Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Does anyone know about the alien event in 654381October 23?

Does anyone know about the alien event in 654381October 23?

Complete works of UFO cases

◆ Witness (1)

Date:1966165438+10/8 Date: 16:30.

Venue: Lake Tiorati, new york, USA.

After witnessing:

The Hudson River is a river in the east of new york. People often come here to fish. On this day, three anglers on the west bank of the river noticed an unusual round metal flying object. At the same time, one of them turned on the (old-fashioned) box camera and fortunately took this photo before the flying object flew over Hudson Mountain and disappeared. When describing the object, these witnesses said that it gave people the impression of a dark copper hemisphere with a round roof buckled on it. Ufo is very quiet when flying, and its trajectory is also irregular "Z" shape.

◆ Witnesses (2)

Date:1971May 23rd, specific time: 12:30.

Venue: Stail Mark Hamburg, Austria.

After witnessing:

197 1 At about noon on May 23rd, 2008, Rudy Nagula and his wife drove to the southwest of Munich, Germany for a walk, in order to stay away from the noisy city and spend a pleasant Sunday in nature. When they descended from a hill, they suddenly heard a very weak "buzzing" sound, and at the same time saw a very bright silver flying object in the air, with a smooth edge like a hacksaw. This is very different from the plane they have seen before. UFOs run irregularly and suddenly change direction or speed. Mr. Nagora went on to say that it is very precious to capture this only photo before the flying object disappears!

◆ Witnesses (3)

Date: 1973,10,03, specific time: 14:00.

Venue: Louisville, USA [a city in northern Kentucky, USA]

After witnessing:

I think it is about two o'clock in the afternoon. I saw two chipmunks running around the little fig tree. At this moment, my god! There is a round flying saucer, and I'm sure it exists (not an illusion). "This is a witness description of an electronic technician in Louisville [a city in northern Kentucky, USA]. The witness took six photos, but as the UFO sped away, the two photos became blurred.

Evaluation: The photo professional organization of Courier confirmed that the photos and negatives provided by witnesses were forged, and the forgery technology was very high. Another proof that the photo is forged is that there are no other witnesses around to prove it further.

◆ Witness the event (4)

Date:1July 29th, 952; Specific time: 16:30.

Venue: Paszik, New Jersey, USA

After witnessing:

As a lawn mower, Mr. George J happened to see something unusual in the air outside the maintenance workshop of the lawn mower at about 4: 30 pm. I couldn't help shouting at my father in the room, "Take out our cameras! Take out our camera! " After his father adjusted the camera, George immediately chose a higher angle to shoot UFOs, so as not to miss what might be the only opportunity. He stepped over it. Home in T city, because there are 16 tubular buildings around it, which block the line of sight, ...

◆ Witnesses (5)

Date:1April 4, 980; Specific time: 17:30.

Venue: Paszik, New Jersey, USA

After witnessing:

Rogers staggered along the mountain road in that old battered car. Less than 100 meter, Allen Darius found something glowing in the Woods on the right. "What's that glowing thing?" Just as everyone was talking about it, the car came to an S-shaped place. This is the only place in the forest that has been reclaimed as a clearing. They saw the logs in the clearing, shining and floating in the air.

"Stop the car!" People are shouting. Rogers braked urgently. But before the car came to a complete stop, Kubis flew from the truck to the clearing. "What the hell is going on?" Rogers gasped as he got off the bus. Less than 30 meters away from the mountain road, 4 or 5 meters above the piles of logs, there is something like a spaceship floating.

So far, no UFO sighting has been confirmed. To say the least, even if a large number of scientists agree, there are still a large number of scientists who refute it! Can you believe this statement?

UFO (undefined flying object) is also called UFO.

It is one of the mysterious phenomena that human beings have been unable to explain.

There are many cases of UFO discovery all over the world, and many witnesses have photographed the so-called UFO.

Most of these photos have been proved to be forged, but there are still many people who can't tell the truth from the false.

UFOs remain a mystery.

Are there really aliens? Or, besides the earth,

Are there other advanced intelligent creatures in the universe?

There are many reports around the world that aliens (living or dead) have been found, but they have not been confirmed.

It is said that the files are locked in the top secret archives of the United States and the former Soviet Union.

There are also many people who claim to have been caught by aliens and how they were taken to some mysterious places.

