Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The Historical Origin of Druidism of Raptor

The Historical Origin of Druidism of Raptor

The historical origin of the druid of Raptor;

First, there are both good and evil: druids with different opinions.

In winter in the northern hemisphere, farmers have left their land fallow; Animals in the forest also began to hibernate. Farmhouses and caves block the cold wind and protect the lives of people or animals hiding inside. On the solstice of winter, nights become longer than other times of the year, and days become shorter.

On this day, a group of mysterious priests will appear at Stonehenge from nowhere. They observed the sky at Stonehenge to predict the future. In English legends, people think that these mysterious priests are all followers of Druids, an ancient primitive religion. They generally live in seclusion in a corner far away from the world and live their own unknown life silently.

In the Chronicle of the Dragon Gun, druids are a group of people who use herbs to save people in the forest. In the Ice and Wind Valley, the druid Arendo of Kudaha is obviously a stout and knowledgeable person, and there is no shadow of the savage at all. In AD & year; The druids in the D game are completely neutral to everything.

Completely neutral people are often the ones who don't follow the crowd the most. For example, when the good camp is strong, he will run to the evil side; And when the evil side has the upper hand, he will run back to the good side. Anyway, his purpose is to maintain the balance of power between various opposing camps.

Although if you serve Yangming Sect in the game, you will definitely get a generous commission. If you want to take the bright road, you must abide by the rules of the rivers and lakes: keep less contact with people who are interested in Yangming's mind. Although the reply price of Yangming Temple is extremely low, it bears a bad reputation because of some bad side effects. In addition, the whereabouts of Yangming religion has always been very strange, and it has been crowned as a "cult".

There used to be people whose reputations deteriorated because they donated money at Yangming Temple. Therefore, unless absolutely necessary, try not to get involved with people of Yangming Sect.

Second, the commemoration of living? Mysterious primitive religion

Margaret Atwood, a Canadian writer, won the Booker Prize, the highest British literary prize, for her biography The Blind Assassin, which established Margaret's prominent position in the world literary world.

After attending the award ceremony of London City Hall, she was invited to a grand feast, during which she teased the Booker Prize award ceremony: "... like a Druidic ceremony-the judges came to the banquet with six innocent lambs, five of which were slaughtered and the other one was awarded to her."

Sacrificing gods with living people or animals is a cruel druidic religious ceremony in the impression of westerners.

The story of the once famous adventure game "The Mysterious Druid Church" comes from German folklore and tells the story of a horrible murder in a mysterious big house. The player will play a detective named Gus from Scotland Yard to investigate this series of terrorist murders.

Soon behind the scenes: a mysterious dark druid church surfaced, and their purpose turned out to be to summon demons and hold bloody killing ceremonies.

1, druid

Many orientals owe their understanding of Satan to the Iranian writer Rushdie who lives in Britain. His satanic poems angered Khomeini, a former Iranian religious leader, and Rushdie was hunted down. In fact, in the west, especially in Catholic countries, Satan is synonymous with the devil. When it comes to Satan, children are too scared to make a sound.

However, in recent years, this terrible fallen angels has improved. It has been worshipped by teenagers in many European and American countries, and gradually evolved into a cult organization "Satanism", which staged one shocking human tragedy after another.

The cult kills animals and people in the celebration ceremony to worship its idol-Satan (by the way: remember the sheep's head troll in the "big pineapple" series? He is the incarnation of Satan popular in medieval Europe.

In the United States, some satanists openly claim that their religion originated from the ancient primitive religion "Druidism". It seems that the druid can't wash it off even if he jumps into the Yellow River.

2. Mysterious Druid: The word Druid comes from a religion.

In fact, after the Christian forces unified Europe, in order to strengthen ideological control, the original religious unity in Europe was demonized. When Christianity was first introduced into Europe, it was brutally suppressed by the Roman Empire. The popular entertainment at that time was to feed Christians to the lions in the Colosseum because they were "pagans".

Thirty years in the east of the river and forty years in the west of the river, the religious residual court established after Christianity took power still destroyed life: those who did not want to convert to themselves were beheaded, drowned, hanged and even burned in the fire.

The reason is exactly the same as that of the Roman emperor: criminals are "pagans" and even Joan of Arc was burned as a witch. This kind of killing in the history of the development of western civilization, that is, the history of the development of Christianity, does not seem to be more noble than modern cultists.

Third, the long journey: Irish Druids.

Druid's English original name is Druid, which can be understood in two parts: the first half is related to Druids in Greek, which means oak tree; The second half is similar to the suffix "-wid" of Indo-European language family, which means understanding. Druids also take acorns as sacred fruits, so the ancient meaning of Druids' names is people who are familiar with oak trees.

According to the ancient chronicles of Ireland, druids were the earliest colonists in this country. They all belong to the Japheth tribe, the most important of which is the Irish.

