Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What is the meaning of "nine products, eight products and five products" on Confucius' old books online?

What is the meaning of "nine products, eight products and five products" on Confucius' old books online?

Nine finished products: well preserved.

There is no problem with FAQ 1-4 (residual copy 1, missing page 2, adhesion 3, deformation 4). Item 5- 12 (moth-eaten 5, repairing and reloading 6, water stain 7, ink stain 8, defacing 9, signature 10, abrasion 12, mildew and weathering 12) has some problems, but they are not serious, and do not affect reading, and do not exceed the total book area.

The phenomenon mentioned above can be classified as Jiupinxiang.

Eight finished products: well preserved.

There is no problem with FAQ 1-4 (residual copy 1, missing page 2, adhesion 3, deformation 4). Item 5- 12 (moth-eaten 5, repair and reloading 6, water stain 7, ink stain 8, defacement 9, signature 10, abrasion1,mildew and weathering 12) may exist slightly, but it does not exceed 5 of the total book area.

The above phenomenon can be defined as the eighth five-year plan product.

Extended data:

Interpretation of common problems in old books

1. An incomplete copy refers to a set of books that lacks important content elements according to the original printing state: for example, a part, a volume, multiple pages or a local area in the book. A copy refers to a part of a book: for example, a book, a volume of books or more pages are copies or duplicates of other versions. The existence of such problems needs to be clearly marked with words (title bar or description bar), not just book shadows.

2. Missing pages and loose pages: refers to the missing or damaged contents of individual pages of a book, generally no more than three pages. Loose pages refer to severely damaged or loose pages.

3. Adhesion: It means that many pages are stuck together due to long-term aging, and the page with the most adhesion can only be marked with six products, and it needs to be described in detail in an obvious position (title bar or description column).

4. Deformation: refers to the deformation of books caused by dampness, soaking, squeezing and scraping. Can only be marked as 7 items at most. If the damaged area exceeds 20%, it needs to be described in words (title bar or description bar).

5, moth: refers to improper storage, eaten by bookworms. The moth-eaten must be described in words. The small area involved does not affect the fact that the words are slightly moth-eaten, which affects the need to upload books and shadows. A few have slight decay, and the maximum can be set at 8.5, which does not affect reading. Part of the book is rotten, which has affected some characters, but the area is not large, or the edge of the book is slightly rotten, which can be 7.5 products at most; Many places are seriously eaten by insects, which seriously affects reading. It can only be regarded as a residual phase and must be clearly marked in the title bar or description column.

6. Repair and reloading: Books with more repairs cannot be marked with more than 8.5 items. The scope of repair is small. If it is limited to the cover and corner of the book, the repair is good, and up to 9 items can be marked. If there are many modifications and the scope is large, you need to mark the text (title bar or description column).

7. Water stains: including dampness and water stains. The firmness of this kind of books is getting worse and worse, and it seems to be loose. If only the edge is dipped in a small amount of water, there can only be 9 products at most, and the more serious ones must be clearly described in words (title bar or description column).

8. Ink marks: including handwriting, alteration, ink accumulation, painting with colored pigments or pollution, etc. If it involves a large area and affects reading, it should be indicated in the product description. If it is celebrity ink or early comments, no points will be deducted.

9. Dirt: including stains, spots, oil stains, dirt and damage. This situation is more complicated, and the product should be deducted according to the specific situation and the area involved.

10. Signature: Seal includes signature, book seal, book seal, book seal and inscription. Celebrity signatures, seals or sample books of publishers are all products that increase the collection value. Other books with messy seals can be marked with up to 9 items. If the messy seal is serious and even affects reading, it must be clearly described in words (title bar or description bar).

1 1. Wear: refers to natural wear caused by poor preservation or wear caused by manual browsing. If only one or two pages are slightly damaged, the contents of the inner pages will not be affected, and up to 9 items can be marked; If serious wear affects the contents of the inner page, it will be marked as the following eight items. If the wear and tear is serious and affects the reading of the text, the text (title bar or description bar) must be clearly marked.

12. Mildew and weathering: Except slight mildew and weathering, it must be written in the title bar or description column.


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