Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Aquarius archetypal myth

Aquarius archetypal myth

Aquarius archetypal myth

Aquarius prototype myth, in fact, the constellation also has a certain scientific basis. The interpretation of constellations can guide the fortune of our life. This feeling will always be a hidden corner in our hearts. If we often look at luck, it is not easy to cause disaster. I have carefully sorted out the myth of Aquarius prototype, hoping to help you.

The myth of Aquarius prototype 1 is now in a new era, and its meaning seems to be more complicated than the "fraternity" and "brotherhood" advocated by the cultural movement in the 1960s. Aquarius itself is a complex constellation: it has two main stars, Saturn and Uranus. But unlike Pluto and Mars, the main stars of Scorpio, Saturn and Uranus have little in common. In Greek mythology, the relationship between the two is even at odds, which is consistent with the inherent duality and ambiguity of Aquarius itself.

As for Saturn, Titan kronos and Saturn are mentioned in the last Capricorn archetypal myth. There are few words about our heavenly father, who has been rebelled by children. The striking part of his story is that he was rebelled by his children ―― the hundred-handed giant born of Titan Twelve and Gaia, his mother and sister, and his wife. He once imprisoned his children in hell, so that these grotesque or ugly children would not offend his aesthetic vision again. This story is also related to Aquarius: it is not only common for Aquarius to be brutally suppressed in the secular environment, but also the basic experience they will suffer. Perhaps, it is this rude and imprisoned offense that will inspire this constellation's unremitting pursuit of liberating mankind and seeking redemption; Aquarius's most instructive instinct is the eternal belief in overcoming human nature. Take Uranus as an example, the heavenly father who was obsessed with perfectionism like a demon was finally defeated by the man he abandoned, but some people said that he was saved by an ambiguous way-his genitals cut by his son kronos were thrown into the sea, thus giving birth to Aphrodite (the goddess of love and beauty in Greek mythology). She combines the indulgence characteristics represented by secular brothers with the aesthetic characteristics of the heavenly father. Three Erinyes are also his descendants. The blood of the heavenly father dripped on Gaia, the mother of the earth. They symbolized and personally enforced the laws to protect blood relations.

The archetypal myth of Aquarius goes far beyond our constellation. I think another equally important mythological figure is Prometheus, the benevolent second-generation Titan (in various versions, he is usually considered to be born to a pair of children of Gaia and Uranus, his daughter Simis and his son Partos). Prometheus, the cousin of Zeus, fought with him and helped him in the battle with his biological father. Only kronos escaped from the first generation Titan who had been imprisoned in the underworld, overthrew his father and led the golden age in Greek mythology until he was overthrown by his son Zeus. In the end, he turned against Zeus for the sake of mankind: Zeus forbade mankind to use fire, and Prometheus stole fire from Olympus and brought it to mankind. He is a great social worker in the universe. His spirit of stealing fire means that he is not satisfied with his natural endowment. He has been making progress and pursuing enlightenment.

There are some controversies about Prometheus' life experience. Everyone thinks he is a Titan protoss, but in some versions Prometheus is the illegitimate child of Hera (the eldest daughter of kronos and Rhea, the sister and third wife of Zeus). As mentioned above, in some reports, he is considered as the son of Partos. The name Prometheus means "foresight"; He has an older brother, Epimetheus (Pandora's husband in Greek mythology), whose names mean "one who knows later and feels later" and "one who is absent-minded". The names and meanings of these two brothers together seem to be in line with the two poles of the human spirit. Prometheus was endowed with the gift of foresight, and he knew the consequences of Zeus' betrayal of his father kronos. As a cousin of Titan, he wisely chose to help Zeus. He once helped Athena, the goddess of wisdom, to be born from Zeus' head (Zeus gave birth to Metis, the goddess of wisdom, and because Gaia predicted that Metis' child would overthrow Zeus, Zeus swallowed her whole body, so he had a severe headache, so he had to be beheaded by hephaestus, the Vulcan). It was Athena who taught Prometheus the knowledge of architecture, astronomy, mathematics, navigation, medicine and metallurgy. Later Prometheus passed this knowledge on to mankind. The oldest version of the myth about Prometheus tells us the story that he is the father of mankind: Titan shaped a human figure in the image of God with mud and water, and Athena injected life into it. This is similar to the story of genesis in Talmud, except that the archangel of St. Michael created Adam from dust under the guidance of God.

The skills that Prometheus taught mankind made him the "evil god" of cultural knowledge. He intuitively taught human beings to transcend their animality and become like gods. I think this kind heart and kindness to human beings are the main theme of Aquarius, and the story of Prometheus is the best portrayal of this constellation.

