Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Li Jifu's Original Works _ Translation and Appreciation

Li Jifu's Original Works _ Translation and Appreciation

Li Jifu (758-8 14), born in Zanhuang (now Zanhuang in Hebei Province) in Zhao County and the son of Li Qiyun, was born in the Tang Dynasty. Li Jifu was born in the ancestral home of the Li family in Zhao County. As an official in his early years, he had a shadow under his door. He has successively served as Dr. Zuo and Dr. Taichang who led Cao Cang to join the army, Yuan Wailang who tilled the fields, Mingzhou Changshi, Zhongzhou secretariat, Liuzhou secretariat, senior high school entrance examination doctor and Chinese book writer. At the end of Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, Li Jifu was worshipped as the Prime Minister twice, during which he was in charge of Huainan buffer region and was knighted by Zhao Guogong. It is planned to pacify Xichuan and Zhenhai, weaken the power of the buffer region, lay off redundant officials, consolidate the border defense, and assist Xianzong to create Yuan and Zhongxing. In the 9th year of Yuanhe (8 14), Li Jifu died and was posthumously named Zhong Yi. Li Jifu's early life experience.

Li Jifu was studious and good at writing articles when he was young. With the shadow of the door, he served as the left secretary and led the government to join the army. At the age of 27, he served as Dr. Tai Chang. He is knowledgeable, especially good at allusions of Chinese dynasties. He served as foreign minister of wasteland reclamation and driving company, and was highly valued by prime ministers Li Mi and Dou Shen. In the eighth year of Zhenyuan (792), Li Jifu was released as the long history of Mingzhou (now governing Yinzhou, Zhejiang Province), then as the secretariat of Zhongzhou (now governing Zhongxian, Chongqing), and then as the secretariat of Liuzhou (now governing Liuzhou, Guangxi) and Raozhou (now governing Poyang, Jiangxi Province).

Return to North Korea to serve.

In the 21st year of Zhenyuan (805), Tang Xianzong succeeded to the throne, called Li Jifu back to the DPRK, and made him a doctor and a scholar. After he returned to the imperial court, he was called into the Imperial Academy as a bachelor of Hanlin, was appointed as a Chinese calligrapher, and was given purple clothes.

In the first year of Yuanhe (806), surprisingly, Liu Pi rebelled. Courtiers all think that Shu is dangerous, easy to defend but difficult to attack, and do not advocate sending troops to crusade. Prime Minister Du tried his best to lay the main battlefield. It is also recommended that the Shence Army let Gao Chongwen be the commander-in-chief of cutting Shu, and Li Jifu also agreed to send troops. Tang Xianzong ordered Gao Chongwen and Shannan West Road to fight against the rebellion in Sichuan. Gao Chongwen broke Lutouguan (in Deyang, Sichuan) for a long time, and Li Jifu said, "The Han, Jin and Southern Dynasties cut Shu five times and along the river four times. Xuanzhou (now Xuancheng, Anhui Province), Hongzhou (now Nanchang, Jiangxi Province), qi zhou (now Qichun, Hubei Province) and Ezhou (now Ezhou, Hubei Province) in the Jianghuai area are known as the elite soldiers in the world. Your Majesty can let the Jianghuai army go straight to the hinterland of the Three Gorges, and the rebels will disperse their troops to rescue them. Moreover, Gao Chongwen is worried that the Jianghuai Army will take the lead in making meritorious deeds and will also enhance its fighting spirit. " After the pacification of Xichuan, Li Jifu suggested that Gao Chongwen and Yan Li save Xichuan (Chengdu, Sichuan) and Dongchuan (Santai, Sichuan) respectively, so that the two provinces in Sichuan could balance each other.

