Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - 800 words on the topic of persistence

800 words on the topic of persistence

Persistence is the spring breeze in gloomy days, which gently blows away the melancholy clouds in your heart. The following is my composition about persistence. Let's have a look.


Persistence is the source of strength to reach the other side of success.

? Notes before the text of a book or after the title of an article.

The sun is roasting the earth, and the once kind sun has now become a vicious witch who curses the world. Huge fireballs swept in and covered the sky. So fierce, so dazzling. I feel my soul is breaking away from my unbearable body.

I kept running, as if it were an endless tunnel, dark and long, and I would never get there. The red plastic runway seems to have turned into a flame, and I am sweating like a pig. My breathing is louder than the wind blowing in my ear.

I'm dying. At this thought, my speed slowed down immediately. Then one classmate after another passed me. Help me! Jesus Christ. I am sad in my heart.

Two suns appeared in front of me, in a trance, and their figures appeared in front of me: he was carrying a bamboo basket and collecting medicine in the mountains; He endured the pain that most people could bear and wrote books in prison; She devoted her life to science and studied in the laboratory. Ah! It's them! I was suddenly touched by a strange feeling. Li Shizhen tasted all kinds of herbs, worked hard and persevered, and finally wrote the compendium of herbs, which is immortal; Sima Qian refused to give in to fate, persevered and finally wrote Historical Records. Madame Curie made unremitting efforts for the cause of science and finally extracted radium, which became a milestone in the history of science. They can all work hard towards their goals and make unremitting efforts for them. Why can't I persist? I asked myself in my mind.

Looking up, it is only 200 meters away from the finish line. The runway is full of classmates cheering for me. ? Persistence is victory, come on! ? Run, the finish line is just ahead. ? I don't know where the power comes from, and it fills my body. I heard the cheers of my classmates and felt the impulse from my heart. I ran as hard as I could, and my feet, which used to be like lead, became very light now. My palms are all sweaty, and there is only one voice in my head urging me: persistence is victory! Slowly, I passed one classmate after another, and finally at the last moment, I rushed to the finish line.

? 3 minutes and 22 seconds. ? The PE teacher pushed me to the ground, and I was as happy as a sports champion with a trophy. That sentence keeps ringing in my head: Persistence is victory! ? And their image has become extremely tall in my heart, because they taught me what to stick to.

The physical education exam is over, but the journey of life continues. I deeply realize that persistence is the source of strength to reach the other side of success.

Learn to persevere

There is a kind of wealth in the world, which is invisible and intangible, but it is like a dazzling sword piercing a confused day, like a mighty water rushing through the difficulties ahead, and like a rugged road leading you to the other side of victory. It is persistence. Only persistence can win.

Everyone has heard the story of the race between the tortoise and the hare. The fast rabbit could have won, but the result was unexpected. The tortoise that runs like a peristalsis wins. The reason for the ending is not only the arrogance of rabbits, but also the persistence of turtles. If the tortoise gives up in the face of a big challenge and gives up halfway, the rabbit will still take the first place even after sleeping for two or three days. It is precisely because of the turtle's persistence that the arrogance of the rabbit and the stupid little turtle can win.

Indeed, the tortoise doesn't walk fast, but he has faith in his heart. Facing the long journey, he will never be afraid of difficulties and move forward forever. Therefore, when we face many difficulties, don't be afraid, stick to it and believe that victory is not far away.

She is a marathon runner and the champion of the last Olympic Games. She came to the Beijing Olympic Games with full confidence, hoping to win the championship again, but it happened to him. She had to stop to rest because of calf cramp in the game, so she fell far behind. But he persisted and limped to the finish line. All the audience applauded warmly, not because of anything else, but because of his persistence, which moved and admired everyone. Because of persistence, although it failed, it is still brilliant.

Facing our weakness, we can't say give up. Maybe we are bad, but we should stick to it. As Cheng Xiaoshi said, everyone's greatest enemy is not others, but themselves. If you give up, you lose. If you persist, even if you are the last one, you will win. We should learn this spirit, not afraid of difficulties, and stick to it. Belief and persistence are victory.

Everyone is familiar with light bulbs, right? We use it everywhere. However, it didn't go well. In order to invent it, Edison failed 1000 times, changed thousands of materials, and finally invented the light bulb through unremitting efforts. Edison insisted. He brought light to the world. Because of the invention of light bulb, it is convenient for people's production and life, and the technology has been developed higher and faster. Isn't this the achievement made because of persistence? Imagine what the world would be like if Edison gave up in the face of many difficulties. We can't work in the dark, and many jobs sensitive to open flames can't be carried out. How much will mankind fall behind today? The invention of the light bulb changed the world. Credit should also be attributed to persistence. Persistence can make us succeed.

We must learn to persist, and we must persist. In the face of difficulties, we must persevere and go forward bravely. Remember, only by persisting can we win the final victory!

Be moved by persistence

Opening the great chapter of history, Historical Records, my trembling hands exposed my feelings at this moment. In that era of advocating force, knowledge was put on hold. Sima Qian also bears his father's last wish to write historical records. I changed teachers many times, and I began to travel around Wan Li Road while getting familiar with thousands of books? A two-year national roaming gained a lot of first-hand information for Historical Records. But he was unlucky, because he pleaded for Li Ling, and he was imprisoned and jailed. But that didn't stop him. Although he suffered many setbacks, he endured the unbearable pain of ordinary people and finally completed this masterpiece, a model of China's biography. Historians sing a swan song, Li Sao has no rhyme? Historical records! This encyclopedic masterpiece involves philosophy, politics, economy, literature, aesthetics, astronomy, geography, and even medicine and divination! I can't help but be moved, and I can't help being moved by his persistence. At that time, there was no computer to look up information and no books to refer to. I can imagine a 20-year-old scholar, carrying a heavy book box, visiting a person, visiting a place and recording word by word. Think about today, with such progress, there are still some students who have a headache and worry when they hear writing. Think about an article with more than 500,000 words. Is this persistence worth moving and moving?

Chewing the spiritual food "Historical Records" carefully, the spiritual enrichment reflects my touch at the moment. ? A scholar dies for a confidant? The book is Sima Qian's confidant! He devoted his life to writing. It is said that the misfortune of a scholar is the great fortune of literature, and his ill-fated fate has given him an experience that ordinary people do not have. Make the beginning of Historical Records profound, rich, mellow and elegant, and naturally transition to the later period with great momentum and strong feelings. He didn't flinch because of thorns, nor was he decadent because of insults and misunderstandings. How can this insistence not move me?

Close your eyes and quietly savor the aftertaste of Historical Records. The inner throb expresses the emotion at this moment. ? People are inherently mortal, either heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather. ? He is not afraid of power and dares to express his opinions. Despite the humiliation, I still haven't forgotten my long-cherished wish. How can I not be moved by his insistence on exposing the likes and dislikes of the rulers of the dynasty?

Slowly close the historical records, slowly digest, digest, but still can't let me calm down at this moment. Sima Qian's goal of compiling history should have been achieved! ? In the study of heaven and man, we can change the past and present and become a family statement. ? But I was more moved when I read Historical Records, not because of the great achievements of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, nor because of the numerous achievements of princes and generals, but because of Sima Qian's persistence, so I can't help but be moved?