However, the myth of Prometheus is not so simple, and the other protagonist is also the myth prototype of Aquarius, because he is involved in the two themes of blood relationship and hostility-yes, Zeus, the king of gods. Zeus originally wanted to destroy mankind, but later he didn't do so at the request of Prometheus. However, under the guidance of Prometheus, mankind gradually learned all kinds of skills, knowledge and abilities, which angered Zeus ―― just like the jealous God in Genesis, he wouldn't let Adam and Eve he created eat the fruit of the knowledge tree for fear that they would become like gods. At this time, Zeus is very similar to his father kronos, showing a self that does not pursue awakening, but hinders self-development, and labels "betrayer" as evil by threatening to impose punishment. Prometheus and Zeus clashed endlessly on the question of how far human beings should be allowed to develop. These two gods seem to represent the truth of human nature-although Aquarius has a strong instinct to develop to a more enlightened and awakened level, they also contain the opposite side, forming the drama of this constellation prototype myth.

Prometheus made no secret of his contempt for Zeus' dictatorship. One day, he was invited by human beings to be an arbitrator to decide which half of beef should be sacrificed to the gods and which half should be left for human consumption. Titan peeled off the bull's skin and sewed it into two open cowhide bags, one of which contained beef and was hidden under the cow's stomach. The other bag is filled with cow bones, which are covered with a thick layer of butter, and then Zeus can choose for himself. Zeus was tricked into choosing the bag of butter and found it was full of bones. As a punishment for Prometheus, he refused to let people use fire. "Let them eat beef raw!" The king of the universe growled. Prometheus turned to Athena, climbed Mount Olympus secretly, lit the torch when the sun car of the sun god passed by, burned it into charcoal, and stuffed it in the middle of a hollow stalk of a big bulb fennel, thus bringing fire to mankind.

Zeus vowed to avenge this. He ordered hephaestus (Vulcan and craftsman) to make a woman out of clay. Four Fengshen breathed life into her, and she was loved by all the goddesses-this was the birth of Pandora. Zeus gave her as a gift to Epimetheus, Prometheus' younger brother, but it was rejected because Prometheus, who had foresight, warned him not to accept Zeus' gift. Zeus then tied Prometheus naked to the stone pillar of Caucasus Mountain and sent a vulture to peck at his liver day after day and year after year. How much did the liver eat, and it returned to its original state every night. Afraid of suffering the same fate as his brother, Epimetheus married Pandora. She opened a box that Prometheus asked Epimetheus to take good care of, but couldn't open it. It was all kinds of injuries that Prometheus tried his best to imprison that would bring pain and suffering to mankind: old age, labor, disease, madness, evil deeds and passion. These disasters released by the box fly out in groups, hurting the mortal race. However, Pandora hastily closed the box, keeping an unreleased "false hope" of injury, thus preventing mankind from listening to the rumors of this disaster and committing suicide on a large scale.

The endless punishment that Zeus imposed on Prometheus was actually limited later. Zeus agreed to release Prometheus because of the intercession of Hercules Herakles and Khyron (Liz's spelling is Cheiron, while Kay Long Xing's common spelling is Chrion, but Kay Long Xing is named after this centaur monster in Greek mythology) who volunteered to die instead of Prometheus. In view of the crime of eternal punishment, Zeus stipulated that Prometheus was still regarded as a prisoner and must wear an iron ring made of chains that bound him, and the ring should be inlaid with high-grade gems. Now human beings commemorate this benefactor by wearing rings and wreaths. Zeus also ordered Herakles to shoot the vulture that tortured Prometheus. After its death, it became Sagittarius in the sky.

Prometheus saved mankind from darkness, and all human skills came from him. These benevolent qualities are obvious in Aquarius: caring for the welfare and development of mankind. The image of Zeus is not so simple, and the meaning of torture he represents is not easy to understand. This is the paradox: on the one hand, there is a strong desire to awaken, on the other hand, there is an equally strong unconscious desire. The meaning of Prometheus here is not the person himself at the level of "self", but the evil god who helps people develop. The endless tension and tension brought by this prototype image will inevitably bring pain, because conflict is inevitable. We can regard Prometheus as a hero, because he gave the human flame. But from the perspective of the holy world, he committed a huge crime, and this situation is the theme that Jung paid special attention to: the guilt caused by his efforts for personal awakening.

Jung himself is a rising water bottle, so his thinking on this subject is not only observed from the patients who consulted him, but also related to himself. He opened Pandora's box in his subconscious and played the roles of Prometheus and Zeus in contradiction. He constantly questioned the effectiveness of his work. In my opinion, it was similar to the vulture that kept pecking at Prometheus' liver. In ancient astrological psychology, Jupiter, who was guarded by Zeus, was in charge of the liver, so the part of Zeus' vulture that destroyed flesh and blood also represented God himself-we are discussing the duality of mythological symbols again. The king of the universe punished Prometheus through his own symbol. Perhaps we can regard the "liver" here as his belief in himself.

Behind Aquarius's altruism is deep-rooted self-doubt. I have never met anyone who knows more about self-punishment and self-degradation than some Aquarius: they are the embodiment of Prometheus spirit and have contributed to the progress of other individuals or groups to a greater or lesser extent. In traditional astrology, the sun is regarded as a "sinking" position in Aquarius, because this position shows that individual self-expression and self-confidence will be bound by the collective strength and perspective that Aquarius will always pursue. Aquarius is often tortured by his hatred of selfishness, and is the most "I should" and "I must" person in the twelve constellations. This myth implies the deep root of the fear of self-realization: any effort for self-realization will be accompanied by guilt.