Serve as zaifu

In the second year of Yuanhe (807), Du Ba-bing and Li Jifu, assistant minister of Ren Zhongshu, were appointed as the official of Chinese calligraphy. He has been released from jianghuai for more than ten years and knows well the sufferings of the people. After the visit, in view of the greed of the buffer region, he asked the emperor to let the county ministers in our time govern alone. Li Jifu also suggested that the state secretariat should be forbidden to visit our governor without authorization, and that our governor should be forbidden to levy exorbitant taxes on the counties under his control in the name of year-end inspection. Tang Xianzong relies on him more and more.

Kun Li, our time envoy in Zhenhai, is arrogant and illegal. Li Jifu thought he would rebel, so he advised Xianzong to call him back to the DPRK and control him. Facing the three conscripts in the imperial court, Kun Li said that he didn't want to get sick, and he also bribed the powerful people in the DPRK with huge sums of money. In October, Kun Li attacked counties and launched a rebellion. Li Jifu said: "Kun Li is just a mediocre person. He was caught by gangsters and thieves. How does he fight? If the court conquers, it will be successful. " He also recruited Xuzhou Army and Bianzhou Army, which were feared by Jiangnan buffer region, to participate in the counter-insurgency to deter the rebels. When the rebels heard that Xuzhou (now Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province) and Bianzhou (now Kaifeng, Henan Province) moved south, they killed Kun Li and surrendered to the court. Li Jifu was named the marquis of Zanhuang County for his merits.

Since the rule of Dezong, the Tang Dynasty has always adopted a tolerant attitude towards the buffer region. Many of our officers have served for life and supported their troops with self-respect, resulting in a situation that their tails are too big to fail. In view of this shortcoming, Li Jifu carried out reforms. In more than a year after his visit, * * * replaced the section commanders of 36 buffer regions, making it difficult for our times to effectively control a buffer region for a long time.

Huainan in other places

In the third year of Yuanhe (808), Pei Jun, the right assistant minister, made a fortune and wanted to be prime minister. At that time, the imperial court was holding an examination of "telling the truth and giving advice", and Tang Xianzong was very dissatisfied. Pei Jun incited his henchmen, saying that there was a prime minister behind this incident, hoping to strike Li Jifu. Li Yue, Du Jiayu, Li Zhengji, Xiao Yi and others made sparse statements, trying to defend Li Jifu. Until then, Tang Xianzong was a little angry.

Li's stepfather was originally friends with Dou Qun, Yang Shizhen and Lu Wen. After Dou Qun was appointed as the middle official of the suggestion, he recommended Shi Yang as the assistant of the suggestion and Lu Wenzhi as a handyman. Li Jifu was angry that he didn't report to himself in advance and refused to approve it, which caused resentment from Dou Qun and others. Later, Li Jifu became ill and let the doctor stay at home. Dou Qun arrested the healer and wrote to impeach Li Jifu, saying that he made friends with warlocks. Tang Xianzong found out the truth and demoted Dou Qun and others. Knowing that he had made too many enemies, Li Jifu resigned and recommended Pei Ji to take over. In September of the same year, Li Jifu left the town of Huainan (now Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province) and awarded the Ministry of War Shangshu, Zhongshu Assistant Minister, Tongping Zhangwu and Huainan our time. Tang Xianzong personally gave him a farewell dinner at Tonghua Gate.

During his three years in Huainan, Li Jifu often wrote letters to discuss politics, mentioning Chen's gains and losses and listing the interests of militarists. He led the people to build water conservancy projects such as Furentang, Gubentang and Ping Jin Weir (now Gaoyou, Jiangsu Province), irrigated nearly 10,000 hectares of farmland, and asked the court to forgive the local people's millions of stone debts.


