Uneasy in the post means that you don't like your career and don't work with peace of mind.

Not according to the prescription of traditional Chinese medicine, but according to the principle of matching the monarch and the minister. The monarch is the main medicine and the minister is the auxiliary medicine. If you don't obey the monarch and ministers, you will violate pharmacology and use drugs indiscriminately. Use the argot of poison.

A penny is a very stingy metaphor. Use "nothing".

Undaunted ambition is a metaphor for unshakable will.

There is no white grievance: make it clear. Unjustified or unpunished grievances.

The original meaning of invincible means that a good fighter will win and will not fall into defeat. After that, I am completely sure of success.

Neither humble nor supercilious: humble and inferior; Kang: Arrogant. It means to have a proper sense of proportion to people, neither supercilious nor supercilious.

Axe cymbals: ancient weapons. Don't dodge weapons like axes and cymbals. Describe a brave and fearless soldier or an unyielding martyr.

Don't dodge the axe. Axe: An ancient weapon. Don't dodge weapons like axes and cymbals. Describe a brave and fearless soldier or an unyielding martyr.

Do not avoid difficulties and obstacles, not afraid of difficulties and obstacles.

He who does not avoid fire and water is not afraid of danger.

If you don't avoid soup and fire, you are not afraid of danger

Inconvenient water and soil can't adapt to the climate and eating habits of immigrants. Use "acclimatization".

Don't distinguish oats from beans. I can't tell which is beans and which is wheat. Describe stupidity and ignorance. After describing the lack of practical production knowledge.

If you don't distinguish millet, you can't tell which beans are and which are millet. Describe stupidity and ignorance. After describing the lack of practical production knowledge.

Distinguish between true and false: distinguish. False: false. It is impossible to tell the truth from the false.

You can't tell which beans are and which are wheat without arguing. Describe stupidity and ignorance. After describing the lack of practical production knowledge.

Don't follow in the footsteps of others. Metaphor is not conformism.

Unexpected misfortune: conjecture, prediction. An incalculable disaster refers more to imprisonment or death.

Unforeseen worries refer to unexpected disasters.

Accidental crime refers to major crime and capital crime.

No tea, no food, no diet. Describe a heavy heart.

It's not bad at all, Mao: it's all ancient length names, one hair and one hair, one hair and two hairs, very subtle. The description is not bad at all.

That's right. That's right.

Not bad and tired millet: two small units of weight in ancient times, describing a small number. The description is not bad at all.

Not bad, almost neck and neck.

Disloyalty means disloyalty: not keeping the position of a courtier and disloyal to the monarch in feudal society. This means being unfaithful to your thoughts. Later it also refers to the ambition of insurrection.

No three-tile metaphor is incomplete.

Decent: patterns, rules. Of words and deeds without rules, out of shape.

Those who are not arrogant are not arrogant: unsuccessful and unsatisfactory; Behavior: person (including derogatory). A person who causes trouble because of dissatisfaction.

People who are not stupid or deaf are not stupid or deaf. Often used with "not an aunt", it means that if you don't pretend to be stupid or deaf, you can't be a grandma and grandpa. Describe your elders generously.

Despise people's teeth: arrange like teeth. Can't be classified as human. Be looked down upon.

I am not ashamed to ask questions, and I am willing to learn from people with lower knowledge or status than myself. I am not embarrassed.

Be ashamed of running to the finish line. Metaphor as long as you persist, you can achieve your goal.

Just like heaven: just like. Deep: deep pool. It's like going from the sky to the bottom of a deep pool. The metaphor is very different.

Don't care, don't care. 2 refers to not paying attention to everything.

Don't look, don't ignore, don't look and don't answer. Describe the indifference to others.

As expected, the reason has changed, as expected. Accurately describe the initial expectations.

Estimate, consider. I used to act rashly without careful consideration.

Leave without saying goodbye: leave; Don't: leave Leave without saying goodbye. Or slipped away.

Spare no effort to say: dodge; Hard work: hard work. Don't run away from hard work. Describe people who are not afraid of hardship and have strong perseverance.

There is no second move: order, order; Transfer: promotion of official position. Metaphor beyond the conventional promotion level.

No order: order, etc. The old word refers to granting important positions to talented people regardless of rank.

You can't support something if you don't save it.

There is no bad feeling: this is a "mustard tuber", a small infarction, a metaphor for resentment or unhappiness accumulated in the heart. Don't accumulate resentment and unhappiness in your heart. Describe a broad-minded and generous person.

Confess without beating yourself. The old meaning is not to extort confessions by torture. Metaphor is to do bad things or expose one's ulterior motives.

Don't wait for the tortoise: in ancient times, you used yarrow and tortoise shell to predict good or bad luck. You can decide without divination. The metaphor is obvious and very clear.