"The story of Genesis symbolizes the conscious behavior of violating taboos, while the fruit of knowledge means that the sacred barrier has been irreverently crossed. In my opinion, in terms of higher consciousness, Genesis is like a Promethean evil: knowledge is shared by human beings, just as the gods were stolen from the sky, the possession of this unknown power in the sacred world has split from the natural environment and belongs to the conscious brain of human beings. The man who created new knowledge suffered greatly, however, he also experienced spiritual transformation and consciousness improvement that his people had never experienced before. He separated himself from other humans in this era (the snake in the Garden of Eden said, "You will become like a god"), but he will also be separated from the crowd. The pain of loneliness is the revenge of the gods: he will never blend in with the crowd again. Like the mythical Prometheus, he will be bound in the Caucasus, facing the cliff, abandoned by God and abandoned by others. "

The previous paragraph is taken from Jung's psychological works. I can't analyze it better than him. I think Jung knows what "lonely pain" is like. He is also a thief of skyfire. Being isolated by the crowd is undoubtedly a dilemma that causes deep pain for Aquarius who values society. We all benefit from jung's theoretical achievements; But Jung himself seems to be wearing an iron ring made of chains to remind himself of the sin of disobeying the gods. All the traditional Aquarius fields, such as science, invention, social welfare, psychology, and even astrology, are stained with this loneliness of paying the price for offending Zeus, which has resulted in those psychological motives of "having to" help others-obscure and dark motives. This reminds me of what Lucifer looked like before he betrayed God and degenerated into Satan. He used to be the highest angel in the sky, and the name "Lucifer" means "Messenger of Light" in Latin. In Aquarius, we can see another form of dialogue between a rebellious son and a jealous father. The father-son game mentioned in the last Capricorn archetypal myth is a confrontation between father and son who break through secular limitations and safeguard their own interests. )

In one version, it is said that Zeus later forgave Prometheus not because of Herakles's intercession, but because the prophet foresaw the future fate of the king of the universe, so Zeus was coerced into knowing the contents of the prophecy and had to release him. Therefore, the contradiction between "known and unknown" that we see from here is also a contest between "conscious and subconscious". Zeus allowed Prometheus to survive and be released, because the Titan had what Zeus wanted, and he needed Prometheus to predict his fate and guide him how to face the future. Just like the ancient alchemy pagan saying, God needs human beings to complete a perfect career. This is also a major theme that continues to appear in Jung's works. Efforts for individualization can not only "cure" neurosis patients, but also be a sacred cause based on the standpoint of human beings and God. Thus, the ego and the subconscious form a pair of ambiguous and unfamiliar relationships; They are hostile and interdependent. Zeus and Prometheus were originally a clan, and they were both grandchildren of their father Quranos. And their lineages are different: Zeus is the god of Olympus, and he is the "wind elephant"; Prometheus is the Titan God and the "Earth Elephant". One is in alliance with God, and the other belongs to the world. The delicate balance between them is dangerous, but this is diamond cut diamond; Power is balanced in values, not in essence.

Aquarius Prototype Myth 2 The most well-known Greek myth about Aquarius is Prometheus. Because he wanted to help out of the dark, a human being, he secretly passed on the "fire" to people and developed a more powerful civilization, which made Zeus, the king of the gods, very angry, so he punished Prometheus for suffering every day and made the eagle swallow his liver, but every night he grew a new one. In this way, in endless pain ... until Sagittarius mentioned the fairy tale about Khyron, because he was accidentally injured by his student Heracles' poisonous arrow, but because Khyron's immortal life will suffer from incurable trauma forever, Zeus finally exchanged the divinity of Khyron with Prometheus under Heracles' mediation, Khyron was able to use death to alleviate his pain, and Prometheus did not have to be punished endlessly.

Prometheus' attempt to transmit fire to mankind and develop civilization is the ultimate wish of all Aquarius. They are naturally concerned about human beings and groups and only think that their goals are selfish. Such "shouldn't" will bombard them in my mind. Only by serving and contributing to the whole civilized society will they feel justified, which is why the sun has not played well in Aquarius traditionally, because the sun "should" pursue self-realization, and this "should".

Although most Aquarius are easy to get along with in everyone's impression, they are detached, just like a friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. When they talk about ideas together, they are very harmonious. If they want to have an in-depth heart-to-heart conversation with them, they will definitely be rejected. Advanced ideas and ideas often go beyond the pace of the times, so they always have to bear the loneliness caused by others not keeping up with their own ideas ... Although they have to endure such suffering, they can't change and open their hearts to contact others, so they have to hide in the service contribution of the group and relieve their inner loneliness through this sense of accomplishment. This eternal struggle is the ultimate fate of Aquarius.