In the sixth year of Yuanhe (865,438+065,438+0), Pei Ji went on strike due to illness. Xianzong recalled Li Jifu from Huainan, re-appointed him as assistant minister of Zhongshu, and awarded Dr. Jin Ziguanglu, a university student of Jixian Hall, to supervise the revision of national history, became Zhu Guo and was promoted to Zhao Guogong. He suggested eliminating redundant officials and reducing their salaries to save the country's financial expenditure. Tang Xianzong adopted his suggestion and eventually cut more than 800 redundant staff and 1700 redundant staff. At that time, the king of the royal family lived in the sixteenth house, and even the eunuch was responsible for his daughter's marriage. Kings can only bribe eunuchs with gifts in order to get married. When Li Jifu learned the news of the emperor, Tang Xianzong named the king's daughters princesses, and ordered the company to choose the children from other families to marry them.

In the seventh year of Yuanhe (8 12), Weber saved Tian Ji 'an from illness, and his son Tian Huaijian succeeded him. Li Jifu suggested that Tang Xianzong send troops for conquest, and recommended Xue Ping as the ambassador of our army, hoping to take this opportunity to recover Weibo Town (now the name of Hebei Province). However, Tang Xianzong was strongly opposed by Prime Minister Li Jiang, and was finally not adopted. Li Jiang's integrity, Tang Xianzong in order to balance Li Jifu, deliberately take it as a phase. Two people often argue in the headquarters, Tang Xianzong think Jiang Licheng honest, often listen to his ideas. Later, Li Jifu drew a dangerous map of Hebei and gave it to Tang Xianzong. Xianzong hung a map on the wall of the bath hall. Whenever he talks about the situation in Hebei, he praises Li Jifu.

In the eighth year of Yuanhe (8 13), Uighur crossed the desert and conquered Tubo in the south. The imperial court got the report, but thought that Uighur ostensibly claimed to crusade against Tubo, and its real intention was to invade the territory of Tang Dynasty. Li Jifu said: "The Uighurs did not break off good relations with the imperial court. The purpose of going south is unlikely to be to invade the border. As long as we are vigilant, it is not a concern. " He suggested restoring eleven post stations from Zhou Xia to Tiande County to convey the border military intelligence, and recruiting Zhou Xia to ride five hundred soldiers to meet the post station in the old city to protect the Tangut tribe. Li Jifu also suggested that the court restore Yizhou to resist Uighur and appease the Tangut. Tang Xianzong re-established Yizhou in the old city, which belonged to Sui Yindao, and recruited 9,000 Ce Shen troops to station in the city. Li Jifu also recruited more than 300,000 weapons and 1000 war horses in Jianghuai area, and added them to Taiyuan and Lu Ze to strengthen the border defense in northern Tang Dynasty.

Sudden illness and death

In the 9th year of Yuanhe (8 14), Wu Shaoyang died in Huaixi, and his son Wu Yuanji asked for appointment. Li Jifu thought that Huaixi Town (now Runan, Henan Province) was deep inland, and there was no party support around it, so it was not appropriate to follow the practice of Heshuo Town, and advocated taking the opportunity to send troops to seize Huaixi. Tang Xianzong agreed with him and asked him to plan to conquer Huaixi.

Major achievements in management

Li Jifu served as prime minister twice in the late Yuan Dynasty and the two Dynasties for three years and seven months, and was called "Yuan Yu". His achievements mainly include:

Restrain the buffer region: strengthen the power of the counties to which the buffer region belongs; Pacify Zhenhai Kun Li rebellion; Change the handsome section of the buffer; Put Purunjun under Jingyuan; Plan to conquer Huaixi (die before you finish).

Crack down on eunuchs: cut off eunuchs' right to manage the marriage of the emperor and daughter.

Rectify official management: eliminate redundant staff; Reduce the salary of officials.

Consolidation of border defense: restoration of border defense posts; Stationing troops to run the old city; Add a state; Replenish the border guards with war horse weapons.


Li Jifu wrote the Map of Yuanhe County, describing the establishment and evolution of national administrative regions, mountains and rivers, population and products, and preparing for Tang Xianzong to control buffer towns.