Being studied in detail by aliens or living a fairy life and so on.

Among them, the most troublesome thing is to dissect aliens. Coupled with that sensational TV movie, people all over the world were surprised. ...

Mysterious killing of livestock

In the 1970s, a series of livestock slaughter happened in the United States.

Therefore, the US federal government allocated funds to investigate this matter.

Investigators found that in these incidents, part of animal carcasses were cut, the incisions were complete, and some incisions were more geometric.

Some bodies have no blood or internal organs, unlike those killed by other wild animals.

Because wild animals will leave obvious scars and wounds when hunting, and the wounds will not be so complete. Because they can't explain,

These incidents were all identified as related to UFOs, and it may be that aliens are studying life on earth. Although the United States has studied this,

But in the end, there is no reasonable explanation. According to their report, these animals were killed by wild animals.

They explained that some wild animals have the ability to make these precise incisions (such as wolves), and the complete loss of internal organs is also in line with the way animals hunt.

In fact, there are many irrationalities in their report.

The protagonist appeared.

Many people didn't believe in UFO at first, but with the development of science in recent years and the appearance of a lot of evidence and photos, many people believe in the existence of aliens. But for those who specialize in UFO, they find that there are many lines hidden behind UFO, which lead us to find the source of tomorrow's aliens and many secrets. The existence of aliens, where they come from, why they come, and their far-reaching influence are the topics we discuss in depth here.

Start time slice


1June 2, 947, a man named Ken was flying from Idaho to Washington. During the voyage, he saw nine high-speed flying objects flying in the air. When he calculated the flight speed of these nine objects, he found that their speed reached 1700 miles per hour. What's more, these objects don't need to slow down when flying at high speed, as if they are not affected by gravity. The era of flying saucers began with this sentence.

1947, that is, Israel was destroyed in the first century A.D., and the year before 1948, the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in the same year.


From this incident, people began to look up the past information and found that many of them mentioned the appearance of UFOs in the sky, but for people at that time, it was just a prank made by some people.

Up to now, nearly 20 million Americans have seen UFOs in 1992. According to statistics, about 40 million Americans have seen UFOs without reporting them, and nearly 60 million people have seen UFOs in the United States alone. 1992, nearly 20 million Americans saw UFOs, but according to statistics, about 40 million Americans saw UFOs without reporting them, and nearly 60 million people in the United States alone saw UFOs.

The U.S. government and the U.S. Department of Defense attach great importance to UFOs, and even many contemporary celebrities, such as Sally Melian, astronaut john young and former U.S. President Carter, have admitted seeing UFOs. UFO attaches great importance to it, and even many contemporary celebrities, such as Sally melian, astronaut john young and former US President Carter, have admitted to seeing UFOs.

In the same year (1992), during his summit meeting in Mayi, one of the topics discussed by President Bush and Prime Minister Gorbachev was UFO, and some materials taken by the Soviet Union were studied. (1992) In May's summit meeting, one of the topics discussed by President Bush and Prime Minister Gorbachev was UFOs, and some materials taken by the Soviet Union were studied.


1991may 17, a special program called "the fourth contact" was broadcast by American TV CBS. Many people are not clear about the terms "Category I, Category II and close encounters of the third kind". In fact, it was named by a man named Paul, who was specially named by the authority of the US Air Force who studied UFOs. He is one of the research projects of the US Air Force, and it is called "Blue Book of UFO Research in the Air Force". He divided the people who had come into contact with UFOs into three categories, namely CE 1, CE2 and CE3 (the first category, CE 3).

Someone saw a UFO flying from far away.

Ce2-Someone not only saw it, but also grasped the evidence of UFO.

Ce3-Someone has had contact and communication with creatures in UFOs.

The "fourth contact" was invented by the press, that is, being kidnapped by UFOs.

The program introduced three cases of UFO kidnapping. One of them is1October 5 1975, 165438. A carpenter named Chavez was working in a forest in Arizona when he was suddenly taken away by a UFO. After seeing this, his friends immediately ran to the police station to report the case. At that time, the police thought they murdered the man and pretended that he was killed by a UFO. One of the UFO kidnappings was on10.5, 1975, 165438. A carpenter named Chavez was working in a forest in Arizona when he was suddenly slapped by a UFO. When his friends saw it, they immediately reported it to the police station. At that time, the police thought they murdered the man and pretended that he had been slapped by a UFO.

