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James Joyce's English introduction is urgently needed (English-Chinese comparison)

James Joyce was born in Dublin. His father was John Stanislaus Joyce, a poor gentleman. He failed in his wine business and tried various careers, including politics and tax collection. Joyce's mother, Mary Jane Murray, is ten years younger than her husband. She is a versatile pianist, and her life is dominated by the Roman Catholic Church and her husband. In spite of poverty, the family tried to maintain the appearance of the middle class.

Joyce has been educated by Jesuits since she was six years old. She studied at Clongowes Wood College in Clane and Belvedere College in Dublin (1893-97). Later, the author thanked Jesus for teaching him to think straight, although he refused their religious instructions. At school, he once broke his glasses and couldn't do his homework. This episode is described in Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (19 16). He entered Dublin University College in 1898, where he got early inspiration from the works of henrik ibsen, St. Thomas Aquinas and W.B. Ye Zhi. Joyce's first publication was a paper on Ibsen's play Wake Up When We Die. It appeared in Biweekly at 654 38+0900. Then he began to write lyrics.

Joyce, 20, went to Paris after graduation, where he worked as a journalist, teacher and other occupations, and the economic conditions were very difficult. He stayed in France for a year, and when he came back, he received a telegram saying that his mother was critically ill. Shortly after her death, Joyce started traveling again. He left Dublin on 1904 with his maid Nora Barnacle (they got married on 193 1), and stayed in Polaroid in Austria-Hungary and Trieste, the seventh busiest port in the world. Joyce teaches English and talks about setting up an organization to sell Irish tweeds. After refusing the position of teaching Italian literature in Dublin, he continued to live abroad.

The Trieste era was nomadic, poor and prolific. Joyce and Nora like this international port city at the top of Adriatic Sea. They have lived in many different places here. During this period, Joyce wrote most of Dubliners (19 14), portraits of all young artists, plays, exiles (19 18), and long paragraphs of Ulysses. Joyce's brothers and sisters joined them, and two children, George and lucia, were born. The children grew up speaking Trieste dialect in Italy. Joyce fell in love with Anny Schlemmer, the daughter of an Austrian banker, and Roberto Prezioso, the editor of Evening News, tried to seduce Nora, but Joyce and Nora got together. Joyce worked as a bank clerk in Rome for a while, then died of illness, and then he returned to Trieste.

Joyce published a collection of poems "Chamber Music" in 1907. As the author later said, the title was produced by the jingle of a prostitute's urinal. These poems are so musical because of their open vowels and repetitions that many of them have been adapted into songs. "I left my book/I left my room/because I heard you singing in the dark." Joyce himself has a good tenor voice; He likes opera and bel canto.

1 1909 Joyce opened a cinema in Dublin, but it failed. He soon returned to Trieste, still penniless, and worked as a teacher, tweed salesman, reporter and lecturer. At 19 12, he was in Ireland, trying to convince Maosheng. The company fulfilled the contract to publish Dubliners. This work contains a series of short stories, involving the lives of ordinary people, youth, adolescence, young adulthood and maturity. The last story, The Dead, was adapted into a film by John Huston in 1987.

This is Joyce's last visit to China. However, he became friends with ezra pound, who began to promote his works. The autobiographical novel Portrait of Young Artists appeared in 19 16. Obviously, it started with a quasi-biographical memoir named "Stephen Hero", and the time was between 1904 and 1906. Only a part of the manuscript survived. This book tells the story of Stephen Dedalus' life from childhood to adulthood, his education in Dublin University College, and his resistance from family and Irish nationalism. Stephen took religion seriously and considered entering a seminary, but later rejected Roman Catholicism. "-look here, Cranley, he said. You asked me what I would do and what I would not do. I'll tell you what I will and won't do. I will not serve what I no longer believe in, whether it calls itself my home, my motherland or my church: I will try to express myself as freely and completely as possible in a certain way of life or art, and defend myself with the only weapon I allow myself to use-silence, exile and cunning. " Finally, Stephen decided to leave Ireland for Paris to experience the "real experience". He wants to be a writer.

There was once a lazy man named Stephen.

Whose youth is the weirdest and the most uneven

-He smelled that smell

Terrible hell

Hottentots won't believe it.

Joyce's limerick about the protagonist in the book

When World War I broke out, Joyce moved to Zurich with her family, where Lenin and essayist tristan tzara found refuge. Joyce established the Dadaism movement in Voltaire Hotel with the legendary Russian revolutionary Zara during World War I, which provided the basis for tom stoppard's play Tragedy (1974).

In Zurich, Joyce began to write the first chapters of Ulysses, which was first published in France. Because of the censorship problems in Britain and the United States, this book can be legally obtained there 1933. The theme of jealousy is based in part on a story told by a former friend of Joyce's: he claimed that he had a close sexual relationship with the author's wife Nora, even when Joyce courted her. Ulysses took place one day in Dublin (16, 1904), reflecting Homer's classic works. 9th or 8th century BC? ).