Improper and incorrect: auxiliary words have no practical significance. It means it's serious.

If you don't apologize and thank the Son of Man, it means that you are guilty and unworthy.

I have to tell you. I have to do this. It means that you are forced by circumstances or hiding something, and you have no choice.

I don't know: yes. There's no way to know.

Don't talk to each other: wrong, tangled. Describe can't untie or get rid of.

Die a natural death. It also means a curse on the wicked.

It is not allowed that the original meaning has no good end, and the latter meaning has not been properly solved. This also means that you can't achieve your goal.

Unpopular heart: wish, wish. Can not get the support of the masses; Can't get everyone's praise.

Die a natural death. People die of natural causes. Often refers to the evil consequences of the wicked.

Do not violate the official language, do not violate orders, and do not delay official duties.

To the point: the ancient word "waist"; Collar: collar. Essentials: Metaphor is the key. Can't grasp the point or key.

Not elegant: noble and elegant. It's not elegant. Describe things that are not valued and vulgar (especially literary works).

Pretend not to understand, but pretend to be proficient.

Silent voice: speaking; Color: skin color. In an emergency, the speech and manner remain the same. The description is very calm.

Constantly like a belt, still like a wisp. Describe a critical situation or intermittent low voice or breathing.

Not evil but strict and not evil, but dignified and solemn.

There is no other way: it means not two extremes; Dharma: the gateway for you to enter the Tao. Originally a Buddhist term, it means to enter the Tao directly, an unspeakable practice. The best or unique metaphor.

No shortage of people: lack; Qi: Well, those. There are quite a few such people.

There are many precedents and many things from the past that can be used as examples.

If you don't know the law, you can learn it at any time: as a model, as a rule; Changke: A long-recognized practice. Don't treat routine as a permanent pattern.

Don't worry, don't worry: I want to say it but I can't say it. F: inspiration. Don't inspire students when they can't say what they want to say. This is the teaching method of Confucius.

Fei Jiang Fei praised the writer or his works for their immortality.

Free benefits refer to benefits obtained in vain.

Regardless of the other party: that, the other party; This: this, our side. Don't distinguish this from that. Describe the close relationship and profound friendship.

You can't tell the first from the second.

Distinguishing between black and white is to distinguish between right and wrong.

No matter who wins or loses, you can't tell who wins or loses. Describe the level and skills of both sides in the competition.

Equal collocation is equally important. Metaphor treats both with similar attitudes or viewpoints.

Regardless of jade, there is no difference and mutual destruction. See "Crash and Burning".

Indiscriminate: black. Black and white, right and wrong.

Regardless of territory, territory: scope, boundary. Regardless of boundaries and scope. It is also a metaphor for not distinguishing each other.

No anger, no power: I want to understand in my heart but I don't understand yet. Revelation: Revelation. Don't inspire students when they don't understand what they want to understand. This is the teaching method of Confucius.

Being neither rich nor frugal means neither extravagant nor frugal, and how much is appropriate.

If you are not rich, you will not kill the rich: thick; Kill: reduce. Not extravagant or frugal. Neither increase nor decrease.

Burn and bury without lodging: yield; Burning money and burying money. In the old society, the government recovered the burial expenses paid to the families of the deceased from the murderers. Metaphor is innocence or disobedience.

I can't adapt to the climate and eating habits where I moved.

Live up to expectations: live up to expectations; All: all; Hope: expectation. Live up to everyone's expectations.

Death means that you can't live any longer.

Don't change your fun, don't change your happiness. Stay happy in trouble.

Unclean means unclean and dirty. It also refers to feeling unclean because of taboo. It can also be described in uncivilized language.

Ungrateful: willing, willing; Female crouching: the female bird crouches there motionless, indicating that she can't hide. Metaphor is not willing to do nothing.

Don't want to be left behind by others.

Unwilling to be lonely: willing; Loneliness: loneliness and cold. Describe being unwilling to be left out or eager to participate in something.

Not to be outdone: show, show. Unwilling to show that you are inferior to others. It means to have a competition, which is higher or lower.

Awkward metaphor is in a dilemma, which is not easy to handle. Also described as embarrassing.

Dare not climb high, dare not make friends or make relatives with people with higher social status than themselves.

I dare not talk to the old man about hardships, nor dare I talk about my own sufferings. Metaphor is diligence and indefatigability (often used to express modesty).

Forgive me for disagreeing: forgive me for disagreeing. Dare not agree casually. Be careful about people and things.

I dare not. Future generations don't want to fall behind others. Show that you dare not slack off and strive to move forward.

Dare not plunder America: plunder. Dare not steal the beauty of others.

I dare not describe going all out to do one thing, nor dare I be distracted to do other things.

a scholarly family

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