Another case occurred in1June 23, 977, when a policeman named Elen Godfrey was kidnapped by a UFO and studied. The owner of another case is John Sandra and his 23-year-old son, who drove from North Dakota to Mississippi to give a speech on March 20th 1988. I was chased by a UFO while driving along the way. 19771On October 23rd, a policeman named Elen Godfrey was also kidnapped by UFOs and studied. In another case, the owner named John Sandra and his 23-year-old son drove from North Dakota to Mississippi to give a speech on March 20th 1988. I was slapped by a UFO while driving along the way.


Another case with high credibility is that on June 5438+099 1 day 65438+1October 2 1 day, a news commentator named Paul witnessed a flying object with a width of about 350 feet and a size of nearly 100 yards floating and constantly deforming on the Yugoslav military assembly.


The reaction of the United States also shows that high-level officials attach importance to UFOs. 1960, the United States plans to monitor radio waves in outer space. At that time, all it did was monitor two stars, but by 1983, its responsibility was extended to monitor the radio waves of 68% stars in outer space. The equipment used at that time was a multi-frequency receiver. It can receive 13 1072 frequencies simultaneously. By 1985, the receiver has received nearly 8.4 million frequencies, and by 1990, it has increased to15 million frequencies.


Pioneer 10 and 1 1 and Voyager 1 and 2 launched by the United States in the 1990s all carry some signs and music to let them know that no matter what alien life they encounter, people on earth welcome them.

Show one's tail

In the past ten years, many scientists and priests have conducted more in-depth research on this topic and found something very special in the data.

Many scientists and priests further studied this topic and found something very special in the data.

A) The discovery of UFO is closely related to religion in the new era (refer to the chapter "Background and Information of the Third Contact").

B) Paul (UFO research expert of the US Air Force) and Vallee's * * * research found that most UFO incidents include

I) After being kidnapped by UFOs, someone was taken away from the earth and looked back at the whole solar system from space.

Ii) After seeing a UFO, someone tried to take a photo with a camera, but it was later found that there was no UFO in the photo taken.

Iii) Those UFOs can float in the air, but disappear and reappear at any time, as if they have no weight and realism, but they are sunken, burnt and pungent every time they land, which seems to be very heavy.

Iv) When they appear, there is no sonic sound when the plane cuts through the air, only some "Cleisthenes" sounds, and the power supply and radio waves of all machines will stop.

V) Their huge hulls may be deformed at any time.

When studying the above characteristics of UFO, they found that UFO is a combination of two characteristics, which can be said to be an image in terms of its disappearing at any time and silent flight. But judging from the dent and scorch marks when landing, it can be said to be very heavy.

In an interview with a magazine called Destiny, these scientists made the following observations on the above phenomenon: "In fact, it seems that the above phenomenon can be explained by science in recent years. A thing can appear as an image and an entity at the same time. I absolutely believe that this is a scam, a supernatural scam. This is not to say that UFO does not exist, but that its existence is not as surprising as it seems.

Suspicion 1-4

1) energy

In recent years, scientists have found that the super concentration of energy makes people see energy with the naked eye. For example, a kind of electricity called "Jacob's ladder" is used to increase the electric energy to 20,000 to 30,000 volts. When two irons approach, the one with high current will automatically walk on the other iron and rise like a ladder. When indoors at night, this phenomenon will give off a blue image. It turns out that when the energy is highly concentrated, it will produce a blue light that ordinary cameras can't shoot. On the other hand, if this power is generated by spiritual will, it will emit a "hissing sound", which can only be heard by human body ears, because it is emitted by a positive and negative energy, and even a tape recorder cannot record it. This also explains why when the UFO has landed, it will burn and the trees will break, leaving a very heavy impression. It turns out that powerful energy can easily do this.

Scientists have found that the super concentration of energy is to let people see the energy with the naked eye. For example, a kind of electricity called "Jacob's ladder" increases the electric energy to 20,000-30,000 volts. When two irons are close together, the one with high current will automatically walk to the other iron and climb up like a ladder, and when indoors at night, this phenomenon will emit a blue light cluster that actually exists. It turns out that when the energy is highly concentrated, it will produce a blue light that ordinary cameras can't shoot. On the other hand, if this power is generated by spiritual will, it will emit a "hissing sound", which can only be heard by human body ears, because it is emitted by a positive and negative energy, and even a tape recorder cannot record it. This also explains why when the UFO has landed, it will burn and the trees will break, leaving a very heavy impression. It turns out that powerful energy can easily do this.