There are many records of place names in Yuanhe County Atlas, including Biography of Li Jifu in the Old Tang Dynasty, Biography of Tang Xianzong as the national map of Yuanhe County, Preface to Yuanhe County Atlas by Li Jifu, and Atlas of Yuanhe County in the New Tang Dynasty, which were lost due to maps in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Anecdotes and allusions lead to resentment and joy.

When Lu Zhi was in power, he suspected that Li Jifu had made close friends and demoted him as a long history of Mingzhou. Later, Lu Zhi was rejected by Pei Yanling and relegated to Zhongzhou. Pei Yanling wanted to harm Lu Zhi, so he used Li Jifu as the secretariat of Zhongzhou, and Lu Zhi's brothers and disciples were very worried. However, Li Jifu is not hostile. He treated Lu Zhi with the courtesy of the Prime Minister and got along well with him. At first, Lu Zhi felt ashamed and afraid, and later gradually became close friends with Li Jifu. At that time, people respected Li Jifu's quality, but Li Jifu was not promoted for six years.

Jifu asked Bu.

When Li Jifu was relegated to the southeast, he asked Yuan, who was good at divination, to live in seclusion and calculate his official career. Yuan retired and said, "You can be a leader and live to be 93 years old." Li Jifu said, "None of my ancestors lived to be seventy, and I dare not expect to live to be ninety-three." Yuan lived in seclusion and said, "According to life, it is ninety-three." Later, Li Jifu really went through the customs and lived in Zhafu to save Huainan. He died at the age of 56, on October 3rd, 2009/kloc-0, which was exactly 93.

Illegally demoted traitor

In the early years of Yuanhe, the master of credentials colluded with Liu Guangqi, the school secretary. When Liu Guangqi disagrees with the Prime Minister, he often lets Slippery convey his intention and often realizes his wish. Prime Ministers Du You, Zuo Zheng and others are modest and prudent, and treat slipperiness with a friendly attitude. Zheng Yuqing reprimanded the slippery face to face and was quickly dismissed. Officials from all over the world are scrambling to bribe Hua Huan. When Li Jifu was an official in China, he impeached slippery and autocratic powers. Tang Xianzong was convicted of slippery Huan, sentenced to death in Leizhou, and confiscated his property, amounting to tens of millions.

Only in sages.

Tang Xianzong appointed Li Jifu as Prime Minister. Hearing this, Li Jifu burst into tears and said to Pei Ji, a calligrapher in China, "Jifu has been wandering in Jianghuai for fifteen years, and now he is worshipped as the Prime Minister. I can only repay the kindness of the court by introducing sages, but I have little contact with the court. You are good at identifying talents. I hope you can tell me your opinion. " Pei Zima made a list of more than 30 people. Li Jifu appointed all these people within a few months. At that time, everyone thought that he used people properly.

Advise xianzong

Tubo once sent envoys to North Korea, demanding an alliance. Li Jifu remonstrated: "Dezong and Tubo formed an alliance to contain Nanzhao. Now that Yimou Xun has returned to China, Nanzhao is friendly with the imperial court, and Tubo dare not make mistakes. If the imperial court forms an alliance with Tubo, Nanzhao will be disgusted, and it will be difficult for southern Xinjiang to preserve peace. " Tang Xianzong then rejected Tubo's request for alliance.

Tang Xianzong wanted to return Haozhou and Sizhou to the jurisdiction of Rizo, the secretariat of Xuzhou. Li Jifu remonstrated, saying, "Sizhou has its back against the Huaihe River, and Haozhou has a whirlpool, and it has made contact with Zhang Jianfeng before, which puts the court in a passive position. Now Mr. Zhang is supported by sergeant Xuzhou. Although he is very kind to the imperial court, I'm afraid he can't control his arrogant soldiers. If he is allowed to own the Huaihe River and the vortex, and let him control the southeast, the court will be afraid to have worries in the future. " Xianzong gave up.