According to legend, these people also belong to the Japheth tribe. Druids entered Greece, Egypt and Spain from Sicily (the area centered on the northern shore of the Black Sea in ancient Southeast Europe), and finally arrived in Ireland from Spain in 1530 BC. In all these maritime migrations, Druidism has a very important core-the high priest Caicos.

It is said that he foresaw Erinn (the old name of Ireland) as their final destination at the beginning of his journey to Druidism.

When Druids arrived in Ireland, Amin was the leader of the Irish people. At the same time, he was also a poet and judge in the Druid Expedition. He is a very famous druid.

Although he is not the only known druid in Ireland, Leabhar Gabhala (also known as History of Aggression) thinks that Amikin is the first druid among Irish Gaels. With the first batch of Druids immigrants landing in Ireland, Druids conquered this land like lightning and spread their teachings to every inch of Ireland.

Druid rituals and teachings are very mysterious, and are traditionally taught orally. Therefore, although historians of all ages have studied and explored, they still know very little, and most of the information about them comes from ancient Greek and Roman documents.

The earliest record of Druidism in history books is mainly found in the works of Julie Caesar and Tacitus, the greatest historians in ancient Rome. In these works, most of them describe the cruelty and terror of druidism.

Caesar reported to the Senate during his expedition to Gaul: "Druid priests have an important position and power in the local area, such as arbitration and chief sacrifice, and are proficient in physics and chemistry. They live in the Woods, cut sacred acorns with golden sickles, and even sacrifice the living! "

In fact, in most cases, druids are recognized as guardians of ancient wisdom, with lofty moral cultivation and profound attainments in natural science and theology.

According to ancient Roman records, the priest druid was proficient in divination. In the process of prophecy, druids often use birds and animals, such as crows and eagles, to predict good and bad luck. Sometimes, the throat and viscera of sacrificial animals (living people used for sacrifice) are observed to make predictions. When the festival comes, the druid priest will hold a ceremony to hypnotize people, then exchange souls, and then predict the future with dreams.

Druids also believe in the eternity of the soul. After the death of their loved ones, they will burn all the belongings of the deceased before their death, and even jump into the fire to hug the bodies of their loved ones and enjoy bliss with them. They will write to the deceased, and even increase the amount of compensation, so that the other party can repay after death.

Druidism stipulates that both men and women can become Druidic priests and enjoy a lofty position in society. They are synonymous with law enforcers, bards and explorers. Some historians equate Druid priests with Indian Brahmins, Persian monks, Egyptian priests and witch doctors.

Fourth, the attack of Rome: the death of the druid.

Is the legendary horror living sacrifice really true? In fact, in primitive religions all over the world, there have been activities of killing and offering sacrifices. For example, early Judaism is famous for this, and the Bible even has a special space to praise believers for killing children and offering sacrifices.

Druids' understanding of life is somewhat similar to the Mayan civilization that once existed in South America: they believe that through killing and sacrifice, they can gain the special favor of the gods and purify the souls of the dead and the living.

According to Roman records, in the ritual activities of Druidism, the priests harvested acorns on the sixth day of the full moon. During this process, acorns could not fall to the ground and were wrapped in pure white cloth. Then sacrifice two white bulls and hold a banquet. Sometimes, they also offer sacrifices to the victims. Usually, these victims are prisoners, but if not, they will choose among civilians.

The victim was either burned alive in a wooden cage, pierced by a stake, stabbed to death by a sharp weapon, or shot to death by a random arrow. There is also the most sacred "triple death" (only those who are chosen as druid princes can accept this ceremony, and the dead usually accept it voluntarily).

The victim was first stunned with an axe, then quickly strangled with a rope made of three animal muscles, and his throat was cut at the same time. Finally, the victim was put face down into four feet of water, which indicated that he was finally drowned. The last food the victim ate before he died was baked barley cake sprinkled with acorns.

In any case, killing and sacrifice can only represent barbarism and cruelty, especially when the Romans in the western world were told that they had entered the relatively civilized empire stage ruled by slave owners' democratic politics, so the Romans who claimed to be nobles were extremely disgusted with these cruel sacrifices to the living.

The Romans themselves recorded that after the brutal druidism repeatedly refused the Romans' orders to stop such festivals, the enraged Roman emperor sent legions to destroy the druidism world in one fell swoop.

In fact, later generations have been forgiven by western scholars, but in any case, this barbaric human sacrifice should not exist in human civilization for a long time.

The historical truth is that Druid priests are very advanced Celtic priests, mages or prophets, and Celts are barbarians scattered in Gaul, Britain, Ireland, Europe, Asia Minor and the Balkans from the 5th century BC to the 1 century AD. Around 1 century, the Roman Empire carried out a large-scale crusade against the Celts to prevent them from becoming too big.