The main characters are Leopold Bloom, a Jewish advertising salesman, his wife Molly, and Stephen Dedalus, a hero in the portrait of a young artist. They are regarded as modern copies of telemachus, Ulysses and Penelope. The barmaid is the famous Sai Ren. One of Bloom's models is ettore schmitz (italo svevo), a novelist and businessman, and a student of Joyce's Berlitz School in Trieste. This story uses the technique of stream of consciousness and is similar to the main events on Odysseus' way home. However, Bloom's adventure was not so heroic, and his return home was not so violent. Bloom attended the funeral of Grassnevin Cemetery and began his journey to the underworld. "We now pray for his soul to rest in peace. I hope you are all right, not in hell. It's nice to change the air. Step out of the frying pan of life and enter the flame of purgatory. " Stephen and Bloom's roads cross again and again in one day. Joyce's technological innovation in novel art includes extensive use of inner monologues; He used a complex symbolic analogy network extracted from myth, history and literature.

From 19 17 to 1930, Joyce underwent several eye operations and became completely blind in a short time. According to tradition, Homer is also blind. In March, Joyce started his second important work Finnegan Wake in Paris. At the same time, he also suffered from chronic eye diseases caused by glaucoma. The first part of this novel appeared in the April issue of Ford Madox Ford's Transatlantic Review 1924, which is part of what Joyce called "work in progress". Vic occupied Joyce's next 16 years-its final version was completed at the end of 1 938. A copy of this novel appeared at Joyce's birthday celebration on February 1939.

Joyce's daughter lucia was born in Trieste in 1907, and became a patient in carl jung in 1934. As a teenager, she studied dance, and later The Paris Times praised her skills as a dancer, linguist and performer. She collaborated with her father on Pomes Penyeach (1927) and drew some illustrations for it. Lucia's love is samuel beckett, but she is not interested in her. In the 1930 s, she began to behave unsteadily. In Burgh? At the lz psychiatric clinic in Zurich where Jung worked, she was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Joyce was bitter about Jung's analysis of his daughter-Jung thought she was too close to her father's mental system. In Revenge, Joyce uses Jung's concepts of animus and Anima to play a role in Finnegan Wake. Lucia died in a mental hospital in Northampton, England on 1982.

After the fall of France in World War II, Joyce returned to Zurich and died on 13 1 month 194 1 day, still disappointed with the reception of Finnegan Wake. This book is partly based on Freud's dream psychology, Bruno's theory of complementary but contradictory nature of opposites, and Giambattista Vico's theory of historical cycle (1668- 1744).