Zhuang Tianhe and Shuituan, monks in Beijing, are entitled to tax exemption. Li Jifu remonstrated, saying, "There has always been a quota for the thousand meters tax. Monks have spare capacity and forgiveness, but they give it to the poor who have nowhere to ask for help. Never allow it. " Tang Xianzong was relieved of the tax exemption for monks.

Tang Dezong once built 120 ancestral halls in the tomb for Princess Yiyang, which cost tens of thousands of dollars. After the death of Princess Yongchang, Tang Xianzong ordered the ancestral temple to be built for her according to half the specifications of Princess Yiyang. Li Jifu remonstrated: "The plan of Dezong cannot be taken as an example. Once upon a time, Emperor Gaozu Zhang wanted to build an ancestral temple in his father's grave, but King Dongping opposed it. The monarch should be careful about impolite things, and your majesty might as well set up a tomb guard team. " Xianzong said, "I also think it's too cumbersome and wasteful, so I reduced it by half." Sure enough, you think so, too. But I don't want to put the people in the grave, so I let the official households keep the tomb. " Li Jifu saluted. Xianzong added: "As long as there is anything inappropriate, just tell me directly. Don't think that I can't implement it. "

Three stages of Li

Li in Zhao County has three ancestral houses in the southeast and west. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, each of the three families worshipped one person as prime minister. South ancestral home is Li Fan, East ancestral home is Li Jiang, and West ancestral home is Li Jifu. Coincidentally, the three ranked third in their respective housing departments.

Father and son share joys and sorrows.

Father of family members: Li Qiyun, a former imperial doctor, whose name is Zanhuang County.

Big Brother: Li Laopeng, former counselor.

Zi: Li is the secretariat of Shu and Chu, and he is from the Ministry of Food.

Son: Li Deyu, Prime Minister of Tang Wuzong, was appointed as the Duke of Wei.

Li Jifu's poems and poems last for six years. Temple Zhai Xi, the bookstore will be a group of immortals. Powder wall frost, ice pool full moon. When I get old, I change my mind, but the clock leaks quietly. Yan is empty, old and full of heart. Word for Fu Shuo, hang training three articles. -Li Jifu in the Tang Dynasty "The photos taken when Ji Fu was four years old are often negative at the back of the book." Four-year-old Ji Fu is at the back of the book and is often negative.

Tang Dynasty: Li Jifu

Huaihai's three advances are the same, and the fulcrum is balanced for six years. Temple Zhai Xi, the bookstore will be a group of immortals.

Powder wall frost, ice pool full moon. When I get old, I change my mind, but the clock leaks quietly.

Yan is empty, old and full of heart. Word for Fu Shuo, hang training three articles. Longmen Nanyue is the best place in Iraq, and every grass and tree is crowded with people. Pears and dates in Zhou Bei are ripe, and dreams go to suburban gardens in autumn. -Tang Li Jifu's "Huai Yi Chuan Fu" Huai Yi Chuan Fu

Li Jifu in Tang Dynasty

Longmen Nanyue is the best place in Iraq, and every grass and tree is crowded with people.

Pears and dates in Zhou Bei are ripe, and dreams go to suburban gardens in autumn. Rest in the small garden and look forward to being with Laoshan for the time being. Dan jujube hangs on the tree, and purple pear falls on the moss. Dancing in the new house, hanging around Gu Teng. Red and blue contact late, welcome frost and white fat. Go to Gongliu Fengman, Guanjian Qingdian. We should remember those who lived to the end and compose poems with shame. —— Li Jifu's "Nine-day Small Garden presented to Wu Xianggong" in Tang Dynasty, and the Nine-day Small Garden presented to Wu Xianggong.

Rest in the small garden and look forward to being with Laoshan for the time being. Dan jujube hangs on the tree, and purple pear falls on the moss.

Dancing in the new house, hanging around Gu Teng. Red and blue contact late, welcome frost and white fat.

Go to Gongliu Fengman, Guanjian Qingdian. We should remember those who lived to the end and compose poems with shame. See more poems by stepfather Li >>