Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Mother and daughter in Practice in Work and Life: Zhuge Lianglin (I.M. Pei)

Mother and daughter in Practice in Work and Life: Zhuge Lianglin (I.M. Pei)

The Fate of Mother and Daughter in Practice in Working Life

Walker: Zhuge Lianglin (Puwo)

20 18 may 13

Believer:? Master, I have three brothers and sisters. My mother is only partial to my younger brother, and I have bought the happiness of my family with the happiness of my life. Now they are all well, but they don't know how to thank me. My mother is a selfish person and has no regrets for doing more for her brother. She is humble in front of my brother and mean to my father. My 74-year-old father still asks him to help my brother every day, and I hate her more and more in my heart.

Monkey: Amitabha! I don't understand that it's unfair to trust women's hearts, care about their mothers and their younger brothers, and have a preference for them. In order to turn resentment into resentment, I want to declare:

Past lives because of this life,

Your mother owed money in her last life.

This life is to pay off previous debts,

Love your brother's conscience.

You've had a mother-daughter relationship all your life,

I loved you more than before in my last life.

You've forgotten the past,

Thank my mother for not complaining.

In previous lives, a loving mother favored you,

But you don't listen to your mother.

In previous lives, men sought happiness,

Losing your family is a shame.

Reincarnated as a daughter in this life,

Just to repay previous lives.

Although there are grievances in my heart,

Bear the burden of humiliation for decades.

Advise you to let go of your grievances,

Gratitude has left the forefront.

Bodhisattva contributes to the public,

The more comfortable I am, the more 3 thousand will be.

Pray for loving mothers all over the world,

Physical and mental health is safe.

Filial piety to parents, everything goes well,

To be filial, there will be no complaints.

36,000 days in a hundred years,

Just read grace and don't make enemies.

Fate, debt, life and death,

See you at the end of the debt.

Sad thoughts, amitabha,

Equality, compassion and purity.

There are dreamlike things in the world.

In a word, Amitabha, all evils are destroyed.

Sin begins with the heart and repents to it.

If the heart dies, so does sin.

No heart, no phase,

No gain, no loss, no consciousness, no life.

No birth, no extinction, no coming and going,

3,000 worlds are illusory.

Bodhisattva realized that there was no business,

Freedom, equality and equal sleep.

Solution: The karma between mother and child in previous lives still exists in this life, but reincarnation makes you forget the karma in previous lives. Your mother is partial to your brother because she owed him money in her last life. Her family was poor in a previous life, so she sent your brother to a poor family. Later, your mother's family was better, and she always missed and regretted her decision. Because you are not very filial, the brother who was sent away is the most considerate and filial to take care of your mother. Before she died, your mother felt that she owed her brother in her last life and made a wish to make up for and repay him twice in her next life. This life is only to pay off the debts of her previous life, which is caused by the karma of conscience. You can't blame your mother.

You are still a mother-daughter relationship in your life, because you were a man and smart in your last life. Your mother loved you very much in her last life, but you idled around, partying and running around. Your mother was ill in bed for a long time, and you didn't know it. Your brother who was sent away is taking care of her old man. You forgot the favor of your previous life in this reincarnation. You should be grateful to your mother, but don't regret it

Your mother loved you so much in her last life that you just wouldn't listen to her advice. As a man, you didn't take care of the business at home and broke your mother's heart. Finally, your mother got tired of you. You didn't feel ashamed until your mother died.

Because you didn't hesitate to be a man in your last life and didn't practice (you didn't correct your wrong thoughts, language and behavior), you were reborn as a daughter in this life, and you became her daughter in this life to repay your former mother. Driven by greed and jealousy, you are biased towards your mother and brother in your life, but you have endured it for decades, so why bother?

I hope you can put aside all kinds of grudges in the past, cherish the mother-daughter karma in this life with gratitude, and forget the karma left over in the past. You have converted to Buddhism, and you have made endless wishes for all beings in front of the Buddha. You should put the public interest first and forget your own gains and losses, so that you can be comfortable. Only "no self" can surpass the world.

We should pray for the loving mothers all over the world for physical and mental health and a safe life. Only when our hearts are filial can we do everything well. If you want to be filial, you must first obey your parents' wishes and have no regrets. This is the beginning of filial piety!

Even if we can live a hundred years in this life, the total * * * is only 36500 days. How many days do we have left? We should only read gratitude, and we can't make new complaints. There are only three things in life: It is fate, debt, and life and death. As long as the fate is exhausted and the debt is paid off, you can go to the Elysium to see the sage.

If you encounter a place you don't like, you should read Amitabha Namo and observe the matter with equality, compassion and purity. We will find that everything we see, hear, touch and feel in this world is actually like a dream, as if it were true. Isn't it a dream to wake up with nothing and look back at our past? Why not live in the present and read one sentence every day: there is no Amitabha in the south, which can offset all sins. Why? Single-minded: "Amitabha Namo" devotes itself to the boundless purity and light, which is beyond endurance!

All evil acts are born of greed, anger and delusion in our hearts, so we should work hard in our hearts and start by confessing our mistakes. Our hearts will always live in the nature of awareness, which is emptiness and equality. Equality means no difference, no difference, and silence. Quiet inside, there is no place for all evil, and it will be eliminated at once. I don't have to look at myself, my heart, my methods and everything, so I didn't get anything. I didn't lose anything. I realized that there was no reason to live, no reason to live, no coming, no going, no increasing, no decreasing, no scale and no net. The universal reality of life is equal. Only a saint who realizes that there is no life, no extinction and no future can have the courage to face life and death, because the three thousand worlds are illusory in the eyes of enlightened saints. Once a bodhisattva realizes the true meaning of lifelessness, it is a truly liberated, pure, compassionate and equal Buddha.