Tacitus once recorded that in the battle, the druids dressed in black jumped in the Celtic army, growled the names of the gods and cursed the Roman Empire severely. After the victory of Rome, not only all the Celtic soldiers were slaughtered, but also the druids were bloodbath, and the bodies of priests were abandoned in the sacred forest of the druids.

This battle destroyed druidism in the following centuries. Until16th century and17th century, druidism still existed in folk songs only as an extinct cult and a kind guardian of nature.

Verb (abbreviation of verb) academic revival: lonely contemporary druidism

On the ancient and vast British plain, there are many strange megalithic buildings, which have stood in the wind and rain for thousands of years and watched the vicissitudes of life change greatly. This is the puzzling ancient Stonehenge site mentioned at the beginning of the article. These magnificent and mysterious Stonehenge attracts tourists from all over the world and many archaeologists, historians, architects and astronomers who are puzzled by it.

Stonehenge was first built in the late Neolithic period, about 2800 BC. At that time, the prototype of Stonehenge, round ditch, mound, huge heel stone and "Aubrey pit group" had been built. Around 2000 BC, it was the second stage of Stonehenge construction, and the whole Stonehenge was basically formed. The main buildings at this stage are blue sandstone columns and long passages.

The third phase of Stonehenge is the most important, about 1500 BC. At this time, the gravel circle and arch were built, and Stonehenge was completely completed. This is a panoramic view of the magnificent Stonehenge site that we have seen. It should be pointed out that the whole Stonehenge project needs 6.5438+0.5 million workers, and there are no traces of wheel-borne tools and livestock in the whole construction process.

From now on, the construction scale and engineering difficulty of Stonehenge are incredible for early humans. It is 700 years earlier than the oldest pyramid in Egypt, but there are still different opinions about who built this magnificent Stonehenge.

Some people think that the tomb was built by Celts, an early local resident, others think that the ancient Romans built a temple for Silas, and others think that it was built by Danes for holding ceremonies. However, there is no conclusive evidence for these illusory imaginations.

For many years, many scholars have been looking for the builders of Stonehenge. Scholars lament that Stonehenge is as mysterious as the pyramids of Egypt. It has been suggested that Stonehenge's building stones were shipped from 160 kilometers away, and no one can mine, transport and place such huge stones except highly skilled masters, so they think that Stonehenge and the pyramids were made by the same master.

Scholars even use the most advanced instruments and equipment to investigate the mystery of Stonehenge. Strangely, they found that huge stones can emit ultrasonic waves! How did the ancients in the slash-and-burn era know about ultrasound? Scholars' investigation and research have fallen into a maze again.

In desperation, someone gave the architectural glory of Stonehenge to creatures outside the earth, namely aliens. Is it true that the Giant Array was built by aliens? There is no evidence to deny it, and there is no evidence to prove it.

In17th century, British archaeologist John Oberly pointed out for the first time: Druids in Roman times may contain some older beliefs, perhaps because they built the famous "Stonehenge" to worship the sun god! Although his statement was wrong, the revival movement of Druids was finally launched in the18th century.

Extended data:

Dryad in Roman and Greek mythology means the goddess of the forest. It is said that every oak tree is inhabited by elves, and these tree spirits pass the Oracle to human beings through tree demons. Therefore, Dryad usually appears as a tree spirit in his later literary works.

Europeans generally believe that druidism advocates nature and neutrality, and they regard the whole wasteland as a hermit at home. They let their special forces protect nature and balance the whole world. In modern fantasy literature, druids are worshippers and defenders of nature. In order to protect nature, they can fight against any force.

Druid's English original name is Druid. The first half of druid means oak tree in Greek, and the second half is similar to the suffix "-wid" in Indo-European language family, which means understanding.

Druids take acorns as sacred fruits, so the ancient meaning of Druids' names is people who are familiar with oak trees. The famous "Merlin" in King Arthur's time is said to be a wizard with extraordinary power. In fact, she should be a druid with considerable practice.

Druids worship nature, and the worship of oak is the symbol of the supreme god, so they think that mistletoe parasitic on oak is a panacea with sacred skills and the best curative effect, and of course it needs to be collected through a particularly serious ceremony.

This ceremony can only be held on the full moon and new moon, or on the sixth night of each month, which should be held by the Druid priests.

The most advanced archer-druids (generally, there are two great druids at the same time, one in the British Isles and one in the European continent) wear white robes, gold jewelry and a golden sickle to cut down trees. ?

Druids in other positions are Budd and Orward. Among them, bud is a bard. They sing in the market, mostly improvising, and have the task of praising the king's deeds and inheriting historical events. Sometimes because of clever irony, it may not be liked by these people.

Baidu Encyclopedia-Druid Raptor