2) Space

1984, there was a writing world called "Experiments on the Flat Land". The theme of this book is to make people understand some space problems in an interesting way. Suppose a person who exists in the third dimension walks into the second dimension, but what will the second dimension person see? (The second dimension is a plane with only length and width.) In the second dimension, people will first see two black spots, because the sole enters first, and then they will see that the two points begin to expand and become a big point, because it is the body, then it goes up to the chest, becomes three broken points, and then becomes a point and a head, and then suddenly disappears. This is what people in the second dimension saw, which can explain why. These are also some creatures in the fourth dimension, or some forces deliberately intervene in the third dimension and appear in front of us. This fourth dimension is the space of the spiritual world, in other words, they lock themselves in time and space, which is a part of the spiritual world, and we will also be exposed, and it is also a part of reality.

3) MIB

A) In all UFO cases, especially in some cases involving the third kind of intimate contact, a special person will appear. All people who specialize in UFO know the existence of MIB (Men in Black), because they all wear black suits and sunglasses, claiming to be federal agents or plainclothes policemen, and even senior officials of a government, threatening people who have contact with UFOs through intimidation. In order to retrieve or destroy the evidence of UFOs in people's hands (people who have had contact with aliens usually leave some features on them, such as red bodies, just like being exposed to the sun), and those people are not allowed to tell what happened.

Strangely, most of what these MIBs want to do are unsuccessful or deliberately failed, which makes the parties doubt the identity of these MIBs. For example, they (MIB) talk like frogs and their skin is like snakeskin. Let the parties be more alert and convince them that the UFO they saw is a real miracle, not an illusion. Those aliens are here to destroy the evidence. When people who have close contact with the third kind are threatened by MIB and come into contact with the police, there will be some abnormal phenomena, such as insanity, like being possessed by a ghost, and they need hypnosis to recall what happened. However, most of the people in charge of hypnosis at present are believers in the new era, and it is they who have introduced hypnosis into the whole era. Most of what these MIBs want to do is unsuccessful or intentionally failed, which makes the parties doubt the identity of these MIBs. For example, their voices sound like frogs and their skin is like snakeskin. Let the parties be more alert and convince them that the UFO they saw is a real miracle, not an illusion. Those aliens are here to destroy the evidence. When people who have close contact with the third kind are threatened by MIB and come into contact with the police, there will be some abnormal phenomena, such as insanity, like being possessed by a ghost, and they need hypnosis to recall what happened. However, most of the people in charge of hypnosis at present are believers in the new era, and it is they who have introduced hypnosis into the whole era.

B) Coincidentally, in the cult of the new era, there is a mysterious figure named "Brother of Shadow". Believers in the new era will encounter a kind of curtain called "Aisi" when looking for a goddess or tour guide who communicates with the soul in transcendental meditation or meditation. It turns out that when this scene is opened, they can see the true face of the goddess and integrate with it, and their ability will be stronger. However, when they are about to reach this scene, they will be threatened by this "shadow brother" in their daily life and will be prevented from entering the scene. For the believers of this cult in the new era, the more they are banned, the more rare they are, so threatening words have become an effective way to encourage those believers, making those believers in the new era work harder to break through into another field. To put it bluntly, it is another field cursed by ghosts.

C) Among the numerous cases of close contact of the third kind, the following case can be said to be the one with the most complete information.

The owner of the document is Betty Hill and her husband. They returned to the United States from the Canadian border during 196 1 September 19 to 20, passing through Baishan. When they arrived at their home, they found that they lost three hours during the whole return journey. During those three hours, they didn't remember where they were. All I know is that everything is wrong. I seem to be dirty all over, and I have to throw away everything in the car. In the next few weeks, they will have nightmares at night and be easily frightened. After two years of struggle, they finally decided to turn to the hypnotist of 1963. After the operation, they helped them remember the first two hours they lost.

