Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Help me explain the meaning of every word in gossip?

Help me explain the meaning of every word in gossip?

The infinite gives birth to Tai Chi, and Tai Chi is transformed into two instruments. The two instruments set up three talents, and the three talents set four phases. The four phases are divided into five elements, and the five elements communicate with six secrets. The six secrets are divided into seven nights, seven nights are divided into eight diagrams, and the eight diagrams set Jiugong, and Jiugong returns to the circle at ten o'clock.

Dry: on behalf of heaven;

Kun: on behalf of the local government;

Earthquake: it means thunder;

Kan: stands for water;

From: stands for fire;

Xun: representing the wind;

Gen: stands for mountain;

Exchange: change the jersey.

Gangua, Zhengua, Kangua and Gengua are Yang hexagrams, representing positive things.

Kun Gua, Kun Gua, Li Gua and Dui Gua belong to Yin Gua, representing what belongs to Yin.

Taiji gossip can be divided into "innate gossip" and "acquired gossip". In the past, the arrangement and order of gossip were different, and the positioning of yin and yang hexagrams was also different.

For the difference between Yin and Yang in gossip, Geng Kui has some other views:

Dry divination is heaven, father, rigidity and health, and should be yang divination;

The shock divination is thunder, movement, fierceness and fierceness, and it should be yang divination;

Leave the stubborn for fire, light, heat, inflammation, upward, and should be yang;

Gengua is a mountain, so far, it is true, very heavy, it should be Yang Gua.

Kun hexagrams are earth, mother, soft and smooth, and should be yin hexagrams;

To change hexagrams for ze, "ze for waterlogging pool", for dew, for water, for low, for depression, should be yin hexagrams;

Cantaloupe is water, for decline, for softness, for weakness, and for the bottom, it should be yin;

Gua is the wind, humble, the wind is empty, empty and invisible, so it should be Yin Gua.

According to the above definition, Geng Xu sorted out the eight diagrams of Taiji, and according to people's habits now (sunrise in the east and sunset in the west), the east was designated as the yang divination and the west as the yin divination, as follows:

Dry divination: for the sky, for the top, for the health, as the middle; The second stage is divination, thunder, fierceness, fierceness, thunder appears in the sky, it should be above, close to the dry position; Under the earthquake, it is out of position, and fire, light, inflammation and heat are defined as middle position in the world. From the bottom as the root, the root as the mountain, the mountain is solid, heavy, heavy, located on the ground, as the lower position.

After the "Gen" divination, it is the beginning of the Yin divination. First of all, we should locate the hexagram "Kun". Kun is the beginning of earth, mother and yin, and the lower position is in the middle, opposite to the dry position. The exchange is ze, ze is weak, waterlogged and wet, floating on the land surface, belonging to a lower position, close to the "Kun" position; Positioning of "Kanshui": Kanshui is weak, nourishing and soft, and it is also used by the world. As opposed to being far away from (fire), it is defined as being in the shade; Finally, the "Xun" position: "Xun" is the wind, and the wind is empty, but the wind rises to heaven and is located near the divination.

The eight diagrams painted by Geng Xu are based on the image of the sun and the moon and arranged according to the principle of the natural operation of the sun and the moon. It is a natural arrangement of "people everywhere, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature".

1. "dry" is pure yang, ranking first, celestial bodies run, thus divining;

2. Dawn has broken in the east, the morning light has appeared, and the sky is bright-lightning is electricity, electricity is thunder, and thunder is "shock"-both morning and tomorrow are bright;

3. The rising sun is rising and the sunshine is getting stronger. At noon, it is in a "far" position;

4. It's evening, the sun is setting, and the sun is setting in the west. After this "mountain" (mountain) position, you will enter the yin divination;

5. "Kun" is pure yin and the ground is black. The yang has turned, and the yin is the beginning;

6. Retreat to Ze (exchange) land, and everything will rest;

7. In a critical position, the yin in the yin is stronger than midnight;

8. When you are in the position of Xun, the breeze rises gradually, and when dawn approaches, you enter Ganbu.

A natural arrangement, a positioning of alternating yin and yang, and a natural movement of the sun and the moon.

4.64 popular hexagrams, 6 hexagrams are irregularly arranged.

The sixty-four hexagrams in the popular reading book Zhouyi are arranged in order and divided into upper and lower classics. There are thirty hexagrams in Shangjing and thirty-four hexagrams in Xiajing. This hexagram sequence has always been explained as follows: making Gankun the first of the sixty-four hexagrams means the decisive significance of Gankun (heaven and earth) in all things in the universe.

The beginning of Xianheng in Xia Jing reflects the history of human evolution. Gigi and Wei Ji ranked second, reflecting that everything is the end of a development and the beginning of a new process.

There are also many ways to explain the principle of divination sequence. One is to praise heaven and earth for education. The upper scripture is "Everything is behind heaven and earth", and the lower scripture is "Everything is behind men and women". Another way to become a star of tomorrow. The upper classics show the way of tomorrow, while the lower classics emphasize human nature. The third idea is like evolution.

Geng Kui found that a very regular arrangement can be seen by arranging two hexagrams, one yin and one yang, into two groups horizontally according to the hexagram order. That is, each group has two hexagrams with the same number of yin and yang.

But there are six hexagrams (27, 28, 29, 30, 6 1, 62 hexagrams), which obviously shows that the arrangement is irregular (probably due to the consideration of fire and water):

27 H: 4 Yin 2 Yang 28 is greater than: 2 Yin 4 Yang.

Western Survey: 4 Yin, 2 Yang, 30 Li: 2 Yin, 4 Yang

6 1 middling: 2 yin, 4 yang, 62 underage: 4 yin, 2 yang, 63 gigi: 3 yin, 3 yang, 64 poor: 3 yin, 3 yang

Geng Xu believes that the original 28-year-old hexagrams can be changed into kangua.

The original 29 Xi hexagrams were changed into Li hexagrams, and the original 30 Li hexagrams were changed into big hexagrams.

The original 63 auspicious hexagrams were changed to 6 1 hexagrams, and the original 64 economic hexagrams were changed to 62 hexagrams.

The original 62 small fruit hexagrams were changed to 63 hexagrams, and the original 6 1 Zhongfu hexagrams were changed to 64 hexagrams.

After the change, these six hexagrams became the following hexagrams sequence:

27 hours: 4 Yin 2 Yang 28 Kan: 4 Yin 2 Yang

From: 2 Yin 4 Yang 30 is greater than: 2 Yin 4 Yang.

6 1 gigi: 3 yin, 3 yang, 62 unhealthy: 3 yin, 3 yang.

63 Xiaotong: 4 Yin, 2 Yang, 64 Middling: 2 Yin, 4 Yang

In this way, the 64 hexagrams basically unified the rules of arranging hexagrams.

As the last divination, the divination of crouching tells all sentient beings in the world that no matter how to divine, it is not as usual to ask good or ill luck in advance. Based on "sincerity" and persisting in "sincerity" for life, they will be blessed by God, benefit the mountains and rivers, and will certainly cross all risks.