Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What are the error-prone pronunciations in Chinese?

What are the error-prone pronunciations in Chinese?


1. cling to ā i 2. Hunger and cold 3. White 4. Narrow à I 5. Poor in water. Cooking o 7. Painful. Fight. Stubborn10 Awkward password o


1. Cross bihé 2. Cross-official history bài 3. Equilibrium bān 4. Compatriot bāo 5. Canned mutton bāo 6. Peel bāo 7. Tissue paper b08. Parallel without contradiction, bèi 9. Bud shell Li I10. Bèng 13。 Cover up b √14. Paralysis b √15. Servile, Bü x and 16. Wayward, b √17. Restore b √18. On the edge of Bü n 19 .. develop büXu 23. Wave bū24. Spinach bū25. Bó 26 Park. Weak bó 27. Raise B.


1. coarse cāo 2. Noisy cáo 3. Staggered cā n cā 4. Error chā 5. Deviation chā 6. Gap chā 7. Powder chá 8. ┙chá 9。 Instantly chàn 6543+00. Send chāi 1 1. \ 8+03.CHN 14。 Chang 15. Ayu cháng 16. Compensation cháng 17. Compensation cháng 18. Lift chāo 19. Fast as lightning. G 22。 Don't forget the past, the teacher of the future; Qing 23. Punish and create chéng chāng 24. Ride chěng 25. Whip ch and 26. Dementia ch and 27. Obsessed with ch ch28. Idiot ch and 29. Walk around chí chú 30. Luxury ch and 364; 364; chzhà35。 Worried about Ch CNG 36. Looking forward to Ch CNG 37. Worship Qing 38. Disappointing Chu Chang 39. Hesitant junior 40. Dwarf by chù 4 1. Exempt from ch42. I want to know Chu's m: i43. Chang 46. Sobbing chuò 47. Drop out of school. Forgive chuò 49. Defect cuǐ 56. Service C 25 1. Chimney cúng 52. Relax. Running water is not ng 54. In one go.


1. Plain dāi 2. Promise dā 3. Catch mice, Dā i 4. Arrest Dai 5. Worried about dān 6. Take care of d ā n.

7. unscrupulous dàn 8. File dàng 9. Dang10 in current (current) year. Mourn for dào 1 1. Beware of d:12. Ripe melons fall to the ground, dì 13. Create dì 14. Pay attention to dān duo 15. Pollution date 38+08. Threaten Dê ng He 19. Read Dê u20. Exchange Du2 1. Pace Ou Du.


2. graceful; Step 3 be brief


1. Thin fěi 2. Boiling point F ě i 3. Atmospheric fēn 4. Shallow Fě5. Perfect blame Fǐn Se 6. It looks like fú 7. Water F8. Length fú 9. Radiation fú 10. Preserved fruit


1. Junggar gá 2. gē 3。 Gé 4 in Zhuge Liang. Gěng 5 in the neck. Supply and marketing Gě ng 6.

7. supply gō ng jy 8. Supply exceeds demand. Confession gong 10. Confess gòng 1 1. Rickets gūu lóu 12. Activity Guo13. Bone flower g 65438. 06. Businessman G incarnation17. Hang Guo18. Coarse gu m: ng19. Convert it into gu and 20. Hongwei gu 2 1. Executioner number 22. Noisy care


1. Hada h m 42. Body Hǐ I 3. Rare Hǐ n 4. Singing Hǐ ng 5 loudly. Collaborate with háng xiè 6. Fuck H7. Birds of a feather h8. Maxillary H9. Cheer for hè 10. Load h13. Make a windfall. hèng 14。 Break up in a hubbub. hòng 15。 Make a living. Hunchun 17. Huashan huà 18. Avoid getting sick and seeking medical treatment. Be tireless in teaching others. Be pessimistic. It's filthy Fish in troubled waters. Hong twenty-six Confuse hán Xiáo 27. Mud huó 28。 Stir-fry huò 29. Be open-minded, huò 30. Cholera Hu.