John stanislaus Joyce, Joyce's Dublin-born son, is a poor gentleman. He failed to do business in the winery and tried various professional fields, including politics and tax collection. Joyce's mother, Mary Jane Lee, is 10 years old, even older than her husband. She is an excellent pianist. His life is dominated by the Roman Catholic Church and her husband. Although poor families try their best to maintain a solid facade of the middle class, Joyce began at the age of 6, under the leadership of 1943 at Jesus Crongovis Wood College in clanton, and then Li Daxue in Dublin (1893-97). Later, he wrote an article thanking Jesus for teaching him to think honestly, even though he refused to accept their religious teachings. At school, he once broke his glasses and couldn't teach him a lesson. This passage describes the portrait of an artist when he was young (19 16). He entered the university, where he found Ibsen, his early inspiration. The first publication of Thomas Aquinas and W.B. Yates Joyce was an article about Ibsen's play "We Die in Our Sleep". Lei Zhen seems to be remembering 1900. At this time, he began to write lyrics. After graduation, Joyce went to Paris at the age of 19021and worked as a journalist there. Teachers and other industries have financial difficulties. He stayed in France for a year, and when he returned home, he received a congratulatory message saying that his mother was dying. Soon after, she died and Joyce came to visit her. He left Dublin in 1904 and stayed in Bora, Austria-Hungary, with the waitress Nora Barnakel (married, they were in 193 1). This is the seventh busiest port in the world. Joyce gave an English class and talked about setting up an organization to sell Irish flowers. After refusing to teach Italian literature, he was detained in Dublin, but he still lives abroad. In Trieste, he is a nomad, poor and prolific. Joyce and Nora like the Adriatic Sea, an international port city. When they lived in many different addresses, Joyce wrote that most Dubliners (19 14), all artists' portraits were as a young man, a drama, an exile (19 18), most Ulysses, several Joyce's brothers and sisters, and two children. Born. Children grew up in the Italian Spikin dialect. Joyce is with Nora. Although Joyce is in love with Anne Schlemmer, his daughter is Roberto prezioso, an Austrian banker, and the editor of the newspaper, il piccolo della sera, tries to seduce Nora. Joyce returned to Astor after working as a bank secretary in Rome (tel: 1906-07). 1907 Joyce published a collection of poems, Chamber Music. Participants suggested that Lingling should become a toilet for prostitutes with sound urine, as the author said afterwards. Many people create songs by opening vowels and repeating them with vowels. He likes opera and bel canto. 1909 Joyce opened a cinema in Dublin, but it failed. He soon returned to Trieste to rest and work as a teacher, tweed salesman, journalist and lecturer. 19 12 years, he was in Ireland, trying to persuade Maosheng Co., Ltd. to fulfill the contract and publish Dublin. His works include a series of short stories. Dealing with the lives of ordinary people, youth, teenagers, young adults, and maturity. The last story, Death, was adapted by john huston in 1987. According to Joyce's last journey, his motherland. However, he has become friends with Pound, and they started marketing their works on 19 16. Autobiographical novel. Obviously, it started with a semi-biographical memoir about Stephen Shiloh, from 1904 to 1906. Only a part of the manuscript survived. This book uses the story of Stephen Dedalus, the hero of life, from childhood to adulthood. His education was in Dublin, a university college, and Stephen attached importance to religion. I believe I have entered a gospel, but I also refuse to accept Roman Catholicism. "Look here, Cranley," he said. You ask me what to do, I won't do it. I'll tell you what I'll do. I won't do it. I won't say it, I don't believe it anymore, no matter it claims to be my home, my motherland and my church: I will try to express my freedom in life or art in some way with words. With the only weapon in my defense, I let myself use it-silence, exile and cunning. " Finally, Stephen decided to leave Ireland for Paris, France, and had a "real experience". He wants to be a writer. Once upon a time, there was a young man sitting in a chair named Stephen. He was the strangest and most abnormal person-he had an unpleasant smell. Governor Horton won't believe Inch (Joyce's limerick is the protagonist of this book). During the World War I, which started in the afternoon, Joyce moved his family to Zurich and found a savior in the library of Lenin and poet and essayist Tristan. Joyce's legendary Russian Revolution and Library during World War I was founded by Voltaire in the karaoke room, which provided a basis. The tragedy of Tom stopa (1974). Joyce in Zurich began to write the first chapter Ulysses, which was first published in France. Because of the trouble of inspection, this book was legally licensed in Britain and the United States (1933). The theme of jealousy is partly based on the first story. A former friend told Joyce that he claimed that he had an intimate sexual relationship with the author's wife. Nora, although Joyce was king, was held in Dublin the day before Ulysses (1965438+June 2006, 1904), which reflected Homer's typical works (fl. 9th or 8th century BC? The main feature is that Bloom is a Jewish advertising activity. His wife Molly and Stephen Dedalus are heroes in the artist's portraits when he was young. Their original intention is modern counterparts Telemarcos and Ulysses. Penelope. The barmaid is a famous alarm. Italo svevo, a novelist and businessman, is a model of blank industry. Joyce's students study in berlitz Astor. This story uses stream of consciousness technology to simulate Odysseus' return. However, Bloom's adventure is not so heroic, and his classmates are not so violent. Bloom created the underworld, and he came to attend the funeral of Glasgow cemetery. "We pray for his soul now. I hope there is no hell between you and here. Nice changed the air. Frypan's fire of life is purgatory. " It took Stephen and Bloom a day to climb the mountain again. Joyce's technological innovation in art novels includes the widely used inner monologue; He used a complex network symbol, which came from the parallel lines of myth, history and literature. From 19 17 to 1930, Joyce underwent several eye operations, including blindness. According to tradition, Homer is also blind. ) From March 1923, Joyce started his second major job in Paris, the wake in finnigan. The first part of the novel appeared in ford madox ford's Atlantic Review,1April, 924, as Joyce's so-called work progress. After the occupation of Joyce, the final text will be completed in the future of 16. After 1938, Joyce 1939 attended the novel birthday celebration. Joyce's daughter Lucia, born in Trieste 1907, became a patient of Jung in 1934. As a teenager, she studied dance and later praised her skills as a chorus writer in The Paris Times. Linguists and performers. Together with her father, she colluded with pomes penyeach (1927) and made some illustrations for her. Lucia's great love is Beckett. Who doesn't care about her? As early as the 1930s, she began to behave strangely. In Hamburg? She was diagnosed with schizophrenia at the Lz psychiatric clinic where she worked in Zurich Jung. Joyce left a painful analysis in Rongrong, and her daughter Rong thought that she was too close to her father's mental system. In retaliation, Joyce played the concepts of finnigan's Wake and Jung, and animus Anima Luyu 1982 died in a mental hospital in Nottingham, England. After the collapse of France, Joyce returned to Zurich during World War II and died at1941165438+3. She was disappointed to receive finnigan's wake. This book is partly based on Freud's dream psychology, Bruno's theory of complementary but contradictory nature, and Vico (1668-).