It turned out that when they passed through Baishan, they found UFOs following them in the distance, and even their dogs were very scared. Betty's husband couldn't help getting out of the car to observe UFOs. He had a completely uncontrollable impulse to enter the spaceship, so he immediately returned to the car, hoping to stay away from UFOs. But when he was driving, he heard a beep and they felt very tired. When the beep sounds again. But when the hypnotist performed the so-called hypnotic surgery for them, they remembered the last lost 1 hour. They found a UFO following them in the distance, and even their dog was very scared. Betty's husband couldn't help getting off to observe the UFO. He had a completely uncontrollable impulse to get into the spaceship, so he immediately returned to the car, hoping to leave the UFO. But when he was driving, when he heard the sound of "beep", they were already very tired. When the sound of "DuDu" sounded again, they came again. But when the hypnotist performed the so-called hypnotic surgery for them, they remembered the last lost 1 hour.

It turned out that they were caught on a flying object by aliens and had some very painful operations. The aliens on board also communicated with them through telepathy. They clearly saw two big eyes floating in the air in their memory. Those eyes told them not to hurt, so they stopped hurting. When they recovered their past memories after hypnosis surgery, they began to experience the intimidation and harassment of MIB, which led them to report the case. And perform some very painful operations. The aliens on board also communicate with them through telepathy. They clearly see two big eyes floating in the air in their memory. Those eyes tell them not to feel pain, so they don't feel pain. When they recovered their past memories after hypnosis surgery, they began to experience the intimidation and harassment of MIB, which led them to report the case.

4) Background and information of the third contact person

A) According to the data, all people who have the third contact will forget what they saw, but they must have been awakened by some hypnotists. In fact, hypnosis only opens the door of human spirit and allows evil spirits to enter. When evil spirits enter, this person can have memories that do not belong to him, so the hypnotized person can say that what he saw never happened at all.

B) Another coincidence is that people who have the third contact are all believers in the new era and will become evangelists in the new era.

C) They are all crystal ball observers, fortune tellers or ghosts.

D) According to many books and materials, New Age religions have declared that they are the only religions that can communicate with aliens in recent ten years. They claim that their transcendental meditation and meditation can communicate with the souls of aliens. They even tried to call those flying saucers in front of many American generals, and as a result, those flying saucers really appeared.

E) New Era claims that they have obtained a lot of scientific and epoch-making information from aliens after their contact with them (recorded in books published by New Era).

1) The first criterion-the Bible is false, and the word of God is also false. And all Christians are bad seeds, because they are the power to prevent aliens from coming to the earth. Genesis 3: 1- The snake said to the woman, "Did God really say that you are not allowed to eat from all the trees in the garden?" "(referring to God as a liar)

2) The second rule they teach is that people will not die, but will be reincarnated. They claim that they are reincarnated higher creatures, so they have higher technology. They also point out that many of their kind have lived in the bodies of people on the earth, which makes them live a better life, but not all human beings want this. Genesis 3:4- The snake said to the woman, "You will not die. 」

The above two points are aimed at Christianity, as if Christianity were their enemy.

F) Believers in the new era call them "space brothers".

G) In these new era books, it is also mentioned that in the coming year 2000, all aliens will come to the earth, and together they will give strength to one person, who will rise up and rule the whole European market. This man will bring peace to mankind, solve all problems and cure all diseases.

What is mentioned in it is the same as the second arrival of Jesus Christ, the savior of Christian faith, but the position of the characters is different. )

H) When they meditate, aliens teach them many super skills through telepathy, including some machines that transfer similar objects to different places and times, and some machines that can make human super powers work. Of course, these machines can't be made at present, but they say they will be completed in the next few decades. (The information about this will be discussed in depth in the chapter "One Hundred Years of Science")

I) They (aliens) point out that the earth is a living body, a god named "Gaia", and she is calling for an ascending master to come back, and the miracle of mankind is an experiment brought by aliens, and this ascending master will become the savior of mankind. In addition, this Gaia will give birth to a child with the sun, and this child will rule the whole European market in the future, which is also the reason why earthquakes occur frequently, because this mother is about to give birth.

J) They (aliens) advocate spreading the gospel of the new era very much, as if the religion of aliens is the new era, and the new era believes in everything from astrology, palm reading, psychology, divination and reincarnation to asking M, asking ghosts, evoking souls and magic numbers.