1. coffee table j: 2. Deformed j: 3. Binding j: and 4. Wandering j and 5. Wild j: and 6. Nonsense, j: 7. Ranked among j: 8. Wanted order j: 9. Learn jí 10. Even if jο 1 1. School is about to start. Jy 14。 Difficulty Jy 15. Poor Jy 16. Messy Jy 17. Hair-trigger Jy 18. Backbone jǐ 19 ... talented jǐ 20. Give it to J ǐ y Jiā 25. Stationery jiān 26 Destroy jiān 27. Grass camp kills people, jiān 28 Silence jiān 29. Gradually dye jiān 30. Eyelid Ji ā n 3 1. Intermittent Jinàn 32. Overkill Ji ā o 33. Pay Ji ā o 34. Proofread jiao 35. Flowering and fruiting jiē 36. Things. Bingji 38. Revenge jié 39. Struggle Jie jū40. Attack Jie 4 1. Platycodon grandiflorum jié 42. Escort jiè43. I can't help it Roots and leaves. Giraffe. jǐng 46。 Make an example of one. Ji 5 1. Draw lots for Ji 52. Acupuncture jiǔ 53. Leek jiǔ 54. Guilt jiù 55. Let bygones be bygones. Sniper j57. Chew jǔ jué 58. Obey the rules, j ǔ 59 ... u ā n 64. The meaningful juàn 65. The character jué 66. Quarrel jué 67. Celebrate jué 68. Jué 69 competition. Stubborn juéJiang 70. Up by jué 7 1. Rampant jué 72. Collapse jué 73. Mysterious jué 74 ... turtle attacks jūn 78. Jie Jun jn 79. Shanshan jn 80. Completed number 8 1. Juanxiu jiaren




1. Sloppy Siam lā ta 2. Lajia lá 3. Lose three things and forget four things. This book is very loud. Lang 5. Nagging about láo 6. Stiff neck lào7. Milk is cold, lào 8. Blackmail lè 9. Tighten là i 10. Drum léi 1 1. 38+03. Crime-ridden LI14. Challenge l qi 15. Death lí 16. liàn 17。 Look at liáng 18. Live within your means. Rià ào 23. liè qiè 24。 Bad liè25。 Carve Li à u 26. Bribery Li à 27. Palm lǘ 28 Plunder


1. Wipe the table mā 2. Haze mái 3. Blame mán 4. Mian Yao Di 5. Join hands with mé i6. Stuffy men7. Ask yourself, mén 8. Angry mé n9. Turn your head to see Meng10. Mǐ 13。 Quiet, M 46438+04. Delivery M 46438+05. Drunk M ǐ ng d 46438+06. Funny mi17. Pulse M 46438+08.


1. shy nǐ n 2. Don't stop, nǐ o 3. Damn it, o 4. I don't understand. Frustrated nǐ i 6. The seventh personification. Hide nì 8. Stick to nì 9. Intimate relationship nì 10. Make love. +03. Puxi NI incarnation number 14. Stubborn ni u15. Xu 16. Abuse of women


1. accidental u


1. pickpocket pá 2. Mortar p?i3. Broad-minded, chubby pán 4. Stumbling pán 5. Dao pāng tuó 6. Wandering pang 7. Deal with páo 8. Roaring páo xiào 9. Brand páo luò 10. Embryo pē i 65438. 2. attack pēng 13. 澎湃 p 湃 pé ngà i14. Leakage p: and15. Adjacent to pí 16. Hobby p17. Not very loyal to P 26438+08. Iāo 22。 The hungry pi?o23. Ping-p and -pīng pāng 24. Lake p is not 25. Pǒ 26 with ulterior motives. Slag p m 47. Anatomy P ū u 28. The former servant broke up after p 3639. Servant pú 30. Travel-stained P ú 3 1.


1. Solidarity * * * Q: 2. Strange question: Qi ā o 3. Pray and ask: 4. The dragon asked: 5. Divergent Q: 6. Beautiful Q: 7. Take Q: 8. Rest Q: 9. Qi m:10 checkpoint. Tragic Q: N 1 1. 438+04. qiàn 15. Destroy qiāng 16. The force is m: ng 17. The force is m: ng 18. The force is m: ng 19. The force Qi m: ng 20. . Cowardly qiè 24. Outline qiè25. Adhere to qiè 26. Comfortable qiè 27. Pillow qěn 28 Torrential rain qěng 29 Engine qěng 30. In-laws qěng 3 1. Zigzag qū 32 Remove q33. Qú 38, Tongtu Avenue. Q incarnation 39 years old, dental caries. Q: 40. Look at each other. Q 4 1。 Bonds. quàn 42。 Discuss qiè 43. Wandering around. qǐn 44。 Collection. elder brother


1. Around rào 2. For a long time, Ri ě n r m n 3. Companion riěn 4. Pregnant rièn shēn 5. It's still number six. Lengthy nagging


1. silk reeling sāo 2. Crop jià sè 3. Shielding Se4. Brake shā 5. Eliminate shān 6. Dismantle shān 7. Give up shàn 8. Laugh, shàn 9. Support shàn 10. Lose money. 13. Phantom shèn 14. The feeling of calf Shi15. Classroom Shi √16. There's nothing to be afraid of. Hunting Shi u18. Suddenly shush 22. Suck shǔn 23 Change Shanghai τ n 24. Encourage sǒng yǒng 25. Plastic s ǒ n 26. Rustle, south bug n 27. Although su suē28. Ghosts worship su Li 29. Dancing Su Zi


1.La tā 2。 Whip tà 3. Light tāo 4. Cultivate táo 5. Be tī。 Filial piety t ? 7. I'm sorry, t and ng 8. Shameless to tn9. Destroy t and n65438+. 38+03. Invitation letter ti 14. Copy tiè 15. Crying children 16. In full swing, tú 17. Turbulent tuān 18. Decadent tuí 19. Degenerate.


1. Violates Wé iYí 2. Violation of wéi 3. Cui Wei Wye 4. Sweep the world. Working for tigers, Wé iChā ng 6. Dirty wT Chu T 7. Mediation.


1. Knee x: 2. Prose x: 3. Cunning xiá 4. Xiamen xià 5. Fiber x: nwé i6. Wandering x: n7. Common x: n8. Drooling x: n9. Gouge string x: n 10. X: n6558 is rarely seen. Xié 13。 Ye Yun xiè 14. Paper scraps xiè 15. Mechanical xiè 16. Provincial relatives xǐng 17. Immortal Xi ǐ 18. Copper odor Xi19 ... 23. Alcoholism 24. Raise the temperature by 25. Dizziness 26. Show off 27 Cave 28. Tease 29. Tame 30. Practice favoritism and malpractice.


1. Fight for Y2. "Young plants encourage YA3. Deep red yān 4. Obliterate yān 5. Banquet yán 6 Let a hundred flowers blossom and compete for beauty y m n

7.yán 8。 Dying Yǐ n9. Dying Yǐ n 10. False Y46438+0 1. Pretend Y46438+02. Unhappy poplar 13. Safe and sound. 438+06. sadist Yao 17. Bullying Yao 18. Eater Yao 19. Abusive Yao 20. Tiller Yao 2 1. The whimper Yao 22. The swaying y.28. Charm yǐ nǐ 29. Self-pity yìn 40. Wandering Y ǐ 3 1. Offspring Y ǐ 32. Anecdote Y ǐ 33. A steady stream of Y ǐ 34. Achievement Y ǐ 35. Friendship Y ǐ 36. Undergraduate Y ǐ 37. Shining. Cheng yìng 42. Applied writing yìng 43. Examination-oriented education. Postman yóu 45. Black yǒu46. Good or bad yǒu 47 Bypass y48. Crying in the corner. Happy Yǒ 5438+0. Over 50 years old. 55. Public opinion. Collaborate with yú 57. Enthusiasm Y ú 58. Y ú 59。 Control yün 70. It is widely known as Y ú 6 1. Stick Y ú 62. Feel the scenery.


1. Tie a braid zā 2. Liu yin zā 3. Publish z?i4. Install zài 5. Singing and dancing, zài 6. Complain about zài7. Refuse to load zài 8. Temporary zàn 9. Zangting zāng pǐ 10. Treasure Z à ng 165438. 13. Tell me about zèn 14. Hate Zü ng 15. Give it to Zü ng 16. Stand at zhā 17. Call zhā 18. Struggle zhá19 ... 23. zhá n24 Inn. Defect zhàn25. Exquisite zhàn 26. Trembling millet zhàn 27 Soaring zh ng 28. ZH raises the price. Panic zháo 30. Marshzh snipe o 3 1. Take zhào 32. Make trouble. Tossing about zhē 34. 36. demote zhé 37. Anvil zhēn 38 Improve zhēn 39. Identify zhēn 40 Rumor zhēn 4 1. Watch out for zhěn 42. Disaster relief zhen43. The crux of the matter is zhēn g 44 Fat zhē49 Wandering zh: zhòng 60 is close at hand ZH ò 51Knowledge and insight ZH: 52 Identification of zhì 53 Quality zhì 54 Popularity zhì 55 platoon confrontation ZH: 56 Listen to zhòng 58 and get to the point zhòng 59 slash and burn ZH. ZH Zhu 62 finale ZHU63 storage zhò64 warbler singing ZHU65 writing n66 serious ZHU67 self-defeating, ZHU368 scorching ZHU69 outstanding ZHU70 woodpecker 7 1 landing ZHU